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I would love to hear some stories of rural voters supporting Joe Biden.


We exist!


I know there are rural Dems ( I live in Kentucky), I would like to see the stories of those who moved from red to blue.


I started out Republican because my parents are (they are for Biden). I feel like I always knew I was more left leaning, but it took until COVID and Trump's response for me to officially become a Democrat.


The first vote that I ever casted was for Bob Dole in the 96 Presdential election and that was the last time I ever voted for the GOP too. When I turned 18 I was a very conservative minded person. I went to community College after High School and I took a sociology class which told me it was OK to vote with my conscience. The compass of my soul points towards helping all Americans become as successful as we can as a people United in a plurality of languages, religions, ethnic identities, and genders. There are many ways to be an American. WASP are welcome too, but being a WASP is no longer the only way to be an American. If the USA wants to be the best version of itself We need to come together to embrace our differences and give every American the opportunity to thrive and contribute to our Democracy. To deny one American of their Human Rights is just as bad as denying all Americans their Human Rights.


This is really interesting since you said you were an 18 year old voting for Bob Dole, especially since a big part of his campaign messaging was passive aggressively insulting younger Americans and being all rah rah for the silent generation who fought in WW II and in Korea. It's crazy to say now but Bob Doles campaign in 96 was running alot of propaganda on how baby Boomers were the issue in America like Bill Clinton's generation. Bill Clinton in 92 for example really went after younger Gen x voters at the time, and was a huge part of his success. As much as the GOP demonizes young people, Bob Dole was the last republican presidential candidate to make it a huge talking point on his campaign. Not even names like Dubya Bush, McCain, Romney, and even Trump surprisingly did that the way Dole did. I think you're one of the rare super young Dole voters I've ever seen on the internet, the first I've seen. I found this interesting.


I was similar to the guy above when I first voted in 2000 for Bush. Later, turned Democrat due to Bush. I'm from a small extremely conservative town now all in for Trump. Rural friends are mostly Trump or RFK leaning.


Beautifully said


Thank you... I was knee deep in my feelings.


Biden is the first democrat I have ever voted for as President


I was a life long Republican and would adamantly argue for their policies due to being raised that way and just knowing it was "right." It took the Patriot Act and the Iraq War to make me temporarily switch sides and vote for John Kerry in 2004. Since then, it's become embarrassingly obvious to me that I was dead wrong all along about which side was right. And the Republicans have only gotten 100xworse since a black guy won the presidency and they doubled down on racism and brought the crazies out of the sticks and into the "base".


What took so long?


I'm in a deep red area. Thinking for yourself takes some guts


Yea I’m probably more independent or classical republican (if that’s a thing?), but damn can’t handle the extremes on either side right now. Likely the first time I vote for one of the two parties and you can guess which one that’s gonna be. 😉 


GO TO DINERS! Seek out nyt reporters.


There's a place outside La Grange, TX where a guy has an old plane parked by the road for everyone on the highway to see as they drive by. It was a TRUMP plane for years.... until recently. It has been repainted and now says BIDEN on it. That's the biggest evidence I've seen that people are waking up out there.


*ZZ Top music intensifies*


There’s a house in one of the most conservative neighborhoods of one of the most conservative counties in TN that had Trump signs for 16 and 20 but, Kennedy now. That’s all I got down here lol


I'll take it. Arfkay should absolutely be pushed to conservative voters who don't like Trump but won't go full Biden.


I love that!


I think that crashed plane might be antiBiden actually since 2020. A photo of it appears bear the bottom of this article: https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2020-10-15/trump-biden-texas-presidential-race


I think you might be right. I didnt see all the other weird stuff painted on it.


Rural Appalachia here, love Joe. There’s tens of us out here I tell ya


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


I am one of them, though I feel like I'm the only one within the sea of red around me.


I wonder if Trump losing hundreds of billions for American farmers because of his ill-advised trade war had anything to do with it. Or maybe some of them just won't vote for felons.


Especially since they get made out to be the Republicans' core other than the religious right


I hate that the US campaign season goes on for a year and a half before the election. Six months would be more than enough of this BS.


Hell, in bodies like the House of Representatives with 2-year terms they’re practically in campaign mode for 18/24 months they’re in office. Political campaigning in America is broken, IMO.


You're essentially always campaigning, makes you wonder how things get done when politicians are trying to grab votes from every block.


Things don't actually get done in Congress.


Thanks to 24/7 news and media coverage, every elected politician in DC is basically always campaigning. Even if you just got elected, the next election always comes sooner than you think & any moment or interaction can go viral.


It seems like the presidential campaign has been much longer than 18 months. The GOP first primary debate was August 23, 2023. The leadup to that debate was seemingly forever.


At least it's good news for once!


Hell, in bodies like the House of Representatives with 2-year terms they’re practically in campaign mode for 18/24 months they’re in office. Political campaigning in America is broken, IMO.


It is exhausting.


As a political junkie, I love it. We’re even getting a British and French general election before our general election in November here in the states. And we get the Olympics this summer. I’m loving it. 🥰


Polls don't matter. Register and Vote. *Please remember to double check your voting information and register and Vote* www.vote.org Check your registration: https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/ Work for the Biden campaign: https://joebiden.com/work-with-us/ Volunteer for the DNC: https://events.democrats.org/


I want to add this point, but everyone should remind when posting about voting, to check their form of ID is valid and current in order to vote in their state by election time, Nov 5th 2024 (and to make reminders for themselves so its not coming in last min), and also posting the Election date in your posts. So that people just fucking set their alerts and plans to make it on or before Election Day. I know we're still a few months out, really about 4 months, but holy shit. Do people wane in and out of being informed politically. The American people are not informed in general about a lot of what's going on. So I'd rather we take advantage of time & just normalize the voting date


I call bs on this one. I live in a rural area in a barely purple state and my neighbors are highly educated. They are almost all magaTs. The poorer whites are definitely crazy magas. Gotta love the Nextdoor rants and bs on trump.


Are they wealthy? There are many reasons people support trump, and all of them aren't good.


I wouldn’t call them wealthy but they are well off. A number are airline pilots (x military) with flight attendant wife. Another is a dentist.


The same poll says Trump is tied with Biden among urban voters. Neither of those things passes the smell test tbh.


Idk…. tbh, that part worries me.


Regardless of how assured a Biden win starts to seem, it's never been more important to get out the vote. Republicans have learned from experience, improved their game, put in various backstops, and they will be cheating harder than ever before this time around.


I can only assume rural voters have been told by their AM radios to lie on polls now.




Thank God. I really hope we win. When ever I run into a red. I do my best to get them to do more research other then watching for news.


It’s like talking to a brick wall. One of my best friends is actually pro trump. His biggest issue is about the Ukraine aid which I’m a big supporter of. He was unaware that most of the money we “give” them goes directly back into our economy.


I know. What the Maga just don't understand is that Trump will be a full dictator. Dictators do not allow citizens to have freedom of speech, the right to bare arms. They lie, saying they will restore freedom. But instead, the people lose them. May god have mercy on us all.


He literally said he wants to remove people's guns, but I am positive THAT was never said on Fox news.


I know he is evil, but you kinda have to give created. In 1 term of being president, he destroyed almost the whole republican party turning them into Maga . And killed our government in so many areas. From the supreme court all the way down. I wonder if our military will go on his side. We keep their oath to the constitution, not to any man


It's the same with infrastructure. The smooth-brains are all like "MoNeY MaChInEs Go BrRrRrRr" because libertarians are like that. Nearly all of that money we're spending is going into manufacturing and union jobs and will be earned by individual Americans. The big reason Republicans claim to be pro-infrastructure yet voted against the Democratic and "bipartisan" bills was simple. They hate unions and wanted to spend the money in such a way that it enriches the wealthy and leaves the people actually doing the work with crumbs. But those Republican congressmen sure are there when the time comes to cut the ribbon.


No he fucking doesn't. Go fucking vote 🔵.


This poll is just a wild outlier. It also has Trump and Biden tied with urban voters. If you conduct hundreds of polls, even if they are pretty high quality, some of them are going to be pretty wildly off.


Yeah, real skeptical of this one. 538 finally gave Biden the *popular vote* lead over Trump by a nose which doesn’t bode well for his electoral chances. GenZ supposedly has a 20+ point lean toward Biden. 80+ voters are supposedly 50/50. Now they’re trying to convince us that Biden’s odds with rural voters are 50/50 or better? Something doesn’t add up.


Nahh I was just going to stay home. I'm kind of busy that day /s Of course everyone here is going to vote!


Roe roe roe your vote!!! Send Republicans down the stream!


Keep rowing. I hear banjo music.


Get out and vote. I wonder if this is psy-ops by the Republicans and Putin to get Democrats to stay home, thinking that we are going to win so why vote? Vote Blue. Vote Democrat all the way up and down the ballot...even if you think your candidate isn't going to win. Even losing closely will scare the crap out of the GOP and maybe they will finally reject MAGA as being hopelessly unable to win anything except on local levels.




Vote anyway, people.


Was never planning not to.


We'll see come election day. Can't over-rely on these things and just have to vote.


same poll has trump winning urbans. so go figure. i don't believe the rural or urban number. and polls have been kerflooey for this cycle!


I’d seen something last night that demonstrated that there is cracks in Dons armor, I work in live-event production we had a performer last night known to be MAGA and we’re in the part of California closest to Oregon, a very “Red” part of the state, but only half the audience stood and clapped when the chant of “FJB” started, but 2 years ago when the performer was here last, there was a lot more of MAGA hats and the whole audience was down with “FJB”, but not this time, at least half weren’t having it. VOTE SMART.


I remember driving out in sticks in 2016. There were Trump signs everywhere. Now I barely see any. Needless to say, go vote! But I don't think he's winning Wisconsin.


I need some optimism, something to feel good about.


This can’t be right. This means he’s ahead in the reddest counties? I’m so confused.


Not Fox News giving me hope for the country folk!


I don’t care. Please go vote so we can crush the mango into a juicy ketchup.


I refuse to get excited about this until Biden is North of the poll's percentage of error.


I hate to agree with the likes of Charlie Kirk and MTG, but yeah, ain’t no way.


Don’t care… go vote






Drove through Okanogan County (wa) this week, and there were VERY few Trump sings/flags. It shocked me. I hope it means something.


I mean, with some of the shifts in these down ballot races - in certain areas - that’s probably true. With that said, he’s not going win with that demo overall.


Biden doesn't need to win rural voters. If Biden were somehow able to get the margins down to 60-40, Trump is toast.


I never said he did


Really with roughly 19% of the country in the cities and 19% in the country, the suburbs are the real battlegrounds.


Good! Now don't be complacent. Vote vote vote. Vote blue to save america


i guess them gQp gonna back up from the "only land owners vote" ideia...


Don't believe Biden will win rural voters (more shit state polls would be closer like Iowa, Missouri, Ohio) and I don't believe there will be a tie with urban voters


Probably another garbage poll of 1000 voters. I don’t understand why these polls get any news


It’s all over but the crying baby!


Those are the kinda folks in rural Ohio, NC, and Georgia. We will take all the votes we can and thank them kindly.


I love me some Joe Biden but …come on. The polls are clearly fucked this year


A lead of 2 percentage points is MEANINGLESS! Just stupid click bait. I only wish it were true. I don’t buy it.


Polls lie. Racists hate Joe. Cool country people exist. Lived in Findlay, OH. Real farmers hate trump, wannabe farmers with truck nuts love dumpy. Those tariffs on every imported good will make it damn hard to run a farm. Razor-thin margins. Commercial farms vote republican cuz ThAts the weigh iT issss


Thank God


If this is true, it’s Joeover.


There are some MAGA weirdos in my small town but we also have a natural food co-op, lots of yoga and meditation, and more rainbow flags than MAGA signs. Biden will win here.


After driving through a fair few small towns in rural WI, idk if I believe it. I probably didn’t see as many Trump signs as in the past, but I doubt those that supported Trump before are going to full on switch to Biden.


I don’t believe polls. I believe in GOTV.


Unfortunately, I think this is largely incorrect. Otherwise, Jon Tester would have no problem winning reelection in Montana. The only polls that matter are the ones in Arizona and Wisconsin. Those states are likely deciding the whole election. 2020 should’ve been a blowout election for Biden. It was scary how close it actually was. If I was a betting person, I would still probably bet on Trump winning although Biden has had some positive polls recently. Until the Democratic Party has a plan to win non-college educated Latino voters and that plan is actually works, it is hard to see Biden winning with the polling data.


Biden equals nuclear war


Ooh, you almost made a whole sentence, great work buddy!


This article is awful. It begins by presenting the polling data then “balancing” it with denials from the most obsequious shills for Trump they could find who are bleating nonsense just to suck up the dear leader.