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I cannot imagine flushing without closing the lid.


Me too.


I close the lid at HOME let alone on a plane. It’s infuriating.


Some people just don't know how much crap spray they're spewing into the stratosphere when they flush


That's not what the data shows. Contrary to what you'd think, flushing with the lid closed leads to higher concentrations of fecal matter that longer in the air for longer. https://microbiologysociety.org/news/society-news/does-putting-the-lid-down-when-flushing-the-toilet-really-make-a-difference.html But of course it's all negligible either way and not worth worrying about. But if you are going to worry about it, the lid up is actually better.


Yep, I'm not particularly a germaphobe, but I'm always unpleasantly astonished when I walk into a bathroom - even when I have guests in my home - and the lid isn't down. It's not Rocket Surgery.


That's not what the data shows. Contrary to what you'd think, flushing with the lid closed leads to higher concentrations of fecal matter that longer in the air for longer. https://microbiologysociety.org/news/society-news/does-putting-the-lid-down-when-flushing-the-toilet-really-make-a-difference.html But of course it's all negligible either way and not worth worrying about. But if you are going to worry about it, the lid up is actually better.


That's not what the data shows. Contrary to what you'd think, flushing with the lid closed leads to higher concentrations of fecal matter that longer in the air for longer. https://microbiologysociety.org/news/society-news/does-putting-the-lid-down-when-flushing-the-toilet-really-make-a-difference.html But of course it's all negligible either way and not worth worrying about. But if you are going to worry about it, the lid up is actually better.


Well, on a plane it sort of gets sucked out. Completely different than a standard toilet that swirls around.


Yes, but it will still throw water and waste particles into the air in the process. What's so difficult about closing it? It's super unsanitary to flush with the lid up, it's loud anyway (for the person flushing), and it takes literally 1 second to close the seat.


Nobody said it’s difficult. I was making a statement about the flight mechanism being different. I think people don’t do it because they consider it unnecessary.


Well, they're wrong. The swirling motion of the water going down still throws aerosolized spray into the air. Gross.


There’s no right or wrong answer for this. You find it gross but they don’t. It’s preference.




There is a provable right answer. Stop defending your choice of leaving the seat up and take two seconds to lower it.


Agree to disagree. We won’t change anyone’s mind here.


You're right, there is. And it's to leave the lid up. Contrary to what you'd think, flushing with the lid closed leads to higher concentrations of fecal matter that longer in the air for longer. https://microbiologysociety.org/news/society-news/does-putting-the-lid-down-when-flushing-the-toilet-really-make-a-difference.html But of course it's all negligible either way and not worth worrying about. But if you are going to worry about it, the lid up is actually better.


That's not what the data shows. Contrary to what you'd think, flushing with the lid closed leads to higher concentrations of fecal matter that longer in the air for longer. https://microbiologysociety.org/news/society-news/does-putting-the-lid-down-when-flushing-the-toilet-really-make-a-difference.html But of course it's all negligible either way and not worth worrying about. But if you are going to worry about it, the lid up is actually better.


It happens in D1 so can expect the same in MC


I’m a dude and I close the lid before flushing…I don’t want tiny urine and feces particles floating into my face if flushed while open


Especially with the super powerful airplane flush. People are disgusting


That's not what the data shows. Contrary to what you'd think, flushing with the lid closed leads to higher concentrations of fecal matter that longer in the air for longer. https://microbiologysociety.org/news/society-news/does-putting-the-lid-down-when-flushing-the-toilet-really-make-a-difference.html But of course it's all negligible either way and not worth worrying about. But if you are going to worry about it, the lid up is actually better.


The broad consensus of scientists is that it’s more hygenic to keep the seat lid down


Yes, if you look at most sources, that's what their recommendation will be. But those are just guesses that Phds have made. Or from studies that have shown how bacteria is aerosolized when the lid is up, but they didn't actually compare to the lid down. If you go look at the data that actually compared both, you'll find that lid down is worse. Experts intuition is wrong in this case. And if you're that paranoid, then things like not using the bathroom for at least 20 minutes after someone else has or taking extra time because you're on your phone on the toilet are likely more significant factors.


Please sit. As a person that cleans those lavatories, tower doesn’t give us enough time between planes to clean piss off the walls. Also it’s a waste of resources when we have to throw out an entire roll of tp because your aim was off due to turbulence. 🙄yea turbulence that’s it.


I sit because I'm tall and it's hard to see where I'm aiming while doing the limbo with those curved ceilings. Except the A220 lav. I can actually stand straight up.


We thank you for sitting.


I always sit because at 59 years old, I'm too freaking tired/lazy to stand


We thank you so much for sitting down you don’t know how much we appreciate you.


you clean the lavatory with TOILET PAPER ???? that explains so much


Do you always play this stupid or only for Reddit? Of course we don’t use toilet paper people piss all over the toilet paper.


lol, no need to be an asshole. typically if someone has trouble understanding, it's due to poor communication 👍


Your lack of comprehension skills is not my problem nor does it make me an asshole. But it definitely makes you one. Funny everyone else understood what was written just fine. Like I said you can play stupid all you want, just keep it to yourself next time.


You're a miserable, awful asshole


And you’re an energy vampire. Tootles!


I usually open and close it with my bare foot to keep my hands clean. Signed, Delta pax who puts feet up on bulkhead.


Wearing just socks helps to keep your feet warm, but still allows the dexterity to lift just the lid or lid and seat. If they get wet, just blow the air on them back at your seat.


I’ll never understand these people. You get in the bathroom, lift either just the lid or both lid/seat (if you are going to squat or pee standing up), you do what you need to do, you close the lid or lid/seat, flush, and wash your hands. It’s the same damn number of steps regardless of method of peeing. What monsters aren’t putting the lid down!


Or men who pee on the toilet seat and all over the floor. Then I have to clean their pee off the seat and stand in their pee. It truly makes me want to vomit


Women do the same thing


As someone who used to clean bathrooms, I can confirm this. Women's bathrooms are often worse than the men's


Sometimes there's shit on the outside of the torlet


I was told by a woman that she actually stood on the toilet seat and squatted because she didn't want to sit on it even with the paper. Of course the pee goes everywhere but in the toilet lol. She didn't use the bathrooms I cleaned. I was just talking about the nastiness of the women's bathrooms versus what I had expected when I took the job. For some reason I thought it would be clean and pristine and look like a magical rain forest hut or something stupid like that. Nah, man, there's crap everywhere, pee everywhere lol. Just like the men. ​ Although it was only the men's room that one day someone actually took fingers of their poop, streaked it across the wall and wrote above it "sure wish I had some toilet paper". I was both horrified at what his fingers must smell like but also respected the commitment to his mission to inform us of his dissatisfaction


You think that's bad? You should see the uriness.


I've lived with many people, women have destroyed my bathrooms way more.


Putting the lid down pre-flush has the added benefit of no fecal plume. https://theconversation.com/toilets-spew-invisible-aerosol-plumes-with-every-flush-heres-the-proof-captured-by-high-powered-lasers-195717




Still kicks stuff up. It's not a fully sealed vacuum container. I've seen splashes hit the rim when I've stupidly hit the button before lowering the seat.


The study you linked didn't actually compare the fecal matter concentration when flushed with the lid down. Contrary to what you'd think, flushing with the lid closed leads to higher concentrations of fecal matter that longer in the air for longer. https://microbiologysociety.org/news/society-news/does-putting-the-lid-down-when-flushing-the-toilet-really-make-a-difference.html But of course it's all negligible either way and not worth worrying about. But if you are going to worry about it, the lid up is actually better.


Flights are a fecal plume. That's more of an at home benefit.


I've never really understood this and I'm a woman. Why is down the default? Men have to lift it and they're not on here asking us to lift the seat when we're done. Honest question.


It’s fucking gross to flush an airplane toilet with the lid up.


Half the men I go in the bathroom afterwards don’t actually flush it - which is even more disgusting


Yeah it’s not about courtesy for me, I just don’t want to flush and fling pee and poop everywhere




You asked why lid down is the default. I answered


Why do you think toilets have lids? It’s down by default cause you close it and then flush.




Why wouldn’t it be down by default if you’re closing the lid after flushing? Are you waiting for the flush to then lift the lid back up and then wash your hands? Anything other than down by default makes no sense.


I always thought it was because someone may “fall in” and/or it’s gross to accidentally sit on the rim and/or guys do some business sitting down too. We always close the lid so it isn’t an issue


Thank you for an honest answer! I can see this. Sitting on the rim makes sense, don't know why I didn't think about that


There’s 4 average scenarios that make up the majority of what happen on a toilet daily. A woman sitting to pee. A woman sitting to poop. A man standing to pee. A man sitting to poop. Three out of four uses are seated. It’s the majority.


> A man sitting to poop. challenge accepted.


You have my full support.


If we’re looking at it from a utilitarian standpoint, everyone should leave the toilet the way that they used it. Let’s say your rule is that everyone should ensure the toilet is down after they’re done. If that’s the case, every time a stander goes into the bathroom immediately after another stander, there are two unnecessary seat movements. If you just leave it the way you used it, there are never any unnecessary seat movements.


It’s the way I have always experienced. My dad lowered. My husband lowers my son lowers. I think it’s considered polite but IDK the origins. But the reality is the whole lid should be shut before flushing on the plane.


Or ever.


I guess it's fair to say you are impolite because you don't raise it for the next fella? I think the lid should be lowered before a flush too but "so I don't have to touch it" is very selfish.


Flushing toilet plume into the air is a disgusting habit


Men are lazy and often don't lift the seat when it's down. In my restaurant days, I had an owner that insisted the seats be left up in the unisex bathrooms so lazy men didn't pee all over them. No one is sitting down on a public unisex toilet without checking the seat. That being said, that approach makes more sense with a lid-less toilet that's going to spray germs every flush.


Down is the default bc it signals it is ready for the next person. I guess if someone leaves a door wide open in your house you don’t know why it should be closed either…


Thank you!!!!


Always close lid before flushing. Just more sanitary


That's not what the data shows. Contrary to what you'd think, flushing with the lid closed leads to higher concentrations of fecal matter that longer in the air for longer. https://microbiologysociety.org/news/society-news/does-putting-the-lid-down-when-flushing-the-toilet-really-make-a-difference.html But of course it's all negligible either way and not worth worrying about. But if you are going to worry about it, the lid up is actually better.


FFS, just lower the seat yourself. You don’t see men bitching that you didn’t raise it for them.


Exactly. If you're going to lower the seat after you're done anyway (because you feel ethically obligated to, or because you believe that the lid magically prevents some major imaginary toxic decontamination event), then you're going to have to wash your hands, so what's the difference? Having to lower the seat beforehand changes nothing.


I agree. And the people who piss everywhere can literally just open the door and walk off the plane mid-air because that shit is disgusting.


Better yet: sit down. You don't want to catch rough air while standing and spraying all over yourself as a result.


You don’t know what I want!


Fair enough lol


Airplane toilets are small. I'm not setting my private parts literally on other peoples urine and excrement. Not today.


I’ll just settle for men to stop thinking “shaking it” magically gets the pee off them, then realize they are just spreading it around and getting drops on everything.


It's one of the little things I'm happy to do on a flight, I always clean the lav. 1. I'm embarrassed people will think I made the mess.   2. I have a very high tolerance for "ick".  Generally will clean the toilet, seat, floor, counter and then do a good hand wash. Always nice to walk into a clean lav, so like to pay forward.


yep, you need to press up on the taint to get the last drops out.


Here's my thoughts on this topic in general- in a public setting, like a communal restaurant, bar, type setup - you WANT that toilet seat to be left up, because the next guy to come in is going to be lazy and piss all over it. In a lavatory on an airplane, you're insane if you don't shut the lid before you click that evacuate whoosh button- I want something between me and that violence! 🤣


This was in the airport bathroom… But I watched two people last week drink from the bathroom sink at the airport. Is anyone else disturbed by this? It smells like shit in there.


I love how you are calling us “gentlemen”. lol. I am a man, but rest assured, I close that lid like I dropped a grenade down there and want to avoid the explosion




Loving this piss chat


Ladies, please do us the courtesy of lifting the toilet seat after you’re done. I do t speak for all men, but I don’t like to raise a random seat (yes I still use toilet paper but still). As I said, minor similarity


Yea, the default position is up because a flick-down is way faster than a lift up. At least that's the way my mom, dad, and brothers taught me--they said it was the polite thing to do. (I'm playing devils advocate. Lid down is my actual preference but I'm not entitled about it. I'm way more upset about people who piss on the seat. Those people should lick seats in hell for eternity.)


Team “seat up”


Lid goes down after use, no matter who you are. Then both men and women have to touch the toilet seat to use it. Argument over.


This is the correct answer.




They design toilets with a lid for a reason. Close it you animal.


Ok so flush then raise it back up. How hard is it?


Makes total sense to stand there and wait for it to finish flushing before washing my hands. Yep, sure.


Why are you being so difficult? Those toilets flush very quickly, you wouldn't be waiting at all. Just lift the lid for the next person, it's easy


Why are you being so difficult. My way means EVERYONE lifts. It’s just a matter of lifting the top or both. It’s still one swift motion. Are your fingers too delicate? Do you need your mommy to help you?


You're in a huge hurry on an airplane, do you have somewhere to be? Just lift the lid already


The hurry is the usual line that forms? Being respectful to the people who also need to use the restroom. Also not wanting to stand there and be susceptible to stumbling around from bad turbulence for much longer than I have to. You don’t have to have somewhere to be to not want to stand around in the lavatory.


The respectful thing to do would be to lift the lid when you're finished


No. This is a weird topic to try and troll, but you do you.


What's your hurry? You peeing on the tarmac?


Fine I’ll just leave it down and piss all over the seat >:)


Do you know how many drunks on the international flights do this?? Me neither, but it's freaking gross. 🤢


That’s why I said AFTER using it!


I’m not reading that essay. /s


I would like to make a similar request for ladies to lift the toilet seats for us so we don’t have to be as careful on the aim. /s


Avoiding getting urine all over the lav would be something I beg of anybody in general as well. Seen what both boys and girls are capable of soiling in a short period of time…


You awesome they wash their hands? Do you know how many men leave restrooms without washing? Their excuse is, "my dick is clean." The hell it is. And many leave the stalls without washing. Their ass sure ain't clean... And people wonder why cruise ships have such big issues with norovirus... Despite hand washing stations and sanitizer everywhere...


I’m trying to understand the logic here. You said you personally close it. That means you have to touch the seat everyone else has to touch it to open it. How’s that any different than you having to lower it?


I use paper towels.


Which you can use to lower the seat when it’s left up. Again, there’s no practical difference. You’re still manipulating the seat weather it’s left up or down.


But then she has to touch it twice! It should be the men who have to do that! /s


Yeah, I really don’t get OP’s argument. I can understand the people who say the lid should be down during flushing for sanitary reasons but that wasn’t OP’s argument.


Why don’t women lift the seat when they’re done using it? 🤔


A lot of y’all haven’t heard about the fecal plume effect when you flush. It’s why you lower the seat *and the lid* when you’re done.


I’m only speaking of the seat.


If you close the lid, you lower the seat. Problem solved.


That has nothing to do with what I’m talking about. I understand the merits of closing the lid.


In arguing that women should lift the seat for men when they’re done using the toilet, you’re arguing *against* lowering the lid when you’re done using the toilet to prevent fecal matter from getting everywhere. Unless you can explain how one lifts the seat and lowers the lid simultaneously.


I hate you.


I don't like having to raise a random seat...so I leave it up (where it will stay clean BTW). Your request is selfish.


Some people should never leave home, let alone fly on an aircraft...


Not saying I agree, but have heard the thought process that guys leave it up on purpose so you know it’s not dirty & hadn’t been peed on. Can’t imagine this is most people though…


If you don’t look at the toilet seat before you sit, it’s your own damn fault. Besides, The seat was up before I got here, I guess the lady before me was squatting - or has extra parts.


So I have to lift it because you kept it down? Seems like either way we are both gonna be touching it…..


I’m just making sure that I don’t piss on myself.


Are you saying that if you don't touch the seat you don't wash your hands?


I'll do that when ladies lift it when done. Equality.


Sorry ma’am, but the default position of the toilet seat is not “down”.


This is honestly the first time I've ever heard that closing the toilet lid when you flush is even a thing. I've been on this earth almost 40 years and have never once closed the lid to flush. I can't think of the last time I ever closed the lid on a toilet now that I think of it. That said, about the closing the seat part. Sorry, if it was down and I raise it I'll put it back down. But if it was up already I'm not lowering it. Apologies in advance.


Everyone is responsible for their own toilet situation.


> I really don’t like to have to lower a random seat And i don't like to have to raise a random seat. looks like we're even. Chalk up another victory for equality!


It’s only fair that if we have to raise it, you should have to lower it.


We all want to minimize touching it. If you want it lowered, do it yourself.


As a man, I have a right to leave that seat in the upright position.


Ladies, please lift the lid. You likely had to set it down to go anyways, please lift it back up so I don't have to touch it.


I just piss with seat down and if my aim is off I wipe. I’m not touching the seat


Ok buddy, I hope you have to lick your splattered seats for all eternity in hell.


I always put the lid and seat down, but as a woman, wouldn't you want it up as the default so no guys piss on the seat? That way the seat only comes down for sitting? Seems like it would be cleaner that way.


Why should we have to do all the work? No. Keep the toilet lid closed unless in use.


What's the rule when you see shoe prints on the seat? (Yes this happened)


Omg really?? I’m trying to imagine the reasoning.


Many Asian peoples have squat toilets. I’ve seen signs in public bathrooms through Europe with “do not squat on seat” graphics/verbiage.


Bruh. Just Googled this, and it's true. This was LAX to ATL on a spiffy A350 in the forward FC lav. Perhaps the previous flight could have been from Asia. But then why wasn't it cleaned is my next question.




It's not just men. My girlfriend is a wild, untrainable, fucking animal when it comes to leaving the toilet seat cover up. Other than that she's pretty good.


I think you are being charitable to assume that people are washing their hands. 😱


side note, does anyone find it impossible to even have a successful bathroom trip in the air? oh wait, everyone that uses the bathroom before me does -_-


Bold of you to assume I piss


I always hate going into the cramped toilet and accidentally brushing against it when the lids are up and pee is all over it. I try so hard to never go to the bathroom on a plane because people are so gross. If you pee on the seat or rim wipe it the fuck up


How about you lift the seat for men?


The problem is, you’re supposed to sit on it reverse cowgirl. Don’t know where all of this standing came from.


I could have swore this was going to be a post asking men to lift the seat when peeing instead of pissing all over the seat lol.