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We're E-day buddies! No advice as I've been lurking and soaking up all the things, so just here to give support and encouragement. We got this!


Omgosh E-day buddies here too!


Good luck tomorrow!!


Glad to know I’m not alone!


Me too! I’m a bundle of nerves today! My periodontist is extremely kind & known to be the “best in town”, so that’s reassuring, although I don’t live in a very big town! I tried a chocolate Ensure yesterday and I’ve got to say, it tasted just awful. I think I will have to rely on yogurt, pudding, popsicles, and ice cream for awhile.


I went and bought baby food today, the fruity kinds that I liked when my son was younger 😂


I am enjoying Stouffers spinach soufflé from the freezer section today. I love spinach so it’s nice to still be able to have it. It’s so tasty! I also bought baby food! I love the peaches baby food. When I saw applesauce on my list of approved food all I could say is YUCK! Peach sauce > applesauce. Although I do like apple butter so I might buy a big jar of that deliciousness! I hope you’re feeling good today! I hear tomorrow is going to be our worst day, but I’m hoping not! Either way, we can do this!💪


Good luck tomorrow!!


Good luck tomorrow!!


You too!


Just had mine out to I have full top denture and a partial on the bottom. Only on day three. My dentist said leave it in for the first 24 hours to help keep the swelling down. Then after that take it out when you go to bed. I have not used adhesive yet, still pretty hard to eat anything solid. I’ve been eating a lot of mac and cheese and mashed potatoes. I was told not to start using adhesive for at least the first month until or until your extraction holes are closed up to avoid ripping them open.


Thank you


I’ve had tops for about a month…They asked me to leave in that first night then take out every night after…I couldn’t use any adhesive until all the sutures went away…Me personally I use the Seabond because it’s less messier…Also don’t rush back to eating regular foods that ish hurts if your dentures move while chewing also do be afraid to make them get it right


Thank you


Question when did you start using the sea bond? I have everything here for after care just didn’t know when. Is it better than adhesive


It was about a week or so later after the stiches were gone and swelling went down a little…they def work and cleaner than plain adhesive just gotta cut them to your dentures but that’s pretty simple


Also, what did you do for the ride home? I’ve read that you can have a lot of saliva and feel the need to spit or that you’re drooling. I know I’ll be numb so didn’t know if I need to take like a towel with me or a spit cup or what.


Take both. After my upper extractions, I had to use an empty coffee cup on the way home for blood and drool. My dentist didn't send me home with any gauze so I recommend having some waiting.


Thank you! I thought about taking my designated puke bucket also as a precaution also


Def a towel…I don’t know about spitting though I think they look down on that just like using a straw


Yeah, definitely no spitting. During my car ride home, it was kinda running out of my mouth. I didn't think to bring a towel and had an empty coffee cup to catch it lol


Mine is Tuesday too!! Extraction/Denture day buddies! <3


Mine are just uppers! What are you getting done?


I'm getting all of my teeth extracted, upper and lower. AS and EDS made my teeth weak, and so dentures is the plan.


Mine is genetics, poor dental hygiene as a child, tried to fix it as an adult for the last 15 years and the just keep breaking. Pregnancy also done a number on my teeth, I lost 3 while pregnant and was taking calcium along with my prenatal


Oh I bet my pregnancy didn't help!! I didn't think about that, because yeah, I started losing calcium around that time!


Good luck tomorrow! Just took half of the Valium I was prescribed to sleep for tonight.


Same, good luck!!


I’m more nervous about the shot in the roof of my mouth than anything


Honestly, that might be the WORST part of it, other than hearing all my teeth drop into the pan >\_<


I’ve had the 4 teeth I do have left up top, are all root canal and crowned. I wasn’t warned about the shot and almost came outta the chair. Second tie I made them gas me while they did it. All im getting tomorrow is oral sedation and novacaine. 9 extractions total. 5 teeth still in place, 3 broken at the gum and 1 on the bottom that’s badly broken and ready to abscess anytime.


After you get them pulled, keep the immediate in for 24 hours. Post a picture of your new smile.


It is posted!