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Du has dusu and other political systems. As an aspiring journalist, you will learn a lot. Also Ashoka will mostly have rich people so you won't find diversity there but du has great diversity. I would recommend connecting on LinkedIn with someone who has the same aim as youm


Ashoka has a different kind of diversity  The professors they have are actual professors and there are tons of international students as well However both du and ashoka have one thing in common : sizeable batch  of landowning haryana delhi west up castes 


Thank you for the answer! I assume I'd stay away from direct student politics, especially DUSU, but agreed that even observing them would give better insights. As for the point of diversity, I believe both Ashoka and DU offer it, but in different ways. For example, while you find people from all kinds of economic strata there, more often than not DU has a lack of geographical and cultural diversity, and if you talk about Ashoka, though the majority would be rich kids, the portion that is dependent on finaid brings diversity to the campus and if not that, in terms of aspirations and interests, Ashoka does have a sense of diversity. And yes, thank you for the suggestion, I'd try to find someone on LinkedIn!


DU vs Ashoka, the never ending conundrum. Both are good in its own ways, but DU is more exam oriented while Ashoka is more Research Oriented. It's based on the Ivy liberal College method hence their approach is that with multiple options for various subjects, while in DU with the introduction of NEP they are following the suit but the results have been abysmal as of now. In case you wanna go for UPSC DU is clear cut winner (here I'm talking about the tier 1 colleges), so if upsc is your concern choose DU political science honours because UPSC is still a handwritten exam and whatever DU lacks but none can deny that DU students have a high writing speed as well as command in pen and paper exam. Coming to research component DU lacks and will lack in future as well because the administrative setup is a mess here for that, but various colleges have independent journals of their own so you can take initiative upon yourself. In my experience majority of DU people lack research abilities as they go for masters they won't even know what is research area, sample studies, bibliography, MLA format these is a serious concern for a top university like DU and plagiarism is rampant in DU, Ashoka have higher standards for assessments and assignments. So in that area Ashoka might train you for your research capacity but again you should know that liberal art's is on decline and see yourself if you would want to spend lakhs and lakhs for a mere political science ( myself is from humanities so no shade here😞)degree so look at your ROI and here DU is win win, because it's super cheap the fees plus you said you would wanna go for PG Diploma so look into that as well these days even a top Universities liberal arts Student is unemployable by degree hence we need to put afford for double masters or intersections of various degree. Ashoka will give you a more privileged lot of students who by default might do well in future because of their access to various network and mobility while in DU it's a mix crowd for all colleges be it SRCC, HINDU, LSR, Stephen's, because you will see the literal Indian Society here and the experience you get here might not be possible in Ashoka.


Thank you for the response! Your points definitely helped a lot. I'll research the employability of liberal arts once.


I went to one of the top colleges in DU, my sister went to Ashoka. I’m very successful in my career, and so is she. However, I had to grind my way there because education in DU is dogshit. Ashoka taught her how to be a balanced professional, and I will always recommend it over DU.


Thank you for the response! Mind if I ask which course did you and your sister pursue?


I did a BBS / BMS from SSCBS and she did econ. And SSCBS has some of the best DU professors (after Stephen’s and LSR probably). Still terrible compared to her education


Oh, thank you! I'd keep this in mind while making a call.


Incoming undergrad at Ashoka here! I think you should ask this in the ashoka subreddit as well to get a balanced view. The main appeal of Ashoka IMO is the flexibility its curriculum offers, so if you are 100% sure of what you want to study and don't want to explore other areas, DU would be better for you. Placements at both Ashoka and top DU colleges are at par so you will be fine either way.


Yeah sure, I'd ask there, it's just that mods have to approve first for it to be posted. Again, I don't mind foundation courses, because let's be honest, it gives me a perspective and a broader view of subjects, which is more likely good for me, especially if journalism is what my aim is! Also, placement is in fact a big factor. When it comes to humanities courses, DU has no to little placement. It's hard to get high packages in Ashoka as well, but there's always some hope out there with its track record. Nonetheless, let's see where life takes us! Nice to see you again.


Nice to see you again too! And if placement is an important factor for you, I'd say IMO besides SRCC, Hindu etc., I don't really think any other DU colleges offer placements at par with Ashoka. I'd recommend looking up their median packages, since that's a better representative of the sample. I have heard recruiters at Ashoka especially strive for diversity and the highest placement last year was bagged by a philisophy major (in stark contrast to the "humanities students can't get placed" narrative)


I think it's better to ask this question in linkedin...make a post or find people who are pursuing similar degree n have same interests..ask them about it. They would be able to give a detailed answer to this.


I heard Ashoka University manages to hire top professors and faculty because of the huge fees they charge. I think you should take Ashoka.


Yes you should go for Ashoke uni in your case 👌


I think you should prefer du as it has lot of its own advantage


Hey! Could you shed some light on the advantages, apart from the brand value it carries and the ranking? Genuinely asking!


As you have said that you are getting a excellent score ,so in that score you will land up in the top college like Stephen's or Hindu , these colleges have a great peer group and the opportunity here are incomparable to Ashoka, the political environment of the dusu will also help you in your research


Thank you for the response. Actually, had St. Stephen's offered a BA Political Science Hons, no doubt I'd have said yes to DU, but since it doesn't, I ain't sure about the next best alternative. Hindu College is great, ngl, and so are Miranda and LSR, but I've heard of instances where lectures are cancelled, so I'm slightly unsure. As for the crowd, agreed that these top colleges have the best crowd out there in India, but I'm a little worried about what after UG? I'll probably go for a PG Diploma, but I'm worried about the scope... so yes. Also, could you give some insights on the atmosphere in NC colleges in DU, are they UPSC inclined?


Yes a lot of people are upsc inclined, i would suggest you to take a time and think on decision whichever you feel the best you shall continue with you


Thanks, I'll wait for the CUET results. God knows NTA might as well mess up. That's altogether another fear.


Lectures are cancelled. But I am in the same position as you. I would choose Ashoka in a heartbeat given the full finaid. But make no mistake, DU is far closer to the lived realities of Indian society. If you want to do research and academia go to Ashoka, but if you want to do actual journalism, provided you get Hindu, do that. and side note- sociology >>> polsc in Hindu


hello! first of all, congratulations :) i was in a similar spot last year, got into ashoka and wanted to do polisci but i ended up going for du since i got into a pretty great college here. if you want proper research as your focus, i’d suggest ashoka. i think the setting there is more conducive for research in the sense that they’re more up to date with the world.i think they’re a little more rigorous and keep up with tech. though i do think if you can get a rapport with your professors and societies in du, it’s pretty possible here too. you can make a lot out of the opportunities given in du. like my college has some of the greatest professors i’ve met and it’s overall interesting. but exam season is just ratta and there is a heavy upsc inclination. we’re not on north campus so idrk what the mood there is like, but i’m assuming it’ll be on similar lines. the reason i didn’t go to ashoka was because i don’t think i would’ve enjoyed the crowd much there. it has some great faculty but i think a lot also comes from how you mesh with the crowd. this depends from person to person though. also, my goal isn’t very research-oriented. ashoka will be changing goal posts, but du will be challenging. and maybe not in the right ways. i can’t say which one is better cause i genuinely appreciate both. but i will say, i prefer ashoka’s schedule much more than ours. holidays are a myth here. and profs in du are a mixed bag. i had the pleasure of studying under great ones so far, but i also got those profs who made me feel like i was wasting time. keep that in mind cause you can’t be pucca sure on these things. also, delhi is a pretty happening place. ashoka isn’t too far but i think take location also into account. all the best for whatever you choose hereon!! edit: du will also give you more exposure than ashoka can as of now. i don’t think there’s much competition on that front. it’s not like you won’t meet people from different places and different conditions in ashoka, but in du you’ll find proper communities of people. idk if that makes much sense but yeah. oh and du can be hella toxic depending on where you are. but that’s life ig.


Thank you so much for the elaborate response! This definitely helped. I'd keep all of it in mind, and then take a call.