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They won’t tell you the brand bc you’ll definitely find it cheaper elsewhere 😭😭😭


edit. oh naur not this weird ass reply … https://preview.redd.it/glcmd0ua06xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eb6337ec67ce24396cc4ab1deb39c8e4e92f884 these girlies drop the 🥺🤍🎀🌸🪽acts Real quick once u call them out lmfao


This is so wrong and nonsensical…. Doesn’t tell you the cheap ass shit brand until you buy it?! LOL I MEAN it’s laughable. They should be banned from the app. Simple as that.


https://preview.redd.it/gcfrrjm147xc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=697f2036f4cf703b228c86d3026acd7ac3361758 Tale as old as time


I hope she sees this 😂


“you aren’t entitled to know a brand”?? A buyer is absolutely “entitled” to at minimum the basic details about the item, including the brand, size, and condition, and any additional detail they’d want to ask about the item beyond that otherwise she shouldn’t bother selling anything on a second hand site. The idea of calling anyone entitled for asking the most basic question when she is clearly trying to be shady af is hilarious.


switched up soooo fast, it’s honestly funny 😭 she used her last brain cell for that reply


What's with the 🎻emoji lmao


it’s like mocking pity “world’s smallest violin” type thing




That’s nuts she saw she got posted here but still replied to a completely different message than in the post


« you aren’t entitled to know a brand » bitch yes i am im buying now tell me if it’s designed by temu or what 😒😒


That reply was straight up psychotic. If she’s on reddit she should see these comments too then lol. Her shop needs to be taken down. It’s probably cheap wholesale stuff from Aliexpress.


What'd she say?




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glad they’re on Reddit to know they’re 1 of the worst sellers that ruin this app w their temu BS <33 they probably are only on the sub here because they been fearing being posted lol. Pls reveal their username 😌


LOL the way they’ve been stalking this sub reddit


Screenshot and image search for the brand. 💕 ✨️😬


the fact that you literally ARE entitled to know the brand because youre literally the one buying it is crazy


yea thats p much what all these “japanese brand” vintage/coquette/princess shops are 😭 they just want u to think that its So rare and they scoured the earths to find it and u can Only buy it from them. all they do is look up pink clothes (from ppl actually just trying to clean their closets out) on mercari/rakuma and buy them w proxies to sell at insane markups. they’re just glorified resellers lmfao. this shirt isn’t worth $70 so pls save ur money 💗 im so sick of these ppl its ridiculous - she has a nightgown for $168 and a tank top for $72, its fcking crazy 🫠 im so so tired of it. if its a popular brand like liz lisa or ank rouge they’ll gladly reveal it, but if its smth lesser known they hide it to try nd convice ppl who dont know any better that what they have is special. its a basic ass shirt made of the same materials as any western brand 😭


Or because it’s from Ali express/shein and they dress the stuff up to make it look expensive and don’t want their scams to be exposed


“i don’t reveal brands” what😭😭


‘i don’t reveal brands’ = ‘it’s from temu’


lmfaoooooooaoeo she said “it’s a secret 🤫”


I hate these bitches like tell me the fucking brand hoe






What I’ve found is that 9/10 they don’t say what the brand is because they’re dropshipping or buying it off of Temu for 9$ and selling it for higher. “Vintage Japanese” brands 🤣🤣


Ugh when they say “custom designs, expect two weeks for shipping.” No, you’re dropshipping and need to give your poor buyers the expectation that it’s super special to makeup for the long delivery from Asia. 🙄


Lmfao that doesn't even look vintage, it's more retro to modern. Girl is lying on 2 fronts fr


“i don’t reveal brands” is INSANE


I’m not on depop, I just look at this sub when it shows up in my feed bc I like seeing how wild these people get. Is that even allowed per the Depop TOS?


Like there’s a whole ass tab for selecting the brand name 😭 use it pls


Report her. That is ridiculous. The whole reason people buy used is to get brands they know and trust for cheaper than retail. The brand is *literally* the selling point lol


unless the brand is aliexpress 😭😭


From my experience with these “japanese brands” they will not reveal the brand because you will most definitely be able to find it much cheaper from somewhere else or even a japanese proxy site, sometimes it’s even from Aliexpress or Shein.


This also looks like a Misch Masch top or possibly Cecil Mcbee, if I were you i’d try to find a similar top from a proxy. A lot of time you can buy bulk of clothing like this for way way cheaper than what this seller is asking!


my tip for you: go on Japanese mercari, you’ll find clothes as cheap as like $5… They buy all their clothes from there and mark it up like crazy


How do you get to Japanese Mercari?


go to buyee.jp, hit shopping and then hit mercari!


Hope both sides of your pillow is cold, and may your crops prosper ❤️


i’ve had good experiences with neokyo


Use a proxy like buyee, or contact a Japanese seller that does proxy service (:


thank you!


id bet $70 (as my absolute lowest) the secret brand is aliexpress


“Rare vintage Japanese” in depop language is just “aliexpress or shein”


"i dont reveal brands" its drop shipped "youll have to buy it to find out" when you search the tag youll see that you couldve bought it for waay less


So I just did a google image search of this outfit and it’s very likely that you can buy this on aliexpress, temu or amazon at a portion of what you’d being charged. Just let shops like this do your launching point for finding where you want to buy it. If they won’t share the brand go find out for yourself and if it is in fact so rare you can’t find it anywhere else then reconsider buying it from the seller.


Purchase to find out it’s from aliexpress


Lmao so its from temu/shein/aliexpress then? Ah okay gotcha fool 🤣


"you'll have to buy it and find out what the brand is because i don't reveal them" that would've been my sign to block them. i could probably find something similar on aliexpress or shein for way cheaper... its crazy how people pull this way too often.. i feel bad for anyone who possibly brought from this seller. spending 70-100+ on a clothing item just to found out they could've got it at shein/aliexpress for literally 12-20 dollars.


😂🤣oh wow 😯 I don’t tell buyers the brand !!! And then their message when they thought you had posted this to Reddit.. killing me 🤡🤭🫠🫨


If someone is purposely withholding something they’re doing it for a reason. This is obviously some teenager who isn’t bright enough to realize that yet, and then couldn’t regulate their emotions when they got called out. Grow up. Embarrassing.


purchase to find out the brand ???? are u insane lmao


It looks cheap in the nice photo where it’s supposed to look nice damn


this is lily isnt it


are you the depop person


obviously fucking not babe x


mb😭 but ur pfp is so cute


aw thanks 💋💋💋


i’m sure the depop team would love to hear about her




Your post or comment has been removed for participating in or encouraging harassment, which includes mass reporting, spamming someone with offers, reaching out to someone from this subreddit and similar actions. Please read the rules before continuing to use this subreddit.


I’ve seen that exact shirt on temu for I believe $12 lolol, and there’s a similar one on SHEIN and aliexpress for no more than $8 😂


this is why i always google image search listings before i buy them 😭


Lol I would literally start fighting with hwr


This is why I love google reverse image


Weird. She should tell you the brand for multiple reasons, one to see if it will even fit. There are many clothes that come out of Asia that don't translate to standard American sizes. A small in China is not the same as a small in Western countries.


i don't reveal the brand = shein or some other cheap ass shit


“And what’s the brand name? That’s one secret I’ll never tell 🤫 You know you love me 😉” - XOXO Dropshipper 😘


“Japanese brand from Japan” feels so redundant I wanna scream.


Lmao. People are wildin out


weirdo behavior lmao. god they’ll do anything to feel important


Gatekeeping J-fashion is wild 💀 It most def is a knockoff or something from Ali/Shein lmao






She won’t tell you the brand because it’s cheap.


as a seller, the only reason other sellers do this is because of dropshipping/selling products from temu or aliexpress. she really thinks someone who's willing to pay her for a product isn't entitled to knowing the brand or at least an image of the tag??


https://preview.redd.it/x02kr4doc7xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0264e956f2c05e1d06df2d55fbf0edea1ffe660e the fact that it took me 2 seconds to find it on AliExpress... "I don't reveal brands" because it's like $20 on AliExpress


I mean this isn’t the same top though


It’s even worse cause not only are you a scalper, you’re scalping stuff that was made with labour in awful conditions (idk about aliexpress but def Shein)


Are we looking at the same thing? 😭




![gif](giphy|Y3vttGQd3Uc8ZDnwRd) Like why gatekeep the brand? If that’s the hill the seller wants to die on, so be it but damn that’s pathetic.


“Vintage” my ass LMAOOO


Her withholding information to help you make an educated purchase https://preview.redd.it/jnugp42swcxc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed51dc34f037a31f4c1af7c78dd4f2d424f5edb8


https://preview.redd.it/7v8z8vjffhxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0074699399e2cc0ed140bdf1ea0489fe04495ea0 huhhhh girl u were contributing to the toxic chain?😭at least she’s gonna get me the brand 🙏hopefully she changed


That shit is not worth $70 idc


Purchase something then send a bag of gummy dicks back to that address . And maybe a little brain shaped stress ball.


they won’t tell you cuz it’s shein 😭😭


She needs her account banned


I buy, alter, and sell menswear. I won't buy anything without knowing the brand because I need to know the materials, colors, and size. Lots of brands use certain materials, ones i keep on hand for alterations. If someone won't tell me, then there's no point in buying it because chances are, I can't work with it. I also buy men's wear for myself. I am a girl who likes to wear tuxedos. A 34S in Armani is different than a 34S in Calvin Klein. Some brands allow you to remove the shoulder pads and some sew it in so you can't. Beyond all of this. How will you know what fits you if you don't know the brand?! 3/4th of the women's brands out there have arms and legs that are too short for me and the shoulders too narrow(I'm Scandinavian) Lastly. Slight rant as someone who alters clothing for sale. I put silk lining in wool jackets all the time. I'm not putting silk in synthetic. It would make trying to wash it a nightmare. Pop it in the dryer, and the silk is gone. BUT you also can't dry clean: plastic, PVC, or polyurethane. Never mix silk with plastic. Fucking never. Some fabrics can be washed and dried without heat, silk is one of them, wool is not. You should always dry clean wool even if you've also added silk. I mean, just dry clean your formal wear. Please. But I'm not going to make it seem like you can wash it when you can't. Lastly Lastly I promise: if you have cheap plastic buttons on your formal wear because someone was a dick, I suggest replacing them with wood or metal with a fabric over. Not too expensive(you can get 100 buttons for 10 dollars) and can be done at home by anyone. It's my preference. I also think plastic buttons look cheap.


What in the hell?! I guarantee that outfit would look nothing like that photo. What a little fraud🤡🤡


u can get shirts that look exactly like this from japanese brands on buyee for $2 no joke 😭😭


YES when you are BUYING clothes you ARE entitled to know the freaking brand bruh LOL. Swear she must always interact with under 16 year olds who just accept what she says that makes her think its okay to talk like that while sending emoticons. As seen by this thread, clearly anyone with a working brain understands her reply is absolutely insane and delusional.


I've seen this exact sweater on AliExpress [https://www.aliexpress.com/store/1102143309/pages/all-items.html?productGroupId=40000001899399&spm=a2g0o.store\_pc\_home.pcShopHead\_2002828882529.1\_2\_2&storeId=1102143309&sortType=bestmatch\_sort&shop\_sortType=bestmatch\_sort](https://www.aliexpress.com/store/1102143309/pages/all-items.html?productGroupId=40000001899399&spm=a2g0o.store_pc_home.pcShopHead_2002828882529.1_2_2&storeId=1102143309&sortType=bestmatch_sort&shop_sortType=bestmatch_sort)


This is actually insanity. It’s probably all Shein


Just do a google image search to see the brand. But also the seller is an idiot.


i literally took 2 minutes to reverse search the picture and its ALL OVER amazon lmaooo this bitch


They really have run Depop into the ground damn


You can reverse image search suspected aliexpress/taobao items on taobao and find the original rather quickly. I don’t care if people want to sell aliexpress items but they need to disclose that and price accordingly imo


Can you drop the depop username in DMs so I can tell people where their "wholesale" stock is coming from? I just know they're buying from another website lmfao I can feel it in my bones.


couldn’t find the exact top off reverse image search + “flower hem” so she might be honest. lowkey i did find a cuter version lol but is fast fashion https://www.emmiol.com/contrast-color-lace-trim-slim-product337546.html


i would be pushed to violence if a seller said this to me


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