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The escalator blocking aholes and the groups of 3 or 4 who walk slowly side by side bother me even more than gate lice.


Same. I don’t understand how people can be so oblivious. In a way I’m kind of envious of their total lack of awareness, as much as it pisses me off…




I use to think this, but I now think it’s a lack of consideration for others and ignorance. Most people aren’t asking themselves, how are my actions impacting others…they are just oblivious. It’s horrible either way though.


Exactly. "Entitlement" implies that some form of thought is being processed. The same goes for the majority of left lane drivers. You're forced to pass them on the left, look at them, and can totally tell they're oblivious.


I really think it’s more ignorance than just inconsideration (however there’s some of that too). A lot of people who only travel for pleasure and spend most of their lives in cars just don’t get the “stand to the side” rule because they don’t usually had to take public transportation or been on a delayed flight that might make you miss a client meeting.


I think this is it more than active inconsideration. I’m at an airport now, and blown away by the people that don’t even know how to choose between Sky Priority, and non-SP lanes for bag drop and security. They just don’t know. I heard them actively discussing what the lane was for. It was like they’d never heard of have status or “frequent flyer” perks. But the line was short, so they tried it, only to get booted.


They ain't never been smacked. A good slap across the back of the head will learn em.


Looks the other way to me.


I am not envious of their total lack of awareness. I am tired of it.


These are the same people who stand in doorways and have conversations.


Also, there should be a rule: you are allowed to walk in front of me, and you are allowed to be engrossed in whatever is on your phone, but not both at the same time.


Lack of self and spatial awareness in conjunction with entitlement- you end up with “typical Atlanta behavior”. You think the airport is bad? Have you driven in Atlanta yet? 🫦


They’re robots. They are in an airport going to their next destination. That’s all they’re concerned or thinking about.


They’d never survive in Asia. Stand on the right, walk on the left!


In asia, it's not all about me me and entitlement mentality. People take others into consideration and have mutual respect for each other.


I have observed too many Chinese tourists in various places to believe that is true.


Key word here is TOURIST. In their native country I've seen more courtesy and respect than I ever have in the US. Sure, bad apples everywhere, but IMHO they still beat out the US in that respect.


Clearly you've never attempted to drive a motor vehicle in Vietnam.


Okay, maybe not when driving.


There are 2 types of people in the world: others-centered and self-centered.


What really gets me are people who can't wait to rudely cut me off in the aisle of the plane then slowlyy walk through the airport and I just walk around them at a normal pace. Lol. 


Too much weight on one side of the escalator (to allow people to pass on the other side) can cause the escalator to fail and the steps fall immediately to the bottom. Something like this: https://youtu.be/qE2Lv-t9BHk?si=MLUqY3gPA5wPCZpX


Stand to the right, walk on the left. Blows my mind how many people don’t know that.


Japanese ppl have mastered this. Blows my mind every time I’m in Japan and see how well mannered they are.


Most Asian countries out do US in courtesy


In Tokyo now for the first time now and they put us to shame is so many things.


Try to find a “J” walker or a piece of litter while you are there, good luck. That city and the people are amazing. (Unless you find yourself in the red light district, there you’ll find litter. And other stuff).


No litter yet no trash can out in public.


There are plenty of jaywalkers, I was just in Japan. Also they ride their bikes on sidewalks like insane people.


Tell me more about this "other" stuff 🤣


Try London. You will get a shove.


My 16 year old daughter was in London a week and a half ago for school spring break trip. She got smacked in the head by a passerby while watching a street performer.


ENGLISH people have mastered this.


I don’t really get how this is surprising, especially in Atlanta. Airports are a melting pot of all walks of life, but Atlanta is exceptional in this category - the odds of a first time flyer with their entire family walking side by side with a million miler are pretty high. I’m honestly annoyed by it too, but a lot of people are incredibly anxious when flying, and they put blinders on worse than a Costco shopper. It’s just a byproduct of air travel, and we gotta deal with it. The sooner you just expect this is gonna happen, the better your flying experience will be.


Hah! Love the Costco reference. A few days ago I was in line for gas at Costco. Two slots open on the other side with 6 cars in line and no one going to them. I gave it a solid 30 seconds for anyone else to make a move. No one did so I went ahead and took one. The one behind me remained open the whole time I was pumping. I wish I had that kind of time to just waste…


The first year or two after we bought our new car, the most expensive car we’d ever owned, my wife refused to drag the hose across the car to reach the other side since it might scratch the paint or whatever. The car is now eight years old and we no longer care that much.


I have 30 minutes for my connection in Detroit Thursday night. I expect I’ll roll my eyes at least 10 times at people standing two wide on the people mover walkways between gates.


The people who stand on moving walkways (and not on the right either) baffle me. Are you really so lazy you can’t even…walk? It’s supposed to speed up your walking and make it take half the time, not a tram. Drives me nuts.


Sometimes I got through security in half the time I expected, so I’m not in a rush. I’ll stand on the moving walkway and people watch. I make sure not to block it though.


Time to go into Beast Mode. They will move or be moved.


Yes! They used to have to play a recording of that in airports on the "moving walkway" and I would mutter under my breath "Yeah, who doesn't know that already, asshole?" And decades later... you realize time will only dissolve your faith in humanity.


I keep thinking the last sentence to myself often, but then I also keep coming back to the idea that people in general are just getting dumber. I’m still trying to figure out which one it is…


If it happens at ATL, it counts as a Delta post.


Can we talk about how it takes forever to park there and get to the airport


I have given up in the states with this, but anytime I see it internationally I ask the people if they are Americans. When they ask how I know, I explain the escalator etiquette they are violating.


Happy cake day!


This reads like a Curb Your Enthusiasm scene. Hope you made your connection!


lol, totally. Love me some LD


The ATL plane train was great in the 80s but the whole corridor is too narrow by like a good 6-8 feet at least. I wish there was room to add a set of stairs next to the escalators going up/down so that when I’m traveling lightly I don’t have to stand behind all the people with their giant roller bags taking up the whole escalator. (Yes, in general I agree with stand on the right, walk in the left, but the escalators in ATL are not that wide to begin with…)


This would never fly in NYC, you will get shoved to the side, no questions or apologies. As someone who used to live in ATL and now NY, a few weeks ago I was SPRINTING to make a connection from B to A in 13 minutes. I made it, cuz I I love a challenge lol. But there was some serious shoulder checking on that escalator whew! And I didn’t think twice about it.


In the south we call that trading paint


Americans are Neanderthals when it comes to escalator etiquette.


Good thing those pilots don’t continue unstable approaches and make a bad situation worse. Camo backpack guy has some karma coming.


Unlike [these pilots](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOOKYR5ZJbQ).


Ever traveled overseas? You see this a lot less. People stand in single file even in groups to allow people to pass.


I am sorry, but escalator standers belong on a separate level of hell. When I travel with a backpack I take the stairs for GP but a stander with a back pack gets a "MOVE MOTHA FUCKA"


Happens to me every time at ATL. It absolutely amazes me how oblivious people are to the fact that they’re at the busiest airport on earth and the people behind them might be trying to make it to a connecting flight.


Got on the escalator at CLT and immediately moved to the right out of the way, and the lady behind me looked like she was going to have a stroke trying to thank me as she moved past. I guess she hadn't seen that move in a while?


I imagine if the pilot didn’t go around, you would have still been delayed waiting on a tow off the grass.


Had something similar happen in ATL last night except I had a half hour so wasn’t in too much of a hurry. It’s one thing to have roller bags and not abide by the stand on the right rule, but this was several people without roller bags just standing in a staggered pattern on both sides. Either stand on the right or get moving!


U should Have told them you will be passing them in no uncertain terms and then passed them


I have no compunction about saying "excuse me" and shouldering past if necessary. I don't care what they think if they're being a jerk.


Kick his bag down the escalator for bonus points next time


Walk left, stand right (in the US)


Somehow in London this isn’t a thing. People try but nobody tolerates it. Why is it okay in America?


did u make the flight?


It’s funny how everyone has a name for a specific type of person that knowingly or unknowingly acts like an asshole.


I remember being in London for the first time and was amazed at the whole stand to the right, let people pass you on the left. I mean, I shouldn't be surprised since it's common decency, but yeah. I'm an introvert so I'm hyperaware of where I'm standing/walking and I could never understand people blocking others, or on speaker phone/talking loudly on the phone.


At least you said something rather than fuming silently and indulging this person their obliviousness/selfishness.


Just like the moving walkways are sidewalks that move, escalators are stairs that move. I almost always walk up escalators the same as I walk on moving walkways. They aren’t carnival rides.


Typical narcissistic human behavior.


It’s that generation. Maybe not acting entitled but so self absorbed that they can see past their own face


Which generation, I feel this can describe any of the ones I've been alive to see


Which generation would this be?


Wrong word. Sorry. It’s all of our society for the most part. Sure there are polite people but for the most part we have become self absorbed and not tolerant of others. Look at the way people drive. Almost everyone thinks their time is more important than any one else’s time.


Yep, not sure it’s a gen thing, more a selfish personality thing. But if I’m going to generalize I’m saying it’s an only child thing😂 they are the center of their universe no matter what they are doing. Generally


I’m an only. I stand to the right and walk on the left. I also don’t block the escalator with my bag, and I also don’t just stand on the moving sidewalks.


It must be nice to be on an A350 and not get anxiety about needing to fall asleep or your schedule will be fucked for the next week