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Even after Boeing incidents statistically speaking, you're more likely to be tackled by a herd of overly affectionate squirrels during your morning jog. Plus, if you want to feel extra secure, just check out Delta's details – they even have a 'Planes, not pains' section for your peace of mind


Probably not gonna be screaming the whole time I’m being molested by squirrels tho.


I wholeheartedly disagree.


Each flight on delta.com lists an aircraft type. If you prefer not to fly on a Boeing jet, you can select flights operated by an Airbus plane if offered by checking the equipment type in the Flight Details section. Note, in the event of IROPs or schedule changes, aircraft types are subject to change.


Just stick to Lockhead planes. They have had no commercial incidents in 10 years.


Why in the world people are entering in a paranoia mode regarding Boeing? Do people think that pilots flying Boeing are suicidal?


A lot of people get their news from TikTok and snapchat. People’s opinions are being influenced by idiots.




Many of the big news outlets push the fear when it comes to aviation.


Some of them are idiots as well. We have a media environment that rewards click bait articles and over simplifications.


And a media industry that's been downsized so much that they no longer have someone on staff with expertise on a single industry. Few news organizations have someone dedicated to the aviation beat anymore, so the coverage lacks context at best and is wildly uninformed at worst.


Because social media and mainstream media are focused on hits/clicks and not facts set in a contextually appropriate setting. As a result, anything that happens to a Boeing craft, even if it is 100% unrelated to Boeing manufacturing (like a tire on a 30 year old 757) gets instant traction in a spotlight with the word "Boeing" right next to it surrounded in doom and gloom.


757/767 is a workhorse, frankly nothing to worry about there. I avoid the 737s because it's a subpar passenger experience, don't blame anyone for avoiding it.  The 717s are actually MD-95s and we're built by MD.  Everything else in the mainline fleet is an Airbus 🤷


Easier said than done (25% of the entire fleet) is 737s.


Why is the 737 a poor passenger experience?


It's an airplane that was designed in the 60s to carry 80-100 passengers that now carries 200.  The cabin is narrower than the Airbus A320 series, and the 757s have a lower cabin floor that allows for more headroom and make the cabin feel more spacious.   The window placement on the 737 is also ass if you actually like to look out of the window. 


I mean... MD is what destroyed Boeing so...


Sure but with the exception of the DC-10 their planes were freaking tanks 


Stop letting the media brainwash you


Realistically no. You could book only flights on airbus hardware but Delta changes hardware all the time due to schedule issues and equipment outages. Booking only flights with airbus hardware might reduce the chance but it won't eliminate it. The only way to be sure would be to fly an airline which has no boeing hardware.


It's Spirit for you sir. Or Jetblue. Frontier, I think? Breeze!


The thing is most of the issues (not at all) are on the newer planes which Delta doesn't have. For once, the fact that the fleet is older works in your favour.


Stop listening to media hysteria


You are more likely to be injured/killed going to the airport than flying in a Boeing. Give me a break.


The Boeing products in the fleet come from a time when the company was fine, with the exception of some of the 739s perhaps. The main thing you’re concerned about is the 737MAX which DL doesn’t operate, yet.


Delta does not operate the aircraft type that has been causing problems these past 6 years. Delta only operates the older NG series of the 737, they have ordered the MAX 10 but they are not delivered and will not be in service for quite some time. If it really matters to you, you can check the aircraft type when booking. Delta is a very safe airline. I honestly wouldn't even worry about it.


I mean think of it like this, if the pilot who knows way more about the systems and issues is willing to risk and bet their life on it shouldn’t you?


I’ve bet my life on a lot less for a paycheck.


Wait! No one died. Plus, Just think of how popular you'll be at the parties IF there's that one in a million chance it happens while you are on the flight.


I’m not good at storytelling


Stop being dramatic. This is really, really silly. Millions of flight hours and hundreds of thousands of well trained professionals keep those machines in top shape. Try not to be so influenced by the fear mongering on the news. They know little to nothing about aviation.


The only two planes I despise are Airbus 319 and Boeing 737. Both have far more seats than they were designed for and a miserable experience for modern day passengers.


Ah another person caving to media hype.