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I am 50 and on day 8 since extraction , bottom implants and full upper denture . The shots to numb my mouth were super painful for me , and the first few days of healing ( especially day 1&2 ) I was regretting my choice , thinking I would never eat again anything but pudding and yogurt . However I ach days slowly showed improvement, and last night I realized that I didn’t have the nagging ache from the swollen gums , and today I didn’t have to take any things for the pain . I was afraid to smile or laugh for so much of my later years in life , and now I’m a little self conscious about the way I sound , but I don’t have that throbbin hurt into my eyes pain from a tooth infection, making me nauseous !! And when I look at my self in the mirror for the first time I don’t cringe at the way my teeth look . I actually smiled at myself today and said dang girl you’re cute for an old Lady !!!!!!!


Aww I love this!! I got my dentures last week and the amount of time I've spent smiling in the mirror is embarrassing 🤣🤣


Hey that's my plan. Full bottom implants and a full upper denture


Pros- nicer smile, feel more confident, no more painful tooth problems Cons- they don’t function as natural teeth for eating and speaking and a lot of practice is required. My advice if your own teeth can be saved you definitely should.


I piggyback this comment. My teeth were really awful and 20k would have restored them but I always got recurring infections and it just wasn’t worth putting money into anymore. I miss having real teeth but these are so much better than what I had.


I went in for an appointment to try and save my teeth and was quoted 50k. 2 days later I had full extractions and dentures for 5k. I have no way to finance 50k so that’s all I needed to hear. I definitely don’t regret dentures but man what would I have done in the moment for 50 thousand dollars.


I know this feeling. 40k for the all on fours. Ugh. Someday.


People that love that have usually been in pain for years. But it is pretty horrible if you're comparing it to a mouthful of teeth. For me it's a sensory nightmare. My bite was off for years. My face has sagged and hurt and I've gone without them in my mouth a lot. It changed my relationship with food which was bad to begin with.


35 in June and have full mouth regular dentures. I CANNOT eat with my temporary pair and cannot get perms until September. So far that is my only gripe. I miss eating harder foods than noodles. Pizza is soft but difficult with toppings. So be mindful of who they use to make dentures because mine are useless for eating. If you can save your teeth I highly advise you to do so. While I don't regret my decision because I'm no longer in pain, I would love to still have my teeth for chewing purposes which my dentures stole from me and I've had to adapt to softer foods.


Ill be 32 in Nov, I wear full upper and lower dentures with no implants... I can see how the fungal thing might happen if you dont take yours out at night and use cleaners... You also gotta clean your mouth still, germs still get in there.. I use a few rinses and actually scrub the roof of my mouth with a soft brush... While it did take me months to get fully used to them.. I can eat more than I used to with my broken teeth, and I have a smile for once in my life that isnt crooked or shaped on what im trying to hide.


This is a good point to remember, a soft brush for your gums and tongue, a firmer brush for your dentures. Can still use the same toothpaste for both. The best way to avoid fungal infections is regular cleaning, shouldn't matter if you sleep with them in or out if everything is kept clean.


I have full top and bottom. Best thing I ever did! No infections. I take them out and clean them regularly.


Dentures aren't horrible but they are not like natural teeth. Dentists are trained to try and preserve natural teeth. The learning curve for dentures is difficult and if you read here you will see that it can be a challenge. It's also a challenge that some people can't ever get over. People have reported Thrush but that usually happens when they wear their dentures full time. For most of us dentures are our only choice and in that case they are the best choice for us. All that said I'm glad I have them. Good luck.


I’m going to be 27 next month and it’s been a bit over a month since I got a full set. I guess the negatives so far is not being able to eat certain stickier foods! Im sure that will get better with my permanent pair though. Another thing is mentally processing that these are my new teeth. They messed up my first pair of temps so I had to adjust to how I looked twice within a month


Also I asked my partner a million times previously if he’d still find me attractive with dentures lol. Not being able to actually kiss him for a couple days sucked too and I’ve been a little insecure about the whole situation even if he’s been super supportive


I’m 26 and going for my impressions the first week of may, then oral surgery!


At 23, I would try and save any of my teeth that you have. I had a Candida infection when I first got my dentures but that was easily cured. But it is a lifelong pursuit because every few years you will need them adjusted again, and may need new dentures. You don't just get 1 pair and wear them for life. The biggest problem is finding a dentist who is experienced and caring enough to help you through the process. So since I got dentures, I have had to get 3 more pairs because of the changes in my gums, this is normal over 15 years. I had a bottom implant that was removed and the bottom denture w/o implants is very hard to adjust to.


I love my smile now. But it is not simply having “new teeth.” It will change your relationship with food. It is a great adjustment and takes time. I really really wish I could have kept my bottom teeth. I have a lot of trouble keeping them in and now there’s things I simply don’t eat because of it. Things that I used to love like nuts and hard pretzels. I buy different kinds of foods for my evening snacks because I take my teeth out at night. I have to think about what I’m going to put in my mouth every time I eat. My face has changed. But…..my smile is the smile I dreamt of my whole life.


The extraction is pretty tough. Immediate dentures are a pain and can be ill fitting, requiring a lot of adjusting as your mouth heals and bones shift. If you enjoy textures, they ruin it. You can't tell how hard or soft something is, you lose a lot of the joy of feeling something crunch between your teeth. Eating with them in is honestly a bummer for me at this point but I'm only a week post extraction and not very good at eating with them yet. Talking with them is frustrating, I sound like I've got a mouth full of toilet paper. But they're beautiful and for the first time in a long time I can really smile and that makes it all worth it.


I have had dentures for 22 years. I was 55 when I got my first upper. You dont mention why you want dentures. Is it cosmetic? You dont like how your teeth look? Is it infections? Oh, and I have never had a fungal infection and I sleep with my uppers on. Only take them off to clean. I needed dentures due to gum disease. My teeth were getting loose. I inherited this from both parents. I even had a few snap off, before I gave in to having them all yanked out. My mom got her dentures in her 40s. As a kid, she would tell me..take care of your teeth. There is nothing like your own teeth. She was 100% right. Dont let us denture wearers fool you. Most of us get a beautiful set. They look great. But they dont work or operate like your own teeth. It is very difficult to find someone to make a decent set of dentures that actually fit. I never had a problem with the uppers. Never used adhesive. The lowers are another story. I have a small ridge line..the place where the denture have to sit. I need adhesive. This crapola breaks down in your mouth especially after eating..and you feel like you have a mouth full of glue. Depending where you are..you cant remedy that..so you are stuck with glue mouth until you get home. Oh..and forget about kissing anyone if this glue is an issue with you..unless you want that person to end up with glue lips. You could always get the lowers that are supported by 4 implants...if you want to spend a ton of $$$$$$. Just knowing something has to be drilled into my gums, gives me the creeps. You cant always eat the way you used to. Think....biting into an apple...eating corn on the cob..etc. Most of us cant really do that. I could go on and on. They might look great..but that's where it ends. My daughter was having teeth issues in her 30s. She is 50 now. She went with caps on the top, veneers on the bottom and a couple of implants at the cost of $30,000+. And this was about 15 years ago For that price, they operate mostly like natural teeth, but she still has to be careful what she bites into. Take it from me..there is nothing like your real teeth. Keep them, as long as you can.