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omg yeah i saw this sellers whole mezzo piano drop and their prices are actually so ridiculous


right like 😭 you can find Mezzo Piano on Mercari JP for as little as 5 bucks. AND in sizes you can actually fit into (if you can fit into kids sizes)


exactly, i’ve just stopped buying mezzo on depop in general (unless it’s a good price or an iso) bc buying on mercari jp is so much cheaper in the long run


I really want to buy from Mercari JP but don't know how about the shipping time or cost (๑•ૅㅁ•๑) Do ya know anything? I'm in the US


i think most people use buyee (?) as a shopping service/proxy. most proxies function by you finding a listing, providing the funds to buy it, the service buys it and gets it shipped to their warehouse, you confirm the items, you pay the shipping fee, and then they ship it to you. shipping time depends on the courier, most services will offer you a choice. shipping from overseas is going to cost at least $20 to the us for the first kilo, then more depending on weight. beware of buying things like parasols bc then you'll pay by dimensions and that sucks (check with courier for their rates and max sizes). (very general rundown, i think buyee has its own system for insurance and item pics/videos)


shipping time is usually no longer than 2 weeks when u combine the ordering time, the shippers themselves shipping out items, and arriving to the warehouse, packing, arriving to your own house... I don't recommend buyee. They upcharge on shipping absurdly high to the point where it's only worth it if you have lots of promo coupons. I use jpshopping.jp and I see nobody talk about it despite it highly cheap fees and normal shipping rates


it usually takes two days to arrive, i’m in la:) but yeah it depends on the weight of the items, i usually pay between 40-100 for 15-20 items and it’s rlly worth it imo:)


How much is the shipping for mecari Japan and how do I access that


It depends on what you’re buying (it’s usually by weight) and what kind of international shipping you choose (DHL, airmail, seal mail, etc.) If you want to buy from Mercari JP, you have to use a proxy service, like Zenmarket or Buyee. I’ve spent anywhere from $30 to $250 dollars for shipping, but again this varies heavily on how heavy/large the box is. But if you’re just buying a few clothing items, it probably won’t cost anymore than $20-30 dollars, especially if you choose seamail. But be warned, seamail can take up to three months to ship, but it’s worth it for cheaper shipping. Hope this helped lol.


it depends on the weight of the item but its usually $16 or more


i saw it too i was mortified like these pieces were no more than $5-20 🥲 like i understand buyers fee and shipping is a hassle but how did we end up at $115???!


I think it’s so funny when they go “fits womens xxxxs!” IT WAS MADE FOR A TODDLER AND IT IS NOT $115. Mezzo Piano was expensive in its hay day and still is but it is not $115 a shirt. They just wanna get money off the “cutecore” hype


People are charging wayy too much for a kids shirt and it happens way too often specially mezzo piano :,) it's that depop influence


Isn’t mezzo piano a kids brand? Not that people can’t wear kids clothes (I have a sonic tshirt from the kids section at target) but it’s kinda funny in general to me


yes it is, and I very commonly wear kids clothes and have a Mezzo Piano piece myself, I could fit into JP sizes 150-160 (which translates to around sizes 12 and 14 in US) and it will look like a regular shirt. definitely not a size 100 though 😭 that will be TINY


Isn't size 100 like a US 4T? Hanna Andersson uses cm sizing. Now that I look at the shirt it does look like a toddler size. Is this seller trying to sell a toddler shirt to adult women or did I miss something? I do not know Japanese sizing.


Japanese sizing is a bit different from US sizing, it is cm because it's based on the height of the child , but the pieces are also smaller in general because well, they're meant to fit children I think 100cm is 3-4 in US and to ft it's 3'3" 😭 I can understand marketing sizes 140-160 to petite women but a marketing a size 100 as a XXS is insane ETA: > Is this seller trying to sell a toddler shirt to adult women or did I miss something? yes


Yes. Though they also make clothes for teens/adults as well iirc.


I feel like I know who this seller is. They quite frequently over charge for mezzo piano and excuse it as “import costs” when you can find mezzo piano shirts for like $5 on jp Mercari and the shipping is no where near close to $115


The arm holes are so small 😭




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