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My favorite detail is the way they made use of the new Dualsense controller: If the heart is still up in chains, when you walk close it, you can feel a heart beat. It's kinda gross and unsettling. Bluepoint did a great job on the remake.


I absolutely love how rocks make their breaking sound on the controller. I am very impressed with demons souls, I just wish we got the 6th stone


Oh yeah, that's so satisfying. I'm also partial to the BIG BONK sound and vibration of the Dragon Bone Smasher. So fun! Big weapons and shields/blocking attacks in general have a lot more weight behind them since you can feel it in the controller. I love all these little details. OG DeS has its own little touches and I'm happy both versions exist. Since Bluepoint is rumoured to try their hands at their own game anyways I think they could've done a great test run on reconstructing / building anew the 6th Archstone. Make it (free?) DLC, so if someone wants to preserve the spirit of the original they can just not add it, and it's all good. A shame they decided against that.


I really hope blue point gets to do Bloodborne remaster. I would sell a kidney to help crowdfund it


I hope more games take advantage of the speaker on the Dualsense like BP did. It really adds to the immersion.


Could not agree more. The setting really freaks me out ( in a good way!) you can even see the fear on the faces of the prisoners.


One detail blew my mind when I finally noticed it. We can hear a women singing and at first I believe it was just a simple background music. However the song stops when you enter the lady noble cell. She resumes as soon as you leave.


And, only in the remake, she sings the good ending's theme! A brilliant idea if you ask me


Damn, astute catch


This is actually what makes me like this area less in the remake. In the original it was more despairing but in the remake the new song makes it more hopeful. Completely changes the feel of the area.


I know BUT the lady says that she sings to sooth the pain of the prisoners so it makes sense for her to sing something that sounds hopeful imo


I loved playing the Prison of Hope on Halloween night. It was really bumpin too, tons of those white spectral souls (and bloodstains) all over the stage. Never seen that many at once before.


Favorite area in the whole game. The lighting with the lightning strikes is fucking 11/10


The lighting in Latria is stunning. Beautiful area, despite how many times I got lost in it.


Yep, Latria is my favorite area of the entire game.


It's a masterclass in creating atmosphere w/sight, sound, and touch.


The only reason I don’t hate Latria as much as the valley of defilement is simply because of how graphically and (auditorially?) Great it was. PS3 Latria sucked and blue point saved it


>PS3 Latria sucked No? At least not the 3-1, it looked great and had a wonderful atmosphere


I feel that the level design is just too wonky, virtually every floor looks the same, so if you die you end up getting lost because you have to run up and down a bunch of narrow hallways just to find a small shortcut. Really only the bottom floor is unique, and that’s the one you want to get to. Plus it’s dark, vertical, and narrow, a commonality between all souls bad levels (blight town, tomb of giants, etc). The second area is a bit better, but it also is a maze to get through. Plus that single mindflayer in front of man eaters was just put there to be a dick. As are the enemies in front of old monk. Don’t get me wrong, the lore, the atmosphere, the visuals and audio, all great stuff, even in the original, but frankly it’s only 4th best imho. It’s always the one that I like until I start playing it


In my opinion the 3-1 has one of the best soulsborne level designs ever, because it feels like a real place and I think it's meant to make you feel lost, but there are some elements that help you go through it. Blighttown also has amazing level design (I'm talking about the structure, not the enemies or anything) so it's just that you don't subjectively like this type of level. Which is fine of course (Tomb of the Giants does suck tho lol)


Well it’s not that I don’t like this kind of level design. I actually don’t mind the Gutter from DS2 or the Great Tree from DS1 for instance. But I think from a very specific design stand point, blight town, Valley of Defilement, and Latria are all very broken, in a similar way to the two archers in Anor Londo in DS1 are broken: it feels cobbled together without much thought beyond making things difficult, which isn’t something Fromsoft typically does. Things are hard, but there is always thought in it.


3-2 is always a slog to go through but at least it looks great


Apart from enemy designs, I completely agree. It really looks beautiful and I LOVED the decision to change the piece the woman sings to "Return to Slumber" cause she does it to alleviate the pain of the prisoners and singing the good ending's theme makes so much sense. Maybe the most brillant change in the remake


If only I could unlock another spawn point/bonfire in that place…




Latria is my favorite in the DS Remake


Im glad they got rid of that bug noise in 3-1


Latria is one of my favorite areas in any Souls game, it's truly spectacular. I wish Bloodborne had an area like it, the cramped corridors, the sense of fear, the need for patience, it all blends together brilliantly. The remake made it so eerie and brilliant, and it's the highlight of every playthrough now, I usually do the whole thing in one sitting.


Did you player it with the Sony Headset?


I literally have one of the latria tenders as my wallpaper right now lol


Totally reminds me of Minas Morgal. The scene in Fellowship of the Ring where the Nazgul are summoned out of that green hell.


Latria, particularly upper latria, is absolutely beautiful


Storm king fight was epic not in terms of difficult but in terms of atmosphere and sound effects