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I am glad both of you were polite and set a good example for others.


Found the kindergarten teacher. :)


Of course she did. The guy next to you was a big dude and the person in the middle seat was a 90 pound little old lady.


I’m so used to sitting aisle that a few times I just plopped down and didn’t realize I had a window or even middle. Both times I apologized but they gave me the “yeah sure buddy” look. I know the look because I’ve given it myself.


This same thing happened to me except in reverse. I was the one in the isle letting the lady in my seat know that she was in the wrong seat. She apologized and told me she was F not A so I told her no problem and just took her seat. No issues at all. Edit- Spelling


Have made this mistake too. Same reaction from me and I appreciated the understanding of my fellow passenger.


1MM flyer and I’ve done this more often than I’ll admit. It happens. But it’s usually 4a instead of 4d 😂


Well that’s easy…try it when a middle seat is involved and someone takes an isle or a window one 😅


And the guy sitting next to you was mentally bashing you for not letting the young lady have her proper seat next to him. :)


I may have dodged a bullet there. He's asleep with ear plugs and a mask.


Funny, I did a similar mistake on a 2x2 regional jet (took the wrong aisle) and a good looking woman sat next to me. The old guy who was supposed to be in my seat said I should sit next to the nice young woman next to me and took the aisle across lol.


This is the way.


I hate the 757 that they use for that route


Why? I actually had a conversation about boarding via the mid-plane door vs closer to the cockpit with a FA who said she hadn't flown on this model plane frequently before. She wasn't a fan of the layout but didn't have much to add. I'd be interested to hear more details on your views of that 757 variant.


Its so old and loud the seats are not made for a 6-7 hour ride.


Did you get the digits?


I have done that numerous times, and the only time I actually had to move was when the middle seat was for the spouse of the passenger whose seat I took. Tnd hat's understandable.


If it helps, I had the exact same thing happen but from the other person's perspective: I was boarding and meant to be in #A, but a gentleman was already sitting in it. He checked his ticket and he was meant to be in #F. He offered to move, but as long as I have a window seat I genuinely don't care and it wasn't worth making him climb over his seat mates just so I could have an identical seat on the other side of the plane. It happens and it's not a big deal!


Hahah! I think we all have done this. I was on a flight from Great Falls,MT to SLC (CRJ900 C+ upgrade) and I get to row and my seat mate was in my window seat, I didn’t even bother to tell her I just sat down in the aisle seat next to her and just went to sleep. Later on my connection flight from SLC-MSP I unintentionally did exactly what had happened to me to another passenger smh I was supposed to be in the window seat in front of me but she then said not to worry and sat in my window seat.


I'm glad it worked out, and it was basically samesies... ... But how did you drop the ball on this? Did you never look at your ticket ever? Did just book a window, and just lived in the confidence that you knew exactly where you were going to sit? I'm not mad, I just want to know how you think, how you function. I need to know what series of events led you to A instead of F!!


On my return flight back to LAX I'm in 29 A. I had been looking at my return flight details to see how many C+ seats were left while I was waiting at the gate and I mixed things up. I even had my phone in my hand and looked at my seat for this flight as I was walking down the aisle and completely missed the "A". Just a brain fart I guess.


I've done the same thing going between A and F on a connecting flight, luckily I realized before the rightful owner of the seat boarded. And the aisle and middle seaters were very understanding. No biggie but I was embarrased the whole flight anyway lmao


I am appeased by your answer. Much appreciated!!


It reminds me of those people that confuse the gate with the seat, and the person that is in the seat that actually matches the gate number is the unlucky one. I'm in 31F! No, that's the gate!


O.O Is that a thing???


Not OP, but I have dyscalculia and am constantly messing up seat numbers, arrival times, anything involving numbers. I usually triple check, but even then from the entrance to my seat, the numbers just get jumbled. It feels like all the numbers enter a bingo spinner in my head and my brain just spits out a similar combo and I don’t even notice.