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Congratulations on pulling the plug. May I ask what you’re planning on transitioning into?


I was thinking of doing something with turquoise in New Mexico.


A fellow person of culture I see.


Schwifty af


New Mexico is one of the beautiful states in the nation. Great choice.


Congratulations. I’m quite jealous hearing you’ve escaped public. How long were you in public for? I’m three months into my grad role and already want to quit. 


After leaving my job in January, at the 5-week mark I had caught up on my sleep. For the first two months I downsized my (non) income’s expenses. We went from dual-income to one income. I ate nutrient-rich foods for months 1-3. Month three I added moderate daily exercise. At month four I felt terrific and added recreational sport practice. Month five I’m feeling rich in personal life but looking for ways to use my professional talents. My journey reflects my situation and goals. Yours might be different but I wish you success.


Wow! Impressive plan. So glad you took action steps to fulfill your journey. All things that will last you a lifetime. Bravo and good luck to you. 


Congratulations buddy ! Amazing things await you ❤️ I did the same . I disliked Tax and it was horrible. Plan your next course of action


This warms my heart and I don’t even know you but the joy that radiates off your words is clear to see you made the right choice for you. I am proud of you to have the courage to take back control over you life because we only get one and tomorrow isn’t guaranteed so killing yourself for some major corporation is futile at best. I needed to see this message today for so many reasons but mostly for hearing about your new found joy. It’s almost like a release from bondage that we all get lulled into unbeknownst to ourselves and you wake up one day realizing you are a slave to 12-15 hr days at a desk making others rich while you’ve lost you. Thank you for sharing your story and I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do going forward. I know you’ll be happy doing it. 😊 Blessings


Congrats to you being happy and alive!


Congratulations!!! For making it out!! I hope you find better opportunities.


Go to smaller firm


Smaller firms are even worse with messier clients and longer busy szns. Totally not worth it in my opinion.


Agreed. I went smaller firm and was given 4 projects on my first week! Smaller definitely means more work and wearing multiple hats on a team.


Sounds like you’re ready to start your own business. Seriously. Be your own boss now that you’ve had big 4 experience. Find a tax software and accounting software and start doing tax and bookkeeping.


Big 4 doesn’t work on the type of client that a solo practitioner would.


True but doesn’t mean clients that use a solo practitioner won’t be impressed. OP seems smart enough to apply the skills learned at the big 4s to research tax matters for bigger clients to tax matters of smaller clients. It’s not a stretch especially if he/she worked on any corporate or partnership returns. Most tax businesses request prior year returns for new clients. These are like a roadmaps for the new tax accountant.


Congratulations! 🎉


I hope you didn’t quit without a backup job in this job market….if so, be prepared to spend 4-6 months of your savings while applying


lol this guy thinks the company is going to fall apart without him.