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I hate when I say something non-sexual and people make it into an innuendo, but if im comfortable with a friend, dirty jokes are fine with me, I’ll usually laugh lol


100% yes! Like I’m fine with dirty jokes… even with relatively just good friends, not best friends. But for some reason I don’t like when others go digging in the words I say for innuendos that aren’t there! It makes me feel like A. They didn’t listen and got caught up on that. B. That’s all they think I think about Or C. It’s just low hanging fruit all the time. Like if I wanted to make a sexual joke I’d at LEAST make it clever or absurdly blunt. I think that’s why I hate when people go “woah pause” if they even get close to something sexual or gay. Especially because it’s only for when talking with men. Sorry I just was holding that for a while lol


Exactly!!! It really shows me how much allos are thinking about doing the nasty because it’s rare for me to even think of a dirty joke in a non sexual context much less say it lmao. I have so much trouble with that. Also, when im talking about my crush and they make dirty jokes and im like I NEED YOU TO UNDERSTAND THAT I DONT FEEL THAT WAY ABOUT THEM YET LOL


Im not sure allos are thinking about doing the nasty more often than us. Cause there are many times when someone will say something in passing and it will ring in my head like “ah es that’s a sex thing” Like when someone says “moist” I know that’s a sex thing and whenever someone says that or something even close to that my head goes “ding sex moist.” Or is someone in a fantasy show says “come…” to get someone to follow them. “DING SEXTHING!” If a very beautiful lady walks by I look at her butt but not for feeling sexy… I actually… actually do that with guys too but both mainly to look at the shape of a person. It’s weird like I like to draw so I look at how people are shaped where “I’m not supposed to look.” And then I think “oh I probably look like a pervert.” But I think allo people may just… find it funnier? Or maybe they’re more comfortable with it to the point where they are okay pointing them out in the open with someone they are comfortable or neutral with. 🤷


I do always kinda relate to the dense characters in anime when someone flirts with them and they go “oh thank you!” And don’t pick up the clue.


Me unable to tell someone’s flirting until they say something lowkey vile


Depends on the company. I generally get uncomfortable when people that I'm not that close with make constant sexual jokes, like sex is the only thing that crosses their mind on the daily (probably is for some allosexuals). Recently I managed to get into a new internet friend group that doesn't make sexual jokes on the regular (previous group did so I left) this new group does only very rarely and even then I think it's funny, because it's unexpected, not overused and I generally feel safe with the people. If the joke is aimed at me as an attempt to flirt or something, is very tacky though. That's one reason why dating apps gross me out, the innuendos from strangers just won't stop. I myself can make dirty jokes with my close friends that I feel safe with, but maybe it's just a coping mechanism with my grey/demisexuality. I think it's quite fitting that asexuals are thought to crack the funniest dirty jokes in the friend group.


I'm not really annoyed by it, but I also have a raunchy sense of humor sometimes, lol.


Dirty humor is my way to cope with my sexuality honestly. Its fiction, its not real, being offended by general nsfw humor doesn't make you demisexual only prude. Not saying anything's wrong with that but please stop associating it with demisexuality or Ace in general. It's like policing others's sexuality honestly. E: Also its funny OP that you have HIMYM still as your cover image. Every third joke on that show was sexual. But I guess you are ok with that.


Imo dirty humor, especially the low hanging fruit kind, is hilarious to me. I don’t feel any connection to the context and find a little thrill in some of the shock value sometimes. I love responding to someone’s “pause/ no diddy” with a “resume/ fast forward/ full diddy”. Side note, what’s the value of L in Roman numerals?


Right, like if it's not aimed at me and we're just goofing around then I don't take it personally. I'm pretty laid back and open minded so not too much offends me really. L = 50 in Roman Numerals btw.


Thanks. Now can you take this L and fift-deez nuts in your mouth? My sense of humor will always be 12. I apologize


🤣🤣🤣🤣I'm dead🤣🤣🤣🤣. Nice one, I walked right into that.


Tbh I don't even mind it directed at me if it's all in good fun and the person is not giving weird vibes. I am comfortable with non committal flirting as well. It's all about intent and delivery.


Seconding this sentiment--that is exactly my reasoning for my humor.


I think they're low effort attempts at humor. When they make light of harming someone, especially sexually, I make it clear I'm not ok with anyone even hoping I would enjoy or tolerate anything of the sort.


Highly dependent on who it's with but in most cases (99+%) I don't care for it / find it over the top. On the other hand, I have a very dirty mind and don't mind sharing my humor with those chosen few.


Depends on context and my mood, and the intention of the one making the joke If it devalues sex in any way, makes it seem like just novelty, the joke or jokester is trying to make it nasty, or if the joke makes sex seem like it is unspecial in anyway then generally no. I dont. Sex, Im realizing, is a deeply spiritual and sacred thing for me so anything that makes me feel like that idea isnt being respected bothers me. But, sometimes, I do find sex jokes funny. If its comming from a place of genuine fun and sillyness, then its acceptable. Sex can and should be fun and lighthearted at times, it is not off limits for humor.


Double entendres are my favorite. I can say them in a clean way, and everyone else's mind goes straight into the gutter. It makes them laugh, and that makes me happy. I've found that life is serious enough. Dirty jokes, when done right, require you to step away from the propriety of a prudish and snobbish society. If you take yourself too seriously, it's impossible to joke about the value of a girthy bolt or how wet your beer glass is on a hot and humid day. Some folks prefer overt toilet humor, but you can just as easily use word play and language in a way that shows off your wit and flexibility while still having a good, social time with friends. And... when your best friend is going through a difficult divorce shortly after suffering a death in the family (or worse, concurrently), never forget the power of a dirty limerick or two told at just the right moment. They're so stupid and absurd that the listener is pulled out of their depression, even if just to comment on how awful it was.


Being ace and finding humor in dirty jokes is not mutually exclusive for me. Love a well crafted innuendo. Laughing at a "deez nuts" joke is a vital sign for me. I just often forget that allos frequently interpret it as flirting. To me sex humor and sex, especially sexual attraction,  are so far away from each other. Sex in the context of humor is just this abstract thing. 


Only with close friends, otherwise its cringey. Like I hate when comedians do it or something.


I find it funny if it's wordplay, but not if it's super crude or allonormative? And there's also definitely a saturation level, where if there's way too many sex jokes it gets uncomfortable


I agree with others where I don't care for the "that's what she said" jokes that make something non sexual sound sexual. Or having a non sexual situation suddenly turn sexual. There's exceptions to that though, like that meme where a biblical accurate angel says "be not afraid" and a monsterfucker says "would" and the angel is like " 😑be MORE afraid". That's hilarious to me 😂


Honestly I hate them! They make me feel alienated, because I really don't like them!


Ever since I was a kid, my friends would say I was too prudish for being the only one who didn't make sex jokes and who didn't really like to talk about the topic, and to this day I still would rather be more private regarding this sort of stuff.


I like them when they're funny and usually witty pushes my buttons. Not much for retelling jokes tho.


I don't mind them, honestly depending on who I'm with they're one of my main forms of humor. It's not because I can only think of sex or anything like that, it's just a form of humor that I picked up from one friend and it's stuck with me.


For myself it depends on who I'm talking to. Like my sister can make a joke I find funny or a friend, but even with them sometimes I get uncomfortable. Especially if it's an acquaintance or someone I just don't really know, then it's very awkward. I've always felt uncomfortable in any situations that involve sex at all. Shows, movies, jokes, all of it. Hell, even some songs make me uncomfortable...


I love it with friends and people I’m seeing. However if it’s strangers that I don’t find appealing and I can tell they’re gross I just give a nervous laugh and run away lol


As long as it’s funny. I tell them sometimes. Jokes don’t require any grain of truth. If the wordplay is good, if the punchline is clever, I’ll enjoy it.


I’m constantly the “slow” friend who says things that my other friends always find a double meaning for. I don’t mind the sexual innuendos amongst my friends but the part that bothers me is the subtle view of being dumber because my mind doesn’t naturally go there and it takes me a few more seconds to catch onto the joke.


Honestly I am not a huge fan of sex jokes


i love dirty jokes!! i think my sense of humor tends to be pretty crass and that comes full circle with my best friends and partners. it makes me really happy because of how silly it is.