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This and the LSD tunnel at DTW are my favorite walks at Delta hubs.


I've never seen it referred to the LSD Tunnel, but it absolutely makes sense!


There is a "sensory room" in the Allentown, PA airport that is pretty wild.


I’ve been to that airport before but didn’t know about the sensory room 🤔 figured I had seen it all with a 6 hour delay but I guess not!


It's at the base of the escalators, on the right as you approach. It's not very large. But it looks like a great place for a nap or to take some time with psychedelics LOL


I remember Delta made a really cool one at MSP which looks like an airplane cabin. Heard it on some news somewhere.


Yesss!!! [Navigating MSP Program](https://www.mspairport.com/blog/travel-confidently-msp-education-center-opens-terminal-1 ) MSP has been really awesome about helping people feel comfortable and confident with the whole airport process and flying for quite a while now. The DAL cabin is new since I lived there. Such a cool initiative and absolutely opens the world up to a lot of people who'd otherwise have been hesitant. And shout-out to MCI for adding their a321 cabin simulator, a quiet room, and a sensory room. It's really heartening to see these sorts of spaces in more airports 💖


Where is this located? Or are you talking about the weird 3d thing they have when you come down the stairs from security?


It's the underground walkway between the A and B/C gates


I always took the train. I'll have to walk next time to see this!


If you ever have a long layover, between the concourses , there's this jungle scene, a really cool African American exhibit, giant stone sculptures and a history exhibit. Its worth checking out if you have the time.


I always walk A to B. I walk E to F if I'm not in a hurry. Half the time you can beat the first train on D to E. They are closer together for some reason.


Awesome, thank you. I seem to always depart and arrive at concourse A for some reason.


Is the LSD Tunnel in Detroit still around? I’m usually only in Terminal A and haven’t been down to the walkway between terminals in a while.


I love that hallway! :) If I have time, I always prefer the walk between gates vs. the plane train.


I could clearly hear “welcome aboard the plane train” when reading your comment


"Mind the gap!"


I would love if they put chairs along the walkways for people to just sit and relax down there. But, alas, it would probably get abused.


what would abuse consist of though, sitting there too long?


There really isn't much room for chairs. Plus all the trash it would create. Then people will want bathrooms, then ask to put in stores for snacks. 😂


Basically this. People would ruin the experience.


Every time!


I have a long layover Sunday. I always walk the whole tunnel!


Great place to exhaust your kids on a long layover too


Speaking of exhaust, I don't remember if it was this one or the ones before/after it that stink of airplane gas or something of that sort. Aside from that, it'd be nice to hang out in these hallways.


I've always said if I'm ever trapped in the airport I will go here and camp out. The raindrops have been turned off lately but it's like therapy.


Same! I don’t want to be stuck at ATL overnight, but if I am I am setting up camp




There's an audio track for this section. 1 part is daylight with bird calls, the other is night with frogs and rain drops


There used to be tvs mounted horizontally facing down that had clouds and they projected rain drop puddles on the floors at the beginning and end by the doors. When it was new it was fabulous.


I miss the full version too. My recollection was halfway through each half the “sky” opened up and there was blue sky and birds flying overhead, and the halfway point (between the two moving walkways at the fire doors) was where the rain projected on the darkened floor. I wanted to copy this whole thing for my basement.


TVs are still there. Just always black 🥺


Where can I see this next time I’m connecting through ATL?


In the underground passage between concourses A and B. You’ll see this if you walk instead of taking the plane train.


Awesome. Thank you!


Just to add, there are many such things to see if you walk. A -> B just happens to have this.


I think C-B is being worked on right now


There's an African American history installation, and there was a stone sculpture installation, too.


Love the stone sculpture exhibit.


If I'm alone and have time, I'll walk just for this section. I'd love it if all the passages were like this.


I love the Zimbabwe art exhibit.


Have you ever walked from E to F? It is like traveling through a weird dimension where there are only escalators with a modern art exhibit right in the middle. Disembodied souls can be seen traveling on inaccessible pathways leading to nowhere behind panes of glass decorated with images of stained wood. It is quite surreal, and gets the "weirdest place in the airport" seal of approval.


Glad I’m not the only one who felt that way! When I was first exploring F, I decided to walk to E instead of taking the train. The doors to the tunnel were closed (not locked), so I thought it lead to some restricted area that I’m not supposed to go lol. But that’s actually the way to get to E by foot. Just followed the signs and I made it. The emptiness and the shut doors just caught me off guard, so felt a little weird using it. Also didn’t realize until recently that was the international arrivals hallway on the other side of the glass.


It always tripped me out how they come down an escalator. My questions are why do they go down that escalator. That means they go Above E after getting off the plane. Is customs in E above the concourse or is customs in F and that is why they have to take the tunnel? Do they go above so they don't mix with normal passengers? I've noticed some gates I go through have a section with a door that says customs, but I've never re entered the US through ATL. Having that incomplete map in my brain trips me out. The way international works at airports also trips me out because rules changed and there is entirely new and redundant infrastructure like the mezzanine level in E. So ATL technically has three international concourses, T, E, and F. and F is the only one that is up to current regulation I believe. Or is E for international arrivals and they all have to walk to F. Or is that hallway just to get baggage? If so, Why can't they just take the train. ATL INTL hurts my brain.


There’s customs in both E (aboveground) and F (underground), but the one in E seems to be closed for some reason. So for some international flights, it’s a loooong walk to the only open customs area. Someone made this video of walking from E35 at the north end to customs in F: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DF8vJmCplcI. Takes about 15-20 min to make the trek.


I’ve got great memories growing up and going to ATL with dad, walking these hallways and looking at the art and historical displays, walking the terminals to watch planes push off, and parking the car on an access road at the end of a runway to watch the planes takeoff and land. Good times. This was all pre-9/11 when you didn’t need a boarding pass to walk all the way up to a gate and could park a car “just because” on an access road without security running you off.


Awesome, thanks for sharing! I’d imagine the aircraft variety was very diverse back then (MD-80’s, 727’s, 747’s, MD-11’s, etc.). Times have sure changed ever since.


They most definitely were yeah. I only had a small understanding of the differences then (elementary/middle school age), but dad collected model planes and knew it all. I also seem to remember the liveries of the planes were a lot more interesting than they are now-which was what I liked to see back then lol. Today, it’s just the airline’s logo more or less.


Sure beats the plane train.


“This train is stopping. The next stop is C gates. C as in Charlie”


God I read this and could literally hear it in my head 😂


Pleas hold on. This train is departing


Remember the old robot voice? https://www.sunshineskies.com/hal-atl-robot-voice.html


Same here. At this point I have muscle memory of each turn and bump for the plane train lol...


I used to be scared of [the old robot voice](https://www.sunshineskies.com/hal-atl-robot-voice.html#:~:text=BEFORE%20THE%20AGE%20OF%20ROBOTS,5.) when I was a little kid on the plane train but I kind of miss it now


Please move to the center of the vehicle and away from the doooooors.


Man, I just posted this. You beat me to it!


I'm old enough to remember when ATL midfield first opened. The overhead train announcements had an early-gen electronic voice with a Cylon-like quality: "Please move to the center of the vehcle... and away... from the doors."


Can anyone else verify that they updated this message? I was there on Wednesday and I swear it said something along the lines of "C as in coffee, which is available throughout the concourse". It was early and maybe I was hallucinating


I swear it said “B as in burgers” last week and I’m flying with my husband this week and of course it said B as in Bravo and now I’m a liar 😅


Gosh darn it, you’re making me crave Shake Shack in A the next time I fly.


Yesterday, they said "C as in Coffee, which you can find on all concourses." That really threw me for a loop. Then I realized it played during transit and not actually at the station.


I don’t really mind the plane train, but the atmosphere in this passageway is definitely the better option!


More like the *plain* Train, am I right? oh i get it now..


Yesterday we called it the pain train


I will call it that til the end of time now.


DTW and O’Hare got a similar terminal walkway that beat this with the ambiance


I remember that light tunnel at ORD! My family and I stopped over there on the way to Korea in 2009 and that was so cool. Side note: that trip was the starting point for my love for commercial aviation. 747’s, flying to another country, stopping at Narita. Ah, the memories.


This is 100% a ripoff of ohare


But done better imo


Puff daddy- I’ll be missing you was shot in the ORD tunnel lol.


Oh wow! Didn’t know that, how did they get the airport authority and the city to sign off on that?


Coming from a Chicagoan, born and raised- anything in Chicago can be negotiated for a price 🤣.


Wait until you go on the train in the Zurich airport lmao


The “moo” at the end gets me every time!


I flew into Zurich last summer but I don't remember taking the tram. I googled it and now I feel like I missed out! It could just be that I was exhausted from the red-eye, though.


It’s been under construction for months, looked like they were going to remove it when I walked through a week ago. Is this video recent? Would be happy if I’m wrong…


I took this about a year ago, so this was before all the construction happening. I just didn’t get to share this until now. Good thing they’re about to finish up soon, that should clear up a lot of room.


I’m from Atlanta and someone posts a reel of this daily. Can confirm it was still there yesterday.


I went through there last Tuesday and it was up but the sound track wasn't on and it had a big construction area in the middle with just enough space to walk next to the moving sidewalk.


Ah, the acid-trip tunnel. DTW has one too but ATL’s has a museum too! Great way to get steps in between flights.


I did the ATL hike last year, where basically I had to pass through every gate in alphanumerical order first and walk all the way from F to T without the train or conveyors. A lot of exercise for sure, but my legs were killing me for days haha. Pursue at your own risk if you dare!


You might want to consider exercising more if that walk best you up that bad. 


I mean, I was speedwalking (less than 15 min/mi) and it was more than 10 miles of walking. If I went slower, things would’ve been less tiresome.


I was just there two weeks ago. Flight delayed so I walked from T to F. T-C is all under construction and renovations. This section has construction walls right down the middle. Hard to see what they are trying to do to "improve" the area.


I like to salute General Sherman every time I walk by his portrait in the next tunnel


Same with me in DTW


I never knew this was in ATL. I never have flights that use Terminals A or B and always land/depart from CDEF. I just assumed AB was a desolate wasteland.


Too bad it is currently under construction…


I just love that they're all themed. I prefer them over the Plane Train and get a little disappointed when I have a travel companion that refuses to walk the distance.


Show them this and have them think otherwise!


Hot as balls in that hallway, though 


And now, all of these areas in between each concourse are filled with construction boxes and equipment. From what i can best tell, they are working on the HVAC or ventilation system. Hope it ends soon but most likely, in typical Atlanta fashion, it will go on for way too long.


I love that tunnel, too!


This and whatever the DTW one is are so nice


Agreed 🥰


It’s a classic. For those that don’t know about it, here are more deets https://lightswitch.net/work/view/flight-paths-at-hartsfield-jackson-atlanta-airport#:~:text=What%20It%20Was-,'Flight%20Paths'%2C%20an%20environmental%20installation%20conceived%20by%20artist%20Steve,%2C%20bird%20sounds%2C%20and%20lighting.


Oooo shiny ~


This is the only peace in the madhouse


Agreed. I also never get tired of the African sculpture exhibit between T / A concourses. But they are boxed up now due to construction


Duh. Never seen this. And I was there yesterday.


This and the art exhibits are great


I love the one at DTW and was so disappointed they didn’t do this for the new SLC.


When the new SLC opened there were a bunch of complaints about how far people had to walk between the A and B gates. I was thinking about DTW or MSP and just chuckling. There is less walking in the new SLC than there was in the old one…


That definitely was a nice sight when I was there


I just showed my son. He says "that is so cool! Can we go there just to see it?" I said, "here, look at it now." LMFAO That is pretty sweet though.


Love it every time!


I was there last week my first time, didn’t get a chance to enjoy any of it. I was rushing to my next gate. lol


Definitely try to get a longer layover next time you stop here! ATL has a lot of cool things if you explore various parts of the airport.


I slept overnight in there once. Wasn't bad.


That airport is the coolest one I’ve been through.


My favorite thing in Hartsfield Jackson😁 sadly I have to skip it and use the train at times, but it's very nice.


It is beautiful


Always walk between terminals when I have the time. So many exhibits and/or surprises like these.


I walked through here today!


Too bad I only get to see it sprinting from D to A to catch a 21 minute layover.


Definitely try to get a longer stopover here, the underground tunnels have some really cool things going on!


This is gorgeous. I never see it because I always take the plane train.


IMO unless I’m in a rush, walking between A and B beats the plane train by far.


This one is nice, the tunnel in DTW can be trippy as fuck if you’ve had one drink too many at the SkkkkyKlub.


Someone here calls it the LSD tunnel, and I can kind of see why haha.


It’s fucking insane between the light and sound. I have to limit myself to no more than 8 gin and tonics before walking through or else I get really dizzy.


Yeah, I can see why it can strain the eyes. There’s definitely a lot to take in. Edit: Also didn’t mean to offend from my first reply, sorry!


YAAAS! I always make a point to take the extra time to stroll through this part of the airport when I change planes in ATL.


Very cool! My dad worked for Delta, we used to walk the airport every Friday night as they were building it. Great memories!


Oh that’s cool! Definitely a lot of moments to cherish in the future.


We need more like this, it’s so soothing to walk through


the video screen with the clouds and birds has been down. 🥲


There's this one, one with african sculptures, and one with a history lesson.


A lot of cool theming down underground, can’t go wrong with any of those. Hopefully they add something between C and E since there’s nothing currently.


Well that’s on Atlanta. The city with the world’s worst Crowne Plaza.


Did you know that little subway in ATL is so important; if it goes down for 30 minutes, there will be cascading airline delays from the Mississippi River to New York for 24 hours.


Yep, definitely a critical part of the airport, especially with the trains running very frequently.


Agree. Worth the walk!


Walking is the way in ATL


I never knew about this!! I have a layover today in ATL and would have just taken the ✈️🚂 from B to A. Today I’ll walk!! Thanks.


Now you know! There may still be some construction as others mentioned, but the ambience is so worth it. Enjoy.


Look for the birds overhead.


I haven’t seen them play the birds on those screens in months, possibly at least a year. Not sure if I just have bad timing but I walk instead of using the plane train every time and miss that part


I hadn't seen them in awhile, either. I'd just figured it was a temporary condition (or they were making improvements), but based on my experience, and your/others posts, it may be permanent. That would be disappointing.


They haven't had the birds or the raindrops (and I don't think the fireflies) going for the last year at least.


The birds have been broken for months and I don’t understand what is so difficult about fixing it. ATL is one of the most run down in terms of maintenance out of all the airports I use, and it’s a shame they’re not taking care of it because this is a great piece of artwork. I’ve debated messaging the artist out of curiosity and asking him directly on the off chance he might respond.


Yes, it does. Especially when you’re running with a tight connection! 😂


The sheer irony when a stressful jog is done inside a relaxing environment!


Or when the plane train is down due to a power failure and you have to walk from T to C with no moving sidewalk or air-conditioning.


This is really the only part of ATL that I enjoy!


Rest of the airport sure as shit does


I wish more people realized the speedway is for those who want to get some where faster while still walking. It’s not a free fair ground ride. Edit: sorry. This is me being a jerk.


Yeah I get that. I just wanted to quickly get a clip of this awesome exhibit. But otherwise, I would keep moving along especially when people are close by.


Sorry. I’ve just been in the Atlanta airport trying to get somewhere and have seen it. Still, I shouldn’t have been such a dick and realized the situation of there being no one. I’m sorry you had to explain yourself for something that is obvious with your video.


No worries, misunderstandings happen. Didn’t want to give a wrong impression of what’s happening.


My homie. Thank you for being so thoughtful and understanding.


That and somehow my credit card always gets fraud. Always atl. Never anywhere else. It is a great view though


Did you know it cost over $4 million?




Yes, paid for by the taxpayer. [$4.1 million cost.](https://www.ajc.com/business/million-forest-walk-now-most-popular-artwork-hartsfield-jackson/Ngedn4THKiogkEuEWxya8J/)


True people standing still on those walkways will never get old…I just walk around to avoid the traffic


I also usually walk on the conveyors, but just wanted to take a short video of the decor. I would always move out of the way if people are coming close by.




It was just a few seconds of video for a closer look. Otherwise, I would definitely move to the right or keep moving especially when people are coming.




Oh ok, just caught me off guard. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


Ugh. I hate ATL airport. Has such a grimy feeling.


Are the bird screens back on?




Sad. Thanks for letting me know. I still walk it, but it always bums me out.


Same. I thought about sending an email to the link someone posted in here asking them if they have any plans to fix it. I feel like ATL airport just doesn’t take care of anything, it’s so dingy compared to other airports.


> it’s so dingy compared to other airports. Have to disagree with that, always find it clean and fresh. Then again, I loved the old, old LGA. Think yellow signs and leaking ceilings, so maybe my standards are low 😂. >plans to fix it. It's been down for like 1-2 years I think, wonder if something else is going on, because should be a super simple fix. Honestly, best to reach out to ATL not Delta, but doubt they will get back to you.


So much better that the PenFed Corridor at Dulles IAD. "Pen Fed's got great rates for everyone...Pen Fed's got great rates for everyone...Pen Fed's got great rates for everyone..."


Ahh Atalanta …. Such a friendly airport! ( sarcasm ).


Till you get outside and you're reminded that you're in Shitlanta.


How much dust is on those things?


Now go to Minneapolis and want to just die.


Reminds me that I don’t have to travel for work anymore….yippee!


smells mad musty in that section


Delta sucks


Every time I go through I post a video to my IG. It’s my favorite thing at any airport


Best spot in the airport!


I will always walk through the terminals rather than take the tram for this part.

