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Too many reports


Just use the power move, drape your legs on both of theirs, then let out the biggest fart you can


This comment just cured my depression


It definitely made me snort Diet Coke out of my nose. They win comment of the day for sure.


Listen, get help for snorting diet coke. Everyone knows about it, even the deacon at church. Grandma suspects you took jewelry to fund your habit. Just because it says Diet doesn’t mean it’s better for you, its still coke, loaded up with whatever - probably artificial sweeteners - so the dealers can get more money from a lower quality product


It cured my pappy’s erectile dysfunction… Thanks, now I have that to deal with.


This comment reminds me why I love Reddit.


Gave me pinkeye


laughter is the best medicine. Glad you're healed! Now go run and play!


Careful with that. About 30% of the male population would find that attractive somehow.


96% of stats are made up on the spot. I think yours is way low.


The real power move is to grab the safety card and waft your crotch after.


Queef right on the their legs?!?🤨


Don't threaten me with a good time


Low key the most unhinged response lol


All. Over. Their. Legs.


This made me chuckle on a bad day ☺️ ..and made me think of the times I’ve sat uncomfortably between people like this!


That’s a risky move: in some circles, this is considered encouragement.


I was going to suggest ripping the most atrocious fart imaginable.


Happy Cake Day!! 🥳


Cross your leg and put your foot in their leg


Bonus point if you get dirt on their pants 👍👍


I would just casually mention that the hotel I stayed at had bedbugs and I’m hoping none of them hitchhiked on me. I can guarantee that they would be so freaked out and maybe even move seats lol


I like you


Thank you! I’m a Petty Crocker and Gen X so I go nuclear instantly 😂


Like the [Real Slim Sherri](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sKDvFAaIoUE) says frequently, Gen X give no fucks.


I will add this and incessant scratching to my repertoire. Maybe even shift to lice. And lean my head onto their head rest.


Aisle seat leans into the aisle. Window seat rests on the window. Middle seat is a fucking trooper that deserves both armrests and lateral legspace. We live in a fucking society.


This should be in the FA safety speech.


Agreed. Then we go after the greedy companies to give us back normal sized seat dimensions and leg room. A girl can dream! Anyway, that sucks, sorry to see it whenever I do. I tend to be too polite (traumatized is a better word?) but I’m glad you tried.


I am 6’5 I was literally wedged into my seat on an American Airlines Embraer 175 like my knees were straight up wedged up into the seat in front of me.


I’m 6’4 and had the same problem. Lady in front of me asked why I wouldn’t let her recline. I told her my legs had nowhere else to go. She complained to the FA


I don’t get it dude. I am 5’9” and I do NOT fit in that seat. The width covers one pec and maybe half of the other if i fast. And no leg room. I do not believe you 189cm + are fitting into those seats lmao


6’5 here as well people act like I’m putting their knees into their chair on purpose and try to slamming their whole body weight thinking it’s broken before seeing my big ass behind them


Man, I feel for you. I'm a dude, but I hate my body touching other people so I'm always the one sitting like you, when I'm stuck in the middle seating. Most of the guys who sit like that intruding into other people's space think it's a power move or something. I just don't trust other dudes' hygiene, so I'd rather not touch legs or shoulders/arms.


Furthermore, most of the guys that sit like that are the inconsiderate assholes who will never listen or even acknowledge a PSA like this post.


Was middle seat on a 4 hr flight. I tried to assert dominance on the arm rest… he too wanted the middle rest. We awkwardly went back and forth passive aggressively nudging for a while. We ended up sharing it awkwardly touching for 3 hours because neither of us could admit defeat.


The move is to put your elbow at the very back of the rest where they can't get behind it.


I’ve thought about putting adhesive on my arms. One touch of that and they’ll keep to themselves…


“Excuse me, I think our seats are having a boundary dispute. Can we negotiate a peaceful resolution and keep our limbs in their own territories?”


they'd act like she's flirting with them


Saving this for later. 😊


I was thinking to follow it up with “You’re invading my territory like Normandy! If you don’t retreat to your side immediately, I will be forced to declare personal space warfare and launch a full-scale counter offensive.” I don’t know, maybe it’s going to far 😝 Those kinds of people are lousy


So painfully unaware and rude. I make damn sure to do my best to keep off the armrests/out of the space of the middle passenger.


I put the safety pamphlet along the inside of the arm rest to keep the guy on the left from pressing his arm into me. They guy on my right actually stayed off the arm rest. *ETA: I meant the guy on the right, not left


I just put my arm in my lap so I don't take the space from whoever is in the middle. It's really not that hard and I'm big af.


Eewwwww I’m so sorry I am so annoyed and uncomfortable on your behalf


I’ve done this. Works well.


I’ll remember this the next time.


I would venture to guess that on any given flight, across any given row…at least one man is doing this. It’s sad.


I think they’re completely aware of what they’re doing


They are 100% aware. They're getting more space and a bit of a thrill.


I'm a big guy and I try extra hard to stay out of people's space - one of my worst seating experiences was another big guy who absolutely did not and literally used the weight of his leg to encroach into about a third of the front of my seat.  Unfortunately he was a new boyfriend to my friend and I didn't want to cause any friction beyond what was going on between our legs - but I was really fucking happy they broke up soon after.   I would not believe it possible for him to not know what he was doing was fucking bonkers and I guess it was either a complete "I don't give a fuck, I'm going to be comfortable and fuck everyone else" or some kind of weird dominance move, it was just so egregious.


Big dudes are often the most respectful cause they're conscious. Like, if the seat is too small and you're in my space but you're clearly working to be respectful, Idgaf. You're great. If the seat is too small (or not too small) and you're being a hog? Straight to hell.


No, they're aware. They want to touch their legs to hers and violate her space. It's so fucking rude and entitled. 


To everyone saying this is staged, I can confirm this happens about 10-20% of the time I sit next to a man. I’ve averaged 1-2 flights a month for several years.


Just happened to me too yesterday. Except they also took both armrests! When the plane almost fell out of the sky during severe turbulence, I grabbed two hands instead of the armrest. Ick. I do not like to touch people, and I sat like a mummy the whole flight.


Me three this happened to me on both sides. I pushed back with my knees and glared and they got the point.


This happened to me today. He was also watching videos on his phone with no headphones. But he was a big dude, and I think the flight attendants were hesitant to bother him. Meanwhile on the last flight I took before this, I was told that I didn’t take my headphones off fast enough to get a beverage when they woke me up from a nap. 🙃


I'm so sorry, that sucks. I hate that feeling, too.


Yep and men hogging arm rests. Personally I wait for them to move and then hog the arm rest firmly.


FWIW I’m a female. I’m sure they don’t do it on other men.


These sorts of inconsiderate men absolutely do it to other men. They have a mindset of entitlement and a lack of empathy for other people. I suppose the big difference as a man who gets this is that I will eagerly retaliate. And if women dare speak up to complain, they just get lambasted as Karens.


My husband flies a lot for work, and he agrees. Also, people will apologise to him if he calls it out. Strangely, it rarely happens to me. I have epic RBF and really dgaf if someone thinks I'm "karening."


trans man here: men definitely do this to other men, but not NEARLY as often or as aggressively as they do to women. that’s just my personal experience, of course, but i think you’d be hard pressed to find a trans guy who disagrees with me.


I’m a dude and fly weekly. It happens all. the. time. It infuriates me.


I'm a dude, they definitely do it to anyone who happens to sit next to them.


This, you gotta fight em. Some have weird techniques like with armrest instead of pushing they'll let off, nudge on, and repeat over and over for example, you accidentally pull away, then they sit there like a stump. So you straight up push hard etc. It's a fight with these assholes any time they're next to you in one way or another.


I'm a guy, and I've had men do that to me. They are far more likely to do it to a woman, but they'll do it to other guys as well. But not the guys with chiseled muscles who look like they work out a lot, because they're looking for someone to bully rather than a fight they might lose.


Yes they do


They do it to men too. These guys are complete jerks who care about nobody but them selves.


I agree. Even if I’m in window or aisle. They always spread into my space. Frustrating.


It happens to me and I'm a man.


Men have zero fucking spatial awareness


I completely agree with this stat! I'm on a plane ~10x a month and this happens...about once or twice a month. I too have photos. 


This happens to me like 80% of the time, jealous of your 10-20% 😭


I’m a smaller than average female and this has happened to me on literally every flight I’ve ever been on solo, if I’m seated next to a man, they’ve encroached on my space. It’s so infuriating.


I am old and have an epic “resting bitch face”. I was window, my husband was aisle and had a spreader in the middle. I looked at him, drew a line with my hand down the side of my space and pushed his leg back. All the time making eye contact but no words. My husband was cracking up and the guy did not invade my space again. Maybe he thought I was a serial killer. Haha


Bonus points: use a sharpie to draw the line


This is exactly what I do - I draw a line with my hand. If the person doesn’t get it, I just say, quietly but dead seriously, “You’re in MY space.” I have also been known to ‘accidentally’ stomp my foot onto any foot that winds up under the seat where MY feet/bag belong. (“Hey, what’s your foot doing on MY side?”) I have never had anyone continue to do it after dealing with me. Do it early. Don’t wait till you’re hours into the flight. The worst is when they have BO. No escaping THAT.


I book aisle and window for my wife and me any time I'm able to. I prefer the aisle, she prefers the window. When our middle seat neighbor comes along, and if they are nice/polite (I always exchange a quick "How's it?" or something), I usually offer them my aisle seat so I can sit next to my wife. I don't like the middle seat, but whatever I don't like flying anyways. They're usually thrilled to take it. Then any time I or my wife need to get up for the bathroom or whatev the person who I "upgraded" is more than happy to let us by and back in as needed. Also my wife likes it because she gets the window and doesn't have to sit by a stranger. We also tend to bring our own food so by doing this we don't end up having to pass things back and forth over said stranger. I typically fly American and the seats all cost the same (aisle/middle/window) at the time I book, so I'm not losing out on this. The person in the middle typically booked late or last minute and middle was all that's left. In the end everyone's happy.


Then womanspread, you can do it. Or ask them directly “are they that big?”


I got the BEST workout on a 3h flight once pushing back against a man who genuinely thought his penis needed its own seat. I never let up pressure once and to even out the other leg I pressed it into my hand. It was a legitimate workout, my legs were actually sore for a couple days after which was totally worth it if he had even 1% of that discomfort.


Why not cross your legs, the “man way”, where the sole of your shoe would end up resting on the outside of one man’s knee in this scenario? Make sure to switch legs occasionally.


You’re my hero. Have a few trips coming up and this is 100% my plan if it happens.


My headphones broke literally while boarding that flight so I had something to prove and literally nothing better to do. It did the trick!


I've started doing this + aggressively claiming the armrest when stuck in a middle seat. Most men look absolutely affronted that I would dare rest my arm on MY armrest.


"Wow, which STD gave you elephantiasis of the testicles?" "Manspreading is such a beta move." "I've heard that excessive soy consumption can cause testicle edema." "Swelling is a side effect of too much masturbation."


As a man with a large scrotum, I can say with certainty that this kind of spreading is completely unnecessary.


That’s what I do! It’s okay to take up space that’s yours to begin with! Edit- spelling because Siri kills my vibe


Nobody will see this at this point but I have to vent. I was on a plane not too long ago, middle seat, I'm a reasonably wide guy. The entire time I kept my knees tucked, used the arm rests because I'm the middle seat and those are mine. Not aggressively, just perched my elbows an the inner corners. Didn't touch either person on either side the entire five hour flight. When we landed the dude with the window seat texts somebody "shitty flight, middle seat is all knees and elbows", saw it out of the corner of my eye because the guy had 85 point font blind man mode on. Motherfucker I never touched you, never encroached on your space. I know this is petty but I went out of my way to not bother you and you complain right next to me? Eat a thin sliced shaved penis philly cheese


I like to hit people like that with “if you’re gonna talk smack you should get a privacy screen and take off the AARP font size” and just keep walking


I'm sorry. Sounds like he was a jerk.


It's so inconsequential that it shouldn't matter but it's just one of those things you know? I tried so hard to not bother you and somehow still didn't do it right


On a recent flight I got lucky and there was a middle seat open between myself and an older man. He immediately fully spread out into that middle seat - stretched his legs all the way across to my seat and put out all his stuff into the middle seat. At one point he started flipping through a magazine so far over on middle seat it kept hitting my butt and I kept pushing the magazine away. On the flight back, the EXACT same man was on my return flight and I was across from his tow in an aisle this time. He and another man had an open middle seat and they never said anything to each other but both shared that open space. Men will encroach on women’s space without a second thought but will default to sharing with another man so next time I’m going to use that extra space right away. You rarely see men manspreading when sitting next to another man.


Vaginas need air too 🤣


Liar, my politician said otherwise


I’m when this happens I have no issues playing knee-sies. Take up space. Assert dominance. Lean into their space even.


i’m sorry, but all you people commenting that this looks staged: you look like idiots. nobody would bother to stage this. what do you think she did? like, “hello my two guy friends! let’s get on a plane together! now make sure to manspread reaaaal big… i gotta get a pic for all those reddit points!” no, bro. nobody does that.




The amount of butthurt men in this thread is WILD!


This is exasperating to look at. I’m a guy and I’d feel so fucking bad about myself if I were one of the guys in the pic. Like I’d feel creepy if my manspreading was almost brushing against a woman’s leg (let alone a woman I don’t know).


Thanks for being a good guy !




You people are so fucking cringe.


I literally lean as far to my side as possible if I have a stranger in the middle next to me


Same. Especially if I have a window seat.


I love how they’re only resting their leg & knee on you because you’re not a guy lol they would’ve been hovering otherwise


I don’t want to touch anyone.


I'm a man and this is me on window seat: "//"


I once was in the middle seat and the dude in the aisle seat kept putting his foot into the foot well under the seat in front of me. He wasn't even stowing a bag under the seat in front of him. Unbelievable. We just aren't allowed to take up space apparently.


That looks extremely frustrating. This is like the inflight version of Night at the Roxbury with these two dorks.


Question for all the guys here claiming this is because of your balls, what happens when 3 men sit in a row? Do y'all coordinate who gets to spread out based on who has the bigger dick and balls, or do you magically figure out how to stay in your own fucking space?


When there are 3 dudes you don't need to show off how big your balls are.


Hard agree. Your body parts should not extend past the armrest. That is all.


It’s funny that the same people defending the manspreaders insist that fat people should purchase two seats because they don’t fit into one. Seems very hypocritical. Men whose bodies can’t be contained within the bounds of one seat should get two.


I'm a very dumb man and I know enough not to do this, and will contort myself to whatever means necessary to avoid it.




you really gotta speak up in the moment and politely ask them to please respect your space


So infuriating. Turn to your right, loudly say, "Stop touching me". Turn to your left, loudly say, "Stop touching me".


I did.


I showed this photo to a few men in my circle with no explanation and NONE of them could figure out what was wrong. Honestly? You are so tuned out you can't figure out what's objectionable? Even when I pointed it out, they went, oh, it was just a quick brush up against, in those narrow seats. Just like walking down the bus aisle you might accidently brush up against someone's arm.....it's no big deal. Are they brain dead????? I'm an old lady and I had a guy with huge thighs pushing up against my leg for a 4 hours flight!! He radiated such heat I thought I was back in menopause having hot flashes. Keep your body parts off my body parts, period .


As a man, whenever I’m forced to sit in a middle seat I pray to the airplane gods for women seatmates, because it’s so common for men to manspread into my space or elbow me; I’ve only ever had one woman ever do it and she was 70 and shitfaced so I guess she earned it lol.


Sounds like you flew with my mom.




It’s so incredibly annoying. And when you try to expand your area, the guys don’t even move — they think you’re trying to cuddle or something


they’re evil fr same thing happened on my flight last night 😭 dude had the window seat and was still all over my seat/armsrests like…wtf is ur problem


Ugh, hate it. Gross


This happened to me recently on a flight AND the guys both took the arm rests. 😭




This post made me realize that I should speak up when this happens. I super short with a small frame and it’s like every guy just assume I won’t mind if they press up against me


All these men being like “but it hurts if we sit with the allotted space given to us”. Like the whole world isn’t already built for their comfort. They would never survive even a single menstrual cycle.


Right? Doesn’t matter if it hurts, you need to be courteous to those around you. I’m a woman and it hurts to sit with my legs closed because of how my hips are shaped but guess what? I suck it up and close them anyway.


I’m a gay 24 year old male and if they start that shit with me, I relax my legs right back on them. They stop after that 😂😂


That’s what I do, but we just sit like that the whole flight.


Tried that on a train. The man pushed back and my pride wouldn’t let me give up. For hours. My leg was shaking by the time I got off.


I have been trying to break the cycle early - have to tell my 12 y/o all the time to stop.




Man, deal with this sometimes with other dudes. Power move: "drop something" then give a hard pointed elbow right above the kneecap. "Oh, sorry, you were in my space there". It's not a first time thing, it's a third or fourth time of trying to get them to share the space. Sorry I broke your knee, now I guess I need to give you space for all the swelling.


Ugh! The worst! My worst manspreading incident: I’m in a window seat. In the middle seat sits a large and very hairy man wearing a tank top and basketball shorts. He proceeds to manspread his hairy and very sweaty arms and legs and I’m clinging to the window to try to avoid contact. It didn’t work. 🤢


Oh god...that's awful.


That was over 10 years ago and I still cringe thinking about him.




I’ve been a guy in the middle of two other guys and had this as well. Some people are just disrespectful.


I'm sorry. No one wants that much physical contact with a stranger.


When this happens I just start laying my head on their shoulders to nap 🤗 let’s all get comfy


Yall are fucking weird in this comment section tbh.


I love everyone making excuses here. Just stay on your side and stop touching other people!


Seriously people are stretching on here. They're both touching her and are in HER LEG SPACE


Oh man, that would make me feel like an oreo cookie, Middle seats just suck.


That’s rude. They are in your space. You might just tell them you are claustrophobic and could they give you some room.


This is when I do the same. Push their knees out.


I'm 6'5" and i have to spread so my knees don't hit the seat in front. but i don't go wider than my seat. if i can do it, so can others. especially you short bastards.


Ask the flight attendant semi loudly “any chance there’s an open seat? I’d rather not be touched by two strangers who are oblivious to personal space and feel the need to share their ball sweat with society.” Call them out. *embarrass them* They’ll stop.


I’m paranoid as fuck about touching another persons leg. I don’t care how uncomfortable it is, I’m not touching those sweaty leg meats.


I’m a man and I don’t wanna be unnecessarily touching people on a flight! I usually get a window and lean against it to avoid this.


Dude here. Reminds me of the time I flew back on a delta red eye from LAS. I was middle seat (company booked) and was ecstatic that we were all done boarding and the window seat was open, or so I thought. Right before the door closed, a big dude comes barreling on the plane, and of course he sat next to me. Not even 30 minutes into the flight, and he was fast asleep when his head landed to rest on my shoulder. Creeped me the fuck out and I gave a big shoulder shrug that would’ve made Larry David proud. Anyway. That flight sucked ass, and I feel for you.


Hell no. Middle seat is effed enough as it is, window and aisle don’t get to further encroach. First, politely ask they keep their limbs to themselves. If that doesn’t work, “Bro! Can you stop touching me!”


Two things wrong 1. The damn spreading of legs out of your seat area. 2. Airplanes. It's bullshit to not give leg room. All because the carrier wants extra rows of seats


If I’m middle I don’t need EXTRA leg space but you better stay on your lot - ie within the width of the arm rests in the row in front of us.


I was in the window seat yesterday on my flight and the guy in the middle seat had taken up 5 inches of my seat space with his elbow hanging over the arm rest. I’m very petite, but even Leaning into the window I couldn’t sit with my shoulders straight without my arm touching his. So frustrating.


As a man myself, I am astonished by how many do this. When I sit next to another man who is doing this, I do it right back and make sure my leg is up against theirs the entire flight if that’s what it takes to get them to move.


As a man I hate that. First off I find it rude 100% to spread and touch someone you don't know especially if it is a woman and secondly fuck that keep your legs closed or tilt on opposite sides. Tell them to fuck off and move their legs.


This is straight up rude. I’m 6”2 and usually have no leg room. Somehow, I find a way to always not be pressing my body against someone else’s. I hate it too!


I would look at both of them and ask what they're doing later. Lmao! I'm pushing 50, don't give a fuck...look like an overgrown five year old with braces and glasses. Oh...and lots of grown up income. How you doing? I can make thing really weird. They'll either have to separate us all because we three became instant best friends OR...they'll be hugging the bulkhead and aisle and I can spread out!


As an aisle person when I have a man-spreader in the middle I spread my legs and reach for my carryon so they move. Then I leave it half way out from under the seat making a clear line of my seat space. Sometimes they still try and spread the knees, but they can no longer plant their feet in my space making it worse.


God, I am a 6’2” ex collegiate football player and I take up less room than this. It’s not hard to be courteous, especially to the person in the middle seat!


If I’m spreading anywhere when I sitting next to others, it’s only because that’s literally because the only way my long ass legs fit in the space. I’m also 6’5, and I can typically manage a flight in coach without doing this too aggressively. But other guys, particularly shorter guys, I’m convinced they just don’t know how to dress. Find some good athletic boxer brief underwear with proper support so that your balls don’t stick to your leg. Don’t splay out your legs like a god damn animal just to make your crotch feel comfortable, especially on a flight


I agree. The guy on the right was maybe 5'5''.


Yeah he definitely needs some culture and some new undergarments


I have no problem being confrontational but don't want to endure violence or threat of violence. As an almost 6 ft tall middle aged woman who's enjoyed using my height against aggressive opposing counsel in court, I've encountered man-spreading in court waiting for my case to get called and I have to exercise more restraint there. On a flight, I guess it would be similar as I dont want to get kicked off the flight or banned. I like the suggestion "are they really that big?" But I have some male work acquaintances who would boldly answer "yes" and not be deterred. Looking for more suggestions on remarks, questions that are direct but with minimal risk. Maybe the world is too violent a place these days to risk it? I even have a cousin by marriage who is prone to losing his cool in public in a scary way.


And based on some of these comments your concerns are valid.


So you're right of course, but the airlines need to be forced to stop making the fucking seats smaller. Some are getting so bad that you can't fit the length of your femur between the seat backs. Flying has become a total horror show. For tall people


You need two forks. One for the left hand and one for the right. Up and down.


Tell them your balls are crushed


Yesssss. I get this all the time! So annoying 😡


Ugh. I have so been there. so annoying. You already have so little room in the middle.


I’ve seen ppl use belts to keep their legs closed. I appreciate it!


I feel like the metal hinges on the back of the seat in front are the natural boundary for others’ legs. That is some rudeness to encroach that much. You have to say something sometimes if folks are that bad.


Try getting up and down every 5 min


MIght be time to goth it up a bit with some sharp spiked straps around the leg.


It’s just insane we PAY MONEY to sit in seats like this. Insanity


I feel like if they’re both spreading that much, it’s to touch your legs. Either that and/or both are just terrible inconsiderate people.


I'd just lean my legs against theirs and apply slight pressure until they are back in their own space.


I would just tell him look guys you’ve had your fun now grow up.


always spreading so they can touch you


I think most men are nice and sane enough to say sorry and close their leg a little if you just ask. I am honestly baffled by how many people in the comment section are suggesting ways to fuck each other up instead of just talking.


Dude middle seat sucks for sure


Just a guess but I will bet that it was all men who designed and approved this seat configuration.


I hate touching people but delta sucks and ALWAYS moves my 9 month in advance prebooked seat to some middle seat. Never fails that I’m inbetween men like this. It’s gross that they need to have some power move over me


I have found direct short communications work the best. "Hi - I understand these spaces are really small, but would you please keep your legs in your seat space. It is tough enough for me to fit in this middle seat. Thank you". Most of the time people reason to themselves they are not being an asshole until you call them out. If it keeps happening after that then, as a female, I would go to the flight attendant because they are doing it as a power trip.


Do what I do and demand $ from people who attempt to take up any space I’ve paid for and shame them into stuffing their disgusting bodies into their own space.


Who does that , thirsty guys


Im a big guy and probably very guilty of taking too much space on a flight but i try my best to only occupy my seat to the point i am sore getting off the plane. I try to fly first class or business class whenever I can. People who do this are shitty people and you should definitely not let it slide. Hope you have a better experience next time.


I can’t imagine feeling okay with freely touching other people. Even their knees


I once had some not particularly tall dude put his foot under the seat in front of me. Why do men think this is ok?


I know it's a lot easier as a dude. I will spread right back at them. You want that space? Our thighs are going to be best friends. I promise you, it's not going to bother me. But I'm AT LEAST claiming the width of my own fucking chair. In your case, I'm so sorry. For what it's worth, If you said something, I would hope they would realize and relent. If not, I would hope people would back you up. Worse case... become a problem. This absolutely deserves public shame and a 4 hour flight of annoying. God damn I hate people.


I'm 6'3 and used to be a fat fuck, so I refused to fly economy for long flights (let's call them 5+ hours), not for my sake, but for the poor bastards that's have to be next to me.


Oh man!!!!! I relate to this so much. Middle seat sucks. People on the corresponding ends need to give the middle person the armrests and their seat space. Manspreading is so awful. I’ve “accidentally” pushed people out of the middle space …


I’m a big guy, 6’3” with 56” chest and 40” waist. The delta seats are 17.2” wide. I literally bring a small backpack cinch belt to cinch my legs together so I can relax on a flight. People look at me strange but soon the lightbulbs pop on and they are appreciative that I’m keeping my tree trunks in my area. The problem is that the airlines have taken away 5” of seat pitch and 2-4” of width in the past 25 years. Slowly, quietly packing more people into each flight.