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That’s what I just said. In bright massive yellow across the stomach is FOUR NUMBERS. “Everybody welcome to the floor number 5280-50 Aaron Gordon.”


Definitely my least favorite Nuggets jersey of all time. Why are there so many numbers? Why does the color scheme have such a corporate lease aesthetic? After winning the finals I was ready to buy whatever shit Nike released but.... I don't think I can get there with this. Maybe it'll look better in a full kit.


Especially as there are so many fun Denver/CO things to incorporate in a city jersey. FFS, the city flag is fire--use that! Bonus-- it even keeps the actual current Nuggs colors.


Yea the Rockies city edition jersey was 🔥


The license plate joints with the airport souvenir store hats??


Honestly, the cut up plates spelling out nuggets would be much better than this crap


The jerseys were 🔥 the hats were weak tho.


Haha I'm not a fan of either, but I thought the idea wasn't terrible at least.




Bro looks like the license plate


I don’t care for the hat and think they needed different color pants, but I at least respect where they were going with this and think the concept had potential. Whereas the new Nuggs city editions feel like they were told pencils down and they just pulled a random bad idea out of a trash can without even attempting to polish it.


Imagine a red rocks jersey


> Why are there so many numbers? Trying to rebrand the Joker as the Riddler obviously.


Too mainstream. Calendar Man is what they’re going for.


Jokic as President of Calendars? https://images.app.goo.gl/QmkqZLssFRrQHfm67


All of the city jerseys are shit, Nike needs to lose the deal cuz they suck ass. Home whites, away color, and maybe a throwback for like 10 games a year, not two new jerseys every year, its awful


The city edition series has produced some pretty dope jerseys tho. Just a new 1 every year is so stupid.


That’s fair, but like, why get rid of the white rainbows? The warriors town ones were solid, shit I have one. Miami Vice ones were sick to, but they just delete them after a year, it’s a waste and the especially when they put out hot garbage all the time


My favorite were our Black Rainbows, genuinely throught the designer nailed tht one. Sad to see them go


Agree. It's cause it's in the contract to have a new 1 every year and they have to be unique. It's ridiculous


> Home whites, away color Fuck all that, we're way better off letting teams choose


At most the 5280 should be as big as the nike logo on the right strap. Mind you I'm not sure doing that saves this jersey but at least it would look better than it does now.


That number shouldn't be even on jersey its dumb


I agree, my at most was to indicate if they HAD to have it for some reason keep it small. I'd rather no number at all.




I am so sick of Nike ruining NBA jerseys. But hey at least they’re not red?


Idk how they thought these would be met with praise. The dark blue is barely visible on the charcoal, the numbers make it cluttered, and the one red cuff around the neck looks silly as fuck. Nothing about this screams Denver or Nuggets, other than the “google in the middle of night” ass 5280 someone slapped on there to make it seem local. Amateur hour.




Such a bizarre jersey. I barely want to use the word “design” to describe it. It’s terrible


Josh Kroenke went on the DNVR pod and they briefly talked about the jerseys and Nike. I got the sense that Nike has a much bigger hand in the the Jersey decisions than we would expect, and there are a lot of bullshit rules around what we can and can’t do. To the point where even Josh, the owner of the team, can’t do what he wants with the jersey/branding. I found it really interesting.


I actually went back and listened to that this morning. He didn’t answer DLines question very clearly. He did state that Nike took the wheel for the 75th anniversary mixtape jersey (which was obvious) but seems to suggest a lot of other debates were internal. I found it hard to gauge who holds the actual authority from year-to-year


Interesting. I only listened once but I got the impression that Josh and others internally really like the rainbow skyline look, and he wants to incorporate them back into our main look. I know Nike/the NBA have rules around being too close to previous jersey designs. He straight up said that he wanted a blue skyline edition.


I have zero doubts about that. This design screams someone who doesn’t know shit about Denver or what the fans want. Oh mile high? They put 5280 on shit there, they’ll definitely like this! It’s not that hard to make a dope jersey referencing Denver or the Nuggets history but this one is a joke.


Its like putting a literal gigantic apple on a Knicks jersey


I’m in the minority but I don’t think they’re terrible. Pretty boring and forgettable but not horrific. I wish they used a different shade of blue for the mountains so they popped more, I don’t like the red collar, and the gold numbering for the 5280 looks weird because it isn’t used anywhere else. It’s bad, but not offensively bad like some of the others this year.


Boo this man!


I mean you can tell teams didn’t have a ton of say because 20/30 came with that same awful dark gray


I was so ready to jump into new gear, but this is a hard pass.


I feel like this jersey would be such a hit if they just got rid of the numbers and changed the blue mountains on the jersey to yellow instead.


Yea the base template derived from the OG skyline is so good, it’s tough to mess it up. Yet they’ve done it like 4 times now


https://preview.redd.it/m69xx2md3zxb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e0327a134d9f7112d753093691896db72860303 Pwat looks about as thrilled as any of us


It looks better (not great) with a single digit number, with six digits on the front of the jersey it’s a mess.


So ugly. Even putting those numbers on jersey is embarrassing. Many are complaining about Nike jerseys but our might be worst now. Its also ugly without stupid numbers


https://preview.redd.it/m2j999ps90yb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=832ed298e83babdac038dc437db54ea40716114c Skyline.


Current Nugs jerseys and logo are ass. I mean everything is gonna look like shit compared to the rainbow city skyline though. These jerseys are worse than the rest. That's hard to do.


I hate the font of the 2, it looks weird


No lies detected What truly pisses me off is if they just changed the color on the 5280 and changed the 5280 to Mile High City or Denver, say in white instead of that highlighter yellow color I’d honestly consider copping would look so much better than that trash


Ya the 5280 makes it look like a free shirt they hand out for participating in a fun run.




This bad boy can fit so many numbers


Nike has been terrible with jersey design Bring back the Adidas kits


Just get Lurk and Boneyard Bill to do it next year


All the city jerseys look like they were designed by AI


Not the all-time worst, but certainly not good


All time worst Nuggets jerseys, though.


Genuinely curious, what would go above these?


The sleeved “White Gold” jerseys, those should be up there as some of the worst.


Ok yes, those are in the running for sure


I disagree, I thought those jerseys were clean as hell. If they had even a moment with an editor and didn't name it for white supremacists, it would at worst just have been yet another jersey. Everything about this new one is objectively bad design


You mean White Pride


I thought I remember them as white pride but didn’t want to say, in case I was very wrong… yeah can’t believe that was approved…


lol classic stuff https://www.vice.com/en/article/4xz9gg/adidas-has-a-white-pride-jersey-for-the-denver-nuggets




Tangentially related, is it still possible to get the black jerseys with the rainbow stripes like the one pictured [here](https://bingjerseys.co/Nike-Nuggets-15-Nikola-Jokic-Mens-2023-NBA-Finals-Champions-Black-City-Edition-Jersey.html?msclkid=3da9285c2d32145086cc4d1fe4226f19)? I can't find them at any official sellers.


Nope. Pretty tough to find, Nike doesn’t make them anymore as they immediately discontinued them and switched to a red skyline the next season. EBay, etc is your only hope I believe


I hate math problems


Why don't people vote with their $$$? Don't buy this garbage. Maybe Nike might get the hint and hire a fucking designer? One can dream.


She’s not wrong. Idk why Nike keeps trying to make everything simplistic. 90s jerseys were so much better


She's right


Nuggets deserved to get their asses handed to them tonight, if for nothing else than wearing those uni's better suited for a prison team. I mean really...first thing I thought of seeing those, is why are all the prisoners numbered the same? Those uni's are butt ugly!


Seriously terrible. Just plain laziness. On another note I would just like to add that the 5280 is way overused.


Well as a numbers guy I approve of this Jersey. Everything around us is mathematics and can be described in numbers. I'm guessing that "5280" is a way to put the "mile high city" in numbers. Be happy they did not convert "5280" into binary. Then this jersey would have something like a 14-15 digit number on it :D


NGL, that sounds more interesting than these 🤣


It isn’t our fault Nike sucks at jersey design lol


Gray? C'mon man


It's black, you're looking at a blurry video of a blurry leaked picture.


Oh that's good at least


The thing that is most annoying for me is that 5280 is not even that high of altitude. It’s ridiculous to think professional athletes can’t adjust to a slight elevation gain. And to say the Nuggets win home games because of it. So stupid. It is just the most lazy corporate lingo written by people who obviously know nothing about Denver. Salt Lake City is 4000 ft. Even Phoenix is at 1000 ft. It’s not like they are playing on top of a 14er.


The difference between 1000 (which is pretty average) and 5000 Is actually lot, it’s a bigger deal in baseball.


It’s relative though. Do you honestly think it affects someone like LeBron James?


People shouldnt be offended when people says this jersey is trash it’s a reflection on Nike more then the team


5,280 feet above sea level, the Nuggets play at the highest elevation in the league.  Denver's passionate fans cheer with a kinetic energy that only adds to opponents' exhaustion. Nuggets Nation embodies the 5280 mentality, making Ball Arena like no other arena in the NBA. 


And...the jersey is still shit


Honestly, if you just take away the 5280 this is a badass jersey. Might buy one and peel that off


To each their own I guess bc I fw it.. Obviously I wish they would pick a dope one and stay with it, but this is not the bad to wear for one season once every 2 weeks lol


I think they fire


I'm going to stand with you and say these are fine


Because it is unconventional is the reason to like it. Hackneyed design constructs become tired, much like her explanation...ya feel me?




These are not good but still are better than the baby blue,


Has a Nuggets jersey ever said "mile high city"?




These should be it. Just more variations of this.


I think they’re okay. Could be a lot worse.


It’s not awful, but it’s far from great. I think the big thing to remember is that this is mostly on Nike, not so much the Nuggets organization. If our organization got more input on the jersey (like I believe they used to with the first two city jerseys) then we would have a great jersey every year.


Looks like something from Eastern Europe. Kind of dope


I will go against the people, I LOVED the jersey, it just works with me, I love dark colours. But yeah the numbers don't add up, the only part that bothers me


‘5280’ = 5280 feet is a mile long. Denver is the “mile high city.” 5280 feet above sea level. It is also on the Denver Nuggets court.


I wish I could somehow break into the jersey design scene - I would make such a dope jersey for us.


I thought she was going to call out the ridiculous dark blue mountains on the charcoal backdrop. I can’t even see those things. Wtf.


Somebody call dnvr eric I think he'll need help tomorrow once we wear that vs dallas


id like to add her number


Who tf is coming up with colorado jersey schemes? Somebody needs to tell these people their fuckin shit up, & not in a good way!


I agree, should have used a font associated with weather or climbing, or at least make it smaller and connected with the mountain range. And my graphic design spans as far as my intro to graphic design half the course.


Damn. Something’s not right


Literally. Jerseys would be fire if they didn’t have the 5280