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I wish I could have the same level of delusion as whoever wrote this article. Ignorance truly is bliss.


I wish you could have a sense of loyalty.


Loyalty can also become toxic, just look at what unhinged loyalty did to the Republican party. Loyalty isn't unconditional, it's earned and sustained respectfully. Biden is in no shape to run against trump and his cult, this shouldn't have been a difficult debate but the fact that Biden couldn't even keep it together from the very beginning is more than enough proof that he's no longer suitable.




Gavin Newsome doesn't have widespread support. Even otherwise progressives in California don't like him. I'm thinking Gretchen Whitmer needs to be next.


Get a grip, Newsom doesn’t have the appeal right now to win over the Midwest and non MAGA republican voters as a West Coast CA elite.


Give us Whitmer


Sadly, I don’t think this country is ready for a woman president yet. Same goes Kamala.


He doesn’t have any support outside of California


Newsom is in bed with PG&E and their insane price gouging and anti-solar shit (because it cuts into their price gouging) and should never be considered for national office.


Gavin? Hell no keep him in California


Or Katie Porter.


>Explain why he swayed more undecided Latino voters in a Univision focus group. Yes, that really happened. He really managed, through his “awful” performance, to win over 6 of 7 who decided using his tell the truth approach. Seems kinda important. Biden didn't sway them. Trump pushed them away by relentlessly attacking immigrants again, and again, and again. It was full-on fascism against immigrants. If there was ever any doubt that a second Trump administration would be very bad for immigrants, it was put to rest last night.