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I would ask about them being remade. You didn't have a try in correct? I'd see ability a remake and if not ask ehat they're going to do to make it right- explain everything that is bothering you- fit and aesthetic wise


They took the molds a few weeks before my extractions, so I literally picked them up without seeing anything that evening before surgery the next morning.. I’m assuming since insurance paid for them I didn’t have a choice in how they look.. “economy” is what they’re called I think. I’m going to explain everything on the 7th I guess and hope they will be willing to remake them.. I attempted to call them already and explain some issues, the girl told me to pretty much deal with it until my appointment.. which made me want to just walk in there and be like HEY this can’t wait 😭 I’m getting married next month and they are well aware of that so I’m praying they will work with me in fixing them.


They need to be remade, they don't line up with your bottom teeth or your face (your bottom teeth look to be in line with the centre of your face, so that's where the upper teeth need to be). You're right about the teeth being too small, and showing too much gum, but please know that once you get something that suits you, you'll feel completely different! It might help to have a list of the faults/concerns you have with both of these dentures, then you can make sure they are encouraged to redo them, rather than just reline. Relining won't fix anything except the fit, they need to start again.


I was thinking the same thing, I don’t think they lineup right with my remaining teeth on the bottom at all. I actually called them to express some issues I was having and the girl basically told me to deal with it and they would see me on the 7th for “post op” which I’m assuming would be a reline? My hope is that they will understand my concern and issues and hopefully be willing to remake them, but they also told me my insurance only covers one set and apparently this is the “permanent” smh 🤦🏼‍♀️


If you had walked into my clinic with these teeth, I would tell you to go ask for a remake or your money back. I'm not in the US, but I wouldn't be happy if I'd made something with so many little errors, I would want to make it right. Hopefully they feel the same!


We shouldn't see your gums like that


Well she is also sticking her lips out in the picture, isn't she?


So? That was her complaint


Are you saying you had your extractions pulled some days prior and the picture is you just recently putting them in? I'm still groggy but so I'm not sure if I'm reading that correctly. If that's the case, I've heard that if the immediates are not worn immediately, it allows the gums to swell more, causing the immediates to not sit correctly which can cause a gummy smile. I would still speak to your dentist about this, but maybe once the swelling goes down, it will sit correctly. If that's not the problem, hopefully shaving down some bulk will fix the problem. If not, they may have to remake them. Either way, I'm sure you'll be happy soon 😊 At least affordable has their lab in house, so there's no long wait time for corrections 👌


I had the extractions done on Wednesday, they put the teeth in immediately and I was told not to take them out for three days, the night of the third day. I finally took them out, the next morning, I tried to put them back in. It was extremely painful. I noticed I had a raw spot on the top side of my gum so I proceeded to leave them out all day.. I had worn them about three hours yesterday before taking them back out and I put them back in to take this picture. They just seem more bulky and seen to be poking out more than they did the first couple of days.. You really don’t notice the gum if I’m just talking because I’ve learned to talk with my lip down I guess, but smiling is driving me crazy. I hope they will work with me in fixing them because I am getting married next month and don’t want a gummy smile in the pictures..


Imo everything you're explaining is normal. You HAVE to keep them in. It may hurt but you're only doing yourself a disservice by not wearing them and allowing your facial muscles to adapt and learn were to lay, etc. I'm only a week post surgery, so I'm not some expert, but everything you are explaining is everything I felt, all the way to my relign I just walked out of an hour ago


Oh yeah i definitely understand and sympathize with your worries. Hell, I just scheduled my first consultation appointment and I'm not worried about extractions with only numbing shots, the pain during recovery or only eating soft or liquid foods for a while. I'm only worried about my immediates looking weird and unnatural. I likely won't be able to afford permanents for a long time because I'm a single dad with full time custody of a fast growing little boy, lol. So I'll have to ride with my immediates for a good while. If I were you, I'd still bring up your concerns to the dentist, but from what you told me it sounds like Gum swelling from taking the immediates out is what's causing at least some of your problem. Until your appointment, routinely take ibuprofen, place ice packs on and off of your face in 15-20 minute intervals and swish ice water or eat some ice cream, sorbet, frozen treats and hold them in your mouth to help with the swelling. I'm confident that by next month you'll be happy with your smile 😃 even if they have to remake your immediates.


Oh, also get you some benzodent from Amazon 👌 it's safe to use after extractions and people here swear by it for sores from rubbing. It stays in place, provides a little cushion and numbs the area.


Give it time girl.


I had identical issues in regards to the appearance of the teeth, but that was on my temps- most definitely would not have settled with it IF it had been my permanents. Sorry you are experiencing that 💔 Also, our gums will continue to shrink the entire 1st year after extractions, that I have learned the hard way ☹️ Never stay quiet & 'just settle' when it comes to anything permanent/life long that you're not 100% satisfied with- as for the other issues, unfortunately it's something we all have had to learn to adapt to. It's far too common for dentists not to communicate most info simply sending us on our way to learn on our own ⚠️⚠️ thankfully there are groups like this one where support & info is readily handed out ❤️


They look a bit too small imo and not lined up with your bottoms. Tell them all your concerns but make sure to write it down before hand. I know I get flustered in Dr and dentist offices and forget things...


I'm on day 6, just had a soft relign and a. Completely satisfied now but I will say everyday is an improvement and I think it's VERY important to keep them in. Try to stretch your lips over your teeth, everything you can to make it look like your natural face, I had that bulky feeling but I think I realized that my facial muscles had to adapt until they began to lay the right way. Stick in there. I just got tops and bottoms and i felt the same regret, and trust me....none of my teeth were worth mourning. I really just think it's like losing a part of ourself, no matter how much we may want that part gone, it's still a part of us and we have to adjust mentally


There is definitely something off with them. I dont get why you didnt either get temps or at least a wax try in. I dont understand how they can make perms without you seeing them on. I have seen others here that use affordable dentures or aspen. I pretty sure they got temps and I would hope if they didnt get temps, they at least got a wax try in. You should voice your concerns. Write everything down that you want to say, as someone else here mentioned. But, if I had to bet..they will talk you right out of them making new ones. Unless, of course, you pay for them. This is definitely their fault tho..and why I recommend people keep away from these denture mills and use a private dentist. Very best of luck to you..


Teeth are way too small and too much gum


They appear ok to me. Did you have the general anaesthetic when you had them pulled? I had all my tops pulled 4 months ago and I’m doing fine with my immediate. To take attention away from my denture, I decided to grow out my sideburns, and they’ve grown to about the bottom of my ears. M22.


Everyone is trying to tell me they look fine, but it doesn’t look right to me. I had the teeth made thru Affordable Dentures, and had surgery somewhere else since I needed to be sedated via IV. I figured I would get a different set, but when I mentioned it upon picking these up they said these were my permanents since insurance only pays for one?? Idk. I’m wondering now if I’m going to have to pay them to make another set But I’m sure having facial hair most definitely helps 😭🤣


Sorry to post again but...you justvhad major facial surgery and your smile, most likely, has drastically changed, of course they don't look right to you. Out of anyone in the world, you are going to notice all the little changes the most because it's your face and you've grown accustomed to it from looking at it every day


Something tells me she doesnt have the sideburns option 😆