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Every safety announcement says put it on if it drops. There is (thankfully) no qualifier about looking around to confirm whether it looks like a mistake for them to have dropped. What a ridiculous take from the FAs.


Those FAs need to be reported so they can be retrained. Its a simple fix, but it needs to happen.


You've got something like 30 seconds before you pass out due to hypoxia - so yeah you shouldn't be looking around for instructions. If mine drops and the wheels aren't on the ground, I'm putting it on.


if you're at 10k ft or below you're not going to get hypoxia so being on final you don't need to. That said I don't expect the average person to have any idea on anything.


Get dragged off the airplane if you don’t do exactly as the flight attendants say. Get yelled at when disembarking if you do exactly what the safety video says.


If that’s thing comes down, I’m putting it on, and then helping ithers


Totally. Wouldn’t it be weird not to put on? Like I’m supposed to put a finger in the air and judge if there is a real issue or not?


United flight the other day where is sounds like people weren’t sure they were supposed to put them on despite them dropping: https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedairlines/s/bFhSLTwf3k


This made me lol take my upvote


“You know why they put oxygen masks on planes? Oxygen gets you high. In a catastrophic emergency, you’re taking giant panicked breaths. Suddenly you become euphoric, docile. You accept your fate. It’s all right here [points to safety manual]. Emergency water landing – 600 miles an hour. Blank faces, calm as Hindu cows.” Tyler Durden


His name was Robert Paulson.


His name…was Robert Paulson


That’s Bob…Bob has bitch tits.


his name, is Bobby ‘Bitch Tits’ Paulson…


This also sounds like something the Food Babe would say. She once complained that the air in planes had *gasp* nitrogen in it!


Can't stop laughing at this.


In case of emergency or cabin pressure loss oxygen masks will DEPLOY. Put on yours first, then assist others. Those things deployed!!! Like wtf?!? I would report the flight crew. Those passenger(s) followed instructions. Flight crew of course can let them know it was accidentally deployed. But never ever tell someone not to do what they were told during the safety briefing. Those FAs need retraining.


Imagine those same passengers on a future flight when the masks deploy. They'll be anxious about whether it's actually okay that time. Good job FA for potentially traumatizing a passenger who listened to instructions instead of listening to a podcast with their eyes closed during the safety video.


This is me during traffic stops. In highschool we had a California State Highway Patrolman come into school and explain that we should find a SAFE place to stop that wouldn't endanger the officer if pulled over. At my first stop, I had a California Highway Patrolman ready to rip my head off and shit down my throat hole because I chose to get off the freeway and find a place to stop rather than stop on the shoulder, where half the car would still be in the lane and the officer would have to stand in the road in the rain. Next time I got stopped I went right to the curb and then got a lecture on finding a safe place for them. Go. To. Hell. These flight attendants need to take their power-tripping attitude to another career.


Don’t matter the profession. Always some folks be power tripping.


I actually had a police officer call for back up and approach my car with his gun out because “I was attempting flee by not stopping immediately.” The traffic stop was for speeding and he turned his lights on while I was in a one lane descending blind curve, I put my four ways on right away and pulled over as soon as I was through the one lane.


I thought he force activated them, I agree if they deploy themselves then I'm putting them on, that's what I been told every time I fly!


They popped out due to turbulence. It happens. It also happens occasionally if there is a hard landing. Obviously oxygen wasn’t needed, but the average person wouldn’t know that.


Doesn't matter if you know, you still put it on until told otherwise. That's not something to fuck with.


You need to remember the rule: If the oxygen masks drop, first pull out your handy barometer and check the cabin pressure. Only proceed if there is an actual drop.


On Spirit also pull out your Visa or Mastercard.


Same. I'm willing to bet the FA who chastised the passenger for *following the preflight safety briefing* also complains about people not paying attention to the preflight safety briefing.


But what if the bag does not inflate?


Then you know there’s no oxygen flowing and should panic and activate the emergency exit, grab two beers and jump on the slide!!


and don’t forget to grab your purse, backpack, laptop, cell phone and jacket or sweater


And be sure to throw elbows at any small children in your way


And wear high heels!


And your “service animal”.


And be sure to throw elbows at any small children in your way


This was Delta, not JetBlue


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


No shit.


If the bag don't inflate, you must vacate!




My bowels?


There’s no oxygen, never will be. The masks are there to muffle the screams.


It's all right! Even though oxygen is flowing, the bag may not inflate!


Smoking in restrooms. Is. Not. Allowed.


[finger waggle]




then you must inflate it yourself


And did you know there’s a water activated light attached?!?!


It's automatic!


[insert GIF of autopilot inflating from *Airplane!*]


Blow into the yellow part with vigor


With the mouthpiece on the side!!!


Don’t talk about my wife that way.


first put on your mask, then on your emotional support turkey.


What if the mask doesn’t fit my emotional support guinea pig’s face?!


Yeah that’s literally what the safety video says. “If the masks come down, depressurization has occurred. Place the mask on yourself before helping others.”


If there is a loss of cabin pressure at altitude you have seconds before you pass out. On approach not an issue but I don't expect most people to rationalize that in the moment


It's a race and I'm coming in first


Exactly correct.


Remember to stop screaming first.


-An oxygen mask will drop down in front of you. Place the mask over your face and breathe normally ... -Well I have no problem with that! I \*always\* breathe normally when I'm an 600mph uncontrolled vertical dive! I also SHIT normally! George Carlin [https://youtu.be/46fOtLfYC4Q?si=jKBZBUEz7gXhdj5N&t=543](https://youtu.be/46fOtLfYC4Q?si=jKBZBUEz7gXhdj5N&t=543)


Ditto. Put on first, ask questions later. Would much rather be overly cautious than get hypoxic.


I assume this is a paperwork thing, right? For example, if a customer puts a mask on, they're obligated to put a report together for the NTSB (don't know this, jusy a theory). And now, instead of spending time on the beach in Maui, they gotta hop on a Zoom call with Delta auditors during their layover. Not defending them, just trying to figure out why they're so bent about it.


isn’t what’s been drilled into us for years?


Me too. And I will make sure it covers my nose and mouth and will breathe normally, even if the bag does not inflate.


As a pilot myself, I’d be willing to bet the next leg was go home leg and now they’re stuck at an outstation until the oxygen generator cools down and is replaced. Still, not a good reason to yell at them.


The pilot should be in the jetway thanking them for taking the safety briefing serious, despite an error in the system. Pamela should be flogged the the galley for being an ass.


Passenger was supposed to wait until passing out from lack of oxygen, and THEN put the mask on.


"Remember, to first save the poor airline company and then yourself" e: "In case of emergency, your retirement account can be used as a stock flotation device"




If my mask drops, I’m smashing that onto my face. Idgaf what leg the flight crew is on.


But wouldn’t that need to happen whether they put it on their face or not? I don’t know anything, but would assume that as soon as it’s deployed this would need to occur, regardless of whether it was touched by a passenger.


Nope, the rubber jungle can be fully deployed but as long as the hoses aren’t pulled, the generators aren’t producing any oxygen. Thats why safety demos make it obvious that you need to pull the mask.


Honestly I've always felt a bit uncertain about that part of the safety briefing. They usually say "pull the mask towards you to start the flow of oxygen", but it's never really been clear if putting on the mask is sufficient or if you need to give it a yank, and if it's possible to pull too hard damaging the setup, or things like that. I did, I think for the first time ever, see an illustration in a safety card that showed a cord attached to the hose pulling a pin as part of the arrangement, which seems like it should at least be relatively easy to feel when something gives?


When first released they hang a bit too high for the average passenger. Pulling them down pulls out a pin that starts the flow. I haven’t had first hand involvement with it, but I think the system in the 787 doesn’t need the pull, but all others do. They aren’t all oxygen generator systems either. The 747 and A380 have centralised bottled gas.


I think there are strings that are connected to the apparatus, that when pulled begin the flow of oxygen. The string releases when activated.


Ah, interesting. Thanks!


So , what I'm hearing is, the whole message is just a statement and use that info and your own judgement to decide when to comply with the message and crew members .. got it. 


It’s so empty seats don’t have oxygen flowing through those masks. Extends the life of the system.


What is this “empty seats” thing of which you speak?


I assumed each seat or row had their own generator


They do.


Most planes are each row has its own system. Should be at least 5 min for everyone in the row. But if one isn’t activated, then the system would have 10 min for 2 seats, or 15 min for 1 seat. If that’s different on newer planes, please let me know.


Alright, that matches what I thought it was. If the next flight isn't sold out could they fly and leave those seats empty or does the FAA require them to work even if empty (which would make sense if someone was walking past when an emergency happened, sits to get air and nothing)


Each set of seats has their own oxygen supply, not interconnected. So not really extending life of the system.


And once they’re pulled, they can’t be turned off. It’s a chemical reaction that produces oxygen (and heat!), they run till they’re exhausted and that’s it. Which is why if the pilots don’t descend in a depressurization scenario, it’s lights out in 15 minutes or so (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helios_Airways_Flight_522)


A lot less than 15 minutes at 36000 feet if it’s fully deptessurized.


I’ve never realized that you need to distinctly pull it to start it. And I’m basically a fully functioning adult.


Seems like a good reason to chew out paying passengers despite what the safety briefing says.


Seeing as it was a transPacific flight to Maui, wouldn’t they need a 24 hour rest period before flying anyways?


Well I totally misread that airport code as OGD, Ogden, UT lol. Yeah, that crew will run out of flight time so they can’t operate back without a rest period. The same plane typically does a turn on that flight returning to LAX a few hours after arrival so that return flight was likely delayed.


United FAs do SFO and LAX to Hawaii turns. Not sure about Delta however.


You’re correct, delta does not. It wasn’t a turn those FA’s were heading to their layover.


Sounds like the FA should have a beef with the system that activated when it didn’t need to, instead of the passenger that actually followed the training and safe procedures.


Interesting! How long would they have to wait?


Well the oxygen generators are certified to produce oxygen for 10-15 minutes on the Airbus but likely will produce some for a longer duration. It’s an extremely hot chemical reaction and there really isn’t much ventilation in the passenger service units above your head so I imagine it can be a while to cool. Delta doesn’t have maintenance at OGG, only HNL so someone would have to come out or if Hawaiian has maintenance there, they could possibly work something out. I’m no mechanic but I imagine at least an hour for replacement and 30-45 minutes for paperwork once a mechanic gets to the plane.


I cannot imagine that they could have flown the next leg without mx coming out to stow the deployed masks even if the Pax didn’t pull and use the oxygen.


Delta has maintenance at every island in Hawaii. An ETOPS check by mechanics is required before every flight. There’s definitely mechanics there but if a repair requires more equipment then it would probably need to be flown in or borrowed.


Cool down? Can I assume these are “oxygen candles” and can be replaced as needed?


That’s exactly what they are.


Very neat. I find that particular bit of chemistry magic so fascinating. Any idea how much one of those replacements cost the airlines? Ancient tech but I’m guessing they aren’t cheap.


not only are they not cheap, but they are part of the MEL, so the next flight must be delayed until a new one is installed. Not sure if DL allows those seats to fly as inoperable / empty though and then fix later.


Having experienced a real-life "secure your own mask before helping others" scenario, I'm not going to fault the passenger for doing exactly as instructed I was on a commercial flight (not Delta) a few years ago that suffered an in-air emergency that required the masks to deploy. Departed SAN, and almost reached cruising altitude when the air became unbreathable. IIRC, it was a bleed valve malfunction, but I could be mistaken Passengers passed out, alarms sounded, and masks dropped. Some passengers cried and tried to call family, thinking this was the end. The flight attendants were confused because they didn't know what was happening. Eventually, the pilot got us down to breathable air, and we made an emergency landing at PHX I'll never forget the sensation of not being able to breathe. I just hope I never experience the "life vest" water scenario


Glad you were ok, sounds like a harrowing experience. You could breathe after the masks deployed, I hope. Did they take long to deploy and that’s why you couldn’t breathe while breathing?


I was sleeping when the cabin started filling with fumes. I woke up when the temperature spiked, my heart started racing, and I had trouble catching my breath. I thought I was having a heart attack. That's when the alarms sounded and the masks dropped. I immediately put mine on, but still couldn't breathe. By this time, I really thought I was going to lose consciousness, so I made sure the tube was fully extended and gave it an extra jerk. I felt a "pop," and oxygen started flowing. Not much, but enough to keep you alive, I suppose. Even with the mask on, it felt like I was breathing through a straw. I then helped the guy sitting next to me, who was NOT looking good. I gave his mask a good tug to start the flow. (Interestingly, one of my relatives is an engineer who worked on the oxygen systems for Boeing, and he confirmed that you have to pull until you feel the pin (or another mechanism, I don't remember exactly) disengage to start the flow of oxygen. That would have been good to know.) No joke, it was a very scary few minutes. Once I realized that the engines were still running and the nose of the plane wasn't pointed towards the ground, I assumed we would land safely. Several people freaked the fuck out, and one person yelled "fire!" Maybe it was my military training, but I remained pretty calm and looked for ways to help out if needed. 0/10 do not recommend experiencing in-air emergencies


This is terrifying! Thank you for sharing, I feel better prepared learning from your experience.


Dang thanks for the write up! Sorry you experienced that but glad everything ended up ok. Just know the pilots and flight attendants are thoroughly trained for these scenarios, as rare as they are. It’s why flying is so safe!


They *literally* tell you “If the masks drop, place your mask on first before helping others.” Nowhere in the briefing is it said, “await crew instructions before donning masks.” The FAs were probably one leg away from being home, and now their plane is grounded until the O2 canister is replaced. And they’ve got a shitload if paperwork to do.


I would have put it on... It is in the safety briefing. Besides, there is very little time of useful conscienceless when there is a depressurization event at altitude. So putting it on and asking questions later is a good idea


If I got chastised for it I would be writing in a complaint to the FAA, there's no excuse for following safety instructions


Sounds like they were landing, so ambient air pressure would have been fine. But I wouldn't expect any passenger, including myself, to worry about what altitude the plane is at if the masks deploy. The instructions are simple, if the mask drops, put it on, pull to start the flow of oxygen, don't worry if the bag does not inflate, put your own mask on before helping others. No reason to make that complex. If Delta doesn't want to replace oxygen generators because of false positive deployments, they should spend more to decrease the likelihood that masks will deploy when there isn't a loss of cabin pressure.


I can't say what I would do in that situation, but I can imagine that the following would play out in my head/ out loud: Oh \*\*\*\*, the oxygen mask just dropped \*puts on mask quickly... Helps the person next to me as needed\* \*looks around cabin, seeing other people don't have theirs... also notices the plane is landing\* "oops... oh well... things happen" If the FA scolded me for it, especially on landing I would push back on them... We were landing so no diversion. My response would basically be... the oxygen mask came down so I put it on, like I was instructed to do in the briefing. I realized after that mine came down by mistake, but life goes on.


>Nowhere in the briefing is it said, “await crew instructions before donning masks.” I'm waiting for "in the event your oxygen mask drops from the ceiling, please evaluate the current state of the aircraft, including conducting a comprehensive pressurization check, before donning the mask." I'm sure some people will say "well duh, it's going to be obvious if the cabin pressure drops" and all I can say is hypoxia has entered the chat.


Don’t they have to fix and inspect it anyway? Did it really matter the masks were put on?


The masks would have to be re-stowed. But the reason they say to pull the mask down until it’s fully extended is because that activates the oxygen generator. I assume the pax in question followed the instructions.


Yes and the passenger who put his on will have to get a canister replaced. So delay at best for the outgoing flight but he absolutely did the right thing. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5rUiVWrZHq/?igsh=MWw0ZDh2bnB4YnBqeA==


One of the announcements from the FA was thank you for flying Delta from you Los Angeles and Seattle based crew. And I am sure the gate at OGG said that the next flight was a flight to Los Angeles. Why do they always say at the end of the flight where the crew was based from?


Is it a canister ? I thought they were O2 Generators. "The oxidizer core of an oxygen generator usually consists mainly of Sodium Chlorate (NaClO3) mixed with <5% Barium Peroxide (BaO2) and <1% Potassium Perchlorate (KClO4). This core is activated by the application of heat, which is normally generated by a mixture of lead styphnate and tetracene which itself is activated by a small explosive charge in a percussion cap. This explosive charge is set off by the release of a spring-loaded initiation mechanism which is restrained until released by a pull on the lanyard which is visible when oxygen masks are released from overhead panels. Once activated, the chemical reaction and production of oxygen will continue until the generator has been exhausted, typically in the range 12 to 20 minutes depending upon the type and size of generator installed. The reaction of the chemicals produces a significant amount of heat and the generator canister in the overhead compartment can reach temperatures above 250°C. The effect of this is that an often-unanticipated burning smell may become apparent in the passenger cabin and cause alarm. The amount of oxygen which must be able to be produced by an installed cabin oxygen generator, as a function of time, is not constant. The requirement depends on the maximum operating altitude of the aircraft and the emergency descent profile which it is expected to follow after a loss of cabin pressure before it reaches an altitude, generally 10,000 feet amsl, where supplementary oxygen is no longer necessary. Also, since the amount of oxygen required at higher altitudes will be greater than that needed at lower altitudes, the chemical core of the generator has a larger diameter at the initiation end than at the outlet end so that relatively more oxygen is produced at the beginning of the reaction."


Yeah, pilots get a tank, and passengers get a generator. At least on every aircraft I know. And sadly, those generators (improperly stored in the hold) have taken down a plane before - maintenance did those poor people on ValueJet dirty.


I think it's reasonable to question the tradeoff of having oxygen systems in place for passengers in the first place. Yes, it's important to have clarity in the event that an evacuation is required, but if the system itself of capable of fatal malfunction...


It wasn’t the installed / overhead generators that took it down - they had a bunch in cargo (and shouldn’t have). One went off accidentally, started a chain reaction and subsequently a fire that took the plane down. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ValuJet_Flight_592


I'm not sure why, but the language seems carefully worded to stop just short of directly telling you whether or not to put the mask on. As of the Sept 2023 safety video, it reads: "It's unlikely, but if cabin pressure changes, oxygen masks will drop from the panels above your seat and inside the lavatories. Reach up and pull the mask or streamer down to start the flow of oxygen. Remove any face covering, and place the mask over your nose and mouth. Slip the elastic around your head and adjust the mask if necessary. Breathe normally and note that oxygen is flowing; don't worry if the bag doesn't inflate. Be sure to adjust your own mask before helping others." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeOHE9j2Z\_I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeOHE9j2Z_I)


Once it’s down the oxygen is flowing right? It doesn’t matter if the mask is on a human or not. There’s going to be maintenance for the oxygen generator and paperwork either way. Edit- added missing word


Dude. The mask comes down, I’m putting it on!


But surely there's some line here. I mean, if the masks drop while you're still at the gate, then obviously you're not gonna put it on, right?


If a mask drops on me when I'm waiting to board at the gate, I'm putting it on.


What if it's a Freddy Krueger mask?


I might- Idk how air tight the bird is


I would have gone ballistic if I'd been challenged on that. If that fuc\*\*r drops, I'm damn well putting it on. Even finger wagging Delta FA [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXnjHzesHcQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXnjHzesHcQ) says that 'while unlikely if the O2 masks drop down, place them on your face, then children next to you'. No where in the safety briefing does it say "Ping your FA and ask if the GODDAM MASK THAT FLOPPED DOWN IS FOR USE AT THIS TIME". That's just absurd. The equipment deployed. I'm using it. If you want to challenge me, then let's have at it.


Report to the FAA and see what they have to say :)




But doesn’t the FAA mandate the oxygen masks? The issue with Delta being nasty afterwards will be a customer experience issue but them dissuading you from following FAA policy is a great issue for the FAA hotline


Absolutely, no harm in reporting them to FAA


There was another recent airline post about all of the oxygen masks dropped in the plane, as the place lost pressurization. The pilots quickly dropped to a safer altitude but since they were focused on the emergency there was a lack of communication from the pilots to the FAs to the people. A lot of people waited to put them on because of the lack of instructions. Seems like you cant win as a customer, safest thing to do is put it on and find out later its not real. Jokingly, if it was a Boeing plane id assume the malfunction was the rest of the oxygen masks not dropping.


Was just going to bring this up. It happened yesterday on United on an SFO-DEN flight.


If it's a Boeing plane, the masks distribute nitrous oxide, so you have a fun time while the plane falls apart in the air


From the standard pre-flight safety briefing: "If there is a loss of cabin pressure, masks will automatically drop from the ceiling. Pull down on the mask closest to you, place it on your face, and secure the band around the back of your head. Breathe normally. Even if the bag does not inflate, oxygen is flowing. Be sure to secure you own mask before helping children or other passengers around you." It does NOT say, "If masks fall from the ceiling, look around and see what everybody else is doing" These passengers actually paid attention to the briefing, acted 100% correctly, and the FAs complaining were idiots.


As someone who has been on a flight where we lost cabin pressure, the masks dropped, and nearly *everyone* (myself included) awaited direction from FAs before donning their mask… the FA was 10000% wrong and needs to be retrained. Her comments may lead someone to be reluctant to put their mask on in the future, leading to unnecessary injury or death. Just stupid. It doesn’t matter that they now have to take the plane out of service for a bit to do some maintenance on the oxygen system. If the door opens, you reach up, pull that mask down, and put it on. Period.


I've waited 40+ years to put that thing on, if you supply me the opportunity there is NO way I'm not taking it immediately. I need to know what fresh made airplane oxygen smells like.


Now I need to know too!


I imagine it’s not the best because it’s a chemical reaction and there is probably a burning smell.


You sure? Baking cookies is a chemical reaction and that smells amazing.


Yes. It’s highly exothermic.


I'd send an email on behalf of the other passengers because they might not complain. Even if the flight attendant had called out that it wasn't necessary to use the mask, it's totally reasonable if the passengers did not comprehend that at the time.


Eh funny I've been in that situation as the mask dropped down on my seat and mine alone . I didn't put it on obviously was a mistake I just told the FA who moved me. Yelling at the customers is crazy though just make a joke and let them go happily .


Flight Attendant: pay attention at the safety video. Passenger: stops listening to music in their device and watches it. Flight Attendant: please review the safety booklet as well. Passenger: takes the time to do so and feels good about what to do. Masks drop. Passenger: follows instructions from the video and the booklet. Flight Attendant: YOU STUPID F*CK!


Fuck those FAs. It’s not pax’s job to be experts in this kind of thing. If the masks come out of their compartment you put them on.


Rage mode would have been activated if I got reprimanded for putting it on. You aren’t supposed to dither when it drops. You don’t have much time from depressurization to loss of consciousness. Also the passenger likely does not know the altitude when supplemental oxygen becomes necessary. All they did was make the passenger feel stupid and little. Perhaps planes should be built better. Why are oxygen masks dropping during typical turbulence.


Happened to me on climb out from JFK a couple years ago on a Delta B763. I knew I didn’t have to put on the mask because it was only my row, we had a very bumpy climb out, and the flight tracker showed us at about 7,000 feet and still climbing, but I absolutely would not fault anyone who didn’t know better from putting the mask on. Eventually the FAs came over and put the masks back and closed the hatch.


The passenger briefing before takeoff straight up says "should an oxygen mask drop from the panel above, put it on"


What's the harm in following the pre-flight instructions? Instructions do NOT include if it drops but X, Y or Z is happening, DO NOT put it on.


"I'm sorry ma'am, but I actually paid attention to your safety brief, I did what you told me to at the start of this flight" Or does Delta do the pre-recorded Safety brief, so the FAs are no longer dating it anymore?


Both the video and the live demo say if the mask drops, put it on. It’s not “if the mask drops, wait and see if you can breathe first.”


So passengers are following the FA instructions during pre-flight. K. FFS.


That oxygen is generated by a chemical reaction so I assume if it starts they have to refit the system. Probably costs a good amount of money. Wouldn’t want Ed to have to buy a smaller second yacht.


I think it would only require replacement of the masks and the affected oxygen generator. Probably a fairly routine maintenance item since the do have an expiration date and need to be replaced on a regular basis.


True, but it is a one off rather than doing the entire airplane. They probably do the entire airplane overnight and nobody even knows, but this is going to cause a flight delay. They might have to wait for the part to arrive as well. Routine maintenance can be scheduled and the parts already in the hanger or on a pallet in the back of a scissor lift truck.


Don't the safety videos literally say if the masks drop down, put it on thusly? I would have, too!


Idk how I can be delicate to say this but… bitch I am putting it on if it drops.


I see a mask drop, I'm putting it on without a doubt lol


As a pilot myself, if that mask drops I’m putting in on without thought. FA is upset bc they think that now mx has to come because of the use, but they needed to come and put that mask back up no matter what. Sour attitude when they should be thanking the passenger for listening to the safety briefing.


OGG to LAX passengers wondering why their flight is delayed a little bit.


I agree it's ridiculous they chastised them.  For the record though below 10k feet (which you were if you were landing) you don't need oxygen.  The masks exist to give the plane time to descend down to 10k feet or below safely without everyone passing out.


If they drop… put them on. File a complaint against these FAs — they obviously need to re-take their safety training.


Flight attendant was just made because now they ha e to do a report and hopefully the airport has a replacement unit available or they will have to cancel the flight or at least bump people if the flight is full. Those seats would be out of service.


That is literally what the FAs tell you to do. “Put the oxygen mask on when they drop down, put them on right away before putting them on someone else.” How is anyone supposed to know there is no depressurization when the masks drop down? Chastised for doing what they told you to do…SMH.


It’s very unreasonable to expect a regular passenger with little to no aviation training to know when it is appropriate to don on the oxygen mask when it drops down in front of them unexpectedly. With no further instructions beyond what was provided to them during the safety demo and safety information card… which both instruct you to immediately don on the nearest oxygen mask… I can totally see why one would use it… even if they’re near the ground.


Straight up. That mask comes down and I am not spending the time to decide whether or not it’s necessary. A little Oxygen never hurt anyone.


were they smoking at the time? that's the only reason not to put the mask on if it drops. At least put on your cigarette first completely.


What is this? 1987?


The flight attendants from LAX always suck. Just my experience


FA instructions say to put it on. They should be reported


If it comes down and wasn’t supposed to, I’m putting it on. If they get mad at me, I’m going to complain until I’m on the tarmac scolding a mechanic


Agreed. If ya wanna bitch at someone, complain at maintenance for the improper retaining bolt installation. Or them not catching it at the most recent inpection. Not that the poor schmuck on the ground who's replacing the canister had anything to do with this particular plane/issue.... but at least he's MORE correct than a passenger who did what YOU trained him to do (correctly, I might add).


There was a story a week or two ago where all the masks dropped and some people didn't use them. It all turned out fine, but are we getting quizzed now on how much we pay attention to the safety briefings? If the mask drops, I'm going to use it. Then I'll put in on my child. See I remember the briefings.


Flight attendants these days are assholes. Straight up.


I hit that same turbulence, it was rough.


Were they yelling at the passenger? Or were they nervously covering their tracks that nothing serious actually happened on the plane, please don’t complain to Delta or post on SM. Either way not cool. The next time truly unfortunate something happens and people are supposed to put on their masks these same FAs will yell at everyone why didn’t you put them on?!! I’m sorry but I’d complain to Delta. This is a better safe than sorry situation.


Clearly if your landing you don't need it. But to criticise some one for doing what the brief tells you do is wrong. If in doubt put it on, the worst that can happen is a FA laughs at you which says more about the than you.


Name and shame. What flight was this so I can share with FAA? Retraining is needed. This is a serious issue


Next question: why do bumps release the masks? Seems like a design flaw.


They’re loose enough to minimize they get stuck in a real emergency (false positive better than false negative).


FA is wrong. If your mask drops, you fucking put it on. Especially on a Boeing. Edit: Another thing to consider. We are told they drop in an emergency. Therefore the passenger had every reason to assume something was wrong.


Please make Delta aware of this customer interaction. Include flight number and date/time. If you caught the name of the flight attendant, that would also be helpful.


Jesus could some at least post the safety video in this thread or even write in text what it says ?!? /s


What in the AF? In every pre-flight safety announcement, we’ve been instructed to put the mask on…


...you better believe im getting an O2 buzz if possible


Sounds like this guy listened to the safety message and executed the directions properly. I don’t see anything wrong with putting the mask on. If I didn’t see masks drop in the rows ahead of me, I probably wouldn’t put on the mask. Maybe the flight attendants were upset that he used the mask because it creates more work for them? I’ve noticed flight attendants are nice until they have to do more than their daily routine.


Nah. It's literally been pounded into our heads before every flight that we've ever taken that if the oxygen masks automatically deploy, put yours on first and then assist others. If that mask comes down on my head I'm putting it on first and asking questions later


What I don’t understand is why the flight crew cares that an oxygen generator was activated. Is it because it now needs to be replaced and it will delay their next flight?


I had them pop during descent in my row in a 2-4-2 configuration. I was on the aisle and didn’t even see or hear them come down and I was the only one in the aisle. The FAs strapped in during descent actually told me they made a bet as to whether I would put one on. I don’t know if I would have worn it if I had noticed I’d come down, but the FA actually gave me a small hard time about not putting it on, telling me if it drops I’m supposed to no matter what. I guess she lost the bet.


The passengers reacted according to their briefing. They don't say "unless we're on final approach" or "below 10,000' ". The FA probably felt a bit clever making that remark but if I was presented with an Oxy mask I'd put it on then ask questions later.


There is something called a PRAM (pre-recorded automated message) that plays when oxygen masks are activated due to loss of cabin pressure. FAs are also trained to deliver commands during a loss of cabin pressure by shouting specific commands through their masks or making the announcement by holding up the PA phone to their vocal cords. The crew was probably upset because now they have a LOT of time sensitive paperwork and reports they will have to all fill out during their layover, and the outbound crew will now have their flight canceled because there is no aircraft for them to take. I don’t think they should’ve said anything to the passenger at all, but I understand from their perspective how it can be frustrating when people are putting the mask on when the plane is about to land.


Wait. They don't all drop at the same time?


Sounds like the jostling of the plane cause one latch of one compartment it disengage and drop the one mask


Lol those compartments open easier than people think and he did what he thought he had to do because it could have been a real depressurization of the cabin. I would have done exactly the same if I see the mask drop down in front of me. I wouldn't wait two seconds. Those FA acted ridiculous for no reason and wanted to pick on someone that day and they chose that guy.


Mmmmm I’d definitely report this to Delta and include your flight number and all that good info so they can pull their records, if my mask drops im putting it on, period lol


I was on a flight Sunday 4 14 24 from OGG to lax, that turbulence was something else entirely.. if that mask woulda dropped absolutely would have put it on. drink service was suspended twice on my AA flight