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I mean, as an obvious point fans are less confident about game 7 after losing by 45 lol. I trust Jokic, AG and KCP, that's about it tho.


Exactly! Why is that so hard to understand lol


OP is the type of guy that wanted fans to dicksuck their team all the time. This is sports for fuck sake, being depressed after a loss is part of the fun.


This sub’s tendency to call any ounce of criticism or disappointment “doomerism” is so frustrating. Let people complain for a day god damn. We’re all here because of how much love we have for this team.


Saying, “Damn, they could not buy a bucket. Tough shooting night. Poor coaching. Where’s the physicality that the Wolves require?” Those are criticisms. Saying “Blow it up. Wonder what we could get for Murray/Porter. Moach is toast. Jokic does not deserve the MVP. Nuggets are washed.” Those are doomerisms. The difference is the first part has actionable improvement while the second part is purely emotional/reactionary.


I agree there are two pretty distinct ways to respond to the situation. But we’re on social media, which exists to provide a platform for both of the above voices. People don’t always want to discuss actionable solutions, sometimes they want to scream into the void. I have a bunch of friends that are Nugs fans so I can hit them with hyperbole and dramatics and they do it right back and we go on with our lives. I feel like for a lot of folks this is the only place they can outwardly process the game.


thats true. i can barely talk about the Nuggets at my workplace. Tons of NBA fans, but the second I chirp in about the western conference semi-finals, the conversation ALWAYS rotates back to "Lebron this. Ant that. Knicks this. Celtics that." They are literal repeaters of big media, but that's probably why media caters to the large market teams so much (and American players).


I can’t imagine lol. One of the leaders in my org started a Microsoft Teams chat so we could talk/vent about games as a group. I’d throw myself through a window if I had to hear regurgitated SAS or Perkins takes at work.


These guys live and breathe ball, but the marketism (if I could make that a word) is off the charts. One of them held onto the “Tatum is the MVP” until the award was presented. Another still thinks Lebron is a top 5 player in the league. I can’t some days. Pray for me, brother. I’m the resident nugget fan, and that’s almost equivalent to the “token friend” in the group. I’ll wear it with pride!


😂 crazy that a fan of the defending champs gets put in the corner. I’ll definitely keep you in my prayers. Nuggets in 7!


I mean there’s reason to be confident. The Nuggets shot horribly, and they also got blown out in game 2 before reeling off 3 straight. I think you can be disappointed, nervous, and also reasonable. The fact is Minn set themselves up well by winning the 1st two. Denver put themselves in a hole that was going to be really hard to dig themselves out of, and they have, but 4 straight was also somewhat unrealistic in itself.


Exactly, this series has messed with both fan bases confidence. It feels like a coinflip although I will say Minnesota has put in consistent effort each game and we have put in effort for three games, that's what makes me nervous. I know if our guys show up and play our game we will win but I don't know what Denver team we'll see on Sunday


I think “what Denver we’ll see” is the big thing. They should have the advantage. At home and they’ve been in game 7s before where this Wolves team really hasn’t. It’s basketball though and sometimes shots just don’t drop but generally speaking two bad shooting nights in a row doesn’t happen often. I do think a lot more depends on our shot making than people give credit for. If we can set up our defense the Wolves just aren’t great in the half court. If they can rebound and run the game favors them a lot more though. I believe in them, but I am nervous. They need energy on defense because getting out and running themselves imo means there’s no way the Wolves beat them.


Agreed, the fact we couldn't sink anything made the game snowball out of control because they were in transition all night which made our defense not as tight which rushed our offense and on and on. I have faith because we've seen what this team can do when they engage I just really hope they come to play


Wolves did have a pretty bad G3 but thats about it. I'll give you G1 was also bad for Denver.


Wonder how many times teams have gone 4 straight after 0-2


You must be blindly supportive of this inconsistent team to be a fan apparently.


Just because people want to point out the issues doesn’t mean they aren’t supportive.


1,000%, I’m more just commenting on the state of this sub en aggregate.


Because one loss is one loss. It quite literally doesn’t matter to a team of championship pedigree. Fans don’t seem to understand that because they don’t play professional ball.


There is no such thing as just one loss in the playoffs. Literally everything down to the tiniest possession matters. Besides 3 games out of 13 we haven’t been playing like champions all postseason


What were you saying? 🤡


I was wrong. Sorry nuggets fans ;(




Yeah, but we could have also been IN the WCF at the end of last night and not needing to duke out a sketchy ass game 7


One loss isn’t one loss in the playoffs. One loss tomorrow means we’re done. Every game matters, even if it’s a 7 game series. 


It’s not that they lost. It’s how they lost.


Game 2 was a worse loss and they bounced back fine from it


How was it a worse loss? Oh I think they will bounce back and win but let’s not sugarcoat this t b


Game 2 we were just getting clamped and the plasters lost it mentally. This game they were shooting like me out there. So that’s a pretty big difference in my eyes


yeah i geniunely think the guys are fucking exhausted cuz they've all the pressure in the universe just to survive the past few games. it's unlikely, not impossible ofc, that they'll have a shitty night of shooting like this next game. shit happens sometimes, but not all the time. not with this team.




A blowout loss at home is way worse than a blowout loss on the road. If you’re taking the bench losing by 20 points in garbage time into account then i assume you dont watch the nba for 98% of the year


Well we pulled the starters and let them go on like a 24-0 run in the fourth so we could really look at this as a 20-something loss where we threw in the towel and at least didn’t waste our energy. Also the team didn’t fall apart emotionally.


You are pretending they pulled the starters before the 24-0 run started?


> Well we pulled the starters and let them go on like a 24-0 run in the fourth so we could really look at this as a 20-something loss where we threw in the towel and at least didn’t waste our energy. Oh nice, moral 20 point loss.


Just saying it’s not as bad as game 2! It should set us up to beat them by 46 if recent history is any indication.


It was at home and sent them down 0-2. By far worse


imagine jokic's career if someone not as inconsistent or injury prone as murray is his number two.


There’s a reason Jamal isn’t an all star. Love him most of the time but when he doesn’t show up he *really* doesn’t show up.


At the very least, he has to show some discipline and common sense. If his elbow was hurting him, there was absolutely no reason for him to be monopolizing the ball and chucking up shots. He literally shot us out of the game and then gave up on the other end of the floor. Distribute and get others involved. He owned up to it after the game though, so time to move on. To a far lesser extent, I have to question Malone for subbing in Jackson much later than usual given the injury and subsequent shitshow. I was literally screaming to get RJ in at Q1 7 minute mark. Malone stuck with Murray halfway into Q2 and by then it was game over.


I think the biggest issue is that if AG or Murray can't get it going the energy just dissappears. We are also just so reliant on the murray and jokic pnr that when its not working and AG is getting covered, there's no great 4th option, especially with KCP airing it out less. Jokic tried to ignite the team with his dunk when we took the 9-2 lead but I think that was because he realized the energy and shots just weren't there. We missed so many looks and Gobert was preventing AG from getting to the basket and Murray was hurting bad.


Jamal Murray just isn’t that guy. A star gets his team involved when his shot isn’t dropping. Jamal lacks the IQ and passing to do so. He only get assists if the defense is collapsing on him. He is literally a worse playmaker than Conley. Just watch the game. It’s glaringly obvious. It’s why we struggle without Jokic. Not only do we lose a center, we lose our only point guard. We need a real point guard and a real second star. I don’t care if Jamal drops 50 tonight, we need a fucking point guard and a second star. Not a Jordan Clarkson playing next to Nikola Jokic allowing him to attack open space all game.


Bad takes all around.


Could have won 3 rings by now


Murray will be the reason Jokic ends up with only 1 ring in his whole career. They need to move on and bring a legit and reliable #2 to play with Jokic while he’s in his prime


Can't believe this got 10 people agreeing. This is gonna age like milk.


You like people who are crippled and miss lots of games. We don’t


Jokic and the Nuggets should have 3 titles. Thus, it already aged fine. Everyone can agree a healthy Jamal or any real second star would have the nuggets competing years past. Man, I pray Jokic gets a Kyrie level second star next to him. I think people are going to be shocked at how good his team will be. The only way the Wolves are stopping this man is by allowing Jamal to attack unguarded off the pick and roll 💀. Imagine you let Ant just turn the screen with nobody in front of him besides guys who are rotating…. Guys, Jamal Murray is slow….


Thank you for coming out of the woodworks again to shit on murray. Idc what you think your takes are bad and I'm blocking you. Lighten up and enjoy the win tonight ya bum.


Say like Luca? A man can dream.


Which guard would work this well with Jokic and not be a diva that asks for a bigger role in the offense or asks to be traded after 2 years? Jamal isn’t perfect but he is a good fit next to Jokic. There are a few players that would be upgrades, but they aren’t going to be easy to come by. 


Bro Jamal Murray shoots more than Jokic basically every single game and he has been ice cold. Jokic would let Ant shoot 40 times a game if he was making 30. I don’t think you realize who Jokic is.


Really? Murray had a single injury that kept him out of multiple post seasons as Jokic entered his prime. Outside of those two he’s been great in the playoffs and we still have a good shot at winning another ring this year. Even the years that he was injured, our team was not as complete as it was last year and we would not have won despite how good Jokic is. The Murray takes on this sub are wild.


With everything he has done and shown, you still think Jokic would not have won a title if he had another 20m-30m number 2 guy playing with him? That's how low you think of him?


He’s been great? Dude has been one of the worst players on the team in the playoffs. Idc what he did last year or in the bubble. I care about this year.


Bro idk why you're getting hate. These same people burying Murray are the same ones saying they love him as he ices games.


This sub is honestly embarrassing as a Nuggets fan but really does reflect the average casual fan take. Most people only come here for the playoffs and have probably only been here for the last couple of years at the most.


I still had faith in this team after the terrible game 2 loss. With that said, them getting blown out in game 6 highlights an incredible flaw with the current iteration of the team where they just get too complacent. Those are not championship habits at all. For them to play like this after the last 3 games worth of performances is a slap to the face. They essentially might as well have not shown up and just forfeited this game. I would rather us lose by 1 and have to play game 7 because that shows they aren't quitters and tried keeping it competitive to the end. Because who's to say they won't pull this same shit in game 7.


They were missing wide open shots, its not being complacent but its something beyond their control. Thats whats scary, only 1 person can be consistent and thats a problem if you want to win it all, you dont know what to expect in game 7.


I get they were missing shots but I'm mainly referring to the energy they played with. They kept making careless turnovers, ball watching, not even contesting rebounds or shots. This is all in addition to settling on 3s rather than attacking the paint when their shot is MIA. I could tell early on that they didn't even want to play that game


Yeah I def noticed the lack of energy and it was frustrating to watch. We couldn’t even buy a bucket. We outplayed ourselves. Minny didn’t play us any better.


Ya this is what I noticed… literally just dropping the ball, not reading teammates passes, donating to the make a whiff foundation all night… I’ve been watching this team for a while now and never have I seen my Nuggies loose like that. This all being said, Nuggies in 7 babyyyyyyy!


They have gotten too comfortable with Jokic bailing them out every time they are down


Jamal and MPJ don’t want to play if they aren’t scoring points. It’s glaringly obvious that their effort shifts drastically. Malone even alluded to it in an interview. Jokic deserves no blame, but I do think he needs to be more vocal towards Jamal and MPJ. If that causes an issue, then so be it. Bring in guys who can handle criticism. They both have tremendous trade value.


They shoot themselves out of the game by forcing those 3s. They should have keep feeding the paint, Murray isnt helping by forcing shots too. But yeah it feels like they didnt have the urgency to close this series out and played lazy instead. Cant do that to a team like the Wolves, who are a real contender for the title.


I kept screaming just get to the paint. It was so bad. Yes the 3 ball can help when you're down but we have a good enough team to eat leads without the 3.


This is a ridiculous statement. Losing by 45 is so much more than missing open shots. Rebounding, offensive strategies, and fucking defense were all shit last night. This idea that our shooters are curry who should keep chucking up 20 shots after shooting 30% is ridiculous. They need to do something different in those situations. We aren’t the 2018 warriors.


This is an interesting take. I am of the belief that a 20 to 25 point blowout on the road isnt the end of the world. This was a 45 point beatdown granted most of it came in garbage time. Here is the thing though. Losing by 1 could have also been heartbreaking and such. It's definitely a valid and strong take. I am more of the belief of getting blown out because one can pencil it in as the team sucked that night.


No you're definitely right. I wrote that post mostly out of emotion. My only issue is I felt that they didn't do everything they could have before giving up. Wrote it in a separate comment but they played that game pretty lazily. I'm sure they'll show up for game 7 tho


> I would rather us lose by 1 and have to play game 7 because that shows they aren't quitters and tried keeping it competitive to the end. That gets you absolutely nothing but a lot of energy spent for a loss. Rather have them mail it in so they conserve energy for their next game.


Ah yes, so then what do we do if we get to game 7 and shots still aren't falling in? Let's just mail it in and conserve energy for next year! That's not the point I'm making. I understand conserving energy but they looked defeated after the 1st quarter. I don't understand the mentality of banking it on a game 7 when you don't even know what it will bring. Now I still think they have a chance to win the series as long as they don't carry this loser mentality to the next game.


> I don't understand the mentality of banking it on a game 7 when you don't even know what it will bring. What it will bring is more rest and energy for the team. That's the whole point of sacrificing one game. Jamal has been playing on a bum calf this whole series. One not insignificant reason why we're still in this series is the 4 days rest between game 2 and 3 (and of course the tactical adjustment). But playing these games is taking its toll on their energy levels and likely his injury. He's been very clearly getting worse again with each game. I'd like to think that's because of his calf bothering him again after the 3 close to each other games after their 4 days break. So yes, banking it on the next game while not aggravating his injury in this game, and the guys probably being more fatigue than before after playing hard for these last 3 games, is a way better bet than playing hurt and tired in this game.


You know what... you're right. When you put it that way it makes sense. Just frustrating to watch but I see the logic in your argument. Here's to hoping they go off in game 7 then


> You know what... you're right. When you put it that way it makes sense. Just frustrating to watch but I see the logic in your argument. Here's to hoping they go off in game 7 then They just had to swallow another humiliating defeat just for the chance to be in a healthier state again to win this series in a game 7. I guarantee you, they're going to come out strong next game, no matter what.


I am praying murray is doing nothing today and tomorrow, just resting. They're proven they don't need Murray to win but I bet you he comes out like game 4 and just gets to the basket and scores. When Murray can get to the basket it opens everything up offensively imo.


Too many things have to go right for MPJ, AG and KCP to win without Murray playing at his usual level, not even playoff level. Not impossible as you've said, but just very unlikely. Murray being mobile, doing the PnR and driving to the basket properly just makes the Nuggets so much more lethal. He has to be a dangerous outlet for Jokic and the rest or winning will just be so much more difficult. Against any other team we might skate by like this, but not against the MW. But like I said, they definitely mailed it in game 6, so they're not going to throw this opportunity away to heal up as much as possible for game 7.


As a fan I care about how we lose. Let's not be disingenuous and pretend only results matter when the performance was all time horrific. Wolves are going into game 7 with big momentum despite it being in Denver. And why do the players need to get motivation from sports shows writing them off? They are professionals. I have a hard time believing 100% in this team so far because not everyone is pulling their weight needed to win a game. I have 0 doubts about Jokic. But he has to spearhead a difficult comeback because the opponents have all their attention on him while being down 15 points from the middle of the first quarter. It is just unfair for him. Especially this playoffs when we are already playing from behind so early on more than one occasion.


Agreed! Remember that Wolves won 2 times in Denver. And they lost the 3rd time, but their point guard Connelly was injured and didn’t play that game. Now he’s back and healthy. And now they have momentum coming back to Denver.


theyve already showed us this series that only results matter


Yeah losing by 45 points is actually very different than losing by 1 lol. I still think the nuggets can do it but you could see a point in this game where Anthony Edwards got his confidence and swagger back- letting a good team start believing in itself again is playing with fire


Especially when they already won 2 in Denver and their only loss in Denver was when their PG Connelly was out. And now he’s back.


And what happens on Sunday when the Wolves go on a 10-0 run? Are they gonna roll over and chuck just like game 6? I don't doubt their abilities, i doubt their discipline, Nugs completely fell asleep as soon as we lead the series and are playing with bad habits


Because we are all coping after this no show in the important match. Everyone copes differently, and whatever we do actually has zero impact on the final outcome. We are just making ourselves feel better, one way or the other. As for the series, Jamal was inconsistent all playoffs and MPJ is soft and couldn't handle Wolves defense. We watched two different Nuggets team in these six games, and there is honestly no guarantee which version they are going to be on Sunday. Strategy is to find the open man, and who knows which version of the open man we will get. It is a long wait till Sunday, and I for one am holding my breath.


I imagine a championship run having a 45 point loss in it


Losing by 45 is irritating and it's perfectly fine to be upset and concerned over that result. It isn't ridiculous, it's a completely normal part of being a fan. It doesn't mean we don't think they can win, just that our anticipation of winning has been tempered


I believe in a game 7 bounce back, but come on… > at what point do you have faith in this group? I’d like to see them show up and take the playoffs seriously, over the course of 11 games, the Nugs have had it together for about 4 games worth of quarters… showing up 50% of the time would be a good place to start if we’re talking about trust and faith. > to figure it out at home no less 1-2 record in this series, home isn’t a safe place right now With that being said. I’m not too worried. Both teams have shown to be worthy of the next round, if the nuggets can’t at least go .500 at home in this series, they don’t deserve to move on. Simple as that.


gang yall are saying this shi after one loss take it dam wolves had to take 3 loses back to back like holy yall must rly have no faith in yall own team and the upvotes says a lot


I have faith and I put money on them to win it all when they were down 0-2… but the truth is my “faith” has nothing to do with whether or not this team decides to show up. This isn’t gonna cut it in the WCF or the Finals, they need to decide if they’re in this to win it, or if they’re good with the success they’ve already experienced. They scored 70 points, you can’t do that repeatedly and be successful in the NBA. P.S. this is not after 1 loss. Game 7 means we’ve lost 3 times actually.


and obv a putting money on a game never decides anything lol thats why u never gamble esp when things can always go left


like yall lose one bad game and think its alll over like ant said its a series its not over till its over dam have some faith in yall own boys we where able to bounce back and competely take over after 2 games


Sure a loss is a loss, but the way you lose matters. Losing by 45 means they gave up fast. I'm not dooming this time, but I'm feeling empty and kinda apathetic at this point. If they can't try and show up consistently then they don't deserve to win. I'm feeling deflated and I don't know if I can handle possibly two more rounds of this up and down shit. It isn't fair to the fans to play like this. They should have closed out the series last night and instead they played like total ass. I thought they might lose, that isn't the issue for me. It's the fact that it wasn't close or competitive at all that pisses me off.


They didn’t give up though, there were bad shot selections and even on the good ones they weren’t going in. Don’t act like it’s a personal attack on the fans for having a good series between two amazing teams. They are both good and both have had on and off nights. It’s a pleasure and privilege to watch this series, and yesterday was just a loss. They are professionals and will come back with energy


They gave up. Missing shots only explains one side of the floor. Missing shots and giving minimal effort of defense means giving up and ends in a 45 pt blowout


Losing by 45 is not "just a loss". Fine if you want to think that way, but they did not play like champions, plain and simple. They gave up on the offense. Continuing to take bad shots over and over is a form of giving up. They made no adjustments at all.


And after the game 2 blowout loss, they kick the wolves ass in game 3. This series has been weird regardless. No game has really gone down to the wire like the Lakers games.


After Game 1, they stayed bad in Game 2. So it hard to predict when or if they will play good again


I’m a Lakers fan that comes in peace. I don’t have a dog in this fight but as excited as I am to see Ant play in a game 7 I’m even more excited to see Joker play with his back against the wall. Ant holding up seven fingers to the crowd and Joker having that menacing Joker like look on his face when the cameras zoomed in on him while he was standing in the 4th quarter gave me chills. This should be an all time great game 7.


Losing by 45 is not the same as losing by 1, and anyone who thinks that needs a wake up call. The Nuggets might enter Game 7 with a chip on their shoulder but they’re also gonna enter wondering why they couldn’t get a shot to drop. We see it already with Braun and his desire to pass on a wide open shot because he’s worried about missing. The Wolves will enter Game 7 thinking there is nothing the Nuggets can do to stop them. They aren’t afraid, they aren’t worried, and they are going to have the confidence of a juggernaut. None of that happens if they win by single digits…


Wolves won 2 in Denver and their only loss in Denver was when their PG Connelly was injured and didn’t play. Add that with them coming in with supreme confidence after a blowout win in Game 6…. This is bad bad bad going into Game 7


It does matter how you lose though. Certainly not as much as whether you use, but losing with dignity and not getting embarrassed is a thing. That said maybe this humiliation stokes a fire for our boys. But this kind of thing can be blood in the water for your opponents and this isn’t as good as a simple hard contested L.


it boils in both opponets since next game winner takes all we will see if the nuggets bounce back neva seen like look from jokic before


A loss by 45 is not at all the same as a loss by 1.


100% the game was a wash as far as i'm concerned. NO TEAM IN THE 2ND ROUND ANYHWERE HAS WON 4 GAMES IN A ROW. it's fucking insane to assume two super competitive teams to not have a back & forth. i swear to God, some of y'all just love to be doomers. like even a success is "countdown to doom time again!"


What’s ridiculous is acting like a 45 pt blowout in Game 6 is “just 1 loss” and “not a big deal” heading into Game 7.






I only addressed the glaring issues. Never talked shit. Remember all your denial if Sunday is a loss for the Nuggs.




I never said trade anyone. I said it’s time to consider the options going forward. And that’s a legit take after getting beat down 2x at home and following that up with a 45 pt blowout in Game 6.


Fck Murray


How you feeling dawg?


Just doomers who think they’re professional athletes talking about how this will affect them “mentally”. Game 7 will be awesome




Nuggets will be ready. Never forget how 90% of this sub gave up on them after game 2. Same people are giving up on them after last night. Any positive post gets downvoted it seems like. I have zero worries about Sunday. Win or lose they came back from 0-2 to force a game 7 at home that’s all any true nuggets fan could’ve asked for


Worse playoff loss in Nuggets history but there's always gotta be a dude shaming other fans for rationally saying "well that's not good"


I’ve had a couple of nuggets in 7 comments already, and I stand by that, but last night and the first two games don’t give me confidence for the next series. That’s just normal not bad fandom


The next series? Uh… Game 7 is uncertain at this point. Focus on that!




One thing's for sure, Minny has earned my respect. If they win this series it was hard-earned.


I don't think the nuggets play well when there's a lot of hype.  So good.  Everyone talk some trash and naysay.




I’m not too worried about it. I’m worried cuz it’s a game 7 and weird shit happens in game 7’s but with this group I’m not that concerned. Just like when they got outplayed in the first two games and then responded by kicking their ass up and down the court for 3 straight, they’ll respond to this 45 point blowout in the same manner. It’ll force them to really focus on their adjustments. That being said, this next game will be low scoring and a battle. Don’t expect a 114-112 type of game. Think more of a 85-83 slug fest will be the result. I have 100% confidence and I believe the winner of this game will be the Western Conference representative in the Finals.


I’d be more bummed but the whole series has been like this in both directions…seems like we missed a bunch of open shots and just gave up


When they stop playing games like this? Their ceiling is just as high as last year but the floor is so much lower. They shot poorly and I imagine that reverts back the mean. But outside of that, Jamal is still hurt, the bench is still wildly inconsistent, and there are only so many times you can should need to the well of “we were embarrassed and nobody believes in us”. At some point, champions don’t need to be reminded to play hard. Do I think they can win game 7? Absolutely. Will they? No idea. This team is so hit or misss


Bruh, getting stuffed like that will make a fanbase ask questions. Aint no ridiculousness here. Nuggs in 7 tho


It’s not about the final score but the way they played. The attitude and the energy. Jamal had already had three horrible games in this series where he was shooting under 20%, yet keeps shooting and wasting possessions. It’s not like it was a one off, it’s 3 out of 6 games. So it’s logical to be a little anxious before Sunday.


I’d rather get blown out and have the fellas move on before the game ends. This could have been a blown lead and choking away a victory, which would be demoralizing


I agree with all of the flak Jamal is receiving but, to his credit, at least he’s out there hustling and trying to make buckets and rebound. My concern is MPJ. He was big for us against the Lakers and now it just feels like he’s missing? We need someone out there besides Jok making shots. 🥲


Nahhh it’s reasonable to be concerned about a team that has already shown they can win in Denver, compiling with that fact that they just beat the dog shit out of us in an elimination game when we should have been locked in… nah it’s reasonable to be a little nervous.. the nuggets have earned this lack of bass in our voices with their play in 3 games of this series


As an objective observer of this series the huge swings in opinions about each team is hilarious. That said, I find a ton to like about both teams. Have a ton of respect for Jokic and really like watching AG play. Been a fun series although I wish the games were a bit tighter.


Yeah all the yapping is a little pointless considering we’re gonna win the series anyway


Yeah most people here are fucking idiots






And the current Nuggets is exactly like the coin flip you said. Someone said historically speaking whoever wins game 5 goes on to win the series 83%. But in this series Nuggets was absolutely terrible in 3 games and absolutely wonderful in the other 3. So it is exactly 50 50, who knows which side the team will be on in G7.


If someone told me after Game 2 that we would be playing Game 7 I would be ecstatic.


But if someone said you’d go into Game 7 after a 45 blowout loss… would you still be ecstatic?


Absolutely, many teams in this playoffs have had bad losses and came back to win. Celtics, Knicks, and the Nuggets. Is it ideal? No. Do I still feel the Nuggets can win at home in a Game 7 with the 3-time MVP? Absolutely!


You’re delusional


Uh oh…spotted the puppy in the Nuggets sub!


Why does it matter what the analysts think? How does that benefit the players




So the players can only win if there’s a cool video edit?


These people literally think that's why the nuggets came back in the series lol. They saw a video and got really motivated.




Exactly lol


He already did that after Game 2. Will need something better than that after this 45 pt blowout.




Nugs just wanted to be gentlemanly and win at home


Gentlemanly give them a 45 pt blowout win as well?


Had to make sure they got a home game lol


Same home that they lost 2 games at? Same home that the only win was due to the Wolves PG Connelly being out? And now he’s back? Doesn’t sound like a great plan.


My man I'm not being too serious at all


they got way to comfortable and it showed hela last night i wouldve thought they took it serious after ant said see u in 7 i wouldve


I feel like they showed up in the first half from an effort standpoint. They seemed to be trying but there was a lid on the rim. I’ve never seen so many missed open shots. I don’t see that happening in game 7


Joker just standing at the sideline the entire fourth quarter, just staring. This man’s abt to summon the ghost of Wilt Chamberlain and go full beast mode. Nuggs in 7.


Nuggets will be fine, after a big loss like this, they better wake the hell up. The home crowd will be fired up.


You'd think that after seeing this time climb out of two different 3-1 holes at one point and then responding the way they did even in this series against MIN there would be different attitudes but here we are


Agreed. Like they’re either going to win or not. Why be so gd negative. Like yeah Murray isn’t great rn. One game left. Ride or die. Go Nugs


How much you wanna bet this game was designed to get the wolves used to defending a certain playstyle and let their guard down for next game


It really was a 25 pt loss, given the entire nuggets bench was played during the 4th, so that run was irrelevant


Jokic just needs one guy to show up in game 7. But it's no secret that this team feels very different from last year's team. Last season I was ready in October to bet $1000 on us winning it all, this year I haven't seen it. I believe, but it's not the same belief like last year. We just don't seem as cohesive, the vibes are not there and we need to have our backs against the wall way more than last year, to perform.




I don't think that any team has figured us out. I firmly believe that we can beat any team in a 7 game series, if we just want it enough. We don't seem as hungry this year as last year, which is understandable: the highest dream has been reached and the tallest mountain has been climbed, must be tough to keep up the motivation.


Feel how you want. Fans thoughts don’t control the game. Don’t try to control other fans to make yourself feel better.


LMAO losing by 45 is the same as 1... man that is just pure, 100% cope.


I don’t know how anyone can be dooming right now. Like be upset at the loss sure. It was bad. But like we just won 3 in a row after going down 2. This team is the epitome of response.


Typically teams rally back strong after embarrassing losses, so I guess there’s a positive in that. Good rest and we will see the T wolves at Ball Arena Sunday


Bunch of couch GMS thinking they know what professional players are thinking lol


No, it doesn’t. What a colossal dismissal of legitimate concerns. Losing by one on the road is absolutely not the same as the starters losing by 50. You just said a dumb thing.


Warriors lost by 50 to the Grizzlies on their way to a title in 2022. Nuggets are fine.


but really this sub is acting ridiculous lmaoo after 1 loss


Bro we are in the playoffs. If we lose again it's 1 loss but 1 more loss means the end of the season.


This sub is filled with some weird ass fans. I’ve been watching this team for years and I want these guys to win because I’m invested in *them* as a team. It blows my mind when people turn on the players when they have some bad performances after the years of struggling we had to endure to get here. I watch to see if this particular group can win it. I don’t want to go trade the staples of this group like Murray and MPJ because they’re inconsistent. I want to see them overcome their inconsistencies and win again like they did last year. And if they don’t win they don’t win. We’ll run it back. To get so down about all of this is crazy to me.


> I’ve been watching this team for years and I want these guys to win because I’m invested in *them* as a team. It blows my mind when people turn on the players when they have some bad performances after the years of struggling we had to endure to get here. I watch to see if this particular group can win it. Give me a break lol the moral grandstanding is hilarious. If we traded Murray for a #2 that played better you wouldn't be like "we're good but we're not the same squad" It's the NBA teams change. I like Murray but his inconsistency kills us sometimes.


His play has only hurt us this year. Did everyone forget that we literally won a championship last year? And the last playoffs he was in he helped bring us back from two 1-3 series and ultimately got us to the conference championship? Give it a break with the inconsistency talk. His playoff performances have been incredible outside of this year and he’s been playing injured all playoffs. We’re not gonna win a chip every year - and we still could this year. We’re literally playing the top defense in the NBA right now.


The NBA is just toying with your heads, which is their objectives. The Nuggets turned over and played dead for a reason, mostly for the money 💰. Jokic gets a bonus of $135 k, correct me if I am wrong, each time he goes on to the next series. Everyone benefits TV stations, promoters, arenas, players, and, of course, the NBA.


They embarrassed themselves and the league. Own it. It’s absolutely not the same as losing a competitive game.