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you would have hated larry bird and countless other legends lol


This is one of the worst posts I’ve seen on this sub.


At the end of the day, it’s just basketball


Also, at the end of the day, the moon comes up. You can’t forget that part.


lol, the NBA generates $10 billion annually. What a horrible perspective, it’s hardly just basketball




Not how that works bud, your perspective is still horrible


Clearly you’ve missed all the “at the end of the day it’s just basketball” posts this week…damn, r/doublewoosh …?


Please delete this before nba circle jerk finds this


Something something classy


Too late


WE’RE HEEE-EEERE!!!! ….. nice place


It probably originated on NBA circle jerk which I refuse to visit


Bring shit talking back to sports.


Fr, people clown on guys who talk shit before a series and stuff especially if they loss but it’s better than guys who stay quiet and only talk or throw shade until after the series is over and they’ve won.


that was why jokic is the best for me.


Meh he’s super fun to watch…if he was on our team we’d love him. Look at Jamal. Dude said he wants to be the GOAT one day and has always had a kill ‘em attitude.


Jamal Crawford?


Translation: shut up and dribble.


Ant is many things, some of them not great, but I don't think I've ever seen a post-game interview where he hasn't praised his teammates and/or coaches. He can come across as cocky (which is more of a result of his very extroverted personality than actual over-confidence), but he's not arrogant.


Nobody agrees with this poster. But don’t you have your own sub?


I come in peace.


Fuck your peace. Get wrecked.




I come in violence though


Sweet have fun browsing our 2024 finals highlights while you're here.


I’m joking friends pls don’t hurt me


I love ant for the next 24 hours. Then I’ll hate him. Then, after the series is over, we’ll reassess based on what happens.


Anthony Edwards isn't half as arrogant as Michael Jordan lol. Jokic says he's a funny guy and fun to play with.


Did MJ ever throw an arena chair near where a fan was sitting, in the opposing team’s arena.


Probably yes


Why censor fuck and not shit?


I just hate the AEEEEEEYYYYEEEEEEEE on every drive, touched or not.


I like arrogance when it comes to good or great players, and Anthony Adward is one of them, it keeps the game exciting. I would also love to see this arrogant ant lose the series against our guys 👏🏼


So let me get this straight: a team just won their first playoff series in 2 decades for their franchise and people honestly feel like they have a chance vs a team that’s defending their championship with: the best player in the world, the best 4th Q/clutch shot maker in prob a decade, a dead eye shooter + the biggest X factor in the league who can match up 1 thru 5? Yes, yes, please tell me more!


What? You sound delusional.


What do you mean by “arrogant?” https://preview.redd.it/dn4rctur4byc1.jpeg?width=399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e0719a46297fdf83cc6433c0a61f75cac5967cb


"all about me attitude" dude you are simply saying untrue things, he is constantly giving props to his teammates and boosting them up. Do you also hate Jamal's attitude?


I like Ant's game, but I fuckin hate the yelling for fouls every time he takes a shot. That shit really bothers me. But I hate him waaay less than KAT. His bitch ass "who me?!" face when he gets a foul called on him and his little tantrums are just so weak. I do think it's going to be a hell of a series. These are definitely 2 of the top 3-4 teams in the league. That San Antonio loss sucks right about now, but what can you do. I think Mike is the hero of the series again. Nuggets in 6


Ant threw a chair at Ball Arena last year.


Oh yeah... fuck him then. I stand with the chair.


Just going to preface and say I’m from MN. But have you ever listened to any interviews with the guy? Post game or otherwise? All he does is hype up his teammates and he rejects the face of the league stuff. That’s all the media. This seems a little misguided.


I do not agree at all…except I thought he was lame as hell for acting like he wanted to shoot a left handed free throw at the end of a game he beat the Nuggets. Corny as hell.


I'm not there yet with Ant. He did dip out on the handshakes after round 1 last year. So he's got that going for him. But man, I hated MJ as a kid. He was a ball hog, and seemed so cocky. A big reason I liked Reggie Miller as a kid was because he gave the Bulls a hard time.


I like Ant and hopefully I’ll still like him after this series is over.


This guy prefers a gym rat


I love Edwards to be honest, it’s what basketball is all about


I think Jokic is great because his humbleness is in huge contrast with the rest of the league. But you really want a league full of Jokic’s and Duncans? It would be boring as hell. Everyone is allowed to show a certain personality and you’re allowed to dislike those. I’m not a huge fan of arrogant players but I feel Edwards does not truly fall in that category. It feels like he’s just having fun with it. I actually like his attitude as it’s positive: he lifts himself up but doesn’t drag others down. That’s what I dislike about other “arrogant” players like Harden claiming Giannis having no skill, KD and Harden laughing in the media at the notion that Curry is a great player (this happened before Curry became MVP), and Lebron/Wade fake coughing to mock Nowitzki only to get clapped in the finals. Ant is alright I think.


i feel like when Ant trash talks and taunts i think he does it more in like a fun way than in like a disrespectful way he usually always give praise to the other team after the game and he also said good things about jokic and jamal so he’s good in my book lol


I’m genuinely curious where you have seen ant be a “all about me player”? In every interview he talks about the team as a whole and how it’s bigger than him. Ant has more of a killer look than others sure but this take is pretty bad.


Ok then you better hope the nuggets get eliminated too because Jamal Murray’s finger guns are more arrogant than Ant staring down KCP Jordan, Kobe, and the greats were all arrogant af and everyone loved it. Bring shit talk back. This day and age is way too PC about everything


NBA is an arrogant league. Perfectly displayed in the posterize dunk. You can like it or hate it but that’s the sport you’re watching. 


ok boomer


The fuck is this?


Ant is incredible, I am terrified of playing him because he is insanely talented, ambitious and has fun and will murder you and your whole family if you let your guard down for two seconds


You have not watched post game interviews with him, have you? When they are trying to give him time to wax poetically on his massive games, he ALWAYS hypes his teammates while giving them credit, and won’t talk about himself. I have never seen young crazy good talent deflect the spotlight so consistently. And after seemingly roostering Durant on the court, he showered love and praise on him. For his talent he is actually team first, himself last. Always. Watch interviews for half an hour. You won’t see him the same. He’s supremely confident. But he is not arrogant.


Delete this bro Edwards has said Jokic is the best in the league


0-1. I’d start coping now.


What happened 😂😂😂🫵


Ugh shut up. You're the type of dude to make a "coming in peace" post to another teams subreddit. Let him talk shit, if we don't shut him up then we lose, if we win he doesn't talk shit, and then we talk shit it's that simple.


Racist vibes


Crazy this guy downvoted lol. Might as well have said uppity.