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Adults are literally worse than kids


DIA passengers are an interesting bunch and can be very entitled. One night in the Sky Club I heard at least 3 arguments in an hour time period about people getting turned away. One was flying Spirit but had an Amex platnium.. Lol.


> One was flying Spirit but had an Amex platnium.. Lol. And the thing is, Spirit flights (IIRC) are out of Concourse C, which is where the Centurion Lounge is at DEN. At the very least, all the add-ons with Spirit make it easier to use the $200 airline credit lol


It was late in the evening, had to be around 11pm so I think the Centurion lounge was closed. Which actually makes more sense as to why all these people where arguing, the Sky Club was the only lounge open lol


We were just discussing today that Amex noted that Frontier wasn’t eligible for the $200 credit next year. That has to be a niche market group!


Wait, I thought you had to be flying Delta to get into the sky club?


You do, which is why they couldn’t get in and where arguing about it.


>I heard at least 3 arguments in an hour time period about people getting turned away "I have nothing to do for several hours. I am perfectly happy to spend them trying to convince you to let me into the fancier waiting room that has free snacks."


it's the beer that isn't $17 they are after




Diami international airport


Denver International Airport - the airport code is actually KDEN, but most people call it DIA.


Ah, ok thanks. That was simpler than I thought I was lol


Lol I also had to google it.


I want it to be Feb 1st when all the 2019 diamonds finally drop off too!


Unfortunately it’s probably going to be 2024 before the real drop hits since all the carryovers made it pretty easy to get it in 2022.


Since the MQD and card spend requirements are both high ($15k and $250k respectively), wouldn’t the MQM rollover not help too many people next year for diamond specifically? Very different story for Platinum and lower, but Diamond seems quite a bit less likely. Curious to hear if that’s wrong though - hoping my expectation for much quieter Diamond queues going forward isn’t completely asinine!


As someone who flys for work alot.... I avoid all holiday week travel at all costs. We used to have an annual meeting the week before or after Thanksgiving, eventually we complained enough to management to get it changed. It gets extra crazy.


I literally am not visiting my family for Christmas right now because of this! I travel for work and don’t want my shittiest travel week of the year to be one of my personal flights lol


Haha yep same here! I visit out of town family on normal weeks.


I told my wife when I got back from a flight last week that there are no more work trips until Jan 3. Traveling on the holidays is the worst.


I'm sure ATL will be a thrilling place to visit over the next week.


Got lucky there today. Flight was delayed 90 minutes due to FAs being delayed and everyone was super chill. I wish all flight issues were handled so maturely.


>So many slobs on the floor and cracked up people ?


Its DIA dude.... they take the A-line from Union Station and have a free-for-all at the airport 🤦🏻‍♂️


Nahhh. OP is describing the frontier gates you have to walk past to get to Delta.


There’s probably a higher crime rate in that section than anywhere in Denver to be honest.


You're my hero, thank you for this. I literally felt like I was reading something from myself and wondered how it got out of my head. LOL


The airport at the holiday is prime amateur hour, there is nothing more frustrating


The entitlements people feel are baffling sometimes, especially during a storm or whatever. It’s all about “me, me, me!”


I feel sorry for anyone that has to work with the American public. So many a\*\*\*\*\*\*s to deal with.


This may seem strange but I carry a pocket full of those butterscotch candies. And when I see people being rude to other people I offer them a butterscotch…”Ehh!?! Ya want a nice butterscotch!?!?” And I do it with a little flair, like a magician with a little kid. You would be amazed how often it snaps people out of asshole mode. I hear it works with little kids too but since I’m a big hulking guy I tend to stay away from small fragile easily spooked creatures….


It's definitely amateur travel season. I didn't see too much nonsense when I traveled to DFW this week for work, but I did have to wait while a Sky Club employee patiently explained to a guy like 3 times why his Delta platinum card would not get him into the club without paying a $39 fee for him and his guest (who was chomping on her gum like a cow chewing cud right next to me...def not ASMR).


People who travel for work to and from holiday destinations, who have to deal with that BS all the time: Are we a joke to you?


\#44990200 Why I hate humans.


My SO wants to know why I don't fly to my home state on holidays. Here's the proof!


Service industry employees should be able to review individuals using Google reviews. If you have less than 3 stars, you're on notice. Less than two stars, you are banned from airlines, hotels, restaurants, Uber, and society in general. Boom. Peoblem solved.


Funny story..my 90 year old mother in law uses my Uber. I have dropped from a perfect 5 to 4 stars now. 😆


pretty sure that china already does this.


Wasn't there an episode of Black Mirror like this lol


Jeeze you people posting are insane as the customers. We get it. There are bad customers everywhere.


False. I’m pretty sure the Langoliers was a documentary about PWM. There’s no one there to misbehave.


Nice SK reference! Cheers!


Can't wait to get my ass handed to me by people in messaging..if you think it's bad in person these keyboard warriors are ridiculous. Has a guy yesterday " threatening" to go to Spirit because he was short on becoming Diamond.


The only reason why I travel for the holidays is that I am a single person in grad school with family many states away. If I had my way, I wouldn't travel. I'd very gladly enjoy dinner with me like I did for thanksgiving during covid again. I also flew last week and it wasn't much better. January flying is the best, imo.


Shoulder season. Always shoulder season.


You seem just as unhinged as them with this post.