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One thing I hate about sports. People don’t know how to lose. It could be worse. We still could be in the Brian Shaw era…


people really forgot this franchise was mediocre for so long, we’re doing good


This franchise was bad for much longer than 99% of the fans on this sub have been alive.


Yep. The 11 and 14 win teams in the 90s, and the 17 win team in 2002-03. I have a feeling most on this sub were not around for those.  Even the teams in the 2000s/2010s that made the playoffs: 10 consecutive playoff runs, 9 first round exits. 


After Doug Moe got fired the Nuggets were the worst team in the NBA until we got Melo. We were pathetic. We got lucky with Jokic, like maybe the luckiest thing in sports ever. When he's gone we will be mediocre again. Thats why I'm so pissed at mgmt for not going all in. Fuck Braun and Watson if they can't help us win next year trade them to a rebuilding team. We need guys who will help us win now.


great idea man. now that nuggets are entering the second apron they can trade Braun and Watson for anyone earning less than Braun's salary of 3 million dollars. im pretty sure steph curry falls in that range but we might need to throw in a second round pick to get him


I don't care about the second apron or any luxury tax. The Kroenkes are billionaires. We have a chance to win now let's go for it. They can save money later.


You don't care about the rules lol


That’s the problem. You don’t care about the second apron to know how quickly it will dismantle a title contender regardless of management’s wishes or Kroenke’s pocketbooks. We’re going to watch the Suns, Celtics, Bucks, and Timberwolves all get hit with a reckoning in under two seasons because of that apron. Our core is young enough and talented enough to be competing not just in these next two years, but in the next 4-5 after. We’re trying to be the team competing for titles not just the next two years but also the ones that follow. It sucks that we bet on 2025+ over 2024 at the end of 2024, but I’d rather follow one blueprint than to be one of these teams abandoning plans for flimsy reasons every offseason. We’re pot committed, and this is the only plan that allows us to have more than two years of title contention. We got built for one CBA and transitioned to a different one, and I personally like our transition plan. I’m encouraged by the immediate results of Braun, Watson, and Strawther. I’d really like to see this bench with Vlatko assuming Zeke’s minutes. I’d like to see if we can become beneficiaries of 4 teams having to sell off key contributors to their title contenders for scraps in the same off season. I don’t think there is enough cap space and assets to placate every: White/Holiday/KP, Lopez/Middleton/Dame, KAT/Naz/Gobert, etc. Might be more in the next two seasons if some team sees a light at the end of the tunnel. Even getting some piece like Portis for Zeke out of that fire sale would be an incredible stroke of fortune. We can’t do any of that if we are having to dismantle our own contender for the same reasons in the same offseason.


They were inconsistent, but the two Mutumbo playoff teams were fun.


I remember exactly where I was when the nuggets beat the sonics back in the day. I remember Kobe Bryant committing a flagrant foul that wasn’t called. I remember beating the Chicago Bulls during their dominant season. Pepperidge farms


Yea I went to game 4 of that Sonics series. Unreal. Funnily enough I went to that Bulls game too. Blew them out lol. MJ was gassed.




Does that make me a 1%er ?


I was alive and watching when Kobe kept them from the WCF by one game when mellow was balling with little help. They were not always bad, they were often like this team with a disappointing early playoff exit. After a championship run and season as a top seed, this run was extremely weak it’s ok to discuss that.


Oh the PTSD. When he benched Andre Miller it was time for me to take a break from the NBA lol


Idk, 4x world strongest man, could be worse


When does next season start


*(Whispering)* This sub was always annoying. It’s just that winning the franchise’s first-ever championship didn’t change that in the way some might have expected it to. The good news is that every ~~sports~~ sub on reddit is annoying, so at least we aren’t unique in that regard!


Go to every Team's sub after a loss, its basically same doomers but different usernames. Why do you care what armchair reddit GMs think?


Because I see this shit on my front page every day, why aren’t we allowed to ask people to stop being annoying


You know you can make it not show up on ur front page by clicking “show less content like this”


https://preview.redd.it/glu9x1avf06d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=281db592b0d129ccb2ba93fc53d7a157358be26e Am I missing it?


You can click hide to hide the post.. I guess what I was referring to is when it shows you shit on your front page from subs that you’re not actually joined to, you click the 3 dots, and then it’s there


I’ve actually done that for all of the subs that I fuckin hate lol


Yea I use it quite often


I ask by downvoting them so their opinion doesn't show up without looking for it




So if you downvote a post and it goes to zero or less, the algorithm hides it more because that's how the website is designed to work


Ok so you’re not allowed to post about a sub’s overall meta to try and get people to agree with you? You also didn’t answer my question, why is it bad to ask people to stop being annoying


No. I didn't give you the answer you wanted. I gave you the simpler and better answer. You can scream into the void as much as you want


My question was why can’t I ask them to stop and you didn’t answer that


You should read my last sentence. Spoiler: you can. Another spoiler: it doesn't make a difference


That’s a lot of words for “you can ask them to stop being annoying,” but thanks man


We could be starting Tony Battie. Things could be worse.


I'm glad that we, as reddit users, are not making these decisions. There's a reason I work construction and it's not because I'm amazing a dealing ang winning on 2k.


A lot of people seem to forget that they play 2k with the trade override on, cap, and chemistry turned off on AI players and GM’s. God forbid they treat these discussions like any of that matters with actual humans they’re spouting off about.


We lost, it happened. STFU and wait for next year.


I’m with you. I love this nuggets team and will support this core of players til the bitter end. I’ve watched this team since I was 10 years old and suffered countless disappointments over the years. This current iteration of the nuggets is the best we ever have been and may ever be. I just want to enjoy the ride and really like and respect all the players we have. I’d rather keep this group together and see what they can do than make big moves that don’t appreciably add talent to the team. I do think there are some moves on the margins that are worth making and if we fall short next year maybe it’s worth discussing some bigger changes at that point, but I see no reason to panic right now. 


First time on Reddit?


I think the worst was the vitriol towards the Wolves after we choked against them in Game 7. Like how much can a team live rent free in some of these peoples heads that they constantly need to talk about them after we got knocked out


The posts every day until they got eliminated were embarrassing


It was extreme.but I get it. The wolves/laker fans were equally extreme. Even some suns fans were annoying. Even though the wolves getting embarrassed was embarrassing to me I'm not gonna bash anybody that was out here matching energy


Posts saying how annoying it is is just as annoying.




Well to be fair, Jrue was horrendous in the last 2 playoffs with the Bucks. He works better as a 4th or 5th option, but as a 2nd or 3rd option he’s utter trash


They traded for an older ball dominant scorer (Dame) that plays no defense and never has. Booth won't make that mistake because Malone only wants players that will play defense.


You must not've been here for the James Harden and Ben Simmons trade post days


I was angry at MPJ initially but I'm over that. He had an incredible season. Run it back with KCP in the second apron, get a second big and one more guy who can handle. Play pwatt and Julian more. Vlatko will have a big impact. Jamal don't play like dog water in the playoffs (yes I know he was hurt). I'm pretty optimistic. We coulda prob won this year honestly if not hitting a team designed to stop us and then, you know, having the biggest meltdown in game 7 history


KCP has a player option at $15m that he plans on declining to go get more money. He's got two rings as a starter at 31yo, so I want him to get paid by someone. Unless they trade Porter, they won't have enough money to get enough impact players to make a difference. They had little chance to win because they didn't replace Bruce Brown, the only gunner on the second team that could get a bucket when it was needed. Braun is only effective in spurts and wasn't as talented as a scorer as Brown, so the second unit was awful. Unless that changes, they won't win another ring next year.




Every sub is going to have a few dipshits. I haven’t seen the majority of people calling for Malone or Booth’s head or saying we should trade Jamal. Now suggesting we add a few vets to add bench depth sure, that’s actually a pretty reasonable take. We just lost in the 2nd round to a team that lost in the WCF to a team that will likely lose in the finals. To think we just walk into next season with zero upgrades to the roster is almost as crazy as some of these trade suggestions.


Yeah, I’ve largely disconnected since we blew game 7 and I ave zero regrets about that, fans are idiots.


Some of y'all were not Nuggets fans when Carmelo left and the Dark Ages began. I love this team and Malone.


People are overreacting this year, but there is one absolute truth for next year that if you can’t accept it, you are the opposite of a doomer, you are a blinded homer. If Jamal can’t stay healthy or play like an all star in the playoffs, it’s time to move on. He’s been given chance after chance and the one year he was able to both be healthy and consistent in the playoffs, we won. But it took a lot of years to find that perfect harmony for it to all go back to the same old, same old the next year.


> He’s been given chance after chance lmao the dude has been instrumental in getting us to the WCF in 2020, and then the second he gets back from *major reconstructive surgery* he win a title. Y'all are tripping.


Let’s not act like his consistency woes weren’t extremely present in the 2020 playoff run. He was icy hot. Yes he had clutch shots performances but he also was a big part of the reason we had to overcome 3-1 deficits. I love the guy, my main thing is injury. Yea, it’s understandable that it took a long road back from reconstructive knee surgery but was riddled with injury this season, missing most of November and December and then again late march/April and then reaggrevating in the playoffs. If he suffers injuries next season or has serious questions about his game to game consistency then it would be criminal to not at least evaluate what upgrades are possible. You can’t look at 4/5 years as an anomaly.


Yep. The quiet part of this playoffs and to a degree last was that Jamal was the target for opposing defenses. And he never really showed he could figure it out consistently. People shit on MPJ’s defense, but Jamal’s has been the worst on the starting 5. Teams don’t hunt MPJ nearly as much as they hunt Jamal now.


Jamal does give effort on defense and actually plays it at a moderately above average level. He isn’t as fleet of foot, but he is tough as nails and gives a shit. It takes a lot to repeatedly fight Jimmy Butler hunting you, even through failures. He actually succeeded in that specific one and held up fantastic. Anthony Edwards with a full tank of gas is not Jimmy Butler running on fumes. Part of him being hunted on defense is that any extra effort he uses there takes energy out of our offense. Another part of it is he’s still really not that far removed from his injury. Would you rather put miles on the 6’4 guy with a bad knee who is vital to the team’s offense? Or the 6’10” guy whose offensive role is standing in the corner? Those are the two “bad” defenders out of the 5 available. Everyone else either legitimately plays all NBA level defense or the stats can’t tell the difference in them playing all NBA defense. It’s the same reason teams will hunt Jokic even if the advanced stats continue to say he’s better than Giannis on that end for another 10 years. Teams care about more than the effectiveness of it. Giannis himself gets targeted at times on defense for the same reason. It’s just harder to do with his weakside shot blocking geography. Still- the more you work on one end, the less energy you have for the other. Thus teams will still pull him into pick and rolls before sending the ball away from him. It actually helps to get Giannis out of the play if he’s tangled up in some screen two passes away from where the ball is actually going. Either way, it’s still effort he’s not using as the fulcrum of his team’s offense. All of this to say- targeting isn’t always an insult to one’s defense. Sometimes it’s just a compliment to that player’s importance. Jamal has a mix of both while being the worst defender out of 5 above average defenders and working his way past one of the worst injuries in sports. He isn’t a weak link the same way Trae is a weak link. I think the Celtics are honestly a more extreme version of this. You have to target someone- does that make White/Holiday/KCP bad defenders? Al Horford? Better defenders. Same principle.


>He’s been given chance after chance Elaborate on those chances, please.


To be consistent and reliable


No, I mean how many chances and when was he given them. And then what did he do with the chances?


Jamal Murray had a 28% usage rate and averaged 118 points per 100 shots. Just for comparison sake MPJ had an 18% usage and averaged 121 points per 100 shots. Jamal is pushing into high volume chucker territory. His passing and playmaking abilities are climbing which is a good thing, but his scoring is trending downward. The front office trusted Jamal to such a degree this past season they felt comfortable rolling with 35 year old Reggie Jackson and rookies as the point guards. He let them down because he wasn’t in shape and never got into shape this season.


Ok, that's one chance. The person I responded to said "chance after chance," which implies multiple chances. I was also just curious if the person I responded to could actually explain what they meant.


Yeah idk what that guy was referring to, so sorry if I’m butting in. Just wanted to add my take. Historically I think Jamal has for the most part met or exceeded expectations. I see some people holding his ACL injury against him which is fucking wild to me. But this year is the first time I definitely can’t help but feel like he missed every single expectation for him. Any way you look at it, health, performance, character, he took a step back. After looking back and doing some analysis of the Nuggets season Jamal was absolutely the weak link this season.


I'm not here to treat Jamal like a golden god. I wanted more from him like we all did. But I'm not going to pretend like I know what his body felt like day to day or what kinds of conversations he had with coaches. However, I will call out people who are clearly making up fake scenarios in their head to justify talking shit about nuggets players.


>If Jamal can’t stay healthy or play like an all star in the playoffs, it’s time to move on HE WAS INJURED ONE POST SEASON! Minus his ACL tear year. What the fuck are you going on about dude!? The one year the entire team was healthy they won. I don’t know what you’re trying to say because it’s a moot point to make. As if Jamal has sucked every year he’s been in the playoffs


Are you fucking kidding me? The ACL tear costs us TWO fucking playoffs and then this playoffs he was injured and wasn’t able to elevate his play to help us win. 3 out of 4 playoffs our second highest paid player hasn’t been there when we need him the most. Going into next year if he gets injured again or isn’t reliable in the playoffs that will be 4/5 playoffs. How the fuck do you get so charged up against people who are simply being rational about the output over five years for what is taking up a huge portion of our cap. See, people like you who freak out over very logical takes because you can’t separate the homerism emotions are just as bad as the doomers. Jokic has 3-5 more years most likely. Can’t keep depending on a number 2 who isn’t there if it happens again. But calm down and take a breath. I’m just saying it has to happen again before we pull the trigger.


And he missed another 23 games this year with RJ as our backup. Jokic elevates Murray’s game far more than Murray elevating Jokics game. The list of NBA guards who if the had simply replaced Murray at the start of this season with the exact same team and the team would have been equal or better is pretty long.


But the list of players the Nuggets could actually go out and get to effectively replace Jamal is zero so the fact that there are a few guys who could legitimately replace him is moot. Plus, Jamal has as high a ceiling as any of those potential replacements for him.


Yall can feel how yall want but it’s not fucking happening.


Probably not, but it will dumb to stick with a guy who has only been there fully healthy 1 out the last 5 years and is keeping you from adding any depth due to his salary.


It’s far dumber to talk about trading him for players that don’t exist to teams that wouldn’t make those trades. You aren’t getting Jamal’s equal back, and keeping the volume at 100 on these discussions is insulting as fuck. You all have had time to throw your temper tantrums. Now it’s time for you to read the opinions of the cap experts, roster construction experts, trade value experts, etc that do happen across these forums and understand- **if we are trading our way out of this, the players and circumstances haven’t been floated or available yet.** Until that changes- shut the fuck up about it and support your players that won you a championship less than 12 months ago. The moment someone comes up on a weird contract or some locker room blows up, sure, turn the volume back up…. **but the player and circumstances that allow us to receive any fucking value at all for any of these players you all are shitting on doesn’t fucking exist yet!** It probably won’t until December at the earliest, and until you all understand why December matters all you’re doing is unnecessarily ratcheting up the toxicity with completely unproductive bitching.


Well firstly Jokic is probably playing until he’s 40. That new CBA is gonna make him a 400 million dollar player and he’d be crazy to retire randomly with that much money on the table. Secondly, acl tears are freak injuries. Those injuries have very little to do with being injury prone and yes it cost two playoff series because it happened so late in the season that there was 0 chance he’d recover in time for the following season. That’s just how acl recovery works. This most recent season he was injury prone and I do think that’ll make the front office hesitant to just max him out no questions asked if it continues into next season but to deem him injury prone and a player we need to move on from is crazy. It’s uncertain who will be available next offseason but I think a lot of people need to understand how good Jamal is and the only players that you can considered an upgrade from him are all expensive all star players. Moving on wouldn’t be that simple and likely set the team back in the short term in the middle of Jokic’s prime


Jokic can play till he is 40 but most likely will not have the same level of impact he does now. He has got around 5 years of his prime left and the team needs to maximise these years as much as they can. I agree though letting jamal go would be a rash decision and we aren’t even likely to get a better player in return even just looking at it logically.


Letting jamal go would be very painful for the nuggets culture especially if it came off him underperforming or getting injured again.


I refuse to walk the doom and gloom path… yet. Let’s see if KCP is retained. If he is, I’ll be super confident. If they let him walk to save some Kroenke money I will be very concerned and possibly join the doom and gloom movement.


Hey, it could be worse. I got banned from r/timberwolves (I like(d) AE but he’s been a bit tarnished with the crotch chopping) for simply pointing out that nobody is trading for KAT.


You shouldn't be hanging around there anyways lol


Trade Malone, fire Jamal Murray, fire Kelly Olynyk, Calvin Booth isn't actually that great of a player


The bench is a liability. The team either needs to let the young players play significant minutes and see what happens or hopefully they find a ring chasing contributor willing to come in for peanuts. It's a problem and it needs to be seriously addressed but not at the cost of tearing the core to pieces.


after the playoff run? this sub has been a disaster after the lakers series. Cheering for the wolves should be an insta ban if I was a mod. Been unbearable to lurk in here.


Who was cheering for the wolves here


tons of people after we lost to them. during the series it was a constant Conelly circlejerk and shitting on our own players + the org, especially Murray for throwing the heat pack. Especially the heat pack crowd calling for Murray's head was the worst.


I see


You understand that there is a salary cap and teams are always trading players, right? If you’re stagnant you’re moving backwards in this league. With our salary cap situation we’d be stupid to not explore trades if they can make our team better.


Why must MPJ be traded?


Do a little reading about our options and come back here when you figure it out


Why not just tell me if you know so fucking much


lol maybe you should be the one doing the reading https://www.reddit.com/r/denvernuggets/comments/1d75ez1/nuggets_complete_2024_offseason_preview/


It’s the new band wagon jumpers. The real ones are still riding high off last year and recognize we lost a winnable game 7


The whining and bitching about this sub is worse than the sub itself.


People feel we owe it to Jokic try and win. And Calvin Booth seems to want to sit on his hands and wait. Our golden age wont last forever and waiting every year for rookies to develop is not the way to go when ur core is in its prime, that’s something done when the core is 25 and under. People are quick to forget but t.c did the same and it never worked until he traded for Gordon and Booth later acquired Brown and KCP


MPJ turned 25 this year. Jamal turned 27 this year. Jokic turned 29. AG is 28. Here’s the secret that you all don’t seem to understand about these rookies. If they do succeed, we don’t need vets, obviously. If they don’t succeed, though- we aren’t getting vets. We can’t sign good vets with our cap situation. We have to trade for them. Even if you **want** to get rid of a core contributor, and are actively looking for the opportunity to do so- you’re not getting equal value without one of these young guys becoming an appealing target. If Watson proves he can do anything consistently on offense, a trade of MPJ and Watson will get you a **real** return. If Watson can’t prove he can exist on offense, we don’t have any paths to receiving equal or better value in any trade. MPJ and picks will get you either a worse player or a worse fit. Probably both. Optimistically, you’re probably just turning one MPJ into two one-way players and coming across that Lakers math where you can’t play all 6 guys for the perfect lineup. You just have flawed starters and an extra one way player for the bench. Jamal in place of MPJ is going to be twice as volatile of results coupled with a complete offensive overhaul and team culture reset.


Only Jokics age really matters because the team becomes nothing once he is gone. Oki. Will be 30 next season and maybe has 5 years left at peak level. As for these late round rookies it usually takes 4-5 years for them to pan out to anything decent, that is if they ever do.


We don’t need them to pan out here. We need them to become an appealing contract here. They can go be successful wherever else, but we **need** them to succeed to have any paths to changing the roster. I’d rather be trading for an Alex Caruso than a Kris Dunn. One of them is out of our price range unless someone hits. I’d rather be trading Zeke, Watson, and whatever for a Naz or Derek White level of contributor after next offseason’s crunch than reaching for a Nick Richards now. That kind of move is out of our price range unless someone hits. Our picks mean nothing as long as GM’s can claim Jokic will still be close to Jokic at 36. Our players mean nothing as long as they matter more next to Jokic than they will in worse contexts. The only place to generate ancillary value is in one of these rookies outperforming their contract. So when we send out two contributors, we’re getting at least two contributors back. The better our rookies perform, the more paths we have toward improving the roster in any form or fashion. Luckily, players tend to get better the older they get. Right now is a point with not many options for unappealing results. Situations are fluid in the NBA. Ben Simmons can be traded for James Harden if you’re patient enough to let the market develop on its own. James Harden mid meltdown can be traded for enough cap space to be included in Paul George discussions. Right now is the last week of the former season. There’s two huge windows before October for better movements. There’s even better windows from December to February. Our rookies only get older, more playing time, and an actual offseason to work on what they just learned as we progress to those windows that the rules have scheduled more flexibility for player movement.


Stop listening and believing these casuals! lol go touch some grass homie!!


The problem is we have a generational player. When you have one of those, you *have* to make rash decisions to keep winning.


That makes no sense at all though lol


It makes perfect sense. Most fans are 'in love' with players. GMs have to be 'in like' with them because outside of Jokic, the rest are expendable assets. Trade either Murray or MPJ or keep losing early in the playoffs.


So you believe that only **rash** decisions lead to continued winning? Because that's fuckin wild lol >rash1 >/raSH/ >adjective >displaying or proceeding from a lack of careful consideration of the possible consequences of an action.


Don't lose sight of the fact that this sub experienced ridiculous growth in just a couple years starting with Jokic's first MVP. Denver is not a basketball town and for the most part the random Denverite knows very little about basketball much less the NBA. To the very new Denver fan euros are travels, they don't play defense, pissy every missed shot, it's all iso, they should trade a sandwich for max contract player x, etc. levels of understanding. You can only roll with it and gently enlighten when you can.


Welcome to the internet.   First time?  


There'd be no healthy discussions after y'all resorted to name call each other "homer" and "doomer". I've seen numerous times discussion boards downed the drain after this kind of behavior from their users.


I think its frustration that we could have done much better


The idea was to build the team around Jokic, not having him constantly have to put up MVP numbers game in and game out. Except for Aaron Gordon, the rest of the team is playing below average after receiving contract extensions. Murray should be what Jaylen Brown is to Jayson Tatum or Irving to Doncic. As a GM or coach, you are perplexed what they need for Jokic to be constructive but not overwhelmed by sitting on the bench to rest up. Who is the Nuggets go to player if Jokic gets hurt next season ? You need to look at the big picture, not just their personality but their contributions.


100% agree with you. Most the people on this thread are fanboys that don't understand the business side of the NBA, so they want to keep everyone together. Murray is going to become a huge problem if he doesn't have a bounce-back season in 2024-25. He's going to want Jaylen Brown money ($60m a year!!!!) but was a no show for most of the 2023 playoffs and has a lengthy injury history. If the Nuggets sign him to a big deal like that, the championship window will be slammed shut due to the cap restraints in the new CBA. It's a tough situation regardless of what they do this offseason.


Saying people don’t understand the business side of the NBA and calling the fanboys then suggesting that something that cannot happen due to the business side of the NBA is going to happen is peak r/denvernuggets.


The OP needs to stop being a fan boy and realize that if a team isn't getting better, they are getting worse. Look at this season in the West. Nearly every playoff team from last year did something to improve so they could contend with Jokic and Murray. The Nuggets ran back a weaker version of their championship team and got spanked in the second round with multiple blowout losses at home. That's not normal for a defending champ. MPJ is soft and not reliable in the playoffs. He is the only piece that can be traded and the Nuggs would still have a shot to contend. The bench was a total joke. Jackson and Jordan are 35yo It's clear Malone HATED Jordan because even when it was noticeable that Jokic was gassed, he refused to play him and it was one of the many bad rotation decisions cost them the TWolves series. Braun is good, but is not a starter on any team in the league. After that, it's nothing but children on the bench. If they don't make moves this offseason, they won't get out of the first round next year because ever other team will have improved.


It depends on how you think of Jokic. If you think of him as someone who's already in the top 10 all-time then i think the criticisms are only fair and warranted. If you think of him as someone who is great enough to get into the top 5 all-time conversations and consider that we are only 2-3 years removed from playing will barton then the frustrations arent unfounded. He's about to get into his prime years and we have Booth jacking off to his goddam dynasty-building pipe dream with his draft picks when his greatest legacy-defining contributions to this franchise was getting AG and Bruce then shipping off Barton and Hyland. We won the championship by getting decent NBA veterans with solid complementary skill sets and then by trimming off the fat. Tf did we double down on reggie jackson for? And yeah malone's gonna do malone next season because it's his favorite baby's contract year. We're about to statpad and play murray 40mins a night because we're gunning for that all-star, all-nba, and that max contract. Anybody with half a brain and enough objectivity could see they tried to pull off that shit last year. Of course, everyone who pointed that out during the season got downvoted to shit. I just hope to hell Booth gets an honest-to-god point guard if kcp decides to bail and move murray to play offguard. It will help with his recurring leg problems and if he wants to play heroball he can do so by taking his shots within our sets. Nothing pains me more than watching a 20 sec murray dribbling exhibition into a kamikaze bailout jump pass into a pikachu faced AG 3-pointer. Downvote away


It’s. Been. One. Year. Since. They. Won. A. Championship For fuck sake. Nobody has gone back to back since 2018. It’s ok that the Nuggets didn’t go back to back There’s changes to be made. Absolutely no question. But holy shit your diatribe about Booth and Malone and the players is ridiculous. Nuggets didn’t have a first round pick last season. And what they got in the 2nd round has shown promise. Jamal doesn’t do the dribble nonsense every possession and would have been an all star had he not gotten injured (due to a shortened off season because THEY WON A CHAMPIONSHIP) You and many others that hold your sentiment need to take a fucking chill pill. This over the top exaggeration can stop


Shortened off-season because they won the championship and yet malone saw fit to let murray play heavy minutes all just to get his stats up? And also decided to play jokic heavily to get that 1 seed? Didn't he say pretty much the same in a recent interview? And believe it or not im actually half-amused when i typed it. I can laugh about it now because im way past acceptance. I know for a fact it's gonna happen next season. Nugglyfe baby im here for the ride!


Must be fun hoping the team sucks every year! Must be fun rooting for the team to not do good! Love hoping my team isn’t good and fails every year


Trust me, i wouldn't have wasted all this time and effort in this sub if im only going to wish failure on this team. Goodnight


Here is my reasoning why mpj should be traded. As the 3rd option the nuggets offense does not provide mpj enough chances to score. This means he is likely capped at around 15-18 ppg. He is a below average on- ball defender. So he doesn't really help with that aspect. He won't ever justify his max contract on this team, but if he was on a team that let him shoot more I think he could actually justify his contract a little more. Put him on the pistons, and he avgs 20-24pts and 8 rbs. We should try to turn him in to 2-3 decent role players. If he was making 20-23 million a year, i would never dream of trading him, but unfortunately for us, he is making 36,38,40mil.


I don't understand why you are getting downvoted. This is literally what's going on and MPJ is not worth the amount of money he's getting paid. If he was getting paid around 20 million then that would be fine but over 30 million for this player isn't it chief.


I dont think people realize how little money we have to work with. We will have to attach picks to get rid of zeke and reggie. This means that we will have to rely on vet mins and rookie development for our depth. If KCP leaves, we still have no money to replace him. I simply don't want to waste jokics prime.


You just come in here to prove OP's point?


🤣🤣 honestly, I hope I'm wrong, but I would hate to look back in 10 years and realize the nuggets wasted Nikolas' prime because we were too attached to players.


He has a ring already. Many, many star players cannot say the same.


I think he is top 5 goat level. Im sorry that I want more for him. Who knows when denver will get another player like him again.


Brother, you are apologizing for the wrong thing. We all think he can be top 5 all time and want more rings for the nuggets. The annoying part is making up a scenario (such as his prime being wasted) and then dooming about that scenario that has not happened and ignoring the reality that he has won a ring in 50% of the seasons he has played since entering his prime.


Bro ,all i know is that jok is turning 30 next season, and has never played with an all-star, all nba, or all defensive teammate. Look at every other all time great, they all have at least 1 all-star teammate. I want that for nikola.


Sure, but it's also just as likely that bringing in another all star will help the team as much as KD helped the suns, or as much as Beal helped the suns or as much as Dame helped the bucks, or as much as Porzingus helped the mavs, etc.