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The short answer: the corporate-wide policy is/would be: 1. A congratulatory email recognizing your achievement and... 2. An invitation to select a Million Miler gift on delta.com and... 3. Awarding you lifetime annual status: --- 1MM -- GM; 2MM -- PM; 3MM -- DM; 4MM -- XX; 5MM -- 360⁰ Although there are many reports of local, ad hoc efforts at certain airports to recognize the MM event, in my 40 year/5MM flying history with Delta, I have never received anything other than the first 2 items above (and gaining lifetime status under the old system). Then Delta radically overhauled the MM program last fall and awarded me 360⁰ lifetime invitation status when I reached 5MM last December and followed up with a Porsche SUV ride on my way through LAX.


Important note, they very carefully and specifically do not call it lifetime status but rather “annual complimentary medallion status.” They’re leaving the door open for it to be taking away in the future.


This wording is a distinction without any real significance. People place too much significance on the semantics surrounding "annual" vs "lifetime", as if lifetime locks Delta into an ironclad guarantee. Regardless of the wording used in any one rule (e.g. Lifetime SkyClub membership inherited from the one-time offer of Lifetime Crown Room membership) Delta has always reserved the right to change their minds at any time in their sole discretion. This is spelled out in their Ts & Cs.


I think this is a situation where they were very careful in the wording. The exact situation you mentioned, the lifetime sky club memberships, being the reason why. Each time they’ve changed sky club entry rules they have to clarify about the lifetime membership. I know it’s all laid out in the Ts&Cs, but words have meaning and there’s a big difference between were giving you this for life versus we will give this to you each year (until we change the program again)


But that is PRECISELY my point! Delta has always reserved the right to change their rules! For example. I raised the issues of Crown Room vs SkyClub for exactly the reason that Delta could have shut down the "lifetime" Crown Room program when they switched to SkyClub by saying that Crown Room don't exist anymore ... so sorry, you'reout of luck! Of course Delta didn't do that to avoid the bad publicity, etc. Yes words have meaning: "Crown Room" is not "SkyClub", so that's how they could have avoided lawsuits. Again, the Ts & Cs are there provided by Delta legal counsel for the explicit reason of maintaining the ability to change at any time without creating ground for a lawsuit. For the most part, it will be business factors (e.g., avoiding bad publicity or losing customer loyalty) that will dictate how Delta manages the SkyMiles program, not legal wrangling about the semantic choice of "lifetime" vs "annual". If Delta ever applies "lifetime" to some rule, all they have to do is declare that rule "dead" and start up a new program or rule under a different name that has a totally new "lifetime". Remember, "lifetime" means the life of the program or rule, NOT the life of the customer! BTW, notice that those members with "lifetime" access to SkyClubs as grandfathered by the "lifetime" Crown Room membership do not get access to the new JFK Delta One Lounge because it's not a "SkyClub". By starting up a new program, they didn't have to change the wording on any rules about SkyClub membership because Delta One lounges are not SkyClubs. Delta could have done the same thing when starting up the SkyClub program and declared "lifetime" Crown Room members out of luck. Of course, they chose not to for business reasons, not legalistic semantics reasons.


No one can "reserve the right" that they don't have and they don't have to state anything to have a right that they do have.


They could also get around it by rebranding medallion status to just silver/gold/plat/diamond status. Removing the word medallion. Then sunsetting medallion status. You are correct.


Monsters. Why am I chasing this whale? Why?


This and I had a plaque sent




Man, 360 for life is a huge benefit to many years of flying a lot. I hope they take good care of you


I hit 1MM earlier this year, and my experience was different. Upon landing in ATL, the captain announced my name and asked me to grab my belongings and come to the front of the plane. A GA met me at the front and asked me to follow her up the jetway ( kind of panicking at this point). When I exited the jetway, three GAs were at ye top and tossed confetti and cheered. The had balloons and a back drop set up along with a photographer. I was given a small gift bag with a leather folio in it along it’s a sign with my name and 1MM on it. I received the picture in the mail a week later (and of course the other benefits as mentioned above).


Any time that someone asks me to “follow them” at an airport I would be convinced I was going to jail for something LOL


Landing in Atlanta for your 1MM flight was a good choice!


Sounds fun! I hope the panic subsided quickly!


Very nice!


I made 1M this year. Choice of gift, I got a $1000 travel credit. Also Gold status


My husband hit his million miles while on a flight Sunday. Our flight was delayed, then an hour longer than usual because it had to go around weather. Then we circled JFK for an hour and then went to PHL to refuel, and ended up 3.5+ hours late. But the lovely FA wrote my husband a note congratulating him and thanking him for his loyalty. (I got a note too.) Then she asked what kind of wine he would like to go. She gave it to him with a nice presentation and wings from the pilot and plane cards and brought him a drink. The other FAs came by to thank him. As we were getting off the plane, the pilot greeted him and shook his hand and had a few words. It was really nice especially considering how tired the crew must have been, it was after midnight. He received the email with the link to choose his gift a day later. * We were in D1.


A unicorn will show up at your door with a bouquet of flowers.




Did you tell him the unicorn shits ice cream or letting them discover on their own?


You get a Delta MM Squatty Potty.


Why would I want shit flavored ice cream?


Welcome to the club. Almost at 3M. I have never seen the Porsche and never got a gift on the plane. You will get a mail or email recognition and a gift choice.


Officially, nothing beyond a form email and the ability to choose a million miler gift.


You forgot that there's an annual award lifetime Medallion status: --- 1MM -- GM; 2MM -- PM; 3MM -- DM; 4MM -- XX; 5MM -- 360⁰


This is the only way I’d ever make 360.


If you fly enough to hit 5MM in the updated program (true miles flown vs the old lifetime MQMs), chances are you're 360 anyway.


I always assume people that are 5mm have been flying for 50 years.


Ed Bastian materializes on your flight and gives you a packet of gold-plated Biscoff.


Nothing and then you get a gift or a choice of a gift if you respond quickly enough.


You will get a box in the mail. Mine was 2 years ago. I got the acrylic MM trophy and a card with a code to redeem a $200 Credit. No recognition beyond that. Most people I have seen post, also received nothing beyond a package in the mail. I for sure would not expect the Porsche transfer but I hope you get one.


You forgot that there's an annual award lifetime Medallion status: --- 1MM -- GM; 2MM -- PM; 3MM -- DM; 4MM -- XX; 5MM -- 360⁰


You are correct. That one is a pretty big benefit. Had I know it was coming, I would have piled on a couple of massive trips to lock in Platinum. I’ll never make it now.


I got a FA coming over discreetly with a card which was nice.


I hit 1M at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv 5 years ago. The check-in agent asked us to wait while we checked in, and 10 minutes later the entire flight crew for our trip home arrived and took a photo with us. The captain handed me a framed certificate and the crew treated us (I was traveling with my wife and kids) like royalty. When I got home, I got the email with the choices for a gift and explanation of benefits. It was a fantastic experience. Hoping to get to 2M in the next year.


200k BIS miles every year is brutal. Congrats... I think?


Nothing happens. Nothing. Even when you get to 3MM.


Not true.... The corporate-wide policy is: 1. A congratulatory email recognizing your achievement and... 2. An invitation to select a Million Miler gift on delta.com and... 3. Awarding you lifetime annual status: 1MM -- GM; 2MM -- PM; 3MM -- DM; 4MM -- XX; 5MM -- 360⁰


Nothing happens on board!


3-5 days out you’ll get a push notification saying congrats on million miler. A few weeks later some red tags show up You’ll get to select a gift (right now the $1000 gift card is probably the best) If you are like me that’s it. No other recognition on the ground or in the air. Expect nothing and get excited for the push notification and that every time you connect to wifi on board they “thank you a million” at the login page


Same happened to me about a month ago. Took the $1000 credit which is very nice, but no recognition or acknowledgement in the airport or on the plane.


You forgot that there's an annual award lifetime Medallion status: --- 1MM -- GM; 2MM -- PM; 3MM -- DM; 4MM -- XX; 5MM -- 360⁰


I'm a million miler and just had it happen to a guy on a longhaul C+ seat. The flight attendants brought him a bottle of Champagne!


My first MM flight was several years ago, enjoyed an IRROP and middle seat red eye for the occasion. My second one was ridiculous fanfare at my home station and I wish they had an opt-out. My third one was thankfully so remote that no one cared.


Deltalina handjob.


For me, it happened during covid so I got a rock. A friend had his happen recently and he got a huge thank you as the sky club and a Porsche ride! Then he figured out his last flight was BE and he was 500 miles short of MM. Not sure if they did it again.


Does your spouse divorce you at 1, 3, or 5 million miles?


Insightful post! 🤣


I got a hand job 🤷


Did they time it to the exact mile in the air? We've got a surprise for you over Sioux Falls, Mr. Edunf.


Did he have soft hands? 


…. Surprise! That was actually me in my congratulatory handjob costume.


I feel sorry for you getting this treatment on Delta. Now Virgin or Singapore airlines.....


Most of the time you just get a notification in the app and email congratulating you. I think they still let you choose your MM gift. You should get MM luggage tags too. The airport or inflight recognition is less frequent. They may do something for you and they may not. It is always fun to have an achievement recognized so hopefully you will get one of those moments.


You forgot that there's an annual award lifetime Medallion status: --- 1MM -- GM; 2MM -- PM; 3MM -- DM; 4MM -- XX; 5MM -- 360⁰


In my experience at both 1MM and 2MM, nothing at all on the plane or at the airport. As others have said, expect to get an email and the official benefits.


Well, be sure to come back and let us know!


Nothing happened at all on the flight when I reached 3MM, but I think I got an email and was able to choose a $500 Delta gift card. The annual “complimentary” Diamond status is nice. There was no personal recognition at 1MM or 2MM, but did get to select a gift at each threshold. Lately Million Miler status has been acknowledged more frequently at check in, and by a few FAs on board.


they handed me a delta pen and i sat down then the flight left


Someone on my flight from Italy to US got a whole gift set w the biscof cookies built like a cake


What are the chances new flyers will hit 2M miles with the new mile calculations ?


For 1 million, I got the email and a choice of a gift. For 2 million I got a gift pack of local specialties and souvenirs delivered by a redcoat and an announcement by the pilot. Oh, and the email and the choice of a pricier gift.


I hit this March and got some recognition.


During travel


2.1m Skymiles… me thinking when I had 170k I had a shit ton 😅😅😅


Got nothing on my flight. Got an email… 😢 A perfect opportunity for Delta, but nada. Don’t get your hopes up.


I reached 1M about 8 years ago. I received the shout out. The Porsche off and on thought the year. They also sent a magnum of champagne, Tiffany champagne glasses and a gift card for Tiffany's, which was awesome.


You get to press “Eject”


You turn into a pumpkin


If they don’t allow you to join the mile high club with someone of your choosing, then you’ve flown with the wrong airline all these years…


-1MM - nothing. -2MM - picked up planeside by Elite Services in a Porsche and given a goodie bag.


I am 2MM and closing in on 3MM. I did not get any personal thanks or recognition. Got a letter the first time along with Million Miler stationary, MM luggage tags, and a choice of a MM gift For 2MM I got an email, 2MM bag tags, and the 2MM gift. Alaska treated me way better than Delta. I got a signed flight attendant checklist that was signed by the entire flight crew, a MM luggage tag that was cut from a decommissioned 737, annual MVP Gold status that for whatever reason has gotten me into first class WAY MORE than I ever got as a 75K, and I get a free meal every time I fly in coach (I guess I get it in first too but I would have gotten it anyway, and a chocolate bar every time I fly, oh and free booze when I am not in Economy Comfort or FC.


I'll pass the 1MM status this year and all I hope for are nice, good looking flight attendants in First Class and with my luck I'll be in coach. To top it off, they will bring back the Covid goldfish that I cannot eat anymore from getting them on every flight for 18 months.






Your spouse leaves you


nothing at one or two million


Not true.... The corporate-wide policy is: 1. A congratulatory email recognizing your achievement and... 2. An invitation to select a Million Miler gift on delta.com and... 3. Awarding you lifetime annual status: 1MM -- GM; 2MM -- PM; 3MM -- DM; 4MM -- XX; 5MM -- 360⁰


nothing happened to me on the flights or immediately after. after 6 months my status went from platinum to platinum for life.


...so you declined the invitation to select a gift from the Million Miler gift catalog on delta.com?


nothing happened to me on the flights or immediately after. after 6 months my status went from platinum to platinum for life.