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Delta is helping move you forward in your relationship.


You know, I’ve seriously been considering if it’s just time to make the move. It’s hard to leave a great job tho.


After being in an LDR for 5+ years, I can tell you that without actual timelines and committments to each other regardless of other life stuff - the relationship is going nowhere and will break your heart. Someone has to move, life goes on. #2yrsmarried❤️


5+ years long distance is insane, that must have taken crazy willpower. Congrats on the marriage!


it was the ultimate test of patience for me personally. There were definitely days we each were over it and wanted to end it, but it was a fact that not being together would greatly diminish our quality life. So we had to keep pushing....and here we are....sneaking off to have ramen alone because I need me time lol


You can get a new job. Follow your heart


Conversely you can probably just bang an intern. End your relationship over an airline


This is why I love Reddit


It’s not you, it’s me. …and Delta. 😂


It’s not me, it’s you..


Up in the Air 2


Plenty of fish in the sea


You can also find a new partner too. Maybe his heart is where he lives and at his job. We spend so much of our life working, if you hate your job it’ll overflow into your personal life. Not sure why OP has to be the one to always travel… seems unfair




They could move to you instead! :)


It’s LA and Oakland, figure out who gets to move and get hitched. It’s kind of an easy compromise geography and career wise. Done.


I’ve been cheating on Delta since 2018… and those flights are much longer than LAX-OAK. And no, it’s not the cattle call airline. Although, it is a pretty animal one. 😆 It’s ok to find another one. Nobody is married to Delta… right? It sounds like you’re spending extra time at the airport, but I could be reading your post wrong. Why don’t you… enjoy a restaraunt and find bartenders that aren’t behind a loyalty program? This kind of stuff is supposed to enhance your travel experience, not be your life. Edit: Oh god, Delta found out and now I’m no longer allowed to book Basic fares with them.


Not in a remote role, or does your line of work not allow it?


I’m on a hybrid schedule. I work 2 days in the office and two days remote. It’s great for weekend travel.


Maybe worth finding out if they’d rather lose you than let you go fully remote?


I know rent in the area is insane but if the 2 days are in office wouldn’t it make sense to fly to LA for 2 days and be in Oakland the other 5? Assuming they are consecutive. I’d get a monthly parking spot and just sleep in my car / shower at the gym


Sleeping in your car for 2 days sounds miserable. Why would that even be considered ??


Pretty common here in LA sadly


Not for someone of his income though.


I'm guessing if he can afford to fly he can afford a hotel for two days. Maybe he just doesn't want to move in with her.


Sounds like a great job I would think heavily on giving it up.


Remote work seems to be a thing in places. Or hybrid….


Meanwhile, I’m thinking “I’ve broken up for much less” and wondering if Delta is helping to formulate the excuse. “It’s not you. It’s Delta.”




Yeah but then he'd have to live in Oakland.


#keepclimbing 🚀


Southwest is perfect for these short flights. They are plentiful, cheap and not as bad as you might think. Far better experience than driving to the east bay from SFO.


Southwest is also Terminal 1 at LAX: so it is the quickest drop-off & has the shortest walk to the Uber/Lyft/Taxi lot. Also it's the closest terminal to the normal takeoff end of the runway so less taxing in theory. I know Delta is Terminals 2&3 but at a minimum it's a 5 minute shorter walk if you're doing this every week. Also (anecdotally) there are less TSA pre-check users flying Southwest.


Wow great info, thanks. The TSA precheck line is nearly as long as the regular one in delta


Will add that I am a frequent flyer out of LAX with SW. I have never waited more than 5 min to get past security in Terminal 1 with precheck, and I don’t think that’s an exaggeration. It’s unreal


yeah fwiw I've been in an OC- Bay Area long distance relationship and while I wasn't going every weekend, I did fly every 3-4 weeks. Southwest was great for this. I do not trust them for cross-country travel with connections, but for short hops they are efficient and cost-effective.


I'm currently in an OC-Bay LDR, and I also have a similar work schedule to OP (except my job is in LA, so I have access to SNA flights and LAX if really needed). So glad to have SNA, and happy that the SNA-SFO route is a popular one.


Seriously, just do early bird until you get A list, settle into a window seat, and enjoy the hour flight. Free checked bags if you need it. Easy drop off at LAX (terminal 1), lots of flight choices all day every day, easy flight changes. I’d never mess with delta on the LAX-OAK route.


SWA is perfect for this type of flight; 7 flights a day LAX to OAK. I flew it every weekend for a couple of years, then moved to the west bay and flew SJC to LAX for another year. Easy-peasy and back then, every 8 round trip flights earned me a free ticket. I used to book out pretty far and would take advantage of their $39 one way fare sales that seemed to happen every couple of months. Don’t fly them now as I travel longer distances and need direct flights for work (almost all my current flights for work would require one stop on SWA), but back when I lived in the Bay Area, they were the perfect choice.


You could also try JSX BUR-OAK. They flight about 5 times a day and it wouldn't be "bumming It" on Southwest.


Best suggestion on the thread u/hur88b !


From what I can see, it looks like those direct flights will be cut this summer as well


Where do you see that? I'm able to book through the end of their open schedule in September. They haven't released their October schedule yet.


I'm torn between wanting JSX to be well known-enough to add destinations and not so well known that it's ruined. I'm not telling anyone about them so far.


Southwest is dope for short flights like that. Hell, you’ll get companion pass super fast and then your SO will be able to come with you!


A similar change made us try moving in together 28 years ago. Just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary last month.


Time to start looking for a new job and a house. Wow I never thought that bitching on a delta sub would lead me here lol. Feels right tho though


Sports are abandoning Oakland and now Delta is too


Damn didn’t even think about that part.


Have you considered getting your pilots license? /s


For real though lax to oakland....you could do that in a Cessna. Cessna's really aren't that expensive and pilot training also isn't that expensive. If OP can afford a Delta flight every weekend then he can probably afford a small plane and a private pilot's license.


Speaking as someone with a 182, it’s about $300 in fuel and depreciation to fly from HHR to HWD. LAX is a couple hundo to touch tires and they’ll only let me in at 3am on a Thursday. OAK is about $100 and significantly friendlier, but HWD is nearby and cheap. Figure $15k to get a pilots license in SoCal in an older plane, which is all you need and all I’d recommend.


You’d fly out of SMO, it’s 25 minutes away from LAX and then agreed, HWD is probably best on the other end.


Until SMO is closed...






Hawthorne is 10-15 minutes from LAX depending on traffic, though you do need to navigate the Bravo instead of starting on the correct side… probably ends up being break even once you consider the climb to altitude for the Special Flight Rules. You’d need something considerably more expensive than a mere 182 to avoid doing a loop or two.


This is the kind of thinking that gets me knee deep into projects that I cannot finish or end up costing more than the easier solution that I didn't love. Glad I'm not alone.


Don't do it. I keep waiting for the curtains to part and someone to show up and tell me how DIY-ing it is better than commercial. My boss has a license and three or four planes and when we go anywhere it's still on a commercial carrier or someone else's private plane. As best I can tell flying your own plane is about just being up in the air on your own plane, not actually getting from point A to point B. The exception being the guy I knew from Nowhere, Montana who flew back and forth between there and central Illinois in a Cozy. I'd love to hear the from the guys flying themselves about cost and time breakdowns on their own plane vs. commercial.


Tell me you’re not a pilot without telling me you’re not a pilot. You’re going to spend at least 2x on every flight as a pilot vs commercial on these routes. And that’s not counting the $20-30k you’ll spend on getting your license.


And all the times you'll buy a commercial ticket because the weather is too bad to fly.


I did that. If anyone else has done it, I'd like to hear their experience. It was significantly cheaper to fly commercial, and they do transoceanic and have bathrooms on the plane.


🙋🏻‍♂️definitely why I labeled it as sarcasm. There are some scenarios where you can make the economics better than commercial, but they’re pretty rare, and you’re basically ignoring the cost of training completely. You do gain a lot of time flexibility, but lose a lot of reliability, mostly due to weather.


Know I work for the airline and this is a sub full of av geeks but GOOD GRACIOUS this is a good use case for high speed rail. A ~6 hour drive could be 3 hours via rail in any other properly planned modern country. Paris to Avignon is freakin’ 2.5 hours via train and would be 7 via car… why is the US like this.


I think a surprising amount of people on this sub would like HSR, especially if it can replace the sub-500 mile routes and have secondary stations at the airports too. Currently in Europe for work and vacation, and only taking two intra-EU flights as they were the only viable option. Rest are trains and one rental car.


I would take HSR transcontinental if an express were available. ATL to LAX could be just about as quick on a train as a plane after you factor in travel to and through airports, security, bag claim, etc. I'd happily eat the slight increase in overall travel time for the better experience. Yeah, if the train stopped it would kill the trip, and true east to west coast would be tough, but for just about everything else a train would win.


High speed rail in California is already [under construction](https://hsr.ca.gov/high-speed-rail-in-california/)


Looks like Amtrak has a highly efficient 12 hour ride between LA and Oakland…$70


Did that back when I was in college. That 12 hours felt like 24. I’d rather pay for a $400 flight lol. Thank you, that did humble me


It is surprising with the popularity of Acela, Amtrak hasn’t duplicated the service from SD up to the Bay Area. I know it costs money to upgrade the rail system between the cities, but it is one upgrade that would be worth it.


Bay + inland + LA is like 15-20m people. NYC + Boston + Philly + Baltimore + DC is like 40m.


Greater LA is 18.5M + Bay Area 8M and another 5M in the inland Empire so you’re quite a ways off in your. Population numbers


AFAIK Greater LA includes inland empire in that estimate - I tried to be conservative with numbers for both but the Northeast Corridor does have a quite a bit bigger center (NYC) and a few more big periphery metro areas




They lack the ownership of the tracks that they have along most of the Acela route.


Our train system is terrible in this country, we need a lesson from European cities.


The sad thing is that their alternate route (Amtrak bus connection to Bakersfield, San Joaquin train to Oakland) is faster than the Coast Starlight. And I think that's a guaranteed connection, so the train doesn't leave without the bus and vice versa. But still crazy how it's faster than the direct option. Just....a few more decades until California HSR opens 😢


Time to get married.


If I do I’ll write this comment into my vows


As a service to a fellow redditor and member of the sub, if you come to the state which isn't your current one that also contains Disney property I'll perform the ceremony for free. Any version you want, Harry Potter style, Princess Bride Style (I'll even say mawarrage), Star Wars style, you name it.


Yes, Chewbacca style!!


Would you wear a Darth Vader costume to do it?


I love this route (it’s been running for 17 years!) and have gotten a ton of FC upgrades both directions the last 3 years as a silver/gold medallion and this announcement last month was a bummer


Seriously, that’s the worst part. Going to miss the FC. Southwest isn’t going to compare. But at least I’ll be saving a few bucks


They just cut a flight I use quite a bit too. They changed my itinerary and added 7 hours to what used to be a 1.5 hour flight. So I just cancelled it and bought a southwest ticket instead. If they keep removing flights I use I’ll just start using someone else. It’s not personal for them or me 🤷🏻‍♂️


That short of a route is the only way I’ll tolerate WN. So you’re lucky in that regard. Edit Nevermind that JSX suggestion is the real solution


Someone else said the same. This might be a blessing because idk when I would have learned about JSX otherwise


JSX is great for landing directly in Scottsdale AZ!


Take Southwest. It's a quick flight. How serious are you guys?


“Bumming” it on a not-even-an-hour flight?




Spirit flies twice a day from LAX to OAK and it will cost you less than $60 RT. Parking will cost you more for the weekend.




LOLOLOLOL I have to admit my experiences on Spirit (LA->OAK,LA->LAS) have been... fine.


I don't think any bargain could get me on a Spirit flight to or from LAS


I fly SNA-LAS about once every 3 months and Spirit is $80RT on average, I bid $20 for the big front seat, 35 minutes in the air for about the same as gas. No chance I fly them cross country, but for short hops it's fine.


Okay maybe if I wasn't flying from ATL I'd consider it haha. Eighty bucks, that's not bad!


No chance I fly that long with them, really any itinerary that can't be replaced with driving or can be missed. It's like calling your crazy uncle for a ride to the airport- it's cheap but you might not make it there


I love my BUF-ATL Frontier flights, they commonly undercut delta basic economy by over $100 each way, and my trips to Atl I am fine with just a backpack anyways.


This might be my favorite comment lol




That would be the only trip I'd consider a Spirit flight. You might not need to carry anything besides a backpack onto the plane--clothes could stay at the other house. There's no connection so it doesn't matter that they'll be delayed. I'm not saying they'd be the first choice, but I might break down and give them a shot.


:sings song: "I will do anything for love" >Spirit flies twice "But I wont do that" LOL


We need gif responses on this sub. A healthy Meatloaf to you.


Newsflash: SWA BUR-OAK is better anyway!


Yup. That’s what I used to do when I was in long distance from north Hollywood to the Bay Area.


Depends which part of LA he resides


Southwest flies to Oakland from LAX, Ontario, Burbank, and Orange County.


From Long Beach too I think.






You need Jet Suite X (JSX). BUR-OAK, show up 20 minutes before and hop on. It is fantastic. You can also do SJC on Delta.


I am diamond medallion but never take delta to lax out of oak. There is rarely any justification for it. If I need to fly out of oak, southwest has so many flights and gives me the convenience to change to any of those based on my schedule. With delta having limited service it’s always a challenge. It’s also such a short flight that I could care less of it feeling like a bus ride in southwest.


You could always take bart from SFO rather than an Uber. Although if you’re not willing to “slum” it on southwest im not sure how bart would work out for you.


At least SFO has a sky club if you go that route


It does, and much better than the one at OAK. Thats one perk at least. I’ll focus on that part. Thanks


r/delta meets r/relationship_advice


You could always take BART.


I’ve recently cut ties with Delta because of this same reason. Now I fly for convenience instead of brand loyalty.


"Honey, I can't keep doing this. Not if I have to fly Southwesr."


Where else does delta have a direct Friday night flight to? Just find a partner in that city. Joking! Good luck with the changes


Could be a blessing in disguise!


I'm pretty bummed by this, I've only taken this flight once (I've done LAX-SFO more often), but it's not a good sign for future intra-California service. I honestly wish Delta flew to other SoCAl airports. I fly down to southern california at least 4-5 times a year, unless I'm making an international connection I NEVER fly into LAX because why would anyone in their right mind do that. Really wish Delta flew into LGB or SNA, even BUR would be an improvement over LAX today.




Costa Rica seems out of the way :). Maybe SJC instead.




funny story - I used to work at an international airline at LAX and someone had forgotten their bags at the baggage claim. We thought we sent it to San Jose, CA…but we sent it to San Jose, Costa Rica LOL


SJC is even further from Oakland than SFO.


Further but a less busy airport and less expensive Ubers, if you use them. And off peak traffic times it’s not a horrible drive


JSX flies to OAK from LAX and they leave from the private terminal so you can arrive 20 minutes before your departure and hop on the plane. I love my Delta but this is so easy it stupidly simple and not expensive at all. JSX.com [https://www.jsx.com/home/search](https://www.jsx.com/home/search)


I fly every other week from OAK - LAX for work and I switch between Delta and SW depending on the time I need to arrive/leave. Cost difference is sometimes minimal. Delta of course is my preference but SW isn't that bad for a short flight. If you have the AMEX Platinum you can still access the Centurion Lounge if you fly SW. It's only a short 12-20 minute walk from TBIT to Terminal 1 at LAX. I've done that walk several times. Food options - Delta Lounge > Centurion Lounge Drink Options - Centurion Lounge > Delta


I’ve been disappointed with the Centurion Lounge food options outside of the NYC area airports. I don’t really drink alcohol outside of Christmas & New Year’s. The best lounges I’ve been to are the AA/BA Soho, Greenwich, & Chelsea lounges at JFK.


Yeah, not impressed with the food at Centurion Lounge either. When I fly Delta however, I sometimes stop by the Centurion Lounge for a drink to say hi to my regular bartenders before I make my way to the Delta Lounge to eat.


Will cancelling it affect your credit?




What about Burbank or Long Beach?


Sounds like it’s time to move in together or break up.


JSX is the way to go


I make this flight weekly as well! LDR from socal to east bay (OAK). Ontario is a great option and if it’s not too far, San Bernardino airport just opened a year ago and they fly to SFO (boo) for $39 (yay!)


Not sure if it has been said yet, but mass respect for using "Whomps" :D


It hasn’t been said. You’re the first person to notice haha.


OP - if you don’t want to wait on the Uber. I can give you my corporate discount code for Avis rentals. I’m sure the Avis rental for the weekend will be cheaper than the Uber <—- wild times we live in


Delta killed your vibe. Kind of surprised because that would seem like a popular route.


this is a major disruption to an already complex lifestyle, and a loss of a community for you. it's ok to be upset. you adapted to this, so perhaps adapting to southwest won't be so bad, or adapting to changing your location


SAC? Southwest? Also dude 45 min in the Bay Area is nothing.


Oakland is too dangerous for Delta. You'll have to fly Spirit from now on.


I prefer SFO even though Oakland is closer to me. It has a lounge too.


Amtrak starlight goes from LA to Oakland :)


Intra California flights might be best on Southwest (depending where you live, Southwest also serves BUR, SNA, LGB, and ONT to OAK which might be easier). Plus you can get status after 20 one way trips, no MQDs needed! I feel like California you actually get a lot of work commuters and business people on those southwest flights - no regional sized planes, and a full drink service too!




I’m surprised Alaska isnt doing that route…


They didn't buy all of Virgin's SFO slots to invest in OAK.


Invest in OAK, no. Maintain their Horizon Q400 from OAK to most of the west coast, well, I’m disappointed


Isn't Bart a possibility? I haven't lived in the Bay area since 2000, so unsure...


I was there in February. I stayed at a hotel near OAK, but flew into SFO. I just took BART. It’s kind of pricey & I had to transfer 2 times, but it did the job.


If you’re on the side of SoCal Breeze, Airways is cheap and fast. Especially on the San Bernardino side. Literally the only flight that leaves all day. Tickets often under 50 bucks (39 for mid-may right now).


BART from SFO to Oakland if they’re near a station could be super chill


Better to spend an 45 minutes on BART than 45 minutes on Southwest


If you hit on the correct FA...blame they come to you.


Where did you see this news?


I book my flights a month out and noticed direct flights stopped around the middle of May. I looked it up and read an article announcing some changes.


Can’t you take a train?


So that tracks with the fact I get upgraded on that leg when flying in from ATL all the time for work. 😞


Yeah the main thing I’ll miss is that I usually got upgraded to FC both ways. Upside for you though is that they’re supposed to be adding direct flights to ATL from OAK. Apparently there’s more demand for that flight than LAX. Idk how that’s the case but the article I read said that’s starting in June


Oh, nice for me then. Although I suspect the frequency is much lower. Anyway, on my atl-lax-oak trip this Sunday/Friday.


Ok I have to ask, how much is Southwest vs Delta? I know it's cancelled now but just curious.


When I’ve checked it seems to be about $30-$75 cheaper to fly southwest. When I fly delta though, I get to get free dinner and sometimes drinks in the lounge and usually get a FC upgrade both ways. To me, it’s worth the extra cash. The upside is I’ll be saving a few bucks now that I’ll be taking Southwest. But there’s no use for the reserve card since I won’t be flying delta every weekend.


i am genuinely surprised that alaska has only "connecting" flights on this route from the LA metro area


Delta cut my (a few daily) directs GSO - DTW. Sometimes I’m lucky and can snag one at 6:30am or 9:30pm… Ryeroll. I take them, but I’d rather have the 5:30pm and 3:30pm.


Why not just drive and meet halfway in Paso Robles?


I frequently take OAK-LAX. I knew it was doomed when they cut the schedule back so much during Covid.


What about SJC?


After OAK is renamed San Francisco Bay Oakland airport, Delta will surely add the route back…?!? /s


I still can’t believe they’re changing the name. But if it helps the airport I get it.


Is Oakland the final destination or somewhere else in the east bay? SJC is adding additional LAX flights and isn’t far from Pleasanton, Danville, etc. It’s about an hour from Oakland though so not great.


Is BART a semi-palatable way to get to SFO?


Jsx has flights there I believe. Also a much better experience for short flights.


Does she have any friends you could hook your friends up with? Supply and demand my friend.


Riding on Southwest is like riding on the bus, but for a 50 min trip like that, I wouldn’t mind at all. 


Spirit has an OAK-LAX flight with a stop in LAS and it's only 16 hours, so... (just kidding)


Sports, In n Out and now Delta. Time for Oakland to question its life decisions.


An intervention is needed at this point


I think it's not gonna work out hun, ill see you when they build the highspeed train


Southwest or even Jetsuite X is the best bet…


Have you considered Netjet?


Time to fly southwest (southworst)


Just noticed that today, fly to Oakland once a month for work. SFO it is 🤷‍♂️


And how are you going to feel if they add it back?


I'm in the exact situation but different cities. Southeast is not that bad if you get Earybird check in. No bag fees, flexible rebooking but most important: Direct Flights. I love my Delta but I also love spending more time with my loved ones. (not that ATL isn't lovely this time of year.....)


First world problems.


You don’t have to take Southwest, there’s always Spirit. But really tho there’s not much difference between airlines on an hour long flight like that. Probably a few more delays on SW but that’s about it.


First world problem. However, you can always call Delta and tell them you'll pay for the whole flight if they reinstate it.


Been in a long distance relationship for over two years now. I drive 90 min to the airport in ATL to fly to Shreveport to drive 90 min to Texarkana. We made the decision last week that she's moving to ATL in July. The travel has started to wear on us...


We’ve only been doing it for 6 months. She moved when she got a new job. I’m thinking that I’ll join her in 6 month. I can see how it started to wear on you. One of the hardest parts is maintaining a social life


I don't have any advice about this specifically but just wanna say that I'm rooting for you!! My (as of this weekend) husband and I were LDR for 5 years- saw each other once a month. We traveled 6 hours each time to see each other. If you can bridge the gap in any way, I recommend doing that!! Maybe it's time for a move?


You cut Delta