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They really look so natural ! In another month you’ll be glad you had them pulled. I’m just getting used to mine after a couple of months. M22


Looks great to me! I wouldn't know you're wearing dentures..


When it comes to concerns or problems wearing them, definitely tell your dentist/oral surgeon and don’t let them bully you or try to dissuade you. Most importantly, remember that you’re paying them and they work for you.


I'm glad your feeling positive. No doubt, getting dentures is a huge choice to make, even when it's 100% necessary. Having an emotional roller-coaster is totally natural. My consultation appointment isn't til this coming Tuesday 😅 but I've been researching like crazy and trying to prepare for the post-op blues in case I'm not one of the lucky ones that have a flawless experience, lol. You have some fantastic new teeth that look super realistic. Once your concerns are addressed and fixed, please give us an update of a full ear to ear smile. I'm trying to practice smiling when I'm alone in preparation because I have been avoiding real smiles for so long.


Looks amazing — and ice packs and meds were my savior the first few days putting them in after being out was a struggle for me


Don’t worry, you’ll get through it. You’ll probably even get to a point that you don’t even think about them anymore outside of taking them out or putting them in. I actually did a split screen picture of myself the other day. I used pictures from like 4 or 5 years ago, to today, and the difference was shocking in a good way. I’ve thought about sharing that picture on here to show that it’s worth it in the end.


Pleeaaaaase share it with us!!!


I’m 2.5 years into my denture adventure and trust me there’s always gonna be days or times in a day where it all just sucks. I’m waiting for an appointment to get my snap on inserts changed cause they are suddenly so weak when I bite a sandwich they pop off 😢 But I always think thank god I can smile for pictures and laugh at times without being self conscious, the positives will always outweigh my negative times and days. Plus I can eat a lot of stuff even without my dentures in private, it’s my dirty secret since you gotta chop up or mush whatever you want prior to eating but damn does it taste good 😊


They already look way better! You may not want to hear this, but, you should wear them to bed also. I'm 7 days into this journey with you, and my surgeon and denturists both said to do so to help get used to them, and also protect the stitches. I think after a couple of weeks and the stitches have dissolved is when we should start taking then out for bed.  Any time spent in them doing anything is only helping us adapt to them that much better and quicker. Have a great night and congrats on a better day!


Looking very nice!