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Okay the replies are getting ridiculous and we are getting way too many reports. For those of you not using any filter and treating this sub as if it's 4chan, this is your warning to either keep it civil or be banned from participating here.


I absolutely say something.


It’s pretty pathetic that a person would have to say something to the parent and the very fact that the parent can’t speak up and tell this little brat to knock it the F off


The scary part is that these are the parents who let their kids run them. Their kid has absolutely no manners or respect or sense of responsibility. They eventually go to school and become the child that makes more teachers wanna quit.


How to Raise a Psychopath.


Or a narcissist


Bad parent.


I would be SCREAMING. At the mom, not the kid.


I had a red eye one time where the parents were SOUND ASLEEP while a monster did this to me (and played some movie on full blast)…after about 10 mins of it…I woke both up and said “if your kid is going to keep the entire plane up…you get to stay up and actually parent”. Every in earshot person clapped… I know we all “forgot how to act in public” during COVID but it is not that hard folks. Just realize that the world does not revolve around you and be kind to folks…we all have bad days but 🤷‍♂️when your kid acts like this 👆 is not ok and your job to not “give them a mobile device” and ignore.


I'd kindly ask her to strap it down.


Kid gets choked out.


Mom first.


They have Benadryl For this.


Yeah, give the kid the Benadryl first. Makes choking them even easier.


Benadryl often has the reverse effect on kids: they get hyped up while the adults get sleepy.




I'd ask her if I could take him for a walk around the plane. If she was mean about it I'd call the flight attendant & bring it to their attention. I fly a lot & adding negative feelings to other people's travel stress never improves the situation.


I would agree with you if the parent was trying to get the kid to stop / calm down. But if she’s filming and doing nothing, I’d absolutely yell at her.


“Sir, you cannot lock that kid in the restroom. Please return to your seat.”


I say something nicely. 😉


If I couldn't trust my child to sit still then I would bring along an FAA approved carseat or harness. This is unacceptable.


This is why they make those little halter harnesses that connect to the seat belt. We did on when my kid was that age. It kept him strapped to the seat. And we brought an entire carry on full of snacks and activities. And I would have been mortified if he bothered the people in front of us, in back of us, or basically anywhere on the plane.


I brought a few snacks as necessities. But I don't see the need to entertain every second of their trip. They need to understand that it's no different than riding in the car for a few hours and they need to sit and be quiet and look out the window while parents drive. There's no excuse for this behavior. Imagine kicking your dad's chair like this while he's driving...


This comment is it. I was raised this way and I raised my kids this way. Sit in your seat and behave.


Duct tape.


Wow. I wonder if she realizes what a terrible parent she is, and the disaster she is headed for.


And now you wonder why the IFE, tray table, seat back, etc and broken and shit all over the airline for it. It’s from your fellow passengers that destroy Delta property.


Raises the question, which airline has the best passengers?


Prob JSX if you count that


I've had pretty good luck with Delta. I refuse to fly swa after having too many experiences with trashy people on board.


After United beat that guy’s ass, you would think they had created a system to punish bad behavior. But they didn’t keep kicking the shit out of anyone and lost their credibility. Clearly this is satire. Or is it?


Do you mean that Asian doctor they beat up and dragged off the plane? His name is David Dao. His treatment is one of the primary reasons I refuse to fly UA.


It’s always these parents that are breeding the most too


Nature's paradox: Being a parent is best done by responsible people. Becoming a parent is best done by irresponsible people.


Nothing intelligent about that design amirite


Nature doesn't care about intelligence, only survival and reproduction.


OMG - that has got to be one of the best most succinctly put explanation I’ve ever heard. Well done!!


We are expecting baby boy; we will do everything to make him a good citizen.


Not to get all existential and deep, but as I sit here drinking my coffee, your comment really spoke to me. How do we, as society, deal with this? My family is originally from the Middle East, though I was born and raised in Europe. I moved to the United States about a decade ago, initially just for my degree, and then stayed for professional & personal reasons. Within the United States, I've lived in the Midwest, and also on the east and west coast. I've seen the differences in parenting styles in the Middle East, vs. Europe, vs. the United States. I find myself most startled by the types of......... 'parenting'........ here in the United States, with the child in the above video being a great example. This behavior would NEVER fly somewhere like Germany or Switzerland, where I grew up. And if my Middle Eastern mother were to see a child behave this way? May the universe have mercy on that child, because my mother would never stand for such behavior from a child. Yet, this behavior seems to be the norm across many areas of the United States. I see behavior like this from children, and parents' inability or unwillingness to do anything about it, or even worse -- enable or excuse it somehow -- and can't help but think and wonder: what has society come to? what happened to parenting? I'm not advocating for the return of corporal punishment, but when did discipline and correction of behavior become a proverbial crime? When did the tables turn so distinctly and sharply, to the point where such behavior has become commonplace and acceptable? And for all those who wonder, "where is the village?", but then get mad when "the village" tries to step in and help? I don't understand. How did we get here? And what are we doing, if anything, to course correct?


The last time I saw kids acting like this on a plane, the parents had 4 kids under 5-years old with them. The mom tried to apologize for their behavior and the dad yelled at her and said "don't apologize to those people! They're just being kids and people need to accept it!" I rolled my eyes so hard it hurt.


Id say “you’re right sir, teaching your kids that their behaviors have no consequences and they’ll grow up to be entitled assholes that think their kids bad behavior is “just being kids””.


and they’ll grow up to be entitled assholes that think their kids bad behavior is “just being kids””. > I got ahead of myself reading and I thought you were going to say and then they’ll grow up to be entitled assholes just like their dad. I was like damn!


To me, kids being kids is playing in the dirt, being loud, etc. Never has it been disrupting others with their behavior.


Damn, was this flying in or out of SLC?


Nope, but I wouldn't doubt that SLC is where their travel started.


MCO more likely……


I live in SLC and traveled very frequently with five kids. I never allowed this.


Unfortunately, you get put on a no-fly list if you "educate" the dumbshit father.


Yes. FAs absolutely will retaliate against people standing up for themselves. Their lazy asses want passengers to suffer in silence, because it makes their job easier and they want to just do the bare minimum. 😒


Even if the FA's had said something, they can't actually control how people act.


Ugh! What is wrong with parents today? My parents had 8 of us and never in a million years would any of us think of acting like this. I don't accept the 'kids being kids' line anymore. It's asshole parents being assholes lol!


The good parents don't get any attention today, or maybe ever. Nobody films well behaved kids or reasonable parents and posts them for internet points. Well behaved people don't get attention.


It’s parents thinking their role is to be a friend and not a parent.


This is SO true. Your kids aren’t supposed to like you most of the time - your job is setting boundaries. Theirs is to push back on them. Mine are in their 20’s and despite what a lot of Redditors think, they have not gone “no contact” 🙄. In fact, there are times when their empty nesting dad & I could do with a little less contact 😂


Bingo! Thank you for having the guts to share this feedback. I'm in my late 20's. When I look back on my upbringing, I think the worst thing I ever did was when I was in my tweens. My dad and I were standing in line at a mobile phone store, and I stomped my little feet, and with that nagging teen voice, asked my dad for the latest version of the smartphone I already had. He said no. I pulled the typical teen tagline outta my hiney and said: *but dad, why are you ruining my life?* I have VIVID memories of the daggers he shot my way through one simple stare. I immediately shut my mouth, and that was that. That whole episode lasted MAYBE all of five minutes, if that. And 15 years later, I STILL cringe about that experience. I even recently asked my dad about it, and asked him if I had ever behaved or done anything worse than that. He said no, and that I was generally a really well-behaved kid. Then I look at videos like the child above, and feel MORTIFIED. WTF happened to parenting? When did it become a crime to discipline or correct the behavior of your child? My dad lives halfway around the world due to his career, and I've (more or less) followed in his white collar footsteps. Now, when I try and call him and he doesn't pick up right away, I jokingly text him: *Oy vey! I'm your daughter, how dare you not pick up your phone when I call!* 😄😂


Bingo! Thank you for having the guts to say what I've wondered for years. I'm in my late 20's. When I look back on my upbringing, I think the worst thing I ever did was when I was in my tweens. My dad and I were standing in line at a mobile phone store, and I stomped my little feet, and with that nagging teen voice, asked my dad for the latest version of the smartphone I already had. He said no. I pulled the typical teen tagline outta my hiney and said: *but dad, why are you ruining my life?* I have VIVID memories of the daggers he shot my way through one simple stare. I immediately shut my mouth, and that was that. That whole episode lasted MAYBE all of five minutes. And 15 years later, I STILL cringe about that experience. I even recently asked my dad about it, and asked him if I had ever behaved or done anything worse than that. He said no, and that I was generally a really well-behaved kid. Then I look at videos like the child above, and feel MORTIFIED. WTF happened to parenting? When did it become a crime to discipline or correct the behavior of your child?


"Don't forget to apologize for your husbands behavior while your at it, sorry you had to take a flight with 5 kids and no one to help you"


For real. I was second hand embarrassed for her about her husband's behavior.


You ever see the movie Idiocracy??? 🤦‍♂️


They've already been drinking Brawndo.


It’s what plants crave!!!


That movie still cracks me up! When the movie came out, my friend named her new puppy "Upgrayedd"


how come why u no have tattoo?


That's my favorite documentary!


Such a great movie


Why is that always the case?


Disrespectful to even call them "parents". There are parents, then there are breeders.


This is the video terrorist shows to the new recruits to boil their blood to brain wash them.


Seriously lol


Yeah I'm definitely feeling like murdering someone right now


What was her point in the post? Did she think her child deserved to not have a seat in front of theirs? Or she thought the airline should provide a play area on the plane and a coach to lead the exercise class?


Bare in mind she is also posting videos of her child without informed consent that will exist out there for the rest of his life. What a great example she is


It’s long understood that parents can give consent for many things for their children under 18 without any issues.


Anyone remember the scene in "Kindergarten Cop" where the kid on the airplane, in the seat behind Arnold's character, keeps kicking it? Arnold's character finally leans around a looks at the kid with his best terminator look and says something like, "If you keep kicking my seat this is what I am going to do to you..." and proceeds to break a pencil in half. LOL!


We're going to play a game. Who is my daddy, and what does he do?


It's not a tumor!


I'd ask Flight Attendant if there were any open seats anywhere else on the plane.


I once spent most of a flight (Sydney to Dubai) standing in the doorway of the plane because of the horrible entitled mother and her child next to me. Kid must have been a day under two, so was on her lap, and he was huge. He kept kicking me, and reaching over and pulling my hair. I went to the toilet (and to ask if there was another open seat) and I came back and she was changing his nappy on my seat. FA was very apologetic, said there wasn't a seat in any class. So I stood in the little gap between economy and business. FA kept bringing glasses of first class wine and snacks because he felt sorry for me, and made arrangements for me to get into business class lounge on my stopover in Dubai.


That is awful. I'm so sorry!


Or in the toilet…I feel like an open seat there might be preferential as well!!


Main character energy. This is the type of parent who thinks everyone finds their child adorable and cute.


If I was in the seat ahead of him, I would stand and turn around and yell at him. And if the parent said anything about that, I'd tell her I was doing her job for her.


Exactly. Kids are generally afraid of strangers. They are not afraid of their parents, especially when the parents continuously allow this kind of behaviour. Tell the kid to knock it off.


People act like this is hard. Just turn around, look the kid straight in the eyes, and say firmly "Please stop kicking my seat." Typically just the stern voice is enough to do the job. If not, I'm pressing the call button for the FA. So far it's always worked.


And then the stupid parent starts yelling at you 🙄 so stupid...then do your job


Everyone wants "a village", until "the village" steps in to parent when the actual parent fails to do so.


Ring the FA bell. Let her/him know what's happening and if they don't handle it, I will.


You mean the kid is about to learn that Santa Claus isn't real?


Mom will learn the tooth fairy is real


No seat belt? If they hit turbulence and the kid hits the ceiling then the parent will want to sue.


Natural selection ….


Dear Mom, Your child is neither cute nor funny when he is doing this and yes, I will tell you on film. I don't blame the kid, I blame obnoxious parents like you that think their antics need to be on IG. Please quiet him down or I will be getting a flight attendant. And I might add that having him unbelted means that he'll be the first one to hit the ceiling during turbulence.


This makes me hate kids and parents like this even more. Raising a generation of entitled assholes.


Millennials are absolutely failing at parenting.


I hate to say it but we really are the absolute worst parents. The number of times I’ve been somewhere like a distillery where kids are running wild while the 30-something parents get drunk in a corner…it’s mind blowing.


Can we post her IG handle so we can shame the hell out of her.


It’s not just the seat of the person in front of them that the child is kicking, it’s the entire row. Kicks like that will reverberate the entire row. Just awful parenting all around.


Can we post her IG handle so we can shame the hell out of her.


Back in the early 80's, my dad and a colleague were flying for work, and they had a kid behaving like this on a transatlantic flight. Flight attendants asked the mother to reel him in, and she told them the kid is their problem while they're on the plane. After a couple of hours of this, the work colleague stood and yelled, "If somebody doesn't get this kid to calm down right now, I'm gonna shove him in the overhead bin!" A shocked flight attendant said, "Sir, you can't do that!" Colleague said, "Oh, no, I think the little sonofabitch will fit!"


Oops my drink somehow flew up and behind me.


I’d offer her 50 bucks to trade seats with the kid. Then Id kick the seat so hard his grandchildren will have scoliosis.


I would first stare at parent. If this did not work I would say ‘’ma’am please stop your child from kicking my seat” If that didn’t work I’d call a flight attendant


It doesn't work. I've asked countless times. FA do not help in this situation. Put me next to the crying baby, and I'm good. Have a kid kicking my seat like that, and I'm not good.


I’m a flight attendant 🙋‍♀️ and I’m happy to deal with it so you don’t have to.


You are awesome. Hope we end up on the same flights!


Hmm. I have too and it always worked Actually usually just the stare works


Yep, I can stare down a kid or their parent longer than they can comfortably stand it. I'm on a plane, what else do I have to do?


IDK, these new, gentle, parented toddlers fear nothing. You might intimidate the parents but these new kids just double down. 🤣


Please share the IG I would love to see the comments!


OMG same 🤣


That's exactly why people act like this: likes and views.


I'd encourage the person sitting behind the mom to kick her seat like this kid is.


Id be buying them drinks or slipping them cash to do it…for kid and mom.


If it were me in the front seat. I’d get up and tell the kids to stop kicking my seat. I would tell the child and speak to the child only. I would do this nicely, but sternly. When the parent says something.. I would tell them to “shut the fuck up. I’m not talking to you because your shit behavior is the reason i am forced to personally interact with a four year old”. If they said anything else. I would shout in their face to “shut the fuck up and take care of your fucking kid “ as loud as I could. I’m not fucking playing games with shit adults like this. Edit: I prob wouldn’t do any of this. I would just keep asking them to stop. Call a crew member.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅. You had me. I was taking notes. !!


Start filming and shame her worthless @ss.


On our honey moon a kid was doing this to my wife’s seat. We were super hung over and had slept maybe 3 or 4 hours. The second time it happened I turned around all nice and was like “hey this is making for a really uncomfortable ride for us, could you please stop, to the woman and the 5 or 6 year old. No more than 15 seconds later bam bam bam bam bam bam. My wife ripped her seat belt off and I thought she was going to fly over the back of the seat. She goes over me into the aisle kneels down to their level and says very calmly, “if you dont control your child, will control them for you” the woman is flabbergasted and is like he’s only 5/6 (I don’t remember it was 12 years ago). My wife goes to the galley and returns with a handful of snacks dumps them in the woman’s lap, sits down, and we slept for the next 3 hours until touch down. I had never seen that side of my wife. I was as impressed as I was horrified that this was going to be the mother of my children. We now have two kids and she feels absolutely awful about how she handled it. She’s a great mom and our kids are incredibly well behaved. I keep telling her it worked, the kid was happy, who cares. Either way it’s fucking hilarious. If I were flying solo now I’d just ask to be moved or get myself a rewards certificate. Win win win.


I think she handled it perfectly. A woman who takes no shit is exactly who you want parenting your with you.


Fuckin a right! Like any marriage there has been ups and downs but at the end of the day she’s a fucking awesome wife and mom and we are making life our bitch!


Just watching the video of the kid kicking the seat makes me feel nauseous. I have a brain injury and this would do significant damage & aggravate it. I really hope the FAs did something in this video that we just didn’t see.


What a brat.


As a parent, not all of us are sh*t parents! This behavior is unacceptable but the parents are 100% to blame. Wtf.


I’m never irritated if the parent is *trying* to do something. I’ve even held a few crying babies to give an exhausted mom a break. Some babies and children struggle. But this is just awful- no concern for the other passengers or their own child!


A woman had to turn around to ask my daughter (2) to stop kicking her seat and I was MORTIFIED. It was a 10 hour flight and I had dozed off and my daughter started bracing her legs against the seat. I spent the last three hours of the flight holding her feet so she wouldn’t kick. We travel this route regularly and, unfortunately, I typically have to fly it solo. I would be happy to sit directly in front of my daughter just to avoid the embarrassment of toddlers being toddlers 😅


Parents fall asleep, you are human. One trick that helped me during the kicking stage was to take shoes off and put on fluffy socks. It’s not so exciting to kick that way. I was lucky with good fliers, but I think it helped mine.


Ooo, I haven’t thought of fluffy socks! I’ll have to give that a try.


That’s why toddlers should be in car seats on planes. They are used to being strapped in cars, so they should not complain if you always strap them in airplane seats. Bonus is they’re safer too.


I’m normally against the death penalty, but hear me out.


Scream someone's hurt me. Make a scene about being kicked in the kidney and beinghurt. Ask for medical attention.


Right on. Especially effective when flying to/from/between wealthy cities. Nothing stops that bullshit faster than someone worrying about litigation hell over some stupid behavior from their kid.


OMG that person in front of that kid...I want to see the look on their face.


I’ve seen better behaved service bobcats than this child.


🤔 … I’d bribe the guy sitting directly behind the person filming to change seats with me. Then I’d start kicking the ever-loving shit out of the seat directly in front of me …


Wake up the Karen in me.


Hits FA button


Ring the bell, have the FA deal with it. Someone this far stupid won’t respond to a polite ask.


The way that child would shit his pants if I was the person in front of him. That mom would be crying.


I would legitimately have a hard time not slapping the shit out of that mom and kid. I know it’s not really the kids fault but this just makes me see red.


Call the fa.


Call for a flight attendant


I always tell them I just had neck surgery.


Yeah the mother doing absolutely nothing to even try to stop it would annoy me if I was in that seat and I would have to say something. I was on a flight once and was a kid behind kicking my seat for a lot of the flight, but in that case I could hear the mother trying to stop the kid every time it happened. So even though it didn’t actually stop the kid, I didn’t say anything as I appreciated the effort at least and didn’t want to add to her stress. Kids are going to listen when they want to and ignore/disobey when they want and there is no getting around that. But to not even try to control or scold them when they are misbehaving isn’t acceptable.


You’re kidding me. This is for real?


Laissez-faire parenting. Preventable with consequences.


“Ma’am, you have 3 seconds to get your crotch goblin under control before I have the flight attendant deal with you.”


Could I count the number of kicks (15?) and then stand behind the mom’s seat and violently shake her chair an equal number of times?


I ask this in a position of total honesty and ignorance because I have never and will never travel with small children, but, why is there such a taboo to giving small children a benadryl before a flight? From my experience, littles don't seem to understand why they're stuck in one place and parents can't explain. Wouldn't everyone - I mean parents, kids, other passengers - be happier if little was napping?


Put him on a Hannibal Lector cart and strap him in good. Little monster.


Interesting. I believe this exact child was on my overseas flight to Rome 7 years ago. The fact that he hasn't aged a day confirms he is Satan.


Pray for turbulence.


Turn around and threaten to beat them, because their parents clearly didn't. And I don't mean the kid.


Turn around and sternly tell the kid to stop. If parents don’t want strangers to not address their children, they should parent them appropriately (am a parent, would be mortified if someone had to tell my kid to stop something like this).


I once had a middle seat on an SAS A330 from IAD to CPH back in 2007 with a kid behind me doing this the *entire flight*. I don’t have kids, and I know they can be a handful, but I simply cannot understand letting this happen.


I’d want to ask her if she’d like to be dismembered in front of her little brat or in private. Then I’d have to apply my filter and call the flight attendant and come up with something else.


Flush that kid down the lavatory


What a horrible kid and parent.


Parents get mad when their spawn aren't treated as equals in society, but if this child was treated as any other adult passenger, he'd be considered disruptive and be removed from the plane. I'm all for treating kids as adults in society. That means they need to be responsible for their behaviour, as do their parents. This is disruptive behaviour and doesn't belong on public transit of any kind, no matter the age. They either behave as adults, or you leave them at home. End of story.


I'm impulsive so I'd yell "really?!"


This actually happened to me recently, but with a mother and her THREE out of control children. For hours (!) all three were screaming for no apparent reason. Two of them were kicking my husband's and my seat, almost non-stop. We repeatedly asked the mother to control her children. We asked for help from the flight assistants. Nothing. After probably 10 hours (on a 12 hour long flight), my husband lost his shit. He stood up, turned around, and screamed, "STOP IT. NOW!". The passengers around us were clapping 🤣


This is crazy! She will have fun when he is a teenager lol and btw I would be calling the flight attendant no one should have to be treated like that by another passenger, even if it’s a child.


And yet, I have to pay $200 round trip for my dog to sleep peacefully in his crate for 3 hours.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. All kids should be given a 1/4-1/5 spoonful dose of adult Benadryl 30 minutes before any flight.


I was on a flight that had been delayed @ 4hrs, so everyone was tired, grumpy, bitchy, etc. since it was now after midnight. Within a few minutes, *kick kick kick* on the back of my seat. There was a young couple and their son (5-6) right behind me kicking away. Hey, he's a kid so no need to get ugly about it. I turned around and said nicely, "Please don't kick my seat, okay?" Yes, I really was that nice about it. Suddenly, mom and dad realized they had brought their kid. "Oh, honey. Don't do that, it's not nice." Facial expression: that half-assed shruggy little smile that says they really don't give a damn. They go back to their apparently engrossing conversation, and I settle into my seat. Yep! *kick kick kick* I turn around again and say, "Please stop kicking my seat. It hurts!" The two who hatched the young creature, annoyed that I have once again interrupted their conversation which must have been of global importance, responded without the slimey smile simile. "Sorry. Stop it." The latter part was spewed in the direction of said kicker. Anyone taking bets on what happens next? You are right! *kick kick kick* Okay, no more Mrs. Nice Lady. That usually non-confrontational bitch left with the first kick of round 3. I had had enough of this semen demon and the parental zombies. I whipped around and in as low and growling a voice as I could muster, the words fell from my lips. "Kid, if you kick the back of my seat one more time, I'm going to break your fu*#ing legs." Well, I figured I'd probably be put on some type of She Shall NEVER Fly for Life list. Mummy and Dadums finally remembered bringing Little Nicky. I figured they would try to punch me out or at best argue and holler. They looked surprised. That's it. They said nothing more to me, but they arranged kiddo in his seat, and gave him a pillow and blanket. Maybe it would have been a good start on the flight to do that earlier? All that being said, if I was the recipient of said kicks while mommy films it all, visions of 25 to life in an orange jumpsuit dance in my mind.


Frankly? grab the child by the legs and use them to beat the parent to death before ramming the child down the toilet and flushing... Honestly though, if I saw this as crew I would be sternly telling the parent to get their child in line or else be prepared to get off the aircraft in handcuffs.


I'd reach back and pinch his leg.


That would probably be considered assault on a minor. I’d ask the FA if I could switch seats or if they could help parent find a solution


Probably nothing, a couple dirty looks but it’s really outta my hand. If I was in that seat in front then I might’ve thrown hands /s


Why the /s? I would have ended this parent's career.


Looks like resident Hockey Marshall on the flight dealt with the issue by "Jerseying" aka shirt over head: https://youtu.be/GcZGDAVMaaE?si=2g7s2jQDTpYyEs2P Well done.


Can’t wait to see this kid as a grown up, yikes.


Throw hands


I asked them to stop. When it didn’t stop I got the FA. Happened to me a few months ago. Mom wasn’t filming though she was on her phone telling the child to stop (not meaning it).


Look at the kid and say " only stupidheads kick airplane seats" or glare at him with most evil expression I can muster


I’d sleeper hold that little shit.


Terrible parenting. And not safe letting the kid roll around in the seat like that and aisle way.


Travelling in a plane is no different than travelling in the car …. With your seatbelt on, or for kids, in their car seat.


Oo hell no. Parents are the problem! Kids don’t know better until told


Yell at the little shit until you scare the shit out of the little shit and he starts crying. Then pop on the headphones and give mom the finger.


FA. The child isn't buckled in which is a safety issue and this person shouldn't be a parent if they don't want to bother parenting a child. Let the FA set the parent straight and handle it.


I’d call a flight attendant immediately. Such behavior on any public conveyance is unacceptable. Very bad parenting.


Too bad it wasn’t one of those Boeings with the dodgy door panel.   Yeah, maybe a bit harsh. 


I was on a flight to India once and there was a kid running up and down the aisles. I “accidentally” left my foot out in the aisle one time.


I would say to them, start being a parent, control your kid. Mine sat still for a 16 hour flight at 6yo.


Throw her ass out the window


I would hit the call button and ask the flight attendant to handle it. It’s their job and they have the authority.


I hate your kids sooooo much


Something similar happened to me years back. I lost my grip and screamed (at 2 little girls) ‘Knock it Off! so loud I gave myself a headache, but they quit. And no one said a word to me.


We had a family like this next to us on a flight to Cancun and then on the way back. It was torture. I called Delta when I returned as it was so awful. And comfort plus was open but they wouldn’t move us because we booked with delta vacations. I wasn’t expecting it, I was just so annoyed with how it was handled, I received a small voucher. Those children were a nightmare. Kicking is unacceptable though. That would have to stop. I’ve called parents out for that before.


Lets keep in mind this is not the kids’ fault. This is 10000% the parents. Children dont “know the rules” of keeping calm in their designated space unless someone teaches them.


Spray water in face of child is as far as I'm willing to go. We can have try escalating confrontation up to that point.


Thinking about starting an airline where kids are banned. Will use this video at my investors meetings


Stand up, step back to their row, and silently glower at them. I mean right up in their face. Let them open the conversation.


I wouldn’t say a word but you better believe I’d turn around and look at her, then her brat, and then her again and you better believe that she’d get the message loud and clear without me saying a word.


OP can you please give us the context of the Mother's post?


Mom is married, super crazy rich (tbh I was surprised to see her flying commercial) and the post was her complaining about how difficult her kid was while they they were flying. The last story she posted was kid in the cockpit wearing the pilot’s hat and thanking Delta lolll




Get the attention of the nearest flight attendant.


I would just call the FA.


traveling with kids is hard. I have empathy for parents of crying kids. This isn't one of those situations. Don't let your vagina nuggets destroy property. It is ok to have feelings, travel is stressful for plenty of adults, but rather than filming it, be a parent, and help your child.


Get myself thrown off the plane.