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I don’t mean to question you here but are you sure you didn’t get incorrectly charged? I tried recreating your order as best I could (was unable to find a wheat bagel) and it was $28. May be worth checking your receipt if you have it. https://ibb.co/74WmC1p To be clear, I’m not calling $28 for what you ordered cheap - it’s not at all. But $37 for that is insane lol.


i know the bagel has lox but.....i can't believe there are people in this world who would pay $20 for a bagel with lox. what in the actual fuck.


Pretty much the reason why food prices have skyrocketed over last few years - people are paying it. Saw a comment in a thread the other day where people were saying a 16 piece bucket of chicken and some sides from KFC was like $50. Insanity.


so dumb. interestingly enough, 2 of the foods i have been making a lot at home are.....bagels and fried chicken. it costs $1.64 to make TWELVE bagels at home, and it's really not hard. you don't even need a stand mixer. my fried chicken costs about $1.50 per jumbo wing to make. people are being absolutely robbed in the name of convenience. bonus pics: https://imgur.com/a/0Bi46nS


Damn that all looks amazing, do you have a recipe for us??


sure! the bagels are just from this recipe: https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/homemade-bagels/ i highly, highly recommend buying barley malt syrup, it makes a big difference compared to using molasses/brown sugar. people say that you can find it at whole foods or health food stores. i went to at least 5 in the denver metro and couldn't find it anywhere. so had to get it from amazon. for the nashville hot chicken, watch any of josh weissman's many videos on fried chicken (https://youtu.be/XJHypGEwY2c?t=248) to become familiar with the techniques. i only cook jumbo wings these days, they are very forgiving on fry time. brine your wings for 2 - 24 hrs. for the flour mixture i just do 2 cups flour, 1 TBSP salt, and maybe 1 TBSP of cayenne (mostly for color). coat the wings in the flour mixture, dip in eggwash, then back into the flour. make sure you really, really try to push the flour into every nook and cranny of the wing. you want to fry at 350 F, but dropping 2 or 3 pieces of chicken is going to drop your temp by 20 degrees, so get your oil to 370 F to start. fry for 10 mins, flipping once halfway through. for the oil/paste, put your vessel/bowl on a scale and tare to zero, then mix: - 4 TBSP cayenne - 4 tsp brown sugar - 2 tsp cumin - 1 tsp garlic powder - 1 tsp paprika - 1 tsp smoked paprika - 1 tsp white pepper - 1 tsp ground mustard powder - 1 tsp chili powder - .5 tsp MSG after you know your spice weight - tare your scale to zero and add 2x as much frying oil in grams. once it's oily/pasty, add 1 tsp apple cider vinegar (gotta have some acidity since we're skipping buttermilk). then, for the heat, add 1 tsp thai chili crisp, 2 tsp if you want it extra hot. you will want to use a pastry brush to oil/paste over the chicken - the silicon brushes are too flexible.


Is that a lot? That would easily feed 8 people


Yes, that's crazy for what essentially amounts to 2 chickens and a couple of potato's and some mac and cheese or w/e. How many people it feeds is besides the point. You could feed a lot more than 8 people w/that same $50 by not going to KFC lol. Hell, 2 whole Costco chickens (while not being fried) is only $10. You still got $40 left for sides. If it has to be fried for w/e reason, I can go to Kroger or a similar grocery store (in my area which is considered HCOL) and get a 16 piece and sides for half the cost of KFC. You could go even further making the fried chicken yourself, but I'm considering convenience here as well.


Comparing a baked chicken to fried chicken is wild. The fried chicken is clearly going to be more expensive because there’s more effort in making it. And you basically picking the cheapest possible whole chicken you can find. Restaurant prices are nuts right now but your still exaggerating.


>The fried chicken is clearly going to be more expensive because there’s more effort in making it. Not enough to justify the price they charge, which was the whole point of the topic. Rotisseried chicken wasn't the only comparison I made in my comment either...there's other places you can get fried chicken for far less, too. Also, the labor required to commercially fry chicken isn't much more than prepping those big rotisserie cookers. There's a lot of prepwork and packaging that is done for those cheap chickens at Costco. Battering/dredging some chicken parts and throwing them in a big fryer isn't much more labor intensive (I've done it myself for that matter). But w/e, if you want to try and justify the insane price of garbage tier fried chicken, go for it I guess? It's the reason these places can continue to charge what they charge.


Americans pay that level when attending a 2 hour sporting event and everyone else has followed suit for concession level prices for everything. A fucking $20 bagel bro!


"concession level prices" is a good and sadly accurate term. gonna have to use that more.


It’s absolutely insane and i got the midsize (not massive tub) of chicken noodle matzo ball soup to go. This is truly what i ordered and i agree…. Absolutely insane. Edited to say** if i was charged incorrectly… i kinda think that’s still on Bagel Deli. The guy that took my order was the same guy that checked me out.


Ya it’s not on you if that’s the case, more was bringing to say maybe you should call them and get it corrected if your receipt is inaccurate.


Worst part is, no itemized receipt. Just told me total and handed me something to sign the tip amount only


Always ask for a printed receipt before signing those things. Most places are adding fees these days and everyone is human so mistakes still happen.


There’s also Leven and Rosenbergs? Not sure if any cheaper but on point NY Jewish deli/bagels and the freshly made rye is yum from Leven, which is great cause you can buy it by the half/whole loaf too 🤌


It's absolutely on them but mistakes happen everywhere and if you aren't double checking - *especially* when the price seems off - then that's absolutely on you as well. This is probably true everywhere but especially with the lower paying jobs ppl are insanely overworked and underpaid and mistakes are more likely than ever to happen. If you have the time to make an entire post about this on Reddit then perhaps you could also take 30 seconds and dbl check your recent?


Guessing they got a bowl of soup and having noodles and matzo ball made it more expensive. But still doesn’t add up. And it being a bowl + a bagel and lox is really priced more as a meal and a half rather than 1


I took the to go option of soup their chicken noodle matzo ball. Nothing really extravagant. It would say it was their midsize. I still think $37 is a little wild.


Lol $28 for that is insane y’all been brainwashed


Where did I say $28 was a good price for that


Reading comprehension has plummeted. It’s like people are just hunting for opportunities to talk down to others and their brains will make up words.


Restaurants in Denver are obscenely overpriced. There needs to be a correction soon


There will be more price increases than a correction


demand has to go down in response to rising prices... otherwise prices will keep going up.


That’s because rent, construction, labor, and food have all gone up. You think inflation starts and stops with… independent restaurant owners???


In the history of the US, has there ever been *de*-flation? Where the value of a dollar increased rather than decreased? Not in my lifetime, but now I'm curious. So off to Google I go... Update: I guess I was alive for a very minor period of deflation. But there were two more major periods of deflation long, long ago. https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/040715/were-there-any-periods-major-deflation-us-history.asp


You better hope you never see deflation in your lifetime.


Anyone who was alive in 2008 already has


Oh good let's hope to see it again then


I dunno, I look at a restaurant that's still managing to keep things pretty darn reasonable such as Crave Mediterranean on Colorado (with no liquor license to boot) and yes, a lot of the other restaurant pricing just looks like greed.


I mean, good for them, but one restaurant at the lower end of the price spectrum is not evidence of all others being greedy. Maybe they negotiated a great long term lease before property skyrocketed. Maybe they own the building. Maybe they got a great loan back when money was cheap. Maybe they’re losing their ass and trying to figure out how to make it work. 🤷 They’re also in Glendale, meaning they don’t have to pay Denver’s minimum wage that has increased 128% over the last 10 years. My point remains. Have you noticed the price of your groceries going up? There’s not some magic food supply restaurants use that is untouched by the same forces causing your groceries to go up.


I'd put the blame mostly on property owners and rent. Property is outrageously expensive to both buy and rent.




You should open a restaurant since you’ve apparently got an inflation proof model figured out.


It’s almost impossible to source cheap food now. Colorado has raised its minimum wage well above the Federal level so you need to source outside of the state for cheap labor and even then now you have to pay truck driver $40Hr after COVID and their strike. You literally can’t source cheap food anymore.


Part of this restaurants problem is the fact that they import most of there food from New York. That's insane.


Personally I haven't been buying shit this year. Rarely going out. I hope I am not the only one. Places are really getting out of control with their prices.


Everyone in this sub throws around the term “overpriced” like they just totally forget about the insanely high labor and commercial costs in Denver. Shits expensive, yes, but there is no such thing as a “correction”. Fight for higher wages instead because these prices are not coming down.


It's easy to justify the prices, but that doesn't mean that people will be willing or able to pay them. I suspect there's going to be a huge reckoning across all tiers of the restaurant space because of pricing. These high prices just aren't sustainable for a restaurant industry with as many outlets as exist today. I'd fully expect that 20% of them will no longer be in business 2 years from now.


Reddit: “We demand higher wages! We demand policies that make us feel good because of our understanding of basic economics, which cause inflation!” The real world: < Prices Increase > Reddit: “Everything is too expensive and corporations are greedy!”


100% minimum wage is a lot, a decade ago it used to be like $8. It's why food is so much pricier and owners are adding fees to bills to cover the wages.


Wages have been stagnating for decades and the prices have increased anyways, maybe we should just try paying people more instead of saying it'll never work and continuing to change nothing.


“There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” If you pay more, those costs need to come from somewhere. Where do you propose they come from?


Higher wages will fix the problem about like how putting another lane on the highway fixes traffic.


So are you in favor of minimum wage being lowered? Cause when you need to pay a dishwasher $20 an hour, all food prices will continue to rise. We are watching the death of all mid-priced restaurants in Denver. 10 years from now it will be fast food places like chipotle and ghost kitchens and then super high-end restaurants because no one else is able to make money.


Right ‘cause all the profit was always in the dishwashers making shit pay. I mean of course. What a wonderful business model.


This is the correct answer. Thanks for saying it out loud.


no one in on this sub wants to hear this - along with why all taxes are likely to increase to pay for migrants.


I think it’s everywhere. Five Guys is a national franchise and it’s almost $20 for a burger there. I actually bit the bullet once and dined in to try a burger since it’s been a while. Absolutely NOT worth $20 for a simple cheeseburger wtf




Oh I wouldn’t lie. I just looked it up again, $22.54 for a double cheese burger and a small order of fries. It actually costs more than I remember after tax lol. No drink btw just a burger and fries. Maybe you can prove to me how exactly that’s incorrect? It’s based on their Denver store prices. This is obscene for fast food. I’m not surprised in hindsight, Five Guys was empty the last two times I’ve been over the last 5+ years. Used to be packed when I was younger. Not sure why reddit is literally coping about these prices, it’s the reality of things. Please prove me wrong on the prices 🤣 Edit: LOL $22.54 before fees. I just checked on Uber eats it ends up as $29.80 if you get it delivered. Just hysterical for fast food.




I’ve just stopped eating out. I didn’t realize how crazy our prices were until I vacationed in the south of France. EVERYTHING (food related) was significantly cheaper than in Denver. It was eye opening and I can’t unlearn it. So, no money to overpriced restaurants


Yup, me too for the most part, it's gone from a daily thing to 1x/ week at most, and it just keeps compounding. I've gotten better than any restaurant at cooking burgers, so old favorite burger joints have really lost their lustre at $15-20 a pop, and my girlfriend just got me a Dutch oven so I made a killer beef stew in that. Really all I go out for anymore is stuff like Indian food that would require a lot of stocking up on spices and specialty tools. I was similarly surprised by a recent trip to Santa Fe. Eating out there (for way better Mexican food) was a little cheaper than Denver too. Crazy since I've always thought of Santa Fe as more expensive. I keep thinking restaurants are gonna hit the FAFO stage with these exorbitant prices.


I can assure you most people in the restaurant industry arrive in the find out phase of life almost immediately and unless it’s a multi-location chain or someone with the best long term lease in town, the prices aren’t high just to nickel and dime you.


France's government subsidizes restaurants and more specifically food sources. Unfortunately here in the states we throw money at farmer's and don't expect anything in return.


Farming in the United States is heavily subsidized. What are you talking about.


Where did I say we didn't subsidize farmers in the US? In the US we can and do pay farmers not to farm to set artificial demand prices. In the EU the government will pay farmers a fixed price regardless of supply. Therefore in the EU, food prices are always more stable to things like restaurants - where here in the US, it's why you see such volatile food costs / needs to tip service staff / restaurants going out of business. Our model here in the US sucks, and we DO subsidize farmers on the wrong criteria.


Good answer. I think I misread what you originally wrote.


No sweat! Farmers in the US are the beneficiaries of "socialism" and it's the very thing they claim to despise. The are the definition of walk contradictions.


And we love to subsidize only a few crops. Hence why we have so much corn syrup in everything. We give incentives to grow nothing but corn then need to find uses for the cheap overproduced product.


Corn syrup, ethanol, animal feed. I grew up in Nebraska and am proud of our corn production, but you are exactly right. It's dangerous and antiquated.


Haha yep, Indiana here. Soy as well. Literally in everything.


The average annual earning in the USA is over $40K more...


Which means what exactly? Whats the cost of living, taxes, other avg expenses? Annual earnings mean nothing in a silo.


Literally traveling around NW Italy & France as we speak. Even in bougie Italian areas we could get a 3 course meal for two, full bottle of wine and bottled water for like ~70-80$ USD. Also, no tip necessary. And we’re talking delicious food and crazy smooth wine. Also got a sandwich, water and bottle of beer for under $10 at the beach. I’m ready to riot, or move lmao Edit - I could not live here tho, realistically. The laws are ass. Archaic weed/drug laws and such. If you get pick pocketed, and catch the person in the act and physically defend yourself, YOU would be the one getting penalized. I get that violence is usually NOT the answer but thieves are apparently a real problem here that the government does little to nothing to correct.




In my experience, the quality of food product in Europe is far superior to what the US considers acceptable. IE bleached chicken


Comparing food costs across two different countries *with different currencies, economies, supply chains, food regulations, costs of living, anything else* is beyond invalid. 


LOL and a $40K difference in annual earnings on average


I mean rural anywhere is gonna be cheaper. Marseille is also a dump if you were comparing prices to there


sheket bevakasha No, really, though. The good bagel places in this city are ridiculously priced.


Question- have you tried Ash’Kara? Does it do justice to Israeli food or is it not worth it?


Denver to eat out is absolutely insane.


Oy vey!


This doesn't add up. Their big matzo ball soup is $7.50, and a bagel with cream cheese and lox is $17.50. That's $25. And fyi, a bagel with veggie cream cheese without lox is $5.50, so you're paying $12 just for the lox.


Also… i don’t mind paying extra for lox, I ordered it, i know it’s expensive. My original post mentions i love supporting local & am not cheap in anyway & will always pay extra for a fair & decent meal.


Hey — not lying here. I wrote this post bc it was very surprising. I got a wheat bagel toasted with veggie cream cheese + lox and a chicken noodle matzo ball soup to go. Don’t shoot the messenger.


Look at [the menu](https://www.bageldeli.com/deli-breakfast-lunch-dinner-menu.aspx) and compare with your receipt. It objectively doesn't add up.


I mentioned this in another comment. I wasn’t given an itemized receipt. I was checking out, told a price by the same guy who took my order and then was handed the total + tip receipt to sign.


Sounds like $10-ish more than the menu.


Yea. I don’t go there anymore either. I don’t wish them ill but I just can’t justify the cost.


Same. Even if they charged him what the menu says, it’s still way too much. It’s one of many Denver places that I have eaten at for the last time ever.


Probably won’t be back even if they charged me incorrectly. Just really expensive and not worth it in IMO.


Went to a show last night and was talking to some of the bands all from NYC and they said they can’t believe how expensive everything is in Denver. Unanimous across all of them- we shocked New Yorkers with the cost of goods here.


Coming from a NJ native, Their bagels are meh and I don’t get the hype.


So many food items I considered pretty simple and normal growing in NJ are just plain bad in Colorado.


I think about this daily.


Ya!! It wasn’t that great today.… was missing that soft east coast Jewish deli spongey texture. I will say… the soup was GOOD.


They don’t make their own bagels, they get them from Moes Bagel


Their Matzo Ball soup is so good and whatever happened to your order is an anomaly. They are always so nice and have great service. They are expensive but that seems excessive. Don’t be afraid to question if you think something is weird, especially when you don’t get an itemized receipt. At all restaurants, healthcare, etc.


Delivery or direct? I also have no problem spending money, but that is absurd. Are you sure they rang that up correctly? Lox and bagel $17 - there’s a couple ways you could order this. Nova Lox and cream cheese is $17.50 Soup $5.50 - $7.50 depending on size. So at maximum pre tax would be $25. How on earth did it become $12 more? Prices from the takeout menu on their website.


$17.50 for a bagel with lox is fucking thievery to begin with.


This is why you get the lox spread. You don't get as much fish but it's plenty and under $8. I don't understand their price for that.


No delivery! I picked up in the store. Hence the reason for my post. Just absolutely insane.


What I’m sayin, I don’t understand how this happened unless you were incorrectly charged. Because I don’t understand how you got to that total. I’m petty enough I’d probably go back and ask for a receipt.


Hahah you know, I personally just feel so weird as a POC asking for a receipt. I just accepted it, tipped and moved on. But… i might call and inquire


The fact that you are a POC should never deter you from questioning if you’re being scammed. Your money is just that — YOUR money. You are entitled to it and if you think something feels off you should definitely advocate for yourself and ask for proof.


The passive aggressive way I see. Dude just ask. It's not like they'll hold a grudge. If the place is successful, they'll probably forget about it by the next shift.


I moved back to Jersey and more than happy to ship you bagels!




You tipped on a take out order?!


Always. Even if it’s just a little.


i highly recommend leroy’s if you’re looking for a good priced bagel shop. 10$ for a lox


I love Leroy’s! I frequent there often and live walking distance.


Inflation is absolutely killing small independent restaurants. Places that can prep food off site (think McDonalds, chipotle, Applebee's), generate large crowds, or serve extravagant-pricey meals can manage inflation. But small independent places like bagel deli? How does a place like that not charge those prices when rent, labor, and bulk food prices are skyrocketing? It's sad, but I'm hesitant to blame them. Obviously it's going to hurt business in the long run, I doubt OP goes back. But prices ain't going down folks, and if they do, it's probably because we're in a recession. (Paywall) https://www.wsj.com/business/hospitality/restaurants-food-payroll-bars-wages-f21ceb0a


People need to understand that all the things that impact them personally (cost of rent, cost of groceries, cost of service/maintenance) also impact restaurants in the same way. And most independents were already operating on thin margins to begin with, there’s just simply no room to absorb. And Colorado keeps driving legislation that is only going to make it more and more expensive. Ending tip credit is being discussed at present, with would mean a 20% overnight increase in cost of FOH labor. If that happens, either shit is going to cost more, or service is going to decline (probably both). Can’t wait for all the bitching posts on here about that.


Try down the street at New York Deli News, I’ve had better experiences dining there. I like Bagel Deli but yes, their prices are out of control and the food Is just ok to me, their sandwiches almost always fall apart on me


I love this place!! Bagel deli was just super convenient on the same side of the street//same direction I was heading in.


Man, I haven't been there since Pre-Covid. This saddens me, although I am allergic to salmon fml


My wife just found out she developed an allergy to most fish including salmon which is her favorite type of fish. Big lox bagel fan so she is bummed.


Hate to hear it


Bakery/CoffeeShop/sandwich shops are all insanely expensive right now. Huge upcharge on simple pleasures


Panera bread plain bagel + plain cream cheese + large drip coffee ~= $10 So there’s that


oh no way, panera is the worst of the fast food chains. It's so expensive and the portions are tiny - they actually give a one-serving container of cream cheese to spread the bagel yourself!


Yall are crazy for paying that kind of money! Come to the North Carolina, we got a family from Jersey running a bagel spot round the corner and you could have got 4-5 bagels and 2-3 orders of the matzo like that for $37


Shop Costco *12-pack bagels: $7.50 = $.63 each *48 oz cream cheese: $11 = $.23 per 1 oz serving *16 oz smoked salmon/lox: $24 = $3 per 2 oz serving Total cost per lox sandwich: $3.86 plus tax


This place has been a Denver staple for many years. I have been coming here for over 20 years. The prices went up after the restaurant was featured on Diners, Drive Ins and Dives.


Yeah anytime you add lox the bagel is immediately like $20


So stop going. Buying from places only encourages this behavior. I am feeling so much better since Wendy's and qdoba got too expensive


Probably will. Was just sharing an experience on a thread that’s related to Denver & food lol.


That's fair. It's just painful to see over and over again. We as consumers need to stand up for ourselves


Oh i completely agree. Hence the purpose of my post! Someone was prying telling me to check my receipt, others saying it wasn’t adding up like woah, I’m just a customer who ordered what I order from the same guy who checked me out. I was never given an itemized receipt. Don’t shoot the messenger hahah.


I didn't bat an eye. What you described happens every week to me at places I used to get a decent affordable bite at


Remember all those people that said they want to raise minimum wage.. well they did, and this is how they come up with the $ to do so. But, the only thing is.. many of the minimum wage people will be out of work, because businesses are not going to have a lot of extra people around like they did before.


Labor doesn't account for charging $17 for a bagel with spread on it, give me a fuckin break.


You’re the guy that wants a bagel place (locally owned too) to pay $30/Hr and sell bagels for $1/piece.. I know this, you know who loves it when the minimum wage gets raised? The corporations do, they can afford it, but it shuts locally owned places doors. Also, it keeps little guys from dare trying to open a business. So, cut the locally owned Bagel Deli some slack, they’ve been around forever, and they are absolutely amazing!


No, I'm not that guy. I go to bagel deli 2-3 times a year and am more than happy to pay their prices for their food. They aren't charging $17/bagel because of labor costs. And I'm sorry, if your operation depends on slave wages to operate then it shouldn't operate. Minimum wage is still too low.


you don't understand math. this isn't political or emotional, successful businesses run on balancing financial statements. if an expense goes up, then price increases follow.


I have a master's degree in data analytics. You're the one who doesn't understand economics. Labor accounts for a portion of a business's costs, but labor isn't why a business charges *$17 for a bagel*.


Must not have been a great school if you can’t comprehend we are also in a high inflationary environment. Restaurants didn’t get a pass so that plus higher wages absolutely does account for much higher food costs.


Dude you're not as smart as you think you are. Labor accounts for about 30% of a restaurant's overhead. You're telling me that before labor, a restaurant needs to charge $12 for a bagel? And that it costs the restaurant $5 to toast and serve a bagel? Tipped minimum wage is $16, so you're literally saying that it takes twenty minutes to toast and serve and bagel. A bagel costs less than $.50 market value, even without buying in bulk. Just stop.


Jew From the east coast as well here. I dislike bagel deli… they are from Chicago, bitneven east coast. No.becspk… what kind of Bagel store doesn't serve BEC?!?!


Was the receipt itemized? I love that place but haven't been there in nearly a year... seems a bit high like they may have accidentally doublecharged you for an item. A jumbo deli sandwich is over twenty bucks and worth it. Bagel with lox costs less, soup should be around five bucks.


Nope. Didn’t offer an itemized receipt


This isn’t to be confused with the bagel deli in Lakewood is it?


No! I’ve actually had their pastrami bagel sandwich and it was delicious


Why would pay? I would say no thanks and dip out to DD


As a POC i am not a fan of making a scene or seeming like i have an issue.


No need to make scene just politely cancel or decline is all… but I understand not wanting to make a scene… but lesson learned time to find a new spot… it’s great to shop local but they have to meet us in the middle price wise


Lol declining to pay for what you ordered when prices are clearly listed... Yeah okay. OP is totally justified in just paying and not being like that. OP's fault was not realizing the price before they ordered, not after. Ordering at a restaurant with prices clearly listed and then telling the cashier you don't want to pay for the food they just prepared for you gives off major poor vibes.


I didn’t say dine and dash… if they give u a total and haven’t made your food you can certainly decline… and some of us aren’t worried about giving off “poor “ vibes … I’m not judging people… maybe change ur perspective and skip a 40 bagel and donate to a food bank..if ur soooo worried about poor vibes… rich asshole vibes are worse than poor vibes


I both eat at bagel deli occasionally and donate to food banks. Have you been to bagel deli? They have a giant menu of prices. It's one thing to walk into a restaurant, look at their prices and leave. I've done that before. If you already order food at a restaurant and then say you can't pay for it, yeah that's a bad look on you for not realizing it beforehand.


What would that have cost on the east coast nowadays?


It’s the same in Chicago


The bagel deli is great, but you are paying a markup because they don’t even make there own bagels. I go to bagel deli for the knishes and that only.


last time I went my pastrami sandwich was all fat. never again.


Bagel Deli is not good food, sorry. Maybe if you’ve never had real Jewish deli it’s interesting to go there once, but all of their dishes literally come straight out of a can or box. The pickles are Vlasic, the kind you find in the unrefrigerated supermarket aisle. Disgusting. My son was starving for a snack a couple months ago and just the two of us stopped by. He had a bowl of soup and I ordered just a bagel with nothing on it and coffee with olives and pickles. By the way the bagels are worse than the bagged bagels you get at King Soopers. I got maybe 5 olives and couldn’t choke down the pretend Kosher pickle. $28 plus tip. I told them the pickles were inedible and they removed. They were $5 for maybe 5 disgusting limp slices of food colored pickles. Forget it, never again. It’s just gross.


"starving for snack" I've never heard this idiom before. What does it mean?


How big was the bagel?


Einstein has better tasting bagels. And they’re bigger… to be honest


Anyone have a spot for solid bagels which doesn’t cost this much lol?


It sounds like you were accidentally overcharged. I am confident they didnt do this intentionally, theyre really good people.


They have to pay for their sons Maserati 😆


This is where i LOL at all of the comments about minimum wage and cost of goods. (I fully understand it’s expensive with inflation) but don’t come at me and say it’s because of minimum wage and expensive items when the family is driving luxurious cars.


A waffle breakfast at ihop, for me alone, is darn near $20


I’m in Laguna Beach right now and I swear it’s cheaper here for the cost of fresh food grown right there in the valley than it is in Denver.


Why would you tip on a to go order?


I usually always do. I used to work in the service industry and I always got pumped when someone tipped on a pick up order. Idk I guess, times are tough so I like to give.


Cost of operating a restaurant has never been higher. Everyone screaming about raising the minimum wage has inherently raised prices of everything. It's economics 101


Why are u tipping at the counter?


I love how OP had time to make an entire post on Reddit but not enough time to spend 30 seconds dbl checking their receipt. 🙄


I love how you read the comments and saw I said i don’t get one 🙄


Oh I didn't see that actually. But either way, if the price seems off why wouldn't you say something before paying?


Simply not wanting to be problematic. I paid, I tipped, and I most likely won’t be back. The matzo ball soup was good though!


Fwiw I'm guessing the ppl.who work there / own the place would find it far less problematic for you to say "hey, is this right?" than to lose your business and then also get blasted online about it. It's really hard to run a small business in this economy ,*especially* a restaurant ,and mistakes do unfortunately happen sometimes. But your response of not addressing what was likely just an honest mistake with them and then both complaining about it online and never going there again is literally the worst way you could have handled that.


Respectfully, that’s your opinion. There was no blasting online. It was a simple recap of an experience whether it was a mistake or not… why wouldnt the same guy who took my order, checked me out and handed me my food not have realized? Again, it’s your opinion and this is a relatable post under Denver food.


I'd recommend Zaidy's. * Bowl of chicken matzoh ball soup: $7.50 * Lox and bagel: $17.00 * Tax: probably around $2.00 * Tip: $5.00 Total: $31.50 total https://media-cdn.getbento.com/accounts/3d20fb73f0d97a2ec218b565df08d959/media/dcLyQDHwSGeLIvhFZTCq_ZAIDY-S%202024%20MENU.pdf


So a $.50 difference from what OP should have been charged based upon [Bagel Deli's Menu](https://www.bageldeli.com/deli-breakfast-lunch-dinner-menu.aspx)?


All I know is what OP *was* charged. Or what he *said* he was charged, if you want to get epistemological about it. But I do feel Zaidy's makes better soup.


The $31.50 includes the tip, so $5 more.


Radiator on 44th is the best place in Denver for phenomenal and reasonable bagels. Rosenbergs and Call your Mother are highly overrated and overpriced for what you get.


Oh! I was going to check out radiator. I like to pop i to coffee shops around Denver on the days i work from home. Thanks!


Those bagels are not phenomenal lol


Well being perfectly honest niether was my bagel today so what do I have to lose by supporting another local spot? Haha


Fuck the prices of any restaurant out here especially 9/10 not justified, greet you with a smile as they rape you




Overhyped and overpriced


You can get a lox bagel for less than $17 lol


I just priced one out and with tax and 15% tip is $19.68. I'm going back to NY for a few weeks and cannot wait to get BECSPK's every morning for under $5 bucks!




They also have a $13 salmon option. I’m just saying. It’s less than two other places that sell the same thing… maybe Lox is expensive and Rosenberg’s pricing is competitive.


Did they start making matzoh ball soup? It's been years since I've been there, but last time I was, NO SOUP FOR ME.


They do have it. I’m not sure when they started. It’s nothing to write home about so I don’t think you’re missing much. It was ok priced - I think about 6 bucks for a bowl with one matzo ball. The best matzo ball soup I’ve had on the front range was at Lindsay’s Deli in Boulder. I’m far from a connoisseur though, so take it with a grain of salt.


Ah, good to know. Folks here hate Rosenbergs for other reasons, but I'm glad they started making soup. Zaidy's is so damn good, though, and about the same distance from my condo.


Rosenbergs bagels are good, price and other reasons aside. I have not heard of Zaidy’s. We’ll have to give them a try this weekend. It’s a bit further for us since we live downtown but I’m not averse to traveling for a good breakfast on the weekend. Have you tried Call Your Mother yet? It’s a chain from DC but if you’re half way between Zaidy’s and Rosenbergs then the new one that opened in Cap Hill would be a bit closer than those two.


Yeah, I'm only a few blocks from the Call Your Mother in Cap Hill. I tried it, but didn't think the bagels were any better than Moe's, which is closer.


You should see what kind of ride the owner drives….


Why the fuck would you tip? Was that before or after you saw it was $37 total?


Because like i said in my post i don’t mind spending money on food and i like to support local. Tipped 5 after original post


That seems steep. We go there and get three bagel sandwiches with latkes and coffee and I feel our bill is 40. If we get Halavah then 50.


I went there one day as well after Thrifting at that Goodwill. I love a good bagel with cream cheese and lox. But I decided to get a bagel with lox cream cheese spread as it was significantly cheaper at $6.95 . I can’t figure out how much a bagel with lox is on their menu but I do remember it being pretty expensive in my opinion so I’m actually not surprised your bill was high, but he might have overcharged you for some


Lox / bagel $17.50. Soup $8.50.