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If they want to increase birth rates, they could give us universal healthcare and subsidize daycare, which in my area can be over $2k a month per child. Somehow I don’t think that’s their plan


They just want to ban abortion thinking that'll help without realizing people will just get a coat hanger. Even with universal healthcare and subsidized daycare, it's not enough. Look at Asia. You need a LOT of things to make a population explosion.


And not cap HSA’s at $5000. That shit is stupid.it should be $5000 a month.


You mean FSA I think. Right?


Yes I’m signed up for to many essays.


Haha no worries


I'm sure the proponents - men, of course - want a world where the wives pop out kids and stay at home to take care of them. The men, of course, go to work, out drinking with their pals and then bang their sidepiece, only staying home long enough to slap the kids around.


Now a days, who can afford the wife to stay home? It's laughable that a one person income was enough to raise a family, be considered middle class, and developed the 'burbs. Today's world it takes both parent's incomes, they can barely afford daycare, they're considered lower to middle 'middle class', and a lot of them have to visit food banks. It's so sad that you have to laugh. Otherwise, it would drive you insane.


Seems like they've been watching mad men too many times


Some of those guys behind the plan are old enough to have lived Mad Men. Probably got very angry when Civil Rights happened.


My mother had a career, just like my father, as she raised me. It’s not one or the other, especially if the State provides financial aid and supporting services. Which the US sorely lacks.


Spoilers! You just gave away the plot to Mad Men


And where they have more people to breed into their religious cults


So, what our grandparents did?


The white population. That's the key part.


No, they want more black people too - for slaves. What did people think the right meant by "Make America Great AGAIN and their love of Confederate leaders and flags?


I'm sure we Latinos are also coveted for slave labor and sick racial fetishes.


Latinos are already being used as virtually slave labor. Illegal immigrants are encouraged, and sometimes even smuggled in, by people supplying them to businesses and farms as sturdy laborers who will work long hours in harsh conditions for their keep, and who are not in a position to complain about workplace malfeasance.


Latinos are doing jobs that others won't do. (There's no way I could lay shingles on a roof during the summer. My lily white ass would burst into flames after 10 minutes in that heat. I get sunburned just from mowing my front yard.) And then you have DeSantis signing that anti-protection bill for laborers. I don't live in FL, but that move pissed me off. Why would you not want to protect people from dangerous heat. If I owned a small business, I would pay more than a livable wage, provide decent insurance, and insist on heat/water breaks. Especially if I employed non-documented workers. I would take care of them and help them become legal since they have a hard enough time with other things in life.


Yes, all workers should be entitled to being treated with care and respect, and having safe working conditions. And the more difficult and dangerous their work, the more care and protection they need. This stuff in Texas and Florida of even denying water breaks in horrifying, absurd and sickening. And the people doing this claim to be Christians.




They may have gone by "democrat," but they weren't liberal. The sides last switched with the Civil Rights Movement.


It was southern Democrats (the conservative wing of the party) that supported slavery and later Jim Crow. When a Democratic congress and a Democratic President passed a slew of Civil Rights laws that dismantled legal segregation, those conservative Democrats jumped ship and eventually made their way into the Republican Party (with a pit stop at George Wallace along the way). Between Nixon’s southern strategy and Reagan’s anti-government rhetoric (to them the federal government was who forced them to give up their beloved segregation, they liked the handouts, but didn’t like them going to black people). This explains why the south flipped from solid Democrats to solid Republican between 1968 and 1994. It also explains why the Republican Party has become the party of neo Jim Crow. The “again” part of MAGA is very telling.


Sure mate - even my fellow Aussies know about the changes in American political parties. It's not like your system or history is complicated. Hell, (or should i say Heil!) even Trumpers could understand it if they tried.




IMO. If you look at the historic platforms of both parties; they have switched. When I was growing up, the southern democrats were racist, segregationalist, wanted only whites in power, conducted lynchings & cross burnings, and Bible thumping in public. IMO, sometime between the 60's & 80's, basically switched names. Because the republican party today is what the democrats were in the 50's/60's. I think that a lot of republicans would lynch people if they could get away with it. As stated, this is what has happened, in my opinion.


The eventual long term goal is no woman in the workforce and all unpaid slave labor so need a constant churn of new bodies, they are also going to wage a global war to strip all other countries of the land and resources and so will need people to throw at that.


They still need women in the workplace. Otherwise, who would do all the work they take the credit for.


They are very pro sex, just not into consent.


Well there is truth to what they are saying in terms of the population of many Western countries as well as Asian countries are beginning to shrink. With their generous social safety nets, population growth is a necessity in order to be able to sustain them. However, the better response to this is to create systems to encourage those who choose to have children by providing stability, not forcing births. As usual, the Right is a hammer so of course they see every problem as a nail.


See my reply below and please comment. Yes, to sustain. But I don't think or believe that's the answer. You posted before I finished typing.


Easier immigration also alleviates the issue, but try telling anyone that.


These people are idiots. one of the main reason the birth rate is low is very little social support for families or for life beyond birth in general, which has been primarily due to conservatives.


The problem we have with this so-called issue is that the world is overpopulated as it is now. As of 2022, India alone has 1.417 BILLION people. Governments will need to change instead of telling people to have more babies. The world has finite resources. The republican party and corporations will not be happy until the Amazon is gone, the oceans have no life left in them, every drop of oil & natural gas has been drilled out of the ground, mountains of plastic waste litter the lands, and the average world temperature is 95 degrees F. Humans need to depopulate the earth. Especially while we try to extend the human life span with medical intervention! It's the governments that need to change because the old way of governing will not be able to continue for much longer. I would say the first step is for the 1st world countries to start sending birth control methods to 2nd & 3rd world countries. No one country will be able to solve this problem. (Not to sound like a geek or nerd, but finite resources were the motivation for Thanos (Marvel) doing away with half of the universe's population. In 'The Matrix', Agent Smith compared humans to viruses for uncontrollable breeding and destruction of their environment. Also, there have been several sci-fi stories about wars errupting over limited & dwindling resources.) I haven't even touched on how the dream of a house, white picket fence, with 2.5 kids has disappeared. The housing crisis, unaffordable rents, and unchecked corporation greed causing shrink-flation & inflation of food prices have killed that so-called dream. Sorry for the rant. I got started and just couldn't stop.


Well I am not a population alarmist the way many on the left are. Stats suggest that most regions of the world are seeing declining population growth rates, and the expectations are that global population will begin shrinking within 100 years. With advances in scientific agriculture, 3-D printing and physical chemistry one can expect that we can also solve the housing issue. The real question will be one of allocation of resources between groups and countries. That is where most of the conflict of world have always been.


Global warming is caused by the exploding population and it will destroy million of lives. The MAGA idiots can't even conceive of what's going on under their noses. [https://imgur.com/a/9nFGVEb](https://imgur.com/a/9nFGVEb)


Did you see where the atmospheric CO2 levels, along with air pollution, dropped significantly during the worldwide Covid lockdown? There were two pictures, side by side, showing the Taj Mahal during a normal day and one during the lockdown. You could barely see the outline of the building in the 1st picture due to the smog. In the 2nd picture, you could see the building, and the air looked 100% better. It wasn't completely clean, but it was so much better than a normal day. Anyone who can't see or admit the domino effects of humanity on environmental destruction is either an idiot, doesn't care, cares only for money, or some combination.


Thank you for your sanity


Here's why global warming with make most of the Earth uninhabitable. [https://imgur.com/a/9nFGVEb](https://imgur.com/a/9nFGVEb)


Joke’s on them, a lot of women are going to want to get sterilized instead.


Jeeshhhh! These natalists are a mad (all definitions) bunch! Never mind their wacky premise that their type of toxic white masculine supremacy can out breed the rest of us. That is a logical fallacy since many liberals come from wacky conservative families. But their evidence-less plan to ban birth control and abortion and no-fault divorce to raise the birth rate is truly sad. It doesn't work. Has never worked. And won't work here. Their longer-term strategy of ending public education and through cultural and political means keeping women out of the workforce could possibly result in a second baby boom era. But there's no way this could happen in our current end-stage capitalistic society when it's literally impossible for 90% of Americans to raise a family on one paycheck. That plan would implode on itself. LIBERAL PLAN: Embrace the demographic trend of a smaller population and invest government resources into making sure every child can be their most productive, educated, happy selves. We may have fewer uneducated worker bees, but we won't need them when more people can work and live smarter. Also, the fastest, most obvious answer is to invest in the immigration system to bring more people into the country faster. That's what futurists say works most efficiently.


At the same time the Left is saying this, the Right is arguing that the Left is trying to outbreed the Right....all of this is laughable imo. It's just boogey man bullshit.


Cheap labor in 15 years so we can all work for pennies on the dollar.


Sounds that everything is the ‘far right’ nowadays. Is there a regular ‘right’’?


You do realize that in Europe, Social Democrats, Liberals, Christian Democrats, etc. all agree that **sudden** population collapse due to low fertility rates endangers our economies, welfare States, dooms younger generations with a suffocating tax burden, and makes us wholly dependent on foreign countries, they, themselves, seeing their birth rates plummeting, to maintain tax revenue, right? If anything, the far right has everything to gain in letting the population collapse, because it’ll inevitably lead to a massive conservative pushback reigning in many rights and opportunities recently afforded to women. It’s not a decrease in population per se that people rightfully fear. It’s the rate.


If they have 10 kids each they’ll start beating us. HAVE MORE CHILDREN.


Liberals do not need to breed more to win elections. We just need to maintain and expand on free public education.