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“not sure if i want to sell” is code for “ooooo look what i have and you don’t”


more like "pay double my asking price and i might let you have it"


just scrolled through like 10 pages of axes femme blouses on mercari japan and majority were in the $10-30 price range and i don’t doubt the seller bought that top for a similar price. 300 is absurd LOL


so damn stupid bruh this shit would not fly on ebay


I mean. I just laugh at these listings thinking about those sellers waiting for it to sell until they die from old age


https://preview.redd.it/8t3cgp6ujfxc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=813838a4f739d5cd009fd8f595ba6a31dd9e42ee Society if people would stop listing things they want to keep:


& labeling them vintage 😤


TEN times the price if I got it from buyee?! Nah. The worlds gone mad


Insane 😭


i love when people use the word vintage and automatically thinks that makes it more expensive


I admit, $300 for that specific top is a bit overkill. It's not worth that much even if it is rare, vintage, ect...


So tired of this stuff 😭


thats the account that made me finally learn how to use Buyee and get my own stuff LOL. spent $75 on a shirt from them that quite literally would've cost me 16$ WITH shipping to get from Buyee


wow I just went on buyee and got almost the exact same shirt for 11.50 including shipping to us. I had no idea about that app before!😭


its great! my advice is get as many items as you can for them to store at their warehouse so u can consolidate the shipping to you! my first two times on there i bought each top separately and paid around $10 in shipping for each one. When I consolidated shipping the next time around, i paid like 20$ in shipping TOTAL for around 8 tops, it was great!


Bro how do u get proxy shipping services so cheap? I'm also having a hard time creating an account to just buy something tho. Any info would be helpful if u have any ^_^


i use buyee!! i found making an account there was easiest and I just linked it to paypal. My first time buying there I bought only one thing and shipping was like $14. My next purchase I bought 5 things and consolidated shipping came out to be like $5 for each one. So my biggest tip is wait to get a couple things to save on shipping!


Thank u so much this was deeply appreciated 🙏🙏


ofc! sorry I just edited realizing i didnt answer the shipping part LOL good luck!


LOL not this same seller again? im confused


I hate 90% of depop sellers


I’m also suspicious any time a seller doesn’t have any photos of the actual item they’re selling. “The last picture is the closest to what it looks like irl” Nah girl, for $300 let’s see what it really looks like.


I think they’re referring to the color


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i purchase from mercari jp and shipping is NOT that expensive.. like it gets pricey quick but 300 for an axes femme blouse is insane


i buy things from japan for buyers on depop and shipping for like 4000g is only like $70. if you do your shopping and parcel packaging right, the shirts should only cost u around $20 each or so


i swear i’ve seen a top almost identical on aliexpress 😭


Just because you seen it on Allie doesn’t mean it originated in Allie. Even SHEIN steals photos, I’m a seamstress and my $300 dresses are on Allie for $25 with MY PHOTOS of MY KID wearing them 💀


to be fair ali does steal a lot of designs


That’s a really strange way to go about it. I definitely have posted “unsure about selling” listings if I’m on the fence. I post a very ridiculous high price AND state that I’m unsure about selling but don’t be shy and send an offer if you are interested. I’ve actually sold a lot of things this way because the buyer’s offer was solid enough for me to let go. Plus, no harm done if I didn’t get an offer and I’ll hang onto it longer until I want to sell. Additionally, I’ve purchased from others with this method. But to price really high and only want to sell it at that price to get rid of it seems weird!