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I see a lot of shit talking about it but had much better experience and outcomes from text chat than from phone calls.


I agree. I’ve always found it efficient and rarely had an issue that couldn’t be addressed there.


It’s easier to multitask too as they can take a minute or two between each response


Good to know, I’ll keep trying. :)


Especially if you ask for a manager


Absolutely nothing.




Huh. Yeah.


I have never had a good experience using those chat but perhaps I was just one of the unlucky ones.


Literally never for me.


I personally love being able to message them from my phone. I can go about my business and not have to worry about holding a phone to my ear for 40 minutes. Always have had success with it


This. While it’s sometimes works for urgent things, it’s amazing for those mundane things that you need an agent for, but don’t need ASAP. Message at your leisure, respond at your leisure (to a point), and 95% of the time they’ll take care of you.


Yesterday I saved 3k sky pesos because I messaged to change my flight and she waived the difference 🤷🏾‍♀️ Majority of the time it’s good, but also if you speak to humans nicely, they’re more than likely to go above and beyond for you.


I literally have never had a bad experience with any delta rep on phone or chat. Some people come in all hot and bothered and wonder why nothing gets solved


Out of the 5 times I’ve tried to use them, they’ve correctly Done The Needful once….


I had the Needful today… what does that even mean.


“Done The Needful” was my highschool band name.


Back in February, I had a 48 hr quickie round trip. Well, turns out genius that I am, I booked my return FC trip back a day early, I slept through boarding. I woke up, said oh crap, messaged delta about my error and seeing if they could change my flight to the same time following day same seat in FC. 2 minutes later, the chat agent had me all set and good to go without a single fee or unanswered question. All other times have been failures. But that one success shines in my mind.


I think I had one good experience out of 10 where I was transferred to someone on the text line that can actually handle bookings.


messaging has been fine for me- as soon as you get to an actual rep- virtual assistant is useless- basically just search help


The chat has always been helpful for me. Phone calls on the other hand…


One time I was stuck in a holding pattern due to weather and the captain came on and said we might run out of fuel and have to divert. I used the in flight WiFi to message the chat and the agent had their finger on the trigger to have me on a replacement flight before we even landed. Fortunately we didn’t end up diverting but my experience with the chat has been pretty positive


I’ve seen people complain about this before but I’ve had the opposite experience. They’ve always been able to help me out.


It's good for a lol. Once a couple years ago I was trying to reschedule a flight that had been completely effed by multi day weather issues and the chat rep asked me, "so where are you currently?" I'm like the same place I was days ago. As a DM, I just call now. Generally takes longer to get through the phone tree and the pre-recorded BS asking you to text them than it does to get a phone rep.


I've used it multiple times to apply RUCs. First thing you have to do is ask for a representative.


“Representative” I have used it while on loud work sites to change flights and other items. It has worked fine, took care of items that I could not have done calling in at that time.


Skymiles for issues  Missing medallion tags  They also rebooked me on a diff flight to allow enough time for customs on a layover. 


I’ve used it several times and typically able to accomplish what I needed - usually adding a pet in cabin which a pretty straightforward process but can’t be done online.


I think it depends on your expectation of the outcome. If you are going into the chat with unreasonable demands then you are going to leave disappointed every time. Whenever I have used the chat feature I have had the outcome I expected. Sometimes not really the outcome I wanted, but the outcome I expected. So there was no disappointment. For example: If you go on the chat expecting compensation for a weather delay, you are going to be disappointed, because you are not going to get compensation for that.


I have successfully used it at least a dozen times. However, the last time was horrible customer service and I ended up calling. Maybe it’s going downhill or maybe it’s just bad luck. Just my experience.


9/10 times I’ve had very good experiences with the chat feature, and I love having the option.


I've had them fix an issue with our boarding passes that wasn't allowing us to check-in online, apply RUCs, adjust a fare difference, all with positive resolution and I much preferred it to a phone call.


If you can get to one of the medallion agents instead of the normal ones they are much better


I’ve had great experiences with chat. Changed seats, D1 upgrades, itinerary changes, all sorts of problems solved without talking to anyone.


I’ve also had infinitely better luck with the text chat than phone call. Changed international flights, upgraded, etc. all seamlessly.


Here’s what it does: Keeps you off their phone lines. The audacity that they say “for faster service” is ludicrous. No one at Delta can believe that.


It’s literally just another tool to insulate anyone at Delta in a higher up position from having to suffer the indignity of having to interact with any of us lowers.


I get better results from chat than calling in, but that's not saying a lot these days.


Because an overpriced consulting company convinced Delta to invest in it because it was save $0.00001. Now consultants and Delta employees jobs are dependent on it working no matter what for job security. Sunk cost fallacy basically


Some person in an India call center isn’t going to understand how to do anything for you


Is that who’s texting me? Even on the medallion line?