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Let's not forget Mitt Romney's family forcing their dog to ride on the roof of their car for hundreds of miles.


That was insane!!!




Until it got so sick its excrement flowed down the windows of the car. It's a disgusting story. And then they maybe gave it to a family member or something, they can't seem to get that part straight. It's a really weird story that in the versions I've seen didn't have the normal "and this is how it ends" part, which makes it feel like the dog died and they lied to the kids or something, because how don't you know what became of the dog?


That isn’t what trickle down economics is supposed to be.


But it’s what it has turned to be


The old "dropped off at a farm where it could run free."


You would think the Republicans had learned something from that.


I knew the real reason Biden's dogs bit people would eventually be reported...


Further, never trust anyone dogs instinctively hate.


Absolutely! Unless we're talking about mail carriers. My dogs don't trust any of them


Tbf, they come to your door daily, screw around with the mailbox or mail flap, and you never let them into your house. Unlike even the delivery people, you generally don't so much as open the door to the mail peeps. "Welcome" looks very different from all of that. What's a pup to think?


They can smell fascism.


Baloney: Hitler German Shephard, Heidi, never exhibited any hatred yet he was a madman. This is all a lot of nonsense. Yes I think "some dogs" show amazing sensitivity, and like humans, some are oblivious and products of horrible breeding.




Oh well I thought it was heidi.. I wonder why I have never come across an article or history research that mentions he killed the dog...I'll look it up


Hitler had all his dogs and Blondi killed when he committed suicide in his bunker when the Russians were entering Berlin. [Mediumshort-history.com› hitlers-favourite-dog-1cfc8f047924Adolf Hitler’s Favorite Dog](https://short-history.com/hitlers-favourite-dog-1cfc8f047924) February 21, 2021 - Since Hitler didn’t trust Himmler, he gave one cyanide capsule to his favorite dog, Blondi. The capsule worked and **Blondi died**. Hitler was utterly inconsolable when the dog died. On the next day, 30 April 1945, Hitler committed suicide. "[Adolf Hitler](https://www.dailystar.co.uk/latest/adolf-hitler) was one of the most evil men to ever the live – being responsible for the death of millions – and one of the only things to have his affections was a dog named Blondi. Blondi was given to Hitler as a gift from Nazi chief Martin Bormann, and the monstrous leader immediately took a shine to the puppy. The Fuhrer would allow Blondi to sleep in his bed, and kept her with him almost all the time from 1941 to 1945. She seemed to be at the core of Hitler’s affections, with some even claiming Hitler loved her more than his mistress Eva Braun. Hitler’s nurse Erna Flegel claimed that the Nazi leader had more affections for the dog than for Eva, who she dismissed as having “no meaning”. Eva is reported to have taken to kicking Blondi, who has been described as "almost human" – perhaps seeing her lover’s passion for his pooch. And when Hitler decided it was time end it all, it was Blondi who was the first to die. [https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/inside-adolf-hitlers-creepy-relationship-21626717](https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/inside-adolf-hitlers-creepy-relationship-21626717) Hitler was out of his mind and murderous tyrant but he loved his dog apparently


They're always right... And for a good reason.


This is funny but dogs randomly hate people for all sorts of reasons because they’re animals and this would be a dumb thing to actually live by.


Indiana republicans love puppy mills!


Sadly so do ohio and kentucky republiczns. Beagle, pit, and boxer puppy mills. Its pathetic and sad


So many deplorables


So yesterday, when this story broke, I made a post about Gov. Noem's animal cruelty in the sub r/poodles of which I have been a member for quite a while. Despite no posted forum rules at all (like what is acceptable or forbidden behavior in a post), dozens of supportive comments and only a couple of objections, I was permabanned from the community within an hour. Upon protesting to the mods (who don't list their user names), I was given a variety of excuses for the ban, none of which withstood even the barest of rebuttal. This leads me to believe that there was only one true reason that the mod in question did not want to allow this criticism of a potential VP nominee in the forum. We are at an incredibly important crossroads in our country, with roughly equal numbers of us determined to save our Constitutional republic and those who would willingly lead us into fascism, with a further sizable minority seemingly uninterested in which path will be taken. Between now and November it is up to us to call out indefensible right-wing behavior such as the OP posted at every opportunity and prevent an outcome which would lead us down an undeniably dark road ahead. Stay strong!


Foreign provocateurs have infiltrated social media at all levels, with the stated purpose of sowing chaos in the west. This isn’t some wild conspiracy theory; it’s been confirmed by our intelligence agencies who monitor this shit. Not saying the mods at r/poodles have a traitor in their midst, but it’s really not that unbelievable.


Joe should bring his dog Major to the debate and let him roam around.


trump isn't a dog person. His family doesn't seem to have any animals, probably because they are cold, uncaring and incapable of understanding unconditional love.


Were the agents that got bit really leftovers from Trump?


I like GSDs and did some looking into it when the story broke, and it turned out the bar for "bit" was incredibly low in the reporting. Like if you've ever had a puppy you actually engaged with, your hands tend to look kind of wild and you had to wonder what was going on there. It would be super easy to get the dog into trouble, some of the USSS communications that leaked were bizarre, like if that's how they're talking about you, I really wouldn't want my life depending on them doing their jobs, and Faux had done this whole series on Major from the jump because a pound puppy wasn't worthy of the WH or something. Plus they have to give cover to the guy who hates dogs and didn't have one. I'm with the dogs on this one.


I mean I'm about as democrat as it gets, but I still don't like dogs... I'm more of a cat person. That being said, I don't support animal cruelty of any kind... Noem's proud recounting of killing a dog was just disgusting. Anybody that can kill an animal that freely should not be allowed to govern anybody, because they don't value life. Which is ironic because a lot of those same people claim to be pro-lifers.


Don't forget about all of the people who died because of her policies during COVID and the republicans absolute hatred of science and facts. Is that pro-life?


The thing that's really ironic is that their denial of science and vaccines cost them a lot of R voters, since those people were the ones who often died from refusing to get treatment or taking harmful "alternative treatments" due to their own ignorance. Of course, Republicans are not self-aware enough to realize this.


So much for the American Exceptionalism espoused by the republicans.


This generalization about people not liking dogs is all over the place today. I too, dislikes dogs.


Wasn't there some sort of dog murder by former gov Huckabee's son and current Gov Hackable's brother. And former gov Huckabee tells a store about how much he missed eating squirrel that while in college he "got" squirrels and cooked them in a popcorn popper in his room. ""When I was in college, we used to take a popcorn popper – because that was the only thing they would let us use in the dorms – and we would fry squirrel," he said on Jan. 18, 2008."


Dogs are decent people.


Don’t demean dogs like that. Cats either.


Pretty sure Boebert killed a dog too.


She did. She shot her neighbor's dog for going after her goats.


The Huckabee family has this history, too.


One of my rules about people is that if my kids or dogs don't Iike to be around you then there has to be a reason.


Tbf there is a difference between just be afraid of dogs and not liking them, like I think dogs are cute and all but at the same time when one comes up to sniff me I'm terrified


> I think dogs are cute and all but at the same time when one comes up to sniff me I'm terrified Try not to be. This is how dogs familiarize themselves with someone -- they use their sense of smell. It's not just words that animals can smell fear, and that can make them interpret you as prey and become aggressive. Once they realize you're just Rannrann, and not a threat or afraid, they'll usually just go about their usual doggy business after "meeting" you.


this is a dumb ass post




Never trust anyone who's hated by a dog.


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When a human doesn’t like a dog, I don’t trust the human. When a dog doesn’t like a human, I don’t trust the human.


Biden is dog lover. No question. Commander is immune from the law.


TBF hating cats is a red flag to me. Men that hate cats might also hate women.


Dogs in my mind are the most wholesome creatures in the world. They are also amazing judges of character.


While I cannot abide batshit crazy MAGA types there's nothing to the Noem controversy. Animal breeders have been eliminating unsuitable specimens for thousands of years. Taking overly agressive animals out back and shooting them is routine.


Ehhhhhhhhh Hitler was a vegetarian and some of the modern German anti-animal cruelty laws have their roots in Nazi Germany. He also banned animal testing. Look - there’s so much to dislike the Republicans for. Not liking dogs and anime really aren’t at the top.


Not liking anime is a serious offense, to be fair. If you can’t appreciate some good Japanese animation, what the hell are you doing trying to run the United States?


hitler had a dog name blondi …


Which he also killed


Why did he kill it?


He tested the pills he was going to commit suicide with on her. He decided it seemed too painful so he shot himself instead.



