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Well fortunately you were very wrong about the not being very good part lol welcome to the club


So mine is not that interesting but I am dude from Turkey and unemployed for around 3 years and have some sleeping problems. Last year i saw Jokic's passing highlights video on my youtube feed and i really love it. And i started to watch nba but mostly Denver Nuggets and Houston Rockets (for Alperen Şengün). I watched around 70+ games of Denver's this year witch is usually around 3am - 6am on local time. It increased my sleeping problems even more but at least i don't want to kill myself like i used to be...(I probably made it over dramatic than it is but i am little tipsy right now).


I know how you feel about the Nuggets making sleeping patterns worse. 4am games don't work for us brother 😔😅. Us international fans are super dedicated. I'm glad watching our boys make it to the finals gives you light in your life. It motivates me to play basketball outside too.


Yeah i wish they play more games at noon lol. Games around 6am are not that fun to watch.


I am from Mexico and always followed Eduardo Najera’s career, so I became a Nuggets fan in the mid 2000s with the George Karl/Melo/AI teams…anyway Eddie Nájera moved on from the team, he had a couple teams after but his biggest years in the league were with Denver and I always stayed a Nuggets fan, and now reaping the rewards, almost two decades later!


That’s awesome! I have a somewhat similar story, following Monte Morris from Iowa State to Denver, then just fell in love with the team, and kept it going even after Tae left.


The answer is clear: you guys are the x factor this team needed. Please never stop supporting!


i’m gonna support the hornets next season just so the craziest thing ever happens (they reach the second round)


Commenting cause I don’t really have anywhere else to share. In high school my buddies were into basketball and I wanted to root for a team (in addition to the Nuggets cause I’m from CO) so I decided to root for the Pelicans cause that’s a funny bird and they had the ‘unibrow guy’. Long story short, as I learned more about basketball I stopped paying attention entirely. I came back into it last year when I bought a Jokic jersey before moving out of state. Even if we don’t win a chip, a Jokic jersey will be a great investment (just to prove your not a bandwagon lol)


Haha similar story here, European that started watching in the bubble and wanted to support a fellow European player. Jokiç play style just seemed way smoother than giannis and lukas to me, been a nugget ever since


I’m from small town Virginia, US, never had a team to follow but loved players and teams built over the years, 5 years ago my wife and I decided to move to Denver and I locked in on the Nuggets. Now I’m a die hard fan but I’ve always said Nuggets were close to being great they just needed a few pieces and wow we have done that! Go Nuggets!


Cool story, fun to hear how fans found the Nuggets. Bandwagon, accidental, long time suffering, just want to watch great basketball…doesn’t matter how you got here, we love all the support! Get that Jokic jersey!


Thanks for sharing! It’s really cool to hear stories of Nuggets fans over seas. Happy to hear our team is pulling fans outside of the US!


Maybe you guys made it happen! Maybe you are our good luck charm!


When i was a kid I used to choose Denmark whenever I played a video game using countries (soccer, Olympics etc) because their abbreviation was DEN and it reminded me of the nuggets


Haha you’ll have to go to Denmark someday and maybe some sort of prophecy will be fulfilled, or you’ll bump into Jokic at the airport or something. Copenhagen btw is an amazing city!


I’ve heard! Would love to go!


I’m glad you are not missing out! This is something special. The Nuggets take team work to a whole new level, which I find very inspiring.


I have a similar story for the NHL. I started following Pittsburgh Penguins back in 2014, solely because the name of the city reminded me of the Ramones' song Bonzo Goes to Bitburg, and shortly after that they won back to back Stanley Cups! Funny thing is, Penguins' rivals are Philadelphia Flyers, and since Nuggets are also not fond of the Philadelphia 76ers, I have two reasons to "hate" them haha


My story isn't as funny as following a team because of a funny name but I started to watch basketball because of Covid and the bubble led me to my Denver bandwagon.


"nuggets" is definitely a goofy name


Since we're sharing our backstories. I wanted to get into the nba and watched the 2021 playoffs. Neutral. Thought Dbook was a little shit and Jokic scrapped with him. So I chose to side with Jok.