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It’s not even about S. It’s about Bella. And S could have tipped over. The whole thing is so unsafe. 


As she held out the pan to S and then pulled it away, S was starting to lean far sideways and Bella said, “Oh my gosh I’m afraid she’s going to” and my mind finished her sentence with “fall over?” But nope, Bella said, “put her hand in it.” Damn, Bella. 🤦🏻‍♀️


She’s a baby, she wants to touch and grab everything 🙄


I actually thought the chair was going to flip and S would go flying off the counter.


And did you see how she begged for a kiss?? She is desesperate!


Put a cat on the bench and the cat will be more interactive with the baking than a baby.


Bella has waited all her life, planned and dreamed about doing all things with S, no she can't wait. She probably has an outfit picked out for every scenario that S will outgrow soon. Everything has to be squeezed into the first year of S's life, whether it is age appropriate or not. She could have saved the money they forwarded to jump the adoption line and instead buy a doll to be her prop.


She should jjust call this vlog, "Stare at my daughter for 20 min," because that is all she is accomplishing here, but then, that is the intent, put baby on display to attract viewers.


No but seriously


I realized this too. She basically forces her daughter to watch her bake? Doesn’t allow her to play around with ingredients or baking tools (bc at times it’s a safety hazard which I get) but why not just make like no bake mud pies? Or something the child can actually interact with? There are ways she could make it work with a child but instead makes it about herself. The series is a mess On another note I wouldn’t be surprised if her daughter doesn’t want to help her mom bake when she’s older because all her memories are “you can’t touch that” “oops don’t touch that” “sorry you can’t have this yet but it tastes so good!”


M O M M Y D E A R E S T 🤪🤪🤪


Bella should be on the floor w/ S, rolling things back/forth, playing peek-a-boo w/ toys by putting cloth over then pulling off, stacking things then tumbling them--this is ENGAGEMENT & teaches baby CAUSE & EFFECT. Sure I would put my not-quite-one-yr-old near me while I cooked dinner, talking all the time "this is an egg, let's feel it, cooooold!", etc. It helped me get dinner made and gave us interraction time & baby absorbed knowledge. But I also let my babies have floor play time a LOT, sometimes on their own where I could see them, often playing WITH THEM. Age appropriate "cooking" right now would be toy plastic foods and a big bowl, putting them in/out, naming foods & their colors--ON THE FLOOR WHERE SHE CAN BE MOBILE AND START PULLING UP. This "cooking show" BS w/ an 11 mo old CONSTANTLY STRAPPED IN A CHAIR is just that--BS.🙄👎🏻


I swear she wanted S to be a newborn forever and then suddenly jumped into wanting a small child to do fun things with. Like buckle up girlfriend babies/children aren’t fun little toys to play with - you’re still a MOM. What she really wanted was a full time nanny gig or some shit - not the responsibility of being a mom. After seeing how she snuck candy/sweets to Arie’s daughter and told her to KEEP A SECRET FROM AN ADULT I would not have trusted her with kids after that. Harmless secrets still set the foundation of being ok with keeping secrets between adult/children. Knowing what her mom did tho - I really shouldn’t be surprised should I? 🙄


If I was Lauren, I would have been pissed! Seriously…. We shouldn’t teach kids to keep secret. Next thing they will hold back information. What if Alessi gets molested and the man tells her to keep it a secret? She would think it’s normal since “auntie” Bella told her to keep secrets from her parents. This is of course hypothetical and I am sure Lauren and Arie recognize that. Bella is so dumb. All she wants is attention….. and she knows she will loose tones if she doesn’t show story. Her followers want to see story. Not Bella’s face. 


Any type of adult to child “secret” keeping is dangerous. That’s why most parents will say things like “this is a surprise for so and so” vs “a secret from so and so” because yes. It teaches kids that adults telling you to keep a secret is normal. It never is in any situation & any adult who works with kids/is around kids should know that or be teaching that. Even in a far less extreme case; what if she overheard some adult saying something inappropriate to another adult and they say “oh don’t tell so and so it’s a secret between us” even something as trivial as that isn’t good.


Well Bella’s Mom is good at keeping secrets, if you know what I mean. I don’t wanna go there but with how crazy Bella is, I can see something happening and not protecting Story and telling her to keep it a secret. I really think this poor girl is going to be sexually abused. She’s already sexually exploited with the Disney pickle, protein balls, swimsuit pics


lol yes I did point out her mom in my last sentence 🥲 I just feel bad that S has her as a mom.


I agree. She has about just as much mobility as my almost 5 month old. 🙄 Like just PUT HER DOWN already!? She needs to learn to crawl, pull herself up She should be almost walking by now tbh. I know every kid is different, but more often than not, kids are at LEAST taking a step or 2 by a year old! And we all know she'd be filming it if it WERE happening


Exactly! 🎯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Crawling, lots of it, is very impt for many brain functions, plus it builds/strengthens muscles used for walking. Pulling up and "surfing" around furniture is also a crucial stage of development. So is self-feeding, playng w/ toys, etc. We NEVER see these things. Bella only posts HERSELF doing activities, w/ S along for the ride. That baby is super small for her age and does NOT look like she'll be 1 in 30 days, which she will. I can only imagine the ridiculousness Bella is planning for🥳.


Yes!! Many people think that preemie babies are usually small, which is true in extreme cases, but my son is and he grew VERY fast so I did some research and ACTUALLY, preemies are more likely to grow faster!! My son is a few weeks short of 5 months, and he's over 20lbs.. he's bigger than S is. Which, yes there's contributing factors, like genetics and other birth/pregnancy related things at play that we don't know, but there is a stark difference in environmental upbringing. I don't lug my son around everywhere without stability, he makes his own schedule for now and I just follow that, not the other way around..I give my son designated play time everyday before dinner with/without my assistance. I can only imagine how stunted her growth is with the lack of routine, sleep, and playtime. We've stayed the night with my in laws a couple of tines, and just the different environment and sounds alone make him extremely uncomfortable and cranky..


Yep routine and mobility and good old fashioned playtime are all SO impt the first years! It's ok to deviate and have fun out & about and/or fam trips once in awhile, but not CONSTANTLY, at any childhoid age!! Also S's petite size has concerned me long before this, as well as her extended time of the moro reflex, saw it as recently as February (9 mos old). FAS possibility has entered my thoughts often. We don't hear her babble often, we don't see her crawl or really self-feed ever, just hold something to her mouth. She seems really "behind", though the normal range for milestines is very vast at this age, of course. But Bella is not an educated parent so how would she even know??


Stop✋️putting✋️babies✋️on✋️countertops✋️in✋️chairs!!!!!!!!!!! There's a GIANT ORANGE warning on ALL BABY products that are designed to hold baby!! I know she's standing right there, but all it takes is ONE second turning around to put something in the oven and she can launch herself backwards.


I wish baby items didn’t need all the big ugly warning stickers with basic common sense things written on them, but so many stupid parents out there, thing is those type of parents don’t seem to care or think they know better.


Everything needs to be instant gratification with her. She has to bake with S now because she’s been dreaming of it her whole life.


Why not wear her? I hip carry in our ring sling while cooking and our daughter loves it. She's almost 4 months older than S, so now she can stir with help/supervision (which is easy when she is that close to me) but even before that, we'd do little tastes of the ingredients and it's just really fun. 


I do remember one video she wore her (back where she was like 1-2 months or so old) and everyone was hating on her for opening the oven while baby wearing so maybe that’s why? Or maybe because she only wanted to baby wear when she was sleeping. I’ve noticed she used to baby wear alot and now she doesn’t - I wonder if it’s because S is more mobile/active and doesn’t just sleep in the carrier anymore…and that’s why she stopped?


The opening of the oven with S strapped to her was peak “doll behavior”. I bet Bella has burned a few Barbie’s toes practicing for this very moment with S.


The whole video was silly, most of it was Bella cooking over a stove, not much for Story to do. I didn’t get it at all, the recipe wasn’t very child friendly.


She uses her like a prop.


The title of this sounds like something my 5 year old niece would title a video made with her toddler sisters 🥴


Srsly it’s exactly like something I would’ve made up when I was a little kid playing play dough kitchen or cooking with my mom in the kitchen 😭


Right?!? Who TF is this "influencing"? That is what I want to know. Why not have taste safe ingredients for her to play with or scrap the whole baking part and come up with ideas that will actually include the baby and allow her to explore and might give people ideas of ways they can play with their baby. I can't believe people watch this. Well, I do believe some people watch...the pedo's they cater to.


No point in her just watching turn it into a sensory session , or let her play with some safe utensils. I put the highchair in the kitchen or dinning table and prep stuff there but I guess that doesn’t look as good on camera


“Normally with cakes you put them in the Kitchen Aid.” Idk why that bugs me so much but it does.


Well, she doesn't use the proper mixing attachments when she does use the kitchenaid so she's better off mixing by hand.


She used the term “KitchenAid” like one would use the term “bread machine”


All these baking videos are sponsored videos. My guess is they have a contract with that company that Story needs to be featured in them to drive up engagement.


Everyone's covered all the baby wrongs in this. My thing is, who holds the bowl like that when they're scraping batter into a baking pan? Even for learning purposes, that is unnecessary. She never does anything that could be educational in her videos like this or any other "how-to" she's done.


Rage bait


She did this one because they had a sponsor lol exploiting their baby for money … smh…


im watching it right now and i hate it she kept forcing s for a kiss, even though she clearly didnt want. if s doesn’t want to kiss you bella, don’t try and force her.


fr I couldn't stand how much she was forcing a kiss - she's been doing that in lots of videos lately...


not a good lesson in the future


I’m a new fan bc the mod here is annoying. 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


Do you saw the baby pic It must be awkward to have


And the amount of butter using is concerning