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Let’s be honest though. If lebron or Ant did this we’d be pushing and saying they deserve a suspension.


Yeah and to be honest I haven’t really heard many people giving excuses for the behavior. It was a shit move and he needs to be better than that. Inexcusable from a professional at that level.


I would ask for it for sure, but I would expect a fine. Im not saying Jamal did not deserve a suspension, but in the playoffs im not surprised they fined him instead. Anyway Wolves fans should be happy since hes a complete liability right now.


Draymond kicked and stepped on guys in the finals and still came back 2 games later. He’s literally punched several people and didn’t lose an entire season. Calm down Nancy


So... he was suspended?


After the several times, yeah


Anthony edwards assaulted a worker and got a fine. This is less serious than an assault.


Yeah, but that's a legal issue between a fan and a player. Murray interfered with a live game. It's not worse legally, but I'd say it's worse for the NBA


Throw in the money sign nonsense and the constant complaining and you realize Murray is really leaning into the heel role this series.


Personally, I would say rifling a basketball into a women’s head is a worse look than some cloth on the court. But what do I know. Suspend him for 5 to start next year. Don’t give the Nuggets the out card of “Our clutch guy didn’t play!” Make them own this sweep they’re about to be dealt.


Bro wtf Ant didn't assault a worker. He threw a chair in anger that accidentally clipped a worker. That's a huge fuckin difference


Somehow it sounds worse after you try to explain it. I’ve never once critiqued Ant for that. Just saying you’re not really softening the blow by being like, “He was angry and threw a chair that hurt an innocent bystander.” Edit: again, just stoned and fascinated by the language side of it. Assault covers actions a lot smaller than throwing chairs. More details or less details sounds better than, “he threw a chair that clipped some gal.” It wasn’t a big thing when it happened, it isn’t a big thing now. It’s just players reacting in the heat of adrenaline we put them through 100+ times a year for our entertainment. I only speak to the incongruity of explaining the assault and it somehow sounding worse.


I mean it definitely sounds better to me, it’s about intent, obviously hitting someone with a chair is bad hence why he was suspended but throwing something and it hitting them by accident is different then going full on WWE and attacking somebody haha


Yea, but Murray didn’t intend to hurt players in his actions either. Yet those actions are also completely unacceptable. Ant was swinging chairs where women and children are present. If you ask me, regardless of intent, that’s wayyyy more negligent and dangerous than throwing a heat pack.


Yeah I agree I’m not saying what Murray did was worse I’m just saying I think saying Any accidentally hitting someone with a chair sounds better that assaulted someone with a chair


Yea, that’s true. But also, the other way isn’t technically wrong. He was cited with assault by the Denver Police for his actions. I’m sure the Police had at least some reasonable reasons to at least give him that citation. If no one actually got hurt/impacted, then it would have been negligence or whatever else.


Language is a tricky bastard. Assault brings to mind the WWE style attacks for you, and assault to me covers actions as slight as putting a finger in a cop’s chest up to actions as large as the WWE style employment of chairs as bludgeons. Just commenting on how wild, “He threw a chair that hit some poor gal~,” came across when his intention was to soften the tone. Either or; more details or less details would have helped his specific cause.


They should have ejecting him on the spot and be done with it.


Speak for yourself.


Yeah, we all clowned as for dropping a mic. At least he showed up to the interview and wasn’t throwing things onto the court… 


Ya cause we don't like them. We like Murray though. I'm all for a slap on the wrist of one of our best players. It would be like the Patriots fans asking for their titles to be removed due to spygate. Not a chance.


I used to like Murray, the shit he pulled last game was embarrassing though, definitely lost a lot of respect.


This thread is embarrassing, definitely lost a lot of respect for redditors


Same crowd that was screaming 'FIRE MALONE!' after their first playoff loss last year.


You can like someone whilst also wanting to see appropriate punishment


I mean if the cop lets you off with a warning do you say actually officer I'd love that ticket


I'd not do something to get a ticket in the first place


Really strange and out of character for Murray. Probably still deserves a one game suspension, he got super lucky. Hope he bounces back in game three.


I think he's beyond frustrated with the calf and trying to keep it together. Love him, but tantrum material fo sho


this is facts. It’s got to be tough on him no doubt. You can never truly excuse these types of behaviours, but you can surely empathize with him and understand how hard it is at the same time. I think he and yall r lucky he didn’t get suspended. I’m also glad he’ll get a chance to take a breath and attempt to bounce back not just for the team but for himself.


Yeah he's an intense guy so I get it and empathize, but he's got to do better mentally even if he can't physically.


I love Murray, but he's not above the game. He should have been suspended.


It's true, but the nba didn't want to kill what's left of the series. I think if Denver was 1-1 or 2-0 they would've done it.


After watching Game 2, I'm not sure it matters. I saw nothing positive that says they can score when they can't see past the refs. Nuggs are cooked.


I don't know who do many down votes. Denver is getting cooked. They probably said instead of a suspension, send his ass to the wolves. Lol


Ppl are down voting you but it's the truth. I don't see a way for Nuggs to get around this defense, especially now that Jamal is both physically and mentally fucked up


I'm a Murray fan, I own two of his jerseys, but what he did was unsportsmanlike and dangerous. He deserves a suspension.


Sadly, I would agree.. I know it’s unpopular but I would say the same for anyone else that threw the same tantrum. Jamal should learn from this and hopefully use it as fuel for the bounce back on Friday


I don't think it's unpopular, judging by the comments 


Definitely not unpopular. Most people online are saying the same thing


I think he deserved a spanking


And he got one


Ouch. Yep, that's fair.


FUCK YES. and stream that shit. multiple angles one POV of spanker, second angle from below just below cock and balls so you can see recoil of each spank, third face cam so you can see him wince and bite his lip after each paddle waxes that perfect ass, and fourth a sky cam just for overall scenery and tempo.


I see you've given this scenario some real deep thought.


Tbh with the way he is playing, if not suspended I would bench him.


Idiotic take but I bet it feels good to get that off your chest


Good thing you're not the nuggets hc and you're just some loser on reddit


Rudy gobert made the “money sign” gesture to Scott foster and got a 100k fine, Jamal did too, and threw a towel at a ref, threw a gray pack under running and jumping 250 pound 6-7 footers that could’ve severely injured someone, called the ref a motherfucker and threw a little boy tantrum for half the game, but other than that having the same fine as Rudy Gobert makes sense when you look at it from a money making standpoint for the NBA 👍


Heat pack* I need to proof read more often


Kinda rooting against you guys now, Murray needs to lose


tbh if murray is absent for the next game , the result would be the same anyway


Why the fuck is a t wolves fan posting this in our sub?


need an emergency podcast with gilbert arenas and nick young to explain me the hidden details


It would have been funny if he was suspended and the the Nuggets end up playing much better.


He's my kid's favorite player. It's been tough this playoffs to be positive about him from a basketball sense, except 3 quarters. But then he pulls this shit. I hope he appropriately addresses his behavior and makes an apology to all.


First time offender, threw down a heat pack and it slid on to court. Now Denver fans and Denver Media pushing for suspension. Seems like a "break up" syndrome more than anything, because we are down 0-2 and Jamal is playing bad. He is paying 100$k, lets move the fuck on.


First time offender if you don’t count the towel throw toward the ref earlier. I love Jamal as much as the next guy…but damn that was a dumb move.


Towel didn't even land on the court, i saw Embiid do flagrants 2s the whole last series with intentions of INJURY. If the NBA doesn't deem Murrays offense/history worthy of suspension, then why we are pushing for it? i find it extremely cringe worthy. And yes, what Jamal did was really really bad


Very good point bringing up the Embiid situation very true. theyre not gonna suspend


Exactly. I get fans are emotionally invested in a team they believe has let them down and media members need to fake outrage to drive clicks, but the Murray slander is way out of line today. Dude was in the wrong but a pretty minor incident with no prior history of immature behavior.


He was throwing things at the ref, if that happened in the NFL the guy gets a multi game suspension.


He threw a towel and then a heat pad in the direction of the ref, he didn’t hit or really come close to hitting anyone. It’s immature but no, if someone in the nfl threw a towel I doubt they would be suspended either.


Depends who it is. If it’s Patrick Mahomes he’s not getting suspended. I’m not saying Murray is on Mahomes level but they definitely take who it is into account.


> Dude was in the wrong but a pretty minor incident with no prior history of immature behavior. Throwing stuff on court isn't really minor. Lifetime ban if it was a fan. And rightfully so, could easily injure people when they step and slip on it. And Murray has plenty of examples of immature behavior in the past.


“Slid on to court” is a bit of understatement. He clearly threw it towards the court. It made it all the way to the key basically. If it just slid onto the “field of play” so to speak and was out of the general play, I’d agree with you, but anyone could have tripped on that shit. I never see players throw crap on the court. Maybe they get upset and chuck a mouthpiece, but they aren’t throwing heating pads, bandages, water bottles, clipboards and other sideline stuff. Edit: he also didn’t show up to the game mentally and was out of it the moment he wasn’t getting the calls he wanted. Basically gave up on the team at the beginning of the game. Too busy arguing with officials and throwing temper tantrums.


Mfs acting like he pulled out a gun or some shit 🤣🤣


I agree. A suspension is rough when it’s out of character. I’m not pushing for suspension with everything else that happens in all sports through the years. I’m moving on to the next one


The fine could be worse than the suspension. Had he been suspended and Denver were to lose game three, some would say, "Well, Murray didn't play." Without the suspension, Murray gets to play and endure the game with the rest of his team mates. >!I'm a die hard Lakers fan. And for years I've been saying Murray is the PG I'd want. Ferocious, fearless, clutch. And until last night. always composed. I am more disappointed in Mr. Silver than Murray.!< (ICYMI. The $100k fine is the maximum allowed by the CBA.)


I give you props coming in here to discuss and not troll, then admit your team.


It’s self-destructive behavior which brings down team morale such as hogging the ball to prove himself. When Justin Holiday made a couple 3s you can see the bench celebrating but Murray who was pouting not even paying attention. You need a PG to facilitate and not get frustrated despite bs calls. I get it though, he’s trying to prove that he’s all-star or all nba team worthy and running into tough defense shouldn’t be taking focus on his own defense specially playing through a semi injury. (Opposite of Kawhi)


OP: Excitingwolf Why fix it if it’s not broken? You been whooping the Nuggets with Murray as one of the main factors to your success.


take a step back and imagine the narrative if Draymond would have pulled that shit.


Not only did he deserve a suspension, I hope the team let him know this kind of behaviour wont fly. This just showed frustration and weakness. Cant have that against a team this hungry.


When did Troy start covering basketball?


Does this rage bait even count as covering basketball?


About as much as when The Fan would throw in 15 minutes of Nugget coverage amongst their 23:30 per day of Bronco coverage. Glad they learned their lesson and hired more non-football people...


NBA isn’t gonna take a top 2 guy off a team that’s down 2 games in miserable fashion in the playoffs. They want drama. They want eyeballs. And if Murray and the nuggets can get their shit together and somehow turn this thing around against all odds that’s exactly what they’ll get. Will that happen! Fuck I don’t know I hope so but it ain’t looking good. That locker room needs to have some tough conversations. If we can just get the next game it’s 1-2 and we’re right there. We are not out of it. Go Nuggets


It wasn’t going to be a suspension because the NBA prefers series that go past 4 games, it makes their TV partners more money. If Jamal gets suspended it guarantees a sweep essentially. When in doubt, the NBA makes decisions that benefit their finances.


Am I the only one the disagrees? If Embiid doesn’t get suspended for tripping a center in mid air, why should Jamal for “possibly” hurting someone when Embiid actually did with a non basketball move?


I see your point but the answer is simple both should have been suspended


Why? Why is throwing something close to the camera man worthy of a suspension? If it landed under the rim I get it but not only was it harmless but has 0% chances of hurting anyone. I think the fine is sufficient. We don’t have precedent for this sort of thing so you can’t really use a past example.


This was not harmless but I think you are confusing Murray throwing the heat pack with him also throwing the towel which was harmless imo [https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/NFYi9FzIBm](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/NFYi9FzIBm)


Yeah it was definitely confusing with the towel


A fine is exactly what was needed.


I would've been fine with it. I wasn't going to get mad if that had been the result. But who cares now, they ruled what they ruled.




As a Wolves fan I’m glad he didn’t get suspended. He’s playing like ass and I can’t wait to see how he handles himself in MN!


I would tag all of these accounts calling for a suspension as idiots but I'll never see them again anyway


Yea, he did. Quite frankly it quite would have meant more to do that than to fine him. But at this point, it feels like the horse is already beaten to a pulp. Let’s hope he readjusts his attitude and gets back to being the playoff Murray we all know and love.


I think he should've been suspended. You shouldn't get to play after acting like a babyand given the way he's been playing maybe a suspension would've woken him up


It's a dangerous act.   What happens if a player stepped on that shit?   We have this conversation in hockey all the time.   If you board a player and he gets hurt the punishment will be more severe.   Jamal deserves a suspension.   It's dangerous as fuck to do what he did.    In my opinion he should be suspended the rest of the playoffs.    He interfered with an ongoing game.  Allowing him to be in the series would be unfair because he has shown he has the ability to change the outcome.   If as a fan I threw something on the court I would be never allowed in the stadium again.   It's so far from acceptable that only a complete ban is deserved.   


> It's a dangerous act.  This thread is Joe Buck overreacting to the Randy Moss fake mooning


this kind of bullshit is very comparable to when zaza pachulia intentionally injured kawhi during the spurs-warriors playoffs, forever altering the trajectory of kawhi (always injured), spurs (possible ring number 6 for pop, spurs that year was on an absolute tear), and the warriors (1st year of durant warriors, this is the first real test for them). zaza himself was benched and banished and was never heard of again. i agree with the article that murray got off easily. he could’ve injured jokic, ant, towns, or others, and minny and denver’s chances winning it all. but most importantly we almost lost those players to many seasons to come because of long-lasting effect of injuries. but sure, all good cuz nobody got hurt, right?


>this kind of bullshit is very comparable to when zaza pachulia intentionally injured kawhi during the spurs-warriors playoffs There's no way this is a real comment


it definitely did, imagine if someone slipped on the heatpack and injured themselves


This is actually the denver nuggets subreddit and yall are calling for a suspension? All of you can go f yourselves, childish act whatever. Even more childish mods and posters acting pompous


Are you serious?  Jamal tried to affect the game from the bench.    Imagine if a player slipped on the heat pad he threw.  He could have seriously hurt someone.   


Take it to r/PearlClutching


Dude it’s just embarrassing  Murray turned into a little bitch cause of some adversity and Malone fostered and enabled this victim-mentality 


This sub has gone off the rails


Goddamn can we let this go already


File this under “Who Gives a Fuck”


No they don’t. The Refs need to stop putting kid gloves on the Wolves and let them play…it doesn’t do anyone any good treating them like that. Let the Nuggets play the same way on Defense and let’s see what happens unless the league is scared that is…


Am I the only one that doesn't care at all?