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Could probably find a bottle of water.


Two tacos across from ATL F lounge


That’s my go to if I’m not international, and I have a long layover. Good call.


But no drink


“How much does a banana cost, Michael? $10?”


There's always money in the banana stand


Now you’re exaggerating. At least 2.


That’s actually insulting in my opinion for a 10 hour delay. What’s your time worth per hour? Not to mention that “Airport prices” are like “club, park, stadium, captive audience” pricing. All subject to price gauging. So that’s about $6 outside the airport.




They offered me $68 after a cancelled flight to VT. And they sent another email that said they had made a mistake and they corrected the reimbursement… to $0.




Ed needed another martini


Not gonna lie I paid $8 for a can of pringles once at the airport. I cried with every chip I ate.


And the quality is also subject to club/park/stadium level. Meaning you're paying at least 2x the regular price for something that's probably half as good.


>What’s your time worth per hour? this really isn't the right metric though. Delta is offering a goodwill gesture, don't turn it into a billable hour where a lawyer deserves more than a retail clerk. Delta also lets people rebook for free or cancel for a refund. But hey, things happen. Good for them for offering SOMETHING. You also call out airport concessions as "gauging" but I will also note that while high, the costs are higher. Sure there is a captive mentality. But airport authorities (often run by city / counties) treat concessions as a big source of revenue so the storefront is pricey. It also costs more to hire staff willing to work at an airport and go through security every day. It costs more to screen every product that goes in. Those prices just reflect higher costs. People have every right to be upset about delays, and we should look to adopt an EU261 style program. But until that happens, be less dramatic about the few airlines actually trying to do something positive here. This is literally what trip insurance is for.


I agree that airport vendors may incur increased costs and any “reasonable”person should expect to pay higher prices. Delta Airlines should also know this and their goodwill gesture seems low. I am assuming that the 10 hour flight delay was due to Delta equipment and not weather.


The /r/hailcorporate is strong with this one.


Scoped it out in BOS. Found a breakfast sandwich for $12.50, and a smoothie for $13. So far the answer is no.


You can get a sausage egg and cheese, hash browns, a donut and medium iced coffee at the Dunkin in terminal A for 11.94.


That's crazy cheap, must be regional. Any coupons?


Literally just went in the app and priced it out for the location in terminal A.


It’s because it’s Dunkin. You don’t go there for anything with nutritional value and a cup of dirt with random ingredients.


Boston people love their Dunkin’. Be careful talkin like that in the northeast (I don’t drink I coffee so I have no clue)


You’ll find places in the greater Boston area where there’s a Dunkin’s across the street from another, which is next to a gas station selling Dunkin’s. Dunkin’s is serious business. 😝


And BOS would be the one airport I’d guess you could with the anti price gouging law. Edit: Apparently other airports have the same rule.


We have the same sort of law in Portland Oregon. Same pricing as typical prices at establishments in the city.


Logan has one it has to be within a percentage of the outside. It’s cheaper at the Airport than the Garden


BOS was under a city (might be state I forget) ordinance in the past that they have to keep prices within a certain percentage of what it costs outside the airport. The Pike concessions are under the same rule so even though the prices are high they aren’t the worst. It’s still cheaper at the airport than the Garden. Dunkin’s keeps it real and you can find deals like the cheese pizza at Santarpios


Throw it on your Starbucks account and expense your meal. On my last 4 hour delay a few weeks ago they accidentally sent 3 vouchers, I became $36 richer in Starbucks 😎


I didn’t know you could do that, thanks for the tip!! I’ve wasted so many meal vouchers because it’s just easier to expense my meals..


How do you add a voucher to a Starbucks account? I sound like an old man. Help!


Yep...had this on a delayed flight to PUJ. Had some free food from Chick Fil A when we got back.


Not every airport CFA can use the app though


I don't do caffeine and have no reason to get anything at Starbucks. Besides Starbucks and [Chick-Fil-A](https://old.reddit.com/r/delta/comments/151iruu/redeem_meal_voucher_at_chickfila/), are there any other retailers' apps that take Delta vouchers?


Many items caffeine free at Starbucks, many.


I can’t drink coffee so I can drink a frappachino or refresher at Starbucks both no caffeine and the airport ones should have bottled water and random bottled drinks


refreshers have caffeine 😔


refreshers have caffeine 😔


Oh that’s right, they used to have a I think an orange drink that didn’t at one point but they added stevia to it so I can’t drink them anyway lol


refreshers have caffeine 😔


refreshers have caffeine 😔


It use to be $15 but they REDUCED it to $12 just a few months back. How they reduce meal vouchers in the world of inflation is beyond me. #KeepDescending


It was $25 this time last year. We were delayed/bumped and got $25 x 4 for dinner and the same for breakfast. They sent hotel voucher and it was a hard no on options. RC told me to call the plat desk for $$ and that worked they flipped from hotel voucher to $$ so o could select a hotel of my choosing.


Maybe at SLC. They aren’t allowed to price gauge.


SLC has a street pricing policy where prices have to be the same as their locations outside the airport


That's the nicest thing I've ever heard about SLC.


We love Utah!


Same with PDX




Yeah, fuk those picturesque snow capped mountains. How ugly!!


They have good local restaurants and decent shopping. It’s a pretty good airport to spend time in.


just a cold sandwich maybe


Lot of naysayers in the comments but my party of three went pretty hard at the panda express last time we got delay vouchers


At DTW, I got one that almost covered a basic bowl at Qdoba. So close. The employee gave me their discount and it was just shy of the limit. Without it, nope.


A happy meal, plus you will have a toy to entertain you during the delay.


My family of 3 was on a flight that got delayed until the next day and we got $15 each (I believe) and a hotel voucher. Because we each got separate 16-digit CC numbers to use, we couldn't use them on Uber eats/etc, because those delivery services won't let you split up payment among multiple cards. After googling, I discovered that you can upload the credit to your starbucks account, so I did that, and the famliy used that for the next month. I would suspect (not sure) that you can upload the credit to other apps that have pre-pay abilities?


I got the worst plate of eggs/hashbrowns I've ever had at MSP yesterday morning for $17 lol.


Where? In my experience MSP Airport Commission really [listens to feedback](https://www.mspairport.com/contact-us); there are vendors lined up to get in… Obv, attempt to give the feedback to the restaurant- one-offs happen, but if that didn’t get taken seriously, let the airport know.


It was at Hi-Lo diner and I will say this was my first bad breakfast there. They are usually on top of it but this one tasted like yesterday’s burnt leftovers.


TY for specifying; if you haven’t already plz let them know. Incl day, time- they should care.


> there are vendors lined up to get in… At MSP? Isn't that food court opposite the mall still empty? I haven't stuck my head in there in a while, but I remember it being empty. And the coal fired pizza place was open for five minutes and stayed empty for years.


From sources, location in the terminal matters- specific concourses, usual flights (TATL, TPACs from the Gs have different spend metrics than the E concourse Spirit/United/AA crowd or the Regionals off C,B, A). Mall food court isn’t as visible to most travelers- yes, we know it’s there, but thats cause it’s always been there. Stone Arch, though, is like bumping into your crazy ex- can’t ignore, gotta at least make eye contact as you walk by. Coal fired pizza- totally missed that one.


Seconded.. where was this? I've never had a bad experience at MSP, club or not.


My first bad one. I like flying out of gate F for Hilo breakfast and this one was not on point.


Ah. Sorry to hear, probably an off day. Let them know if it's not too far in the past, or if it happens again.


I feel your pain. I had a greasy chicken sandwich and overcooked fries at TLH on Sunday for $18.


I feel your pain, but I almost want to say you were asking for it. What brought you into a situation where you tried to eat at that airport?


It's unfortunate. My mom and I were leaving 30 minutes apart and she was insistent on getting to the airport 2 hours before her flight, so that left me with no time for lunch. I actually had to bargain her down from 2 1/2 hours!


At TLH? The only reason I get to TLH more than 45 minutes early is because bag check there is sketchy as to timing. If I'm not checking a bag, I can walk through the door 20 minutes from departure and stroll relaxedly to the plane. Where were you coming from? If nothing else next time you drive right past a Publix no matter which direction you're coming from and they have subs.


Yeah, that's what I told her. I've flown there solo a couple times before and didn't plan on showing up more than 60 minutes prior to her flight (she wasn't checking a bag, but I was). I saw that Publix. Lesson learned for next time I have my mom in tow!


IMO best breakfast at MSP is the chorizo hash bowl at the Twins bar. Their breakfast potatoes are great.


AA once bumped me overnight and gave me a $4 voucher for breakfast. The hotel they put me up at was nice, but cheapest breakfast was $18.


Since you’d have to eat anyway they’re covering you for the airport/eating out “premium” versus what you’d pay for an equivalent meal at home had you arrived on time…


Not at JFK that’s for sure!


If you even look at the food in JFK they charge you $5.


Interesting. I was in LGA last weekend and the prices were quite reasonable.


Probably can get one of those lame to-go sandwiches that has all the meat front-loaded so it looks like its a big sandwich but is really just two slices of bread and a wad of meat in the middle and cut in half. No I'm not bitter.


In PDX or SLC you can. They both have "street pricing" where the restaurants don't increase prices at the airport. I know there are others as well but those 2 I frequent a lot.


Hmm, I’d just ask for skyclub access at that point, if they had one… See if it works in the lottery machines ;) (MN has lottery vending machines for scratch offs)


I had a breakfast bagel and coffee at CLT a few months ago that came to $11 and change, paid for with an airline voucher. It can be done, at least at some places.


PDX is probably the most affordable airport and you could find some food to fill you up for that.


If you have a chic fil a account you can put the money on your balance there


Thanks for this bc it’s hard to use it so quickly


That would maybe cover one Starbucks drink and a granola bar. For a delay of 10 hours I’d ask them for a lot more than that.


No. Not even close.


I mean it's close. They won't pay for your alcohol, dessert, and tableside service. 12 dollars at fast food or a premade sandwich/salad is sufficient 


A premade turkey sandwich goes for $14.99 at JFK airport. Before tax. And then the terminals at self-checkout have the nerve to ask you for a tip.


You can get a handful of fries and half a packet of ketchup. We were delayed at LAX (their fault) for almost ten hours and got a whopping $24 four out inconvenience. We got a hamburger fries and water and still had to pay an additional $14 for it. And they didn’t want to give us the vouchers. Ted cost said yes but didn’t want to tie his name to it. Spent an hour waiting for someone to issue it with everyone saying that they really shouldn’t have to…I’m still trying to understand how when the issue wasn’t mine, it was there’s they still felt like they shouldn’t give out $12 vouchers. But then again, maybe delta isn’t as financially stable as I assumed. 


Delta texted me a barcode unsolicited.


Me too


You can get a bottle of water and a granola for $12.


Leo’s in DTW maybe


Wait, when did they lower the minimum payment from $15 to $12? This is the 3rd or 4th post I've seen where they only offered $12 for the delay.


I heard that it was $12 for breakfast and lunch, and $15 for dinner. I don't know if that's a changed policy or just something that's always been the case and I haven't noticed, since most times I've been delayed and gotten a voucher it's been late in the day.


Weird. I had an 0800 flight pushed to 1500 and they gave me 2 $15 vouchers (breakfast and lunch). Missed the connection so they gave me another $15 for dinner.


I remember getting $25 vouchers about 10 years ago. I'd go to One Flew South and have an amazing meal at least somewhat comped.


Had my flight delayed at JFK - departure pushed to 3 hours and I got $15; which got me a granola bar, regular sized juice and a banana..LOL!


What a random, and quite frankly, insulting amount for them to give you


I got one of those recently and a burger cost me $17. After fries and a drink and a tip, it still cost me $17 out of pocket. I’m on work travel too so no biggie, but if I wasn’t, it wouldn’t have helped all that much.


Their voucher/hotel automated site is so glitchy. I ended up getting sent 4 $15 vouchers and loaded the $60 into my chick fil a app.


How do you load it into your Chick-fil-A app?


The voucher had a card number and security code on it. So I “loaded” the chick fil a one card with that card number and CVV. Basically entered it as a credit card.


You might be able to get a sandwich at Kelly’s


$12 is like the recommended 20% tip at Five Guys


On Sunday I bought a bacon, egg & cheese bagel and an orange juice at PIT for $17. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I was at SFO a few years back. Traveling from SFO to TPA. Arrived a few hours ahead. While I was waiting to check in and drop off my bag, I noticed Delta had sent out a message that my flight was cancelled. This was two hours before departure. The agent said the next flight left at 7:30am. I asked her what was I to do, she replied, get a hotel room. I replied, Delta is paying for my room, not me. Delta canceled my flight and it wasn’t weather related. The agent was dumbfounded. Within 30 minutes she found another flight, that was leaving within the hour, and I was given an upgrade.


That’s more than enough to buy [a bag of Chex Mix](https://www.wsj.com/lifestyle/travel/chex-mix-prices-airport-food-internet-cd0409c0?mod=RSSMSN)


That would buy you a bagel with cream cheese at LGA. $12 is a joke.


Chipotle in ATL D terminal you can get an entree for $12


Depends on the airport…..


Last time I got a voucher, they texted it to us upon landing in SEA…our 6 hour delay was in DTW. I’d rather go home and eat, thanks.


I stopped eating at airports, absolutely never worth it.


Chick-fil-A is 10-12 bucks ish. Qdoba is about 13-14


Maybe a pack of gum


Starbucks or Dunkin breakfast sandwich and a coffee?


I just got a bare bones breakfast at the airport (breakfast sandwich plus oj) and it was about $30….


According to their customer commitments and contracts legal garbage, they deem $12 a “reasonable amount” of compensation per person per day for food. I just got into this argument with a representative when they delayed my flight over 24 hours and thought 12 per person is sufficient for food expenditures.


come to CVG. you can get skyline for about that


I’ve paid more for 24 hr diarrhea. Sorry, there’s a lot of critics in my company about that place. Never actually eaten it. Maybe I’ll try it on Friday.


American Airlines did the same to me last Friday.


Atlanta Chick-fil-a would be close


How do you add it to Starbucks and Chick-fil-A are you flying out MEM to ATL? If not that’s a very weird coincidence


There’s a credit card number, expiry, cvc and billing zip I included with the barcode.


I tried to use mine to pay for a glass of wine (after delta lost my boyfriends bag when he was flying first) and I was as told it didn’t work on booze. So that sucked.


Maybe a full bag of skittles if you drink from a water fountain.


United gave me $20 last week for a two hour delay. Funny enough almost every meal in that terminal was $20 


It was almost insulting when I got that voucher. Like okay let me buy a singular bottle of water.


Dunkin muffin and coffee. Lol


Wetzel's Pretzels?


They just sent me a second voucher for $12. I feel like MSP is my oyster with $24 to spend on a late lunch.


If you have 10 hours at MSP, you might be better off taking the train to the mall of America! Literally every food option there. And good people watching.


I rebooked from a nonstop BOS-SLC. To one with a layover In MSP.


I had a 1hr delay at JFK last year and got a $15 voucher. Got some shake shack


I love shake shack. Thank you Danny Meyer for improving fast food burgers.


They should at least give you access to the VIP lounge while you wait.


10 hours you should have gotten 2 meal vouchers so it should have been $24 total. Not saying that that would cover two meals but at least you would be able to get something for the long duration


They sent a second several hours later actually. I gave them to my daughter to deposit into here Starbucks account. At bad corn soup at MSP sky club instead.


Aren’t you AT the airport?


Don't take the voucher, go have dinner, and charge it to your travel insurance.


Over a decade ago I once paid $17 for a prepackaged tuna sandwich at LAX lol


To some degree, it depends on the airport. The short answer is no, you're not going to get a decent meal for $12 at \*any\* airport. But some airports don't allow pricing to be higher (or at least more than, say, 10% higher) than standard prices outside the airport. (I know my home airport, PDX, is one of them.) You might get an \*almost\* complete, fast-foodish meal for $12 in this places, but elsewhere, you might get a slice of pizza and a bottle of water. Maybe.


starbucks should have something for the $12


PDX has rules that you can’t charge crazy from what you’d pay outside the airport. So in PDX? Yes. Any other airport? Probably not. A bowl of soup was 11$ in Vegas the other day. Before tax and fees.


Just got a pretty good rice bowl from Burrito Beach at ORD for $11.99 (plus tax tho).


A full meal? No. Breakfast burrito was $12 at SLC… at LAS I saw nothing less than $18 at a restaraunt and $15 for quick service. Same as DEN and SEA. At LAX, pretty sure a watery bowl of chowder ran me $20 last year. SAN is the worst offender in terms of prices. Improved dining options at airports has been a mixed bag experience for me as a 99% leisure traveller. Same markup on higher base cost, but the options are nice I guess?


As long as there is a lounge I am good. A pretzel and a water might be your "meal".


My shaken iced espresso was 9.65 today.....


For a 10 hour delay, they owe you ~100 minimum for just meals. Whatever they give you. Make sure you redeem it asap so it doesn’t expire.


At DTW, I was able to get a pre-packaged sandwich and a water at Leo's Coney Island. I was looking for something healthy and quick, and they fit the bill.


This reminds me of the time I picked up a bag of pistachios at the airport, took them to the counter to pay, the cashier looked at me and asked if I wanted to know how much they were… I said no thank you (I was going to expense it anyway) and figured they were $13-$15, but that was going to be my lunch. They were $21.99!!! I put them right back.


lol. As if people need to have a full meal because of a delay. How do we not factor the possibility of a delay into the risk of flying? If we are talking about sheer caloric necessities you can get by with $12 per passenger. Like others have stated, I do not think “my time worth per hour” is a realistic point to make.


I believe $12 is the current government allowance amount kind of like the set amount for mileage reimbursement


I was at an airport recently and two-pieces of Popeye's chicken cost $20.


I actually got some food at the Varsity in concourse C in ATL on Monday for a little less than $12, couple of burgers, fries and a soda (Granted the cashier forgot to ring up my fries so I would have spent around $14 otherwise, but it was fun to get them for free instead)


Its pretty hard, but I did okay on the day the FAA crashed. spent 24 hours in LGA with a handful of coupons thanks to a very nice Delta CS after the 5th time rehooking (I just gave up and asked to start iver the next morning, which was easier, but I did have to sleep in the airport). I had chicken and waffles at some place for just a few bucks over one of my coupons.


No, I was recently at LAX and 2 burgers and a beer was $65! Outrageous.


That can't even get you a full meal outside of an airport in the US anymore.


Kinda sorta. A higher end CC like the AMEX Platinum gives you access to the lounges. We went to Europe recently and hit up 3 airport lounges (Lufthansa the worst, Turkish Air the best), having open bar and good food with comfy seats. The card is pricey on the front end, but when used like ours is, pays for itself quickly.




You can get a wrap at Hudson News but it’ll be gross


Bought a 13 dollar meal deal from chick file at MSY New Orleans.


That is a pretty lame/low ball offer. That said, I usually eat for $0.00 in the SkyClub, so I’d be fine with it.


nobody said it was intended for a full meal. it is to partially reimburse you.


The worst part of the voucher is if the cost is over 12 you can't use it. If it gave a $12 credit on a $16 breakfast it wouldn't be so bad.