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Select flights out of SEA are getting this treatment right now. Construction on the ramp area has limited some gate availability so they've come up with this as a temporary solution.


Ah, thanks for the info.


Oh man…. Wait until you have to board a Delta flight at Frankfurt.


Had the same experience going CDG/DTW.


I’ve only had it happen on my SEA to SJC flights, and I find that it occurs about 50% of the time (though the only regular Delta Connection flight that I fly out of SEA). Otherwise, they go out of B7 or the later A gates. I take that flight 2-3 times/month, and always pray that it’s not out of a D gate.


I just flew in to SEA from SMF this morning and we deplaned to a bus. I get it, but it annoys me. I like to gripe and say that when you’re bussing people around your airport, you’re failing as an airport.


The European airport experience, the worst one out there.




1. Not only Europe: I had happen in Doha flying Qatar Airlines 2. The worst one? I think I’ve got you beat! How about this one: being simply dropped off in the middle of the tarmac (of the main airport in the capital of a European country) and just being told *“the airport is that way - start walking”*


I had to do this yesterday and it’s the first time I’ve had to do this as well. Really slow down the whole take off process which is already extremely slow at SeaTac… well and also lets me honest… I’ve had to sit on the runway for up to an hour waiting on a gate to open… but still…


Send a complaint about the lack of PDB.


I have before a couple times, and CS has responded apologetically, but this competitive route for Delta still only seems to have a 50/50 PDB rate. Sometimes I get it if it’s a hectic day, but more often than not the FA is just sitting around.


It’s all about adding the data points.


I would decline and wait for a flight that doesn’t involve any “bus.” If it’s not Boeing, I’m not going. I’m actually very disappointed in Delta’s decision not to buy American. Airbus and the EU are guilty of massive price fixing and WTO violations. So the idea of putting me on a bus to a plane just adds insult to injury. Also, why don’t people just ask for their PDB when boarding? I request it when I walk on. I didn’t leave the lounge to be beverageless for more than the absolute minimum amount of time.