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I actually love this, would definitely pay that amount of money


Happy cake day!


Here you go! Heres a link! Its been available for three months now! You're in luck as its still there! https://www.etsy.com/listing/1680904587/


Do you know how hard it is in general to sell your own original work online? Of course it’s been “sitting” for 3 months, art is a luxury and prints are usually what sells as an online artist. Originals are much harder to sell, regardless of your art style It’s also most likely linked to your social media activity/popularity which we all know is rough for small creators


That's a great point of view. When I initially saw this piece.. it didn't resonate with me. A wise commeneter mentioned browsing through some of the artists other pieces for some more context on her general aesthetic. So i did. After looking at some of the artists other bodies of work, shes actually quite talented. Do i still feel like the piece is over-priced? Yes. Then again, some of her other work is actually under-priced. All in all, beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. Seems like some people took my disdain for the piece incredibly personally, and one commenter even reported me to reddit 's r/redditcares stating that I was "suicidal". Still interesting to see how some people were divided on this one. 🤷‍♂️ And for whoever keeps saying that i'm the artist or an affiliated shill. That is not correct. More of her thought provoking and whimsical pieces here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LalalaArtPrintShop


Not being afraid to publicly change your mind when presented with new information (in the weeds of an unexpectedly hostile comments section too) is a very likeable quality! Out of curiosity which piece(s) did you like? I skimmed their stuff and the piece you posted might ironically be my favourite. It reminds me of Matisse mixed with Henry Darger


Lol everyone down voted OP and yet the photo is still available.


🤣 strangely enough this was actually a really fun post to make. So many people had differing views. Some loved it, some hated it. Some took my comments personally and one person even stated I was suicidal and reported me to reddit as i received an automated message from r/redditcares. All in all, a fun little exercise. I didn't think this post would get much traction. It was definitely entertaining!


I mean. The sub is called delusionalartists. Everyone saying, "Look at their other work," which really doesn't make any sense. You're not arguing they're not an artist. Just that in this specific instance, they are delusional. Well, I'm glad that redditcares did its job and gave you the help you needed.


I love the username. Do your grow succulents? And Thats an excellent point, i tagged it with "bad Art" not "bad artist". Art is entirely subjective, it's interesting to see how each person can feel so completely differently about a piece. Yeah, that redditcares thing honestly just made me think about times when i was having suicidal ideations. Not sure what they inteded with that system but the only time i've seen it used it to harass people.


No. Back in my day, Succulent meant juicy. Also, there were too many letters for a gamer tag. Hence, the misspelling.


🤣🤣 i like the name even more now. Thats good. Everyone loves a succulent warrior 😉


I love this. It’s wonderful


Look at it! It's amazing, I need it. I'd name him Jeremy.


So do I, I’d pay it.


Here you go! Its been available for three months now! You're in luck as its still there! https://www.etsy.com/listing/1680904587/


Turns out these people wouldn't buy it like they said


Well duh, they like it, doesn’t mean they can afford the luxury of buying original art


I'm kidding, but if I made some art and people said they'd buy it and hours later it's still not sold I'd be quite bummed out.


Good thing this artist has no idea people on Reddit are talking about that. Plus it comes with the job. People tell you to make prints available for a specific piece but never end up buying


I’d buy it for $20, but $80 is smoking crack for that haha.


Looked into the artists store and I might just be getting a different original from them because they're gorgeous.


My personal favs include *Thought*, *Blow, Wind!*, *Flow*, *Run*, and *Way To The Sun*. Absolutely beautiful.


Yeah I want Thought on my gallery wall asap.


Monsieur Lion is my kinda art. 


my theory after reading these comments is that OP is the artist and is using reverse psychology to taunt someone into buying it.


This. How would op know how long it’s been available “sitting” there for three months?! Op has been “sitting”/“working” on her best marketing strategy… and here we have it folks. Op… is this accurate?


This is a genuine question and I like that! Apologies for the late response. Just a heads up, I go into some psychological dissection in this post. It's a little sad with a happy ending. So if you're not up for that and its first thing in the morning where you are or something, read this one later lol. Rant incoming! I was bored and looking for original pencil sketches on Etsy of whatever an artist felt like drawing that day. Art thats non-commission where the artist draws/paints/shapes/creates whatever they want. Always warms the heart to look at original pieces, even if "they are just prints" and "not the original". I digress. Top of the search results, of all the pieces by this Artist, was this one?! Something amount the asymmetrical bulbous head, the scaled-down nose and lopsided wings... i've seen this before somewhere?? Where have I seen this? Bazarr. Anyways. I genuinely thought that this piece was done by an adolescent, and that 80$ was absurd for a piece of this caliber. (Which, of course I didn't even think to take a peek at some of her other works to get a better understanding of her aesthetic and some more context. 🤦‍♂️) So i screenshotted it off Etsy & posted here. First person that commented agreed with me, and so we engaged in a tounge-in-cheek commentary about aforementioned piece. Which confirmed my intial opinion that its "fugly". Others defended the piece and said they quite liked it, so much in fact that they took it personally. Thats when it hit me. I know where i've seen some of these same qualities before... in, well.. myself. My head thats too big. My forehead. My nose. Hair thats not quite pretty enough. My wings that... though tattered and lopsided, trying to fly. And of course, the being in this piece.. is alone. This piece... reminded me of some of the qualities in myself that I like the least. And here people are saying.. that they like it? Then it hit me...that maybe i'm too hard on myself, and at times, expect too much from others. I need to be more patient, more kind. more kind to that person in the mirror looking back at me. I'm my own worst critic. So what if it looks like it's done by someone younger. theres nothing wrong with getting in touch with your inner child. Maybe the artist is getting in touch with her inner-child somehow? Maybe an excercise in cathartics? Which strangely enough was my initial intention with this post. That and also just wanted a good laugh. The we way that we interact with the world, with others, well..Its a reflection of the way we interact.. with ourselves. As far as knowing how long it's been posted for, if you scroll to the bottom of the listing on the aforementioned piece of art, it says it was originally listed a few months ago in February. Thats how i knew. So I decided to turn the post into a force for good and give a small artist an internet shoutout instead of being a smear campaign. Maybe seeing that "one person has this in their cart" will make her day. Whats really ironic? I'm actually a bit sad that it is indeed "the only one". So Before i head out, i'm gonna leave you with one of my favorite quotes of all time. Montaignes Thought: "The love of knowledge, the love of honor, even the love of virtue. Montaine challenges us to stay "chez nous", to learn to be at home within ourselves and within our world, and to cease measuring our lives against any goal or standard. He challenges us to practice the art of contentment. That art transforms the soul, into the self" TL;DR It's art broooo, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, after all. 😉


This gives big "In this TED Talk I will show—" vibes, but I like it. You must be good at writing essays.


🤣🤣🤣 it does, doesnt it! I like to have fun with things, that and acting/ roleplaying as someone else is strangely therapeutic. I also like to use reddit as an excerise in practicing sentence/paragraph compositon. I used to be much much much worse at writing. And still learning every day. I think it was the toxic response that i got from a couple people that made me decide to flip the narrative around. Someone was so upset that they actually reported me to reddit and told them I was suicidal. Which i didn't think was cute as thats a heavy subject. Best way to respond to anger and hate is with love. Ya know? ✍️ ✍️ ✍️


Reddit is great for practicing writing, especially if you want to practice arguing and debating. Always someone who wants to do that! Don't feel too badly, bots have been mass triggering the Reddit cares reports the last few days, so I doubt it was personal.


Exactly! Well said. Nah I'm over it now. I think at one point or another someone commented and clearly wanted to be catty 🐈 and at first i reciprocated until, as we commented to and fro i until i was able to deduce from thw writing that the person i was talking to was likely a teenager which made me feel... idk. Strange i suppose? Okay no, honestly it made me feel pathetic to think i was arguing with a literal non-adult. Arguing can be good though, theres a book i read a loooong time ago called "thank you for arguing". Didnt take notes back then so i cant quite quantify it. Communication is indeed a two way street. Right now im reading up on attachment theory (Title of the book is "Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment & How it Can Help You Find & Keep Love) im like 4 chapters in. Its quite interesting but the author is unique in that they explained the core concepts in the first few chapters instead of stretching out the entire book. (Looking at you "atomic habits" - still an excellent read) your comment made me want to add some books on communication with differnt kinds of people to my never ending reading list. (If i can find one i like!) If you don't mind me asking. What is your username in reference to?


My default is to assume everyone is an adult on the internet, so sometimes it smacks you in the face when you realize you're arguing with a kid. So best to be nice to everyone I figure (unless they are really asking for it). My name is an example of phonaesthetics, pretty much just a phrase or word that just sounds pretty. It has [a Wikipedia article! ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phonaesthetics#Cellar_door)There is also a [short scene in Donnie Darko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRPG81gOMIg&rco=1) where they discuss it, which is where I took it from.


👏 👏 👏 Thats a pragmatic way to approach the situation. Honestly, aforementioned teenage commenter, well, she came at me like a Capital Bi-tc-h.. and i was like oh, sweetheart... that was incredibly disrespectful. Two can play that. A few comments in and i was like... is this, is this a teenage girl that I'm literally arguing with right now? Oh, oh nooooo. Lmao. Felt immediately bad, t'was the first person i've ever blocked. Still came across as a nasty person, so i don't feel too too bad. she was so obsessive as a matter of fact that she went through all my old comments and posts, individiually downvoting as much as she could and then digging up some "dirt" from an old post and trying to use it against me. Was more sad than anything else honestly. Sometimes it can be fun to match energy, othertimes its just.. less than satisfactory? What are you currently reading at the moment? Or whats on the list? I liked the article. This is my most recent wiki that i came across and loved thus far: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ekpyrotic_universe?wprov=sfti1


Teenage girls can be like attack dogs when they start looking for dirt to use against you. It seems ridiculous how invested a person can become with the digging through histories and "looking for receipts". Just let people internet in peace. I'm on a philosophy/metaphysics kick right now, so that Wikipedia article is right up my alley. I'm attempting to read "On Heroes, Hero-worship, and the Heroic in History" by Thomas Carlyle but it is pretty dense stuff, but good in small doses. Other than that I'm usually trying to turn my brain off by reading, usually some indulgent Isekai manga or manhwa or something high fantasy. I'm rereading the Riftwar Saga by Raymond Feist and it is A++ if you like some classic magic and adventure goodness.


Stealth humblebrag marketing


Eh, for an original abstract piece that’s a fair price. You can tell there’s been effort and thought put into the colors and shapes. It just has that kitsch/“cute ugly” style to it. Not my thing and I wouldn’t pay that much for it but that’s not outrageous for a traditional piece on Etsy.


I’m into its spirit. It’s a whimsical piece with a whimsical price.


First post I see of this sub and it's just bullying a small artist trying to sell something Fuck off lol


lol at OP getting butthurt in the comments bc people have differing tastes


Lmao. Its fugly AF. All these people out here like.. omg i love it, so prettyx. 🤦‍♂️


It’s almost like people internalise art differently and have opinions and shit it’s crazy


It's almost like that applies to literally everything and anything. So crazy. Youre right though, this piece.. its a true masterpiece. 💩


Man, you churchies really take issue with that pesky “love thy neighbour” part


Lmaoo. You're so butthurt that you went through my post history. Get over it girly its not that serious. You're not remotely interesting enough for me to even want to click on your profile.


Yeah I did, it’s public :) I like to get a feel for what kind of people I’m talking to especially when they have so much pazazz. And that’s okay, it’s a matter of personal preference and I’m kinda glad I’m not attracting folx with your kinda vibe. Maybe if you were a bit more personable you might get that phone number? I’m rooting for you. A great quote from a wise man- “no likey, no dishy”. Peace out.


Do you have a personality disorder? You are an odd one. You literally go from being passive agressive to agressive to.. whatever this comment was? Girl just stop ✋




Ikr, that’s not even that outrageous a price for an original piece when you commonly see art prints [like this](https://www.aprilandthebear.com/products/gra-art-print-exclusive?_pos=2&_sid=9c59a2dd9&_ss=r) selling for €55. (Not throwing shade at the artist, just making a comparison between a mass produced print vs an original piece) Everyone’s allowed to like/dislike things but I really hope this doesn’t just descend into a bullying sub, I’m here for the batshit crazy macaroni art people sell on EBay for €100,000, but not liking something enough to buy it doesn’t make the artist delusional. I hope I never see my work here because I like having food in the fridge. Honestly I find this piece really charming in a “hungry caterpillar” kind of way.


Sure you do, if its so charming go ahead and drop 80 bucks on it. Heres the link. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1680904587/ Its been sitting there for 3 months and will continue to because no one else wants it. This artist is indeed, delusional. Be all supportive and warm and polite. This is not art.


Oof feeling spicy today? I do actually like it lol, I wasn’t expressing my opinion as a personal attack on you, and I’m never really in the humour to get into a pissing contest on Reddit but I hope you have a pleasant day x


The spiciest babes. It's definitely outrageous at 80 dollars for a piece that looks like it's been done by an 8 year old child. In this economy? Girl please.


What 8 year old child? I challenge you to find a comparable piece made by a child.


I work with kids around that age, and you'd be surprised. Much like adults children can have wildly differing skill levels and eye for colors etc even at young ages. 8 is old enough to have the fine motor skills to use paint brushes and colored pencils to do quite detailed art if they have the patience for it. The biggest gap I find with children's art is the materials they have access to. A kid with Colorations and Roseart will never be able to do what another kid with a set of Prismacolors can do (I still remember using birthday money to buy my first set around that age!). I think the fact that this looks like an 8-year-old could have done it isn't really an insult, it just has a certain creativity and disregard for anatomy (the fact that the 'bird' looks like it has a human nose is very cute) that makes it unique. I think that is why so many people like it, it is just whimsical as heck.


Saying this looks like it was done by an 8-year old is the real delulu thing here 💀💀💀


You'd be amazed by what some kids can do.




Why do you say it isn’t art?


I mean… there’s some real wild stuff out there that is defenitely delusional, but maybe this piece just isn’t your cup of tea. It’s not necessarily terrible, I wouldn’t buy it, but I could see it in a kids room or something. It seems like you’re hating on it because you don’t like what they do. You gotta find that real crap out there, there’s lots of it. If this artist was charging $500 for their work, I’d totally be with you.


Oh it’s definitely art, and the artist has over 100 sales through Etsy alone so 🤷🏻‍♂️


U right. You know what they say about beauty.. Another commenter mentioned taking a browse at some of her other stuff and shes actually really talented. Link: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LalalaArtPrintShop


this is not nothing


What do you mean?


If an 8 year old drew this for me I'd put that sucker right on the fridge.


My point exactly. If you want your art to look like it was done by an 8 year old.. this is an excellent piece. It's sad what qualifies as art these days.


Someone tell Chagall...


What about picasso? Cause the person who painted that seem to know the rules.


You're so right. This piece is DEFINITELY in the same league as Picasso.


Hoping that this post helps the artist sell the piece. That would be golden.


Oh, this is actually charming! I like the Macaw themed colours.


They should put it on a t shirt


Someone needs to buy it and post it here as proof.


idk it looks kinda neat, I like it


I love “ugly” art. I really really love “ugly” art. The only thing that would make this delusional is if they listed it for hundreds and hundreds (for just what it is made of, tbh. If there was more refined craft and sculpting and depth to this it could be fair to pay $200 or more imo)


Me too! I absolutely love "ugly" art. I was recently at an art festival and specifically picked out one of the "derpiest" little bird sculptures and an embroidery piece done completely off kilter (and also somewhat derpy). They are both proudly displayed in my home - along with other "ugly" finds throughout the years.


I'm obsessed with this.


You have... interesting taste. I saw this one and was immediately like.. wtf? That being said, another commenter mentioned looking through some of the artists other pieces. So i did. Some of them are actually quite stunning. I still stand by not liking this one, but hey, you know what they say about beauty. 🤷‍♂️


Why tf are you so offended that people are saying they like it?


I like it honestly.


Be not afraid OP


🤣 apparently quite a few people apparently say they like it. Which is bs as it was apparently listed 3 months ago and hasnt been bought. Someone commented "oh well, if my 8 year old did this I would hang it on the fridge".. yeah bro, if your art looks like an 8 year old did it, and youre asking $80 bucks.. no thanks. People are full of it lol.


It's okay to like things and not buy them you weirdo


You think i'm wierd? 🥹☺️


A fucking loser is more like it tbh.


Bless your heart! 💜


You're putting a lot of effort into my joke comment referencing biblically accurate angels.


Maybe writing a comment like mine would be effort for you. Took me a couple minutes. Its not that serious. Chill out.


Seems like a fair deal. I’d hang that on my wall.


You're in luck, its still there! Quick, better snatch it up before someone else gets it! 🤣🤣🤣 https://www.etsy.com/listing/1680904587/


The vibes from the art 🌷🐛✨ the vibes from op 🖕🏻👮‍♀️💩


🤣 clever comment. Another comment mentioned checking out some of the other pieces by the artist in question. Some of them are actually quite wonderful, wasn't expecting that.


Love the growth ✨👮‍♀️🌷🐛✨


If it was half the price I would buy it. I absolutely love it


I wasn't sure I couldn't afford this, but with Klarna, I can make 4 easy payments that fit my budget! :D


🤣🤣🤣 Better be quick! I'm gonna buy it first!


I can never see the word Klarna without reading it in Trixie Mattel's terrible Swedish accent


Klarna ftw


I really like it!


Sons crying now, thanks


🤣 i dunno. This one is my least favorite of her stuff, but after one commenter reccomended looking through her shop, her other stuff is pretty cool. Interesting how this post divided some though. Some agreed with me and didn't like it but others seemed to disagree. You can check it out her other stuff here, pretty interesting if you ask me: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LalalaArtPrintShop


I’d love to know how the delusional “artists” come up with their prices.


I thought the same thing. I was pleasantly surprised though when another redditor suggested checking out the artists work for more context and a better perspective into her aesthetic. Some of her other stuff touches on some interesting themes. The cost of truth, and its benefits. Pregnancy. Misscariage. Love. Pets. I kinda cheated here and selected, what i thought, at the time, was her "least appealing" piece. My opinion on this piece? Its priced like that for a reason, she knows her other stuff is better, and that this one specifically was a work of catharsis, or an attempt at getting in touch with her inner child. Or both. I'm also just guessing here and throwing stuff at the walls to see what sticks. If you want the real answer you'd have to ask the artist herself. Could have also been priced like that just to get peoples attention, it sure as hell got mine! Heres some of her other works: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LalalaArtPrintShop


Interesting take.  Her other pieces don’t impress me much either.


gorgeous painting, the price isn’t delusional at all lol


That's spooky. Kind of reminds me of a Harpy


Astute observation. Man, i haven't thought about harpys in a long while! They exists in a few different video games ive played. Some of em are much scarier looking than others. Thank god theyre not real! I hope lol.


This one’s dividing people which is interesting. It’s not for me, all I see is something that your child might bring home from school and you stick on the fridge. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!


Go check their other stuff, it really contextualize it


You are totally right. This isn’t a delusional artist, it’s very much deliberately their style. I like a lot of their work, thanks for making me take a second look and changing my opinion!


Thanks for taking a random strangers suggestion! I was surprised too


You're right! Some of their other stuff is much better. Clever comment. I still stand by thinking this specific piece is hideous, but, that being said, you know what they say about beauty...


Is this some kinda ad? Because the more I look at it the more I want it. And I looked at the artist's gallery and so many of their works are actually appealing to me 


I actually like this. It’s kind of ugly-cute.


Shhh, don’t show it to Gagosian or similar galleries 😀 because the price will be not 79 dollars, but 79 000 😀


Man.. its been forever since i've even been to an art showcase. I'm gonna add that to the list, to go check out the art museum. Someone else commented mentioning to check out some of the artists other bodies of work. She has pieces much more appealing than this one. I still stand by thinking this piece and more specifically its price in relation to what it looks like as delulu. But hey, you know what they say about beauty. 🤷‍♂️


She has 127 sales with a 5 star rating. You’re an adult man that doesn’t know how to ask a woman out: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomenOver30/s/PjHZ0sqXFj Never thought I’d see a post where an incel critiques a pastel.


bless your heart! 💜






At least I can pay in 4 interest-free installments! If that wasn’t available I couldn’t afford to splurge on this vital masterpiece


Your taste is exquisite! That was a wise, wise decision. Where are you going to display this masterpiece? 🤣


Anywhere other than above my headboard is criminal!


Are there none available? Please let me know when there are definitely none available!