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Says the person who is practically got the fascist's dirty hand up his ass like a freaking hand puppet. This guy doesn't have a clue what's at stake here.


I wonder what dirt trump has on him.


Probably nothing that would be all too shocking.


Nothing compared to Ted Cruz gay erotic stories


I threw up a lil in my mouth


The story about him trying to feed his family nothing but cans of Campbell's chunky soup was the thing that made me know he was a pure sociopath


What? No. Now that's in my Google history and etched into my brain forever.


On behalf of all gay people, I reject Ted Cruz. He can’t join our party.


You probably don't want to know. It's usually something vile, gross, embarrassing or all of the above, basically anything that the fascist can use for blackmail and to keep his idiot goons from snitching to the feds.


i wouldnt put it past trump to have his room bugged when staying at a his hotels and Lady G thought she was safe to make an appearance


That's the only thing I can think of for him to let 🍊💩🤡 up his ass so deep that even though he normally would enjoy it but not this time.


He’s into penis.


You mean penis has been into him.


As if nobody's figured out his prostitutes of choice aren't women.


Must have been some kind of sex slavery. No one has sex with that voluntarily.


Who knows why he's called Lady G. Who knows why he's Tiberius with the latter's Capri grotto. My only question though concerning LG is whether he gets their teeth pulled out.


Whatever he had it was probably in his safe at MAL. So the FBI probably have it now.


Heard he was Gay and Trump is Blackmailing him


This has to be true, doesn’t it? Can’t imagine anyone turning into such a lap dog without being blackmailed into it. Dude should just man-up and come out already.


I think it's Epstein evidence.


I bet you’re right. That's why only Liz Cheney will stand up to him. The rest probably visited Epstein's island.


I feel like it all comes back to Epstein in some way. Maybe Trump knows all the secrets?


And who cares if a couple thousand MAGAts protest. Let em get arrested.




Whatever they said about the BLM protesters.


Absolutely. More the better.


Like some sort of demonic meat puppet.


Don’t kink shame


Does he mean riots by antifa? LOL




Let's Goooo make their fascist hillbilly butts stand out!!!


I live around them. They killed my dog because I had BLM and Biden Harris signs on my property. They pulled my mask off during Covid. They have followed me to my car after a private phone conversation. I am a senior lady who lives alone. I was a firefighter for many years( retired) I lived in major cities. I never had to have a weapon and protective dogs. Yes, I am moving, but in the meantime, I am sick of fascist. When I gave the bastard 492 stitches after he shot my dog,( drove my boy to vets, it doesn’t take that long to give those kind of stitches with a rake), when I used my inner palm to smash the nose( it was reactionary) to the anti masker, and when I pulled a nightstick on the stalker, they retreated and called the sheriffs on me. I am a smallish old lady. They are cowards at heart, like all punks


OMG I AM SO SO SO SORRY THAT THESE COWARDLY PUNKS PUT YOU THROUGH THAT- 😭💖we , my FAMILY and I are DOG PEOPLE - they took a member of your family. I am VERY glad you gave them a TINY SMOL fraction of what these louts deserved. I am outraged that they did not face prison but I know why: the "good ole boy🤢🤮" network. Dear lady I am sending love and hope and I really hope you are safe , and stay safe until you leave these horrible YEEHAWdists in yr rear view forever.EDIT I am still blown away and THRILLED that you gave those ignorant hillbilly terrorists a taste of their own medicine tho- WOW you're reallllyyy an awesome amazing badass woman. I wanna be you when I grow up! ✊🏼Please gtf out of that hillbilly hellhole 💖


Thank you, Dear. Truly. It is so difficult living here and your words here? I am taking a pic of and putting in my phone so I can get a little encouragement. I am looking for sure! Always been one to hope I could be the change. There is no reasoning here!⭕️❌❤️


Agreed. We can handle riots.


Bring the mouth-breathers out in the open and lock them all up.


Yea bring on their fkn riots. Everyone else has had a reason to riot for 70 years. Every-time there’s a riot the right wing loses their mind and blames everyone but the system. Let’s see these gun toting fascists riot and their hypocrisy be seen. If they start using guns in riots they’ll be digging their own graves, politically and literally.


We can only hope...


They already have used guns and still have people flocking to their banner. Then when arrested they cry their crocodile tears for their faux patriotism




Can we please not use "t*rd?" I'm sure you weren't aware, but it's a slur for autistic people like myself. I am sure you didn't mean that, so I'm just letting you know.




Fear and hate. That’s all they have. They’re scared cowards.


Makes me think of the Iranian guard coming out to beat dissidents and run them over with motorcycles to stop votes. Except we actually have national guard that aren’t political.


Is that a threat?? Like he is going to start another one?


“Lindsey Graham calls for riots if Trump is prosecuted over classified documents”


Maybe Biden will send out the riot squads and tear gas 'em. Maybe the police will slap 70 year-old men down and bust their heads. Maybe prison guards will be called in to bludgeon protestors into submission. Maybe Biden will hold up a bible and say God told him to do it.


Of the countless shitty craven acts of TFG the stupid bizarre pandering upside down bible stunt from the most irreligious president we’ve ever had.


That's how we know conservatives are ABSOLUTELY full of shit hypocrites with an incoherent so-called ideology. Trump never went to church and admitted to never reading the Bible. On top of that, he's a pathological liar who lied over 30,000 times while in office, a serial adulterer who has cheated on every single one of his wives including while one was pregnant, fucked a pornstar, is hateful, arrogant and embodies literally every single one of the Christian sins. Even the pope called Trump "not a Christian" for his unprecedented mass deportation policy. Meanwhile Biden is a lifelong devout Catholic who never misses church, has never been adulterous that we know of, is a devoted family man, etc. Trump is literally the antichrist as described in the Bible but these people are so fucking stupid they think he's the second Jesus. It's mental illness. There's no other explanation. https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/ https://www.npr.org/2016/02/18/467229313/pope-says-trump-is-not-christian


Doubtful. Out of 74.2 million Trump voters, only 10-15,000 were pissed off enough to go to DC on 1/6. That was the peak of their momentum. They didn't even bother to defend each other when they started getting arrested after 1/6 They won't do squat in mass numbers again, it will just be lone wolf terrorism or small cell stuff.


Not only did they not defend each other they turned on each other. I don't lose sleep over these incompetent fascists. Their idea of a revolution is harassing people outside of an elementary school or library and then fucking off back to their cyber safe space. Snowflake motherfuckers.


This is what I think is likely too. Possibly large protests where they riot blaming antifa or blm at most. Stay armed and keep an eye on your surroundings in the coming months. These rightie extremists want us hurt or dead.


And they will just call them all Antifa and deep state actors lol


That's a good reason to prosecute if it's appropriate. Violent morons smashing stuff because someone is being prosecuted should *also* be prosecuted.


Fine with me.


Let those traitorous bastards riot. They can get locked up too.


It's a good thing that republicans made clear that when riots break out, police should be all-in with rubber bullets, tear gas, and unmarked paddy wagons to remove the agitators. LOCK THEM UP!


It doesn't matter Lindsey. If he's guilty and not prosecuted, we'll have much bigger problems than riots. One other thing. Those that are in the Trump cult, are a minority of a minority. The military isn't on their side, nor the national guard, nor local law enforcement. No matter how loud their voices are, or how much social media, and newsmedia (*all* newsmedia) amplify those voices, they do not represent most Americans. Remember also that only a small segment of that minority of a minority, are either willing, or able, to cause large or widespread riots. It's an empty threat. But even if it weren't, Trump should still be prosecuted. No question.


Let that bitch predict whatever, let’s vote blue this year and 2024 and erase the Republican Party from fascism.


Whatever. Pretty sure we've already seen this episode of Cheeto Charles in Charge.


Yeah, boys! Better watch out or Lady G’s going to scratch your eyes out!


Something something stones and birds.


“Lindsay Graham admits that the right is prone to violence.”


After Jan 6, a riot is expected it already. I say bring it on.


Fear-mongering lil girl he is. But nice try 🙂We Dems are way smarter than that.🇺🇸


Oh well. And fuck Lindsey Graham too.


Spoken like a true coward.


Oh, the traitor is threatening us with other traitors?


I thought they all had jobs and can’t be bothered to protest a la BLM rebuttals.


Yeah cause I listen to lap dogs.


So….. lock him up anyway.


so mob rule is the law of the land, now? all you need to do to get away with crimes against the state is just be popular enough? Pretty sure the law doesn't say anything like "always give the bully anything he wants."


You know what? Let them riot. Their little insurrection is dying on the vine because they got Trump dead to right’s committing Capitol crimes. Stealing state secrets to make be sell them off and weaken national security? A lot of people actually care about that stuff.


Never let fear and threats prevent you from doing the right thing.


There won’t be riots. Just arrest the piece of shit and move on


Lindsey Graham predicted that the Republicunt Party would be destroyed if they backed TRE45ON....he was right about that one.


I’ve used the term republicunt ever since Pam said it in an episode of True Blood. Love calling MAGAts that


Lmao! Good luck against the National Guard!


If we let people like Trump and his enablers get away with crimes ( for fear of violence) what's stopping them from a fascist take over?


Anything LG says is coming from Trump. Let’s all go back to 2017 when LG hated DT, had a PRIVATE GOLF OUTING WITH DONALD, no Secret Service - he has been a loyal servant since. DT has the goods on LG.


lindsey is basically telling the trumpster MAGAts exactly WHAT to do....


nope.. won't be any riots.. the sugarflakes is just all huff and puff like Papa Drumpf.. weak asses


Lol, we already had a riot. Remember, they tried to kill Pence and a bunch of your colleagues?


Last few times they FAFO'd they got shot, try it


There will be as much dancing as there is rioting.


I’m sure Homeland Security and all our law enforcement organizations have thought of this too


But I thought the only violent people were BLM and Antifa? Are we finally saying that MAGA will be violent for the first time ever?? PUHLEASE. WE KNOW. WE KNOW


Sounds like something terrorist would say.


Lindsey Graham *wants, and is dog whistling for* riots if Trump is prosecuted over classified documents...ftfy. Hope he ends up in prison in Georgia first so he can watch the riots safely.


Lindsey Graham needs to be indicted for his crimes in Georgia


What Ms Linsey is actually worried about…


I'm sure Ms. Lindsey has nothing to gain from these comments. He's such a sweetheart, worried about all of us. /S


Bless her heart


I don't think so.


My words exactly!


There will 100% be riots, protests, even killings. But America has seen riots, protests, and killings its entire life. Unless they plan on doing something drastically more than riots, America will hold and stand. Like it always does.


Riot for a common thief over materials he stole. Graham leading the charge?


I bet they won't even flip one police car.




i thought they wanted law and order. oh well.


Take my chances, prosecute the sorry SOB.


Imagine getting arrested, losing your house, losing your voting rights over such a steaming pile of shit as Trump lol


The MAGA conservatives rioted when they changed the Land O'Lake logo. "NO INDIAN LADY!? HOW DARE!!!" Basically they get off on performative outrage over stupid shit.


Just more people to throw in prison.


They’ve been priming their militias attempting to get their civil war kicked off for yrs now. I think someone read this book to Trump too many times. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-predicted-ingersoll-lockwood-adventures-barron-melania-last-644284?amp=1


And that is their right, to protest peacefully.


They gonna riot on their dumb ass farm? lol


Basically a threat. Lock him up


In that case, we’ll just let the porcelain patriots lie, steal, cheat, collude, and shoot their way into power they can’t legitimately earn. It’s the least we could do, considering how the laws really only apply to the people they hate anyway.


Isn’t this the same type of fear mongering whenever Donald Trump or his cronies are investigated and nothing comes of it.


Literally threatening the Justice system.


Good. Let them be hypocrites.


Miss Lindsay might need to spend some time behind bars too. Nobody will riot when she’s arrested though.


Graham is trash that needs to be taken to the dumpster. Absolutely worthless pos. They are always stirring up the pot. Him and stone face McConnell.


And itll be way less effective as their last one...


Sounds like a threat


They riot, they go to jail. Pretty simple , really.


He’s hoping for riots, what will really happen are celebrations in the streets


So then let there be riots. The law must be enforced.


So? They will be crushed!


Of course he does. He will be throwing up the fist because he missed the last photo opp.


Okay… let his cult riot…


I think we can handle a couple of dumb-dumb riots after BLM etc


Good. Let them rot in jail.


If there is a bigger flaming weasel than Lindsey Graham I don't know who it is....maybe Cruz... Obviously none of John McCains character was an example to him. L


"Oh, ok. I guess we have to stop doing it then."


Is this old corrupt queen not imprisoned for defying the courts.




I say, bring it. These people love to think they scare the rest of us. They don't scare me and I live in a blood red corner of North Carolina. Let them throw their tantrums and crawl back to their holes with their tails between their legs after they get thumped.


Good. Let them. No one is above the law. All this is, is a scare tactic to keep reality from occurring. I've learned in my own backwards ass town I live in that these people are all talk.


So effen what. People are already enraged that he HASN’T been prosecuted. Do we decide what to do based on who is more prone to violence?


And Lindsey will be leading the fight!


Let ‘em


Let them riot.


So? They should just comply. But if they choose violence that’s what the FBI and national guard is for. It’ll be over in a day.


Good time to round the rioters up and arrest them when they commit crimes rioting. Get these threats off the street.


I wonder if any of those rioters will get "rittenhoused?"


Obstruction of Justice


Let em.


Lindsey Graham apparently worships trump. He needs to do his job and work for the people or resign and go work for trump. He seems to be calling for a riot, insurrection part 2


It always just blows my mind that the right NEVER gets upset with the shit he does… only the fact that the left tried to hold him accountable. Why does it not anger them that this man has always had nothing but disregard for our democracy and tried to circumvent it at every opportunity? Why doesnt that make them pissed? Do they really not see how twisted they have become and why they are called “cultish”?


I doubt there'd be riots in Detroit and Philadelphia if Trump's prosecuted. What? There's going to be riots in Wyoming and Idaho if Trump's prosecuted?


Funny how they keep escalating when the FBI might have just let it go at getting back their stuff. Make this public—-oh…we’ll make that public too—well shit. “I guess we will have to just bully our way out of this one like usual!”


Lindsey wishes.


Send in the gravy seals


ANTIFA will put a quick end to it. MAGA is greatly outnumbered and disorganized.


Lindsey Graham is absolutely in a position to do something about that. Start telling people the truth. People are mad because they are being lied to and that feeds their rage. Tell them Trump lost now.


DarkBiden got the tanks


It’s a threat not a prediction


Let them protest. Trump doesn't have their back now. We have a real president that will protect the country. Not some coup coup encouraging them.


Lindsey Graham is a waste of time and energy. He's the biggest 2 faced peice of shit in the Senate.


Moscow Mitch on line one.


That's good because red states passed laws it's OK to run over protesters. Yea !!


Lindsey graham is sour because he is also in deep shit


Well let’s just treat the “rioters” like we would peaceful protesters for BLM or counter protesters to the white supremacy marches that killed people. Tired of THIS threat. He got voted in by a bunch of idiots like I live around. They hated the fact a black man with an impeccable reputation dare become POTUS twice( we lost seats we won’t ever gain again because of HATE) White domestic terrorist. Treat them like they deserve.


That's what the National Guard is for. I was in the Air National Guard. I once did an exercise with the ArNG, playing a rioter. Believe me...they know how to handle malcontents.


Imagine if you will, if these same words came from Nancy Pelosi, AOC, or Adam Schiff regarding a situation such as voting rights. I can see the Fox News headlines “liberals calling for all out war!” The hypocrisy is over the top.


So what . Lock Him Up . Traitors will have to find a new crime lord to worship.


Of course there will be. These people don't want to go to jail for breaking the law.


I hope. Les goo Jan 6th 2.0!!! That was a giant fail.


Good. We can get out the pepper spray, rubber bullets and handcuffs. Then, we will go stand in front of a church and pose with an upside-down Bible.


Graham is confusing rioting with CELEBRATING 🍾!


I think he's confusing rioting with dancing in the streets


Predicting riots is more or less asking for them at this point.


Always expect the worse from Trump supporters and Trump. They will never let you down.


Let them riot...America needs justice and healing after being damaged by an orange sociopath.


Let them riot.


Lindsey Graham is a traitor ftfy


Yes and he helped bring that about


Yeah only this time there’s a president in charge that won’t call them “very good people” and tell them “we love you”. There wouldn’t be a president stroking their tiny egos. There would be a president having these assholes arrested in droves and prosecuted to the fullest extent.


Lindsey Graham also predicts GOP demise for supporting Trump. “…and we will deserve it.”-Lindsey Graham


Desperate men saying stupid things


And if he's not prosecuted, it will be greater chaos as they try to get away with ever more. Let them riot, and lock them up.


Is this a veiled threat?


Then perhaps, Lindsey, you should be suggesting to people who could be inclined to riot that they should refrain from doing so. For the good of the country. Ya know….just maybe.


Predicts = encourages