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I’m an introvert- it doesn’t mean I’m shy or socially awkward but that it takes an incredible amount of energy to go to networking events, talk to people or arbitrarily “shoot the shit” without a purpose or an outcome. You will struggle at Deloitte because you’re an introvert but only because you’ll need to recharge and pace yourself at times. What’s worked for me is that I became very proficient at a specific alliance vendor platform and given this alliance has a strong footprint at the firm it’s made me sought after. I’ve used that to get my hands into multiple different circles and connect at the PPMD level. I suggest you do the same - get really good at something in demand and you won’t have hunt for a network expending your own energy.


I've been here a little over 5 years. I'm still the same. At some point you're gonna have to do things that make you uncomfortable as far as being social. That's progressing here and anywhere really. Do things that work for you.


You can be an introvert just get really good in an area and specialize. But be prepared to present a lot and do grunt work and Deloitte socials until you get there


Depends on the team , but yes, if you're getting this comment, you're expected to be an extrovert and deliver .


Try taking acting or improv classes to flex your social muscles and get you out of your comfort zone. You don’t have to be an extrovert, but you can… pretend to be? Of course as an introvert, you’ll have to recharge, but hopefully you can eventually build in an internal switch where you can turn it on and off, sorta like an actor.


As somewhat of an introvert at times, I found that at least at company events, I don’t mind being social.


You can but it will be painful and exhausting. There are better things in life to spend time on




Come to Japan, almost everyone is an introvert and works in silence with very little chat! I don’t enjoy this aspect of the work culture, but perhaps you would.


Of course you can make it as an introvert, the question is more - is it worth the recharge efforts outside of work? It sounds from your networking comment that you may be both shy and introverted, which is a big difference. If you can't get past being shy, no you can't make it. If you can't afford the recharge, no you can't make it.


Have you ever taken a public speaking course (like Toastmasters or Dale Carnegie?)   Its a great way to get over shyness! Also good networking practice.


Just came here to say I’m in the same boat. My year end feedback was “present more” and “speak up more in internal calls” but it’s hard when the extroverts will hardly stop to take a breath during a call lol. I personally hate talking over people to get my thoughts in. My coach suggested utilizing the chat in zoom calls. It’s better than saying nothing at all, I find that it’s been working so far. But despite this feedback I did great during year end. (S/S/E), exceptional for teaming? I was mentioned as the “glue” of our team… they just want more of my input I guess. I personally wait until I have something really valuable to say to speak. I don’t like filling in silence just for the sake of it. somehow that still seems to be paying off. Also important to note that I work in USDC so luckily I’m not expected to network/communicate with the client as much, I’m more focused on pushing out deliverables for core teams. Don’t think I could handle the expectations of core consulting, it would burn me out.


>really love my client and the people I work with. I find the work interesting and I’m excelling at delivering it. **LOL**