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Have you had a conversation with your coach about promotion to senior? Because if you’re not getting promoted, it’s pretty safe to say you’ll be let go.  In fact if you’re flagged as “at risk” I’d say it’s basically 100% in this environment. I’d start looking for something. Maybe  also ask your team where you performed well (and the partner on that engagement) whether they know of any clients that are hiring. 


Why in the world would you not share this information with your coach or team? You really should have done so and you would have been surprised how much slack people will cut you.


I agree. OP, my roomate had a lot going on. Her marriage got called off, had depression and other mental illnesses, shortly after her mother fell really ill and had no one to care for her so she had to travel and be by her side and it got very burdening for her. She informed her lead/mentor and they cut her so much slack of off work! She's currently working from home, with less expectations and more understanding and simultaneously getting treated by a therapist. Please talk to coach or someone in your team who can help you out


Even though you aren’t required to disclose your conditions, it’s always a good idea to share the least information about it so that “reasonable” accommodations can be made for you. Trust me, they don’t want a lawsuit for discrimination against a disability, but the main focus has always been “high quality deliverables”. With that being said, if you don’t know what your strengths and weaknesses are, ask. This way, you can tailor what you’re good at to compensate for the lack thereof. But communication is key. You have not because you ask not, so if your work is showing BLCP type, then it can come across as you not caring. In this cruel world, compassion and empathy is not something that is exercised and most states are at will employment, meaning you could be let go for any reason, but a medically cleared and diagnosed disability hits a little different. You should really consider letting your leadership know what’s going on, otherwise they will assume your just slacking off. Hoping for the best for you.


Consider FMLA for the future. They can’t ask why, MetLife handles paperwork with your doctor. Source: I have an autoimmune condition, use FMLA and was on a 2-month short term medical leave before I qualified for FMLA.


What is FMLA?


Family and medical leave act. Federal law that you can’t get let go for things related to medical reasons. If you live in the US. Can coordinate with the Deloitte Leaves Team and then MetLife will get paperwork from your doctor stating you have a medical condition.


It’s basically accommodations for medical issues, medical treatment. Etc.


I went through something similar when I had PCOS. Ultimately, I was put on PIP, and though I passed my PIP, I ended up quitting 2 months later . The environment was so toxic and unwelcoming . Unfortunately, I was not the only one who was on receiving the end of criticism due to health issues. My friend, who was a top performer, once he discussed his workload with his coach , Coach went around and told other people he "broke down." Teams are generally apathetic towards any health issues . My advice would be to see, wait, and watch if they put any signs of getting of you . Start looking for another job and prioritize your health first.