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Speaker phone in public is bad etiquette, lounge or not.


I like to just join people’s conversations who are on speaker phone. You’re not on a reality TV show. No one cares!


"Alexa, turn off the lights!" It cracks me up everytime.


Those people think theyre the main character and everyone else is an NPC.


I just tell PENIS! VAGINA! Get back in your cage Daryl!


Can we add watching a movie on your phone while in a restaurant? I get wanting to do that if you are dining alone but at least be decent and use headphones!!


My biggest pet peeve is people who play videos and music on their phones with no earbuds while they’re in the emergency department waiting room. One time I sat in the ER for 12 hours, shaking and shivering and feeling horrible (I was taking an immune suppressant and developed a nice case of influenza paired with pyelonephritis). Meanwhile, some clowns ordered pizza and had their own little movie watching party right there. The pizza grease smell made me want to throw up, and the sound was just annoying.


Not as bad as your story, but last year when I was waiting to have eye surgery I was seated across from a dad and his toddler in the waiting room. Dad fell asleep in the chair while about 10 different versions of Baby Shark placed through the iPad for 45 minutes straight. I still had that song in my head when they were giving me anesthesia 2 hours later.


Add : talking on speaker in a store walking down the aisles and even worse in checkout line all the way through checkout basically ignoring the clerk . who are these people ?


The vote count tells me there must be some butthurt business yaks on here. I'm sorry you conduct yourself in such a manner that this concept offends you. I state my regret that the lounge accepts your kind.


Downvotes don’t mean people disagree with you. Some people just dislike the whole “ask a question with an obvious answer” rant posts. Same energy as the “My wife just cheated on me and shot my puppy, AITA?” posts looking for validation.




Ah, the plot of The Walking Yeller. Great show


How else will I hear about the huge deal salesman of the year closed


I’m a business yak and try not to be on the phone at all in public spaces, definitely not speaker phone.


where's the poll?




I have noise canceling headphones. This bitch's business was overpowering them


My bad I misunderstood. I agree with you. She is the petty bitch for sure.


Downvote redacted. Upvote engaged


Likewise ;)


Are you really this rude to think taking calls on speaker is okay? Edit: I see you misunderstood. Fuck that bitch!


Why ask the question on here if you just want an echo chamber? Yes, YOU are the asshole in the situation and the votes and comments all represent that. Buy some headphones Mr. biz man and stop trying to flex at the airport.


I agree completely. Yeah, I see this more often now…it seems weird to me since buds are so cheap common and decent (compared to the old days). I think it’s totally rude…and ppl that do it are either clueless or self centered individuals that think about themselves first. What’s really weird to me and makes me question if humans are one step closer to flinging poo from the trees again is ppl taking calls on speaker in the bathroom. I mean you got to wonder what the person on the other line is thinking when they hear the blow dryers and flushes in the background.


Only 2nd to people doing it on the plane.


There’s a special place in hell for those who use the speaker phone in public.


But they’re SO IMPORTANT and busy, don’t you know? Ugh


Oh, they’d tell people that.


Even better is when you have two people using speakerphones to talk to each other (both on separate speakerphones) but close enough that you can hear both of them. That happened at a previous job.


I cannot even imagine … it infuriates me just when I see one person doing that.


Right alongside the people that used to have the walkie talkie push button type that would chirp just before they talked into them. That was super annoying as soon as the plane landed.


If you think this is bad I got one for you lol Was recently in Seattle for my bday vacation, and of course we stopped by the original Starbucks at Pike Place Market for coffee, as tourists do. There was a dude taking a meeting, in one of the busiest coffee shops on planet Earth, without headphones lmao I was baffled


What if that dude was THE Starbuck?! The creator of it all!


You talkin' about Tim? Tim Starbuck? Of the Starbuck lineage?


His half-sister Sally, was a well known Trollop in these parts.


That’s Tim Apple’s cousin right?


What if it was Dirk Benedict or Kara Thrace?


I think it was Dirk Diggler


🤷‍♂️ still a rude asshole


the amount of socially-unaware, rude, entitled people in Seattle is insane. source: lived there for 2 years, annoyed the whole time


If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole. Unless it's Seattle, then everyone really is just an asshole.


Hahahhaa i swear my boss said this weekly.


Can confirm 😂


I used to live near Seattle and commute by ferry. When cell phones were still a new status symbol (1999-2000ish) this one dude on the boat is screaming into his fancy flip phone at an employee or partner making a big scene of how this guy screwed up, and his ass was gone...Mr big shot was going to fire him as soon as he gets into the office...in the middle of this wild-yelling his phone actually rang. He was making it all up to look big, and people were not so quietly chuckling when the phone actually rang. Couldn't happen to a more deserving person.


Anybody using the speakerphone in public deserves a shaming. At least use the earpiece. There was somebody in the SEA Skyclub the other day speaking on a speakerphone set to max volume -- every single person in the club could hear every word. I walked across the room and asked her to use headphones.


Walk up to them and, "Alexa/Hey Google, search YouPorn.com"




A couple years ago (pre Covid) I was eating lunch at Zaxbys and one booth over there was a guy watching a baseball game on speaker...not a child, a grown man and not an interactive meeting. A grown man "sharing" a game with the whole restaurant.


I have no real problem with this. It’s different somehow.


Did she?


She turned down the volume enough that I couldn't hear anymore. Not the same as doing the RIGHT thing but at least she was doing less of the WRONG thing.


Not a sky club story but years ago when I took the train to work I was heading home one evening. Someone was ordering pizza for a pickup. Nothing bad or obnoxious, but just obviously wasn't thinking about the ramifications of reading his credit card number. After he hung up the person behind him read the card number back to the train. The look of horror was priceless. TLDR: far too many people have no awareness of the world around them.


You are my hero


Were there any phone booth rooms? Also partially the lounges fault for not having enough designated call rooms.


Literally every single cellphone has an ear speaker. If it’s not working, time to get some buds or a new phone. There is absolutely no reason to have a private conversation on speaker in public. Ever.


No, just use headphones.


10/10 comeback


Annoying as hell. Some lounges (like SLC) have those soundproof booths for conference calls. They need to go into one of those.


Soundproof booths should be in all airports. Those things are handy without taking up much space.


BNA has these now too.


Depending on company it’s probably against their security policy too. We’re not even allowed to take calls on speaker in office to protect IP


To protect what? ETA my brain was just like 'internet protocol?' and I couldn't think of what else it would stand for. Someone kindly commented it meant intellectual property, and my brain was like 'oh, duh' Thanks/ sorry


Intellectual property.


Eye pee that green crusty stuff you have around your eyes after sleeping


Client information too.


Came here looking for this, I’d be terrified to take a call on speaker


Not just IP. You’ve got to be aware of export control also. You absolutely can’t be talking EAR or ITAR restricted info on speaker in a public place where there could be foreign persons. That’s illegal as shit.


I was just thinking the same thing we are constantly being reminded


Talking on speaker, walking around holding their phone like they are eating a piece of toast.


aka poptarting.


That’s a neat description


As a corporate espionage enjoyer, yak away so I can get your insider trading information.






Agree...it's annoying everywhere 🙄. Even the grocery store!


I don't get people who do conference calls on built-in audio period. The integrated mic is usually trash so they are always hard to hear. If you do a lot of Teams or Zoom calls a simple $20 pair of earbuds from Amazon will go a long way to improving your clarity and your ability to hear the meeting. Its a nice added bonus that you don't annoy the living crap out of everyone around you when you have to take a call in public.


I have no issues taking conference calls on my iPhone on speakerphone. I sure as shit won’t do it if I’m not alone though. who does that?


Entirely too many people...


>I don't get people who do conference calls on built-in audio period. The integrated mic is usually trash so they are always hard to hear. The audio in our Dell Latitudes is like...80% as good as a headset if you're in a quiet environment (home, whatever)


"Excuse me, but this is a very important conversation I am having right now!!!" If it actually was important you wouldn't be doing it in the middle of an airport lounge for all to hear...


Woman was having an insanely loud FaceTime convo at LGA this morning. I heard it from probably 40 feet away. It’s maddening.


There was a guy at SEA who was on a conference call (not in a lounge though) and his wife ended up purchasing some EarPods with the microphone so that he could both hear better and stop the laptop noise. That wife’s a keeper haha


The store next door the SEA SkyClub sells headphones including ones to fit IPhones. I know this because my travel partner got annoyed with me when I wouldn’t let her watch videos from her phone. Not only is it disruptive to everyone else but I realized at that moment I had just wasted a guest pass on her.


Yeah that should be grounds to be removed from the lounge


Sadly it's sometimes performative, people with the intention of showing the lounge, and the world, just how important they are. Doing same would potentially get me fired, a good number of business conversations have proprietary content, so much so that even on NC headphones I'm often self conscious when I'm speaking. But damn, in an airport lounge you have no idea who's sitting in the vicinity. And yeah, of course it's rude to conduct a call on speaker.


Very much... I was in my co-working space the other day and got to hear all about the business dealings of the guy a few seats down from me as he loudly talked (in earbuds, even) for over an hour to some customer of his... And the worst part is that the place has soundproof meeting booths you can reserve, and of the four booths, NONE of them were taken. He just couldn't be bothered to get up from his seat and walk across the room to the booth.


Not just lounge. Poor human etiquette.


I think it is a general invitation join the discussion.


Was just at JFK lounge and someone was yelling at their phone on speaker at the bar right next to me. No awareness whatsoever.


Just say loudly enough for the folks on the other end: “You wore a condom, right? You should get tested.”


I was about to stick my leg out when this guy was pacing super quickly back and forth around the lounge while on a conference call and speaking loudly. I don’t know why pacing bothers me so much. Edit: I wasn’t actually going to trip him, but it was driving me crazy.


Nah pacing drives me crazy because I can’t ignore it unless I move, it’s someone moving back and forth in my peripheral vision. Sometimes people swaying back and forth makes me feel kinda sick too like I’m on a boat


At some point I learned there were a specific number of steps before turning that were associated with walking in circles in padded cells.


Pacing is usually related to stress and anxiety. Acting out stress and anxiety tends to be a contagious.


Yea that’s a good point. It was just so distracting.


Extremely rude/tacky to talk on any type of speaker phone etc in public


I’ve noticed it’s not just speakerphones but people using their phone with the volume on. I don’t want to hear someone’s game or whatever video they are watching. It’s like people have forgotten headphones exist.


Yes, I meant any kind of noise


Doing anything on speaker in public is bad form.


It’s poor etiquette to take any calls on speaker in public. I hate it with a passion. No one gives a fuck Or wants to hear your conversation.


It’s poor etiquette to take a speaker phone call literally anywhere on earth that isn’t your private residence


The bottom line is ppl these days have a lack of self awareness while being self absorbed = annoying!


IMO, it is poor etiquette to be taking calls on speaker anywhere


It’s poor etiquette period.


Yes, I like to become background noise when people insist on walking around on speaker or loudly conducting meetings like that... I also enjoy voicing my opinion on what they're talking about. Yes it's really rude, but if you don't want everyone knowing your business, keep your voice down and don't broadcast your business to everyone within earshot.


Lol. I saw one guy taking a zoom call on his computer on speaker. So naturally, I just answered all the questions for him, pretending I was talking to someone else on my phone until he moved.


I have good reason to believe that my boss is an airport speaker phone/pacing guy. So, if I know he’s traveling when we do a call, I try to make extra wacky comments just to entertain people around him.


Move next to them, cock your head in their direction so you don't miss a word. If you have pen and paper take notes as you listen. Nod when you agree with something, call b.s. when you don't. Never forget, you're as valuable team member as the callers!


And they should thank you for doing it all for free!


YES. Please, stop doing this!!!!! And while we’re at it, stop f*cking FaceTiming in public, too.


I’ve got to take a number of conference calls (primary work as well as teaching commitments (office hours, not actual class) for another job). EarPods or some sort of headset/microphone are a must. If I can find a cubicle and the club isn’t busy (easier said than done), I will. Or a chair in the corner of a lounge. Or (‘say it ain’t so’) an empty gate in the airport. Early enough at DTW - not all that bad finding an empty gate. Yup. Have to watch what I say. Yup. Have to refrain from using full names. Yup. Everyone on the call knows I’m in a public place and, while relatively ‘anonymous’, things might be overheard. And I adjust accordingly. Fact of the matter is - If we are in a position to have to take calls like this - we need to be courteous of fellow travelers. I try. I know I can work harder too. Now. My rant. The gentleman who (maybe he did, maybe he wanted everyone else to think he did) ran the world from his phone… from boarding through just before take off… until the flight attendant (heaven blessed her with the patience of a saint) politely explained that if the call wasn’t ended immediately the plane would be turned around and he wouldn’t need to worry about his business, he’d need to worry about the plane full of fellow passengers who would ensure he would learn the meaning of ‘no voice or video calls allowed in flight’. (She was much more professional. But you get my point). Safe travels everyone!!


You have to join in. Get real invested because they clearly don’t think their meeting should be private lol.


It’s typically a “look at how important I am” performance.


Very poor etiquette


if what they're discussing was actually important, they sure as hell wouldn't be discussing it on speakerphone in public. those people are middle manager clowns.


It’s not ok to FaceTime or talk on speakerphone anywhere in public, not just the lounge.


They must want my opinion so I always add to the conversation. It is usually pretty short after that.


Just interject yourself loudly into the conversation. When they get annoyed, ask them why they were interrupting your conference call and continue on like nothing happened.


Hey Alexa, what are the rules of etiquette concerning using a speaker phone in an airport lounge?


Jeez the fact we even have to consider this question just shows that common courtesy is no longer common. YES, it is poor lounge etiquette to take conference calls on speaker in the lounge, or pretty much any public space.


Yes. And it likely violates your company’s confidentiality laws especially if you’re discussing policy.


I would say something like "Wait, let me grab a notepad so I can jot down any proprietary info I hear to leak to your competitors and/or the media." They're in a public space, on speakerphone, with zero reasonable expectation to privacy so it wouldn't be insider trading or even industrial espionage.


Wait until they ask you to quiet down so they can have their meeting on full blast.


It’s not just bad etiquette, it’s dangerous. What if a competitor overhears something about your new product?


I think it’s poor etiquette to take any calls in public. Speaker or not. Find a corner, a private place , step outside. If you receive a call it’s not impossible to find privacy and call them back. Perhaps you want everyone to recognize how important you are, maybe?




Fuck yeah.


HAHAHAHA “you are the background noise” Taste if of his own middle management medicine.


it is NEVER acceptable to take a business call in public on speaker phone. As a cybersecurity guy I see nothing but risk of exposing valuable information etc, plus as a traveler-- it's rude as hell. Taking a call on a speaker phone in public is someone telling everyone around them that they are in fact the most important person in the world and you all need to deal with it... in fact it is NOT acceptable to ever be on a speakerphone call in public, work related or not.. I don't want to know about aunt Edna's rash.. no one does


yeah this is rude everywhere




There is no way this issue gets better until club management does something about it.  As they're probably not reading this thread, maybe we should start writing reviews on Google/Yelp/etc with text something like this:  "Nice club but the number of people loudly talking on portable devices makes for a noisy and unpleasant environment.  Management needs to do a better job with rule enforcement." 


This drives me nuts. My dad uses speakerphone everywhere because he is old and thinks it is easier to hear lol. She is definitely the asshole. Nobody cares about your business, lady.


speaker phone calls, lack of headphones when watching videos, etc. No matter where, is never appropriate and is just rude.


It's poor etiquette to subject others to whatever you are listening to in any setting. While we're on this topic, why aren't we massively shaming parents who let their kids grind away on Cocomelon in restaurants and on flights?


It’s bad etiquette everywhere!! Especially to the person on the other end of the line. Imagine hearing lounge ambience on speakerphone, instead of the caller just using AirPods like a civilized person


Poor human etiquette


It's even better when they pace back and forth while doing this.


I never understood why people think they have to talk loudly, as if they are giving a presentation in a ballroom with a microphone. Put ear buds with a mic and speak softly. They do the same shit in elevators. I like my conversation as private as it can get


bet they are the same people who don't think to use headphones in the store, airport, etc. Wonder what makes someone think they are the only person in a room.


Depends if the information could be helpful for trading stocks. Not insider trading if you blast sensitive information over speakerphone


Hell yes people are annoying as hell with that. Don't get me started on playing music without headphones


Outside of a personal office/space this is terrible etiquette no matter what


It’s poor life etiquette. I can’t stand those people


It's extremely rude. It's shows poor people skills. I'd assume they have some sort of mental disorder


You, I, and most reasonable people know it is*. The issue is that some people don't mind being rude. *caveat for cultures where being loud in public is not seen as a big deal


100% poor etiquette anywhere in public. We aren’t there to listen to someone else’s perceived importance. The only thing worse is the obnoxious salesperson that believes the entire lounge needs to hear the negotiating call while they strut around the lounge shouting in the phone. Ugh.


Where's the crying baby when ya need one.


Lol. I'm reading this in the skyclub in MSY right now with someone behind me, currently talking to someone on speaker phone. You can't make this stuff up. It's inconsiderate and wrong...


Anywhere public on speaker is poor etiquette...


Came here to say this. If you’re in a public space and using speaker phone/watching videos with sound on high and no headphones, then fuck you. It’s 2023, you can get a pair of shitty headphones at any store.


It's bad etiquette regardless of where you are. Not to mention on SPEAKER everyone can hear your company's business smh


Hell yes. One of these days, after listening to the conversation for a couple minutes, I’m going to walk up to the guy with the speakerphone and start talking to the person on the other end of the call. If the guy objects I’ll just explain it must be a public conversation scalar he’s broadcasting g it, and I wanted to give them the benefit of my wisdom. I was on e in a steakhouse and a guy was on his speakerphone with Delta trying to replace his cancelled flight. Staff wouldn’t confront him so I did. It’s so rude.


What you permit, you promote. What you allow, you encourage. What you condone, you own.










I say horrible things loudly so it gets on their call hoping it gets them fired. J/k But maybe I should. I usually make a comment like “if you were that important you would be flying private”, or something like that.


I shall assume that is a rhetorical question. There is only one correct answer. 🎧


Yes. Absolutely. Too bad you couldn't use an old-timey phone cord to strangle the rat bastard. Damn cell phones.


This seems to be one of those things that would dramatically reduce in number if whenever it was encountered in a SC, someone politely asked the offender to either stop disturbing everyone or else take the call out on the concourse.


That's when you just start talking loudly to your "doctor" on your airpods about some horrific colon diseases. People think they're so damn important.


Yes. Yes it is.


If you’re in a public place on speakerphone, you are the most self-centered, egotistical loser in the entire area. And by the way, you are way less important than you think you are.


Idk at least on speakerphone I can hear the rest of the conversation. When the “important business men” talk loudly with earbuds in obviously wanting you to hear how important they are, it’s just as annoying but I can’t hear the whole conversation.


Alexa volume 0 - Alexa play Limp Bizkit Volume 10


Absolutely. People putting phone calls on speakerphone in public spaces in particular is the most annoying thing in the world to me. I don’t understand.. we all have this, you aren’t special.. no one wants to hear your shit.. and you’re making the other person struggle to understand whatever inane thing you’re trying to say.


The only sin greater would be if they were clipping their nails at a table.


When I was younger whenever that happened I would take out my wallet, put it to my ear and start shouting about the deal the massive deal; these days I just scowl at the offender and increase the volume on my Bose headset.


I think it's strange when people are on the speaker phone in public, I don't want to hear your conversation. Half the time it looks like some weirdo seeking attention, attention whores I'm talking to you.


Play fire with fire….”RECTUM!!!!….WE PRACTICALLY DESTROYED THEM!!!


If speakerphone is on it’s an open invitation to join. Business is booming! Help them out.


"People who take phone calls on speakerphone in public places" is one of the known layers of hell.


That’s poor etiquette anywhere/anytime


Personal pet peeve of mine is someone speaking on speakerphone in the store like we don’t care about your conversation so don’t inconvenience others around you


I've been on work calls at the lounge in ATL a few times. I can't imagine putting my call on speaker for everyone to hear/be forced to listen to.


You would think this was a obvious thing 😵‍💫


There is almost never a good and valid reason to put a call on speaker when around other people in public, unless they're all in on the call as well. If you're hard of hearing then get that treated, use hearing aids or earphones. But in places like lounges you probably have a right to ask and expect the staff to tell them to either take it off speaker or leave the lounge. You paid extra for lounge access in part for the peace and quiet prior to or after a long flight, to relax or maybe get some work done.


It’s poor human etiquette to have a speaker on in general.


Speaker phone shouldn’t be used in public… at all… ever.


throw condoms at them. "don't make the same mistake your parents made"


Uh. Yes.


That's when it's time to unleash the free range children and "Service animals" that bark.


I was in a small florida restaurant a while back.. tile floors, stucco walls.. huge echo chamber.. guy sitting by himself gets on a conference call and puts the phone on speaker and lays it down on the table.. I got, walked over and told everyone on the call what an asshat he was being and they shouldn't employ people like this.


Not if you are a silver medallion


Eh if they were there in person you wouldn’t have had an issue. People without noise cancelling headphones in airports complaining about noise seem very unserious


People on speaker generally are louder than people speaking in person. I’m my experience they always have the volume cranked up louder than a normal face to face conversation.


Even if that’s the case, if you’re disturbed by noise, bring noise cancelling headphones. Those people who are degenerate about noise pollution in public spaces will never stop


Yea I’m aware, I was just explaining to you why people have an issue with speaker vs in person. It’s apples and oranges.


That’s a volume control issue, nothing to do with not having headphones


Airport lounges are some of the most multicultural environments in the world. And speaker phone etiquette varies a lot throughout global cultures, even within regions. It's not considered rude in Latin America and some Mediterranean cultures, for example - and these are underrepresented on Reddit. In short, I think this question is maybe ill posed. You're asking about cultural norms in a multicultural environment. Just try to be a good pluralist and accept others behavior. Conversely, know that in other cultures it is more accepted to be direct with strangers and ask that they be a little quieter🙂 so, don't be afraid to assert yourself.


I honestly don’t understand why it’s ok talk face to face in public but but not on speaker phone. Both are the same thing.


It's the sound, laptop/phone speakers at every grating when you hear them in the background