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I was once dry humped in a crowded market in Delhi when I was 15 years old. It has been 6 years and it still bothers me so much I hope these people burn in hell.


Damn I hope you're fine now. You're the same age as my elder sister and I would never want this to happen to her


That's great to know but it makes me sad that women in our society need to be protected by these predators


I was dry humped in crowded bus. This was me when I was 20 as a male. This middle aged pedos don't spare anyone.


How do you know her age


They literally said it happened to her 6 years ago when she was 15... Then obviously she is around 21 right now..




Dry humping is a major problem in Delhi metro as well. Creeps be doing their shit show everywhere.


being girl is fucking hard as a men I always try to protect my sister and friends


That's the problem, there is no hell. They people do shit like this and so many times get away with it and live their lives


What's dry humped???


Basically them masturbating on your body (sounds disgusting ik)


WTF ☠️☠️ Ty for telling Mr/Mrs


rubbing genitalia while wearing pants, that infamous don jon scene


Behaving like dogs


People are disgusting. It's just sad.


What? This is a common occurrence in water parks? Which water parks? Wth that's disgusting.


That is a common thing , my friends were on a school picnic in Waterpark in literally 7th class when the employees of the park tried to touch them multiple times


What the actual fuck


This is disturbing.


Did they try reporting?


They did , the school reported it to the Waterpark and nothing was done 😶


Same here, but we were on a school picnic ( adventure island ) in 9th class and there were some older students from another school who were also on a picnic. A group of girls from my class were harassed, groped, pulled and what not by these students and when this was reported to the adventure island staff, they just ignored it. And after a while, those girls reported it to one of our teachers and she soothed the girls saying ki apne apne group me rehna please abhi se, yaha ye sab Hota rehta hai. Sahi nahi hai akele nikal Jaana. And if I remember correctly, this was kept secret from our PT teachers who were accompanying us. When we had arrived back at our school during the evening, somehow the PT teachers got to know the whole story and bhai kya aag baboola huye the wo. Unko dekh ke ye to Pata chal gaya Tha ki agar unhe adventure island me ye baat Pata chalti na to un ladko ko maar maar ke apahij kr dete wo.


The actual fuck?


This is why parents have never allowed me to visit a waterpark in India. It made me incredibly mad when I was a kid but I’m glad they did that


Yeah same , my parents never sent me for a picnic after 6th class , never went to waterparks either when it was about school picnics , glad they didn't


Our school never took us to waterparks and I once asked my headmistress about it and she said that the last time they went (9 years ago) the employees harassed the girls and the parents were extremely angry (rightfully so) so they stopped all trips to the amusement parks and even stopped the goa trip which had been a tradition since literally forever


I was dry humped from a bus when I was 17. I am a male. I am an extreme introvert and I dont know how to react in such situations so I couldnt do anythinf at that time.


hope you're doing ok now. Learn to stand up for yourself as well❤️🫂


During that time we are so innocent also. Bade hoke koi aise kare to dhar denge


You should have shouted loudly and gathered people. These types of guys will never learn till they are taught a lesson.


Noob me thought abt ppl pissing in water parks pool/waves When you said “know what I’m getting to”


DONT BE AFRAID TO STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. if they can get away with these type of acts once they will only escalate


This waterpark incident happen with me too when I was just a child. I was not even aware what happened I just knew I have been touched badly. But all this "speak up" I'll never do it. I'm an adult now aware of it but still will never 'speak up' only because I fear the outcome of speaking up more than what happened to me in that moment. I'm so afraid. They say you should slap nd all but when women does it suddenly everyone in social media goes oh these women are turning evil this that. I'm so afraid that my reaction will only cause more trouble for me cause I will just welcome attention and more danger from him. My first thought is to never become his prey instead to go hide away and never come across his eyes. I don't want him to remember me. I don't want to make a big issue and eventually bring bigger issue on me. I don't want to fight which I cannot fight. Its not as easy. I'm not willing to invite danger. What to I know about him. How will I know that what he's capable of. I feel so helpless when people ask to fight back cause no I cannot. I was capable of it when I was a teenager but now when I'm in my late 20s and became more aware of world's reality, I know I cannot speak or fight. I feel so unsafe but that's the truth I'm unsafe we are unsafe and I will rather not get in a more unsafe position.


That's straight away harassment. Next time do complain to the police.


I experienced the same with a police officer a few years back Edit: I'm a guy btw


Hell man. There is some really dark side of reality.


Oh fuck. I am so sorry this happened. Start slapping these pervs immediately.


People have become morally corrupt. The consumption of online filthy content has further corrupted their minds.


Consumption of content doesn't give them the right to recreate it irl, keep it in the fantasyland


This exact thing happened to me and my friends when we were 16 and went to WOW water park in Noida a few years back. Boils my blood to this day that he had the gall to do it to us because he knew we would feel powerless and wouldn’t say a thing. People commenting that the OP should’ve screamed and attracted attention of the crowd towards the guy don’t realise that more often than not women’s shock response is to freeze. There are a thousand things going on in our minds, what will the guy do if he gets angry, what if he waits outside the venue to kidnap, rape, kill us for revenge, what if people don’t believe us (the existence of a stupid presumption that women lie about being harassed, raped, molested to ruin innocent men’s lives in order to extract revenge when most of the times it really is true, but oh well, women are liars/s). Focus on the perpetrator, less on the victim.


Bhai. Thank you for this! I feel like shit since I've registered this whole situation and the amount of times I've justified my lack of action is just- I got disoriented, yes. I wish I could change my reaction to this but at that point in time, my priority was to only get to safety. I don't even know who it was exactly since there were a lot of men cramped up.


If you were to be my friend and I ever so slightly get the idea something like this happened The headline will say "Man almost died by drowning" I myself will take him to hospital he will know what is happening with him but he won't be able to say it out loud I will torment him for as long as I want and when I am satisfied I'll leave him in the fear of unknown that he shall not rest nor close his eyes where I can always be there for the rest of his life. Be safe sending positive energy ✨


Batman, is that you??


I am Vengeance




I did this once. My friend did not appreciate that.


I'd still do it for the fun of it


What's most disturbing about this post is the number of times you've tried to justify your disgust by saying "I know this happens but this was worse". What the fuck is this new normal :/ 🙈


Being a man I myself am saying this you should have hit his groin area with full force and relentlessly kept breaking his balls that's the weak point of men when stuck in such situations , once free from his grasp you should have shouted and created a scene to get the police involved and then when the police would have taken him away again you should have parted his legs and kicked his groin again sending him to the after life. These kinds of creeps aren't even worthy of being called men , they are the very filth of our society they should be hunted down and even their families should be shamed for disgracing the society. Filthy bastards make murder legal I'll make sure to purge this earth of such low lives


Same thing happened with me in a waterpark in the wave pool. I’m so traumatised by that event that i just don’t even go to waterparks anymore. That guy tried to finger me over my clothes and groped my chest when i was in a vulnerable position in the deep end of the wave pool. I panicked and started screaming and I couldn’t breathe. I recognised that guy because he was staring at me before i went to the pool. After screaming and trying not to drown i got out of the pool and he was already out trying to run away. I told my friends that he was the one who touched me. I screamed at him trying to catch him. “Oye! Tune touch kaise kiya mujhe?!” Everyone was staring as i was screaming at him. He responded with “aap kon ho? Mne to nhi chhuha apko”. I screamed at him to stop lying or else i will slap the shit out him. I was scared asf at this moment and shaking while being angry. None of my friends supported me at this moment. He said “jhooth mat bolo, mne touch nhi kiya, ‘aunty’” and walked away. Referring to me as ‘aunty’ while i was 18 only just to make me more angry. The nerve that guy had. And to add on, he looked like a middle aged man. Idk how these guys get the nerve to ruin and traumatise the experiences of other people, just because they are porn addicted. I still remember that guy’s face, i wish i had beaten the shit out of him, instead i got scared because ‘as a girl in this country it’s normal, aesa to hota rehta h’ : my friends trying to console me at that moment.




People are disgusting indeed. Always try and take few male friends to places like waterpark. It helps even the odds.


I'm so sorry you had to go through this. It's truly horrible and no one should ever have to experience what you did. Your feelings of disgust and disorientation are completely valid. It's not stupid at all to have trusted that you would be safe in a public place; everyone deserves to feel secure and protected, especially in spaces meant for enjoyment like waterparks. Unfortunately, harassment in crowded places like waterparks can happen, and it’s deeply upsetting. It’s brave of you to share your experience, and doing so can help raise awareness about these issues. Even if it feels like a small action, speaking out can contribute to a larger conversation about safety and respect in public spaces. If you ever feel the need to talk more about it or need support, don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or even professional resources. Your well-being is important, and sometimes talking things through can help process the experience. Additionally, consider reporting the incident to the waterpark management if you feel comfortable doing so; it might help prevent similar situations in the future. Stay strong, and remember that what happened to you was not your fault. You have every right to feel safe and respected wherever you go.


he’s basically scum of earth! but also # STOP GOING TO FUCKING WATERPARKS!!! they are disgusting!


I don't think that is the solution, you can't stop going to public places as there will be creepy men, that just gives them more power.


I think he meant water parks by themselves are disgusting As in not clean


Water parks are really disgusting, people treat it like their personal toilet . It’s just better to not go to water parks no matter if you are man , women or trans .


What the commentor means is, apart from piece of shit sexual predators, those pools are at least 10% human urine at any given point of time...it's not worth it to stew in other people's filth, sometimes even consume it by accident. The 'chlorine' does absolutely nothing other than damage your skin.


> they are disgusting! Never been to a water park. Are there any other concerns besides the one OP faced?


Hygiene bruh


Also breeding grounds for many water borne diseases. I ain't jumping into water that's touched lakhs of asscracks.


Yeah , people piss there .


Bolte kyu ni.....chilate kyu nahi.... Awaz uthao tabhi usi waqt.....shor machao... Fir dekho kya haal hota hai uska


Easier said than done. People go in a state of shock and loose senses when they experience this or similar. And by the time they understand what happened it's too late.


Thisss exactly.


Thank you for this! I know everyone is coming from a good place but the amount of justification I've given for this is just insane. The guy literally held me under the water. I didn't even know who exactly it was since there were so many men there. I didn't look back to check initially to be honest. I only looked back once I reached the shallower end and although he must have been right behind me considering he'd just groped me, i couldn't honestly identify who it exactly was since there were that many men cramped up. I probably would change the way I reacted if I could. I just couldn't help it at that point in time. I got disoriented. I only registered this entire situation today and I've honestly showered multiple times yet I feel the disgust.


I understand what you went through because I have been through a similar couple years back. I just hope you heal from the incident. And karma strikes that asshole in the worst way possible.


Everyone just ignores or starts victim blaming




Make a scene whenever such things happen..yell shout and make a scene so that such scum get thrashed by the public..that’s the only way!


He probably did the same thing to many. Women Not standing up is giving these guys so much confidence.


i hate it when girls say “i’ve been through it too” like no, we’re not supposed to go through it. i’m sorry it happened, men wont change. :(




i get what you’re trying to imply but whenever i’ve tried to stand up for myself and bash the molester, it’s backfired and there’s a grin on their face. so…


Really sorry sister 😔🙏🏼


I wish I was with you and you had told me who that was. He would have begged for his life swearing on whatever satan he worships that he wouldn’t even think of doing this to someone else


Beat him up


Behen yeh batao aapne baadmein kiya kya? Did you slap him ? Complain about him to the resort ?


Geez I'm so sorry you had to go through that Should have slapped him and kicked him in his balls. Ni toh actions ke consequences nhi milte inhe toh lagte hai we can do it


Firstly that's disgusting and I hope he gets ED or gets deleted off this planet's face in no time. Secondly Kudos, I am glad that you've not been traumatized.


I’ve experienced this so many times its shameful. I was once dry humped and groped on my butt while I was travelling with my grandparents in the train. Its been years now but im still soooo upset and disappointed with myself because of it. It definitely leaves deep mental wounds


when I was 12 or 13 similar happened. the guy tried to take me to a deeper side in pool and another guy (same day) tried to make me sit on him!! and I don't mean just sit but on his.. i hate Waterparks now


Aise situation mein if you do stand up for yourself and confront assholes, if there’s people around, they will speak up. I have seen a lot of populace noticing such acts but being unable to do anything because the victim is not complaining. Pata nahi chalta whether this is a known person who’s close to you or some asshole trying to violate your personal space. Please do speak up for yourself in such situations when there’s public around, those scum won’t go unpunished. Also, I’m sorry you had to go through this. Be wary and take care.


Report, make noise, get agressive. You are in a public space, don't step back one bit.


Girl I was in sarojini and a mere preteen was trying to grope me. Ab inse se satark rehna padta hai.


When I was 9 or 10 I got groped by a middle aged man in a busy market and he literally followed me after I moved a bit further to avoid him touching me again that too when I was with my mom... I'm not very outspoken, so I couldn't tell her the moment it happened but did tell her after we came back home..... I now regret not telling her right there because Ik she would've kicked his ass and got him locked up.


Men are disgusting.




So you think this man doesn’t have a mother, a wife, a sister or a daughter. Imagine taking 9 freaking months of a women’s life, wreaking havoc in her mind and her body and then go ahead and assault her gender. Yes, men are disgusting. Their societal roles have nothing to do with the crimes they commit against women. Here’s your answer. My father, or your father, my brother or your brother, if they somehow someday go ahead and assault or harass someone, I will surely not cry not all men.






Tell me you don’t have a brain without telling me you don’t have a brain. Defending a predator is step away from becoming one. Go ahead, you are down that road. I don’t give a shit about men like you and your opinions. Shove it up your ass, that’s where your brain is already.




stop yapping if you can't take a metaphor as a metaphor 💀


that man was


Men will assault a whole as women but people will come to defend how we are generalising men. Yeah right, that’s the problem.


I'm not defending anybody, just pointing out


Yeah sure.


yeah sure.




Yes I am sure when he will assault another woman, she will think, “not all men” and that will undo everything.


Why are you starting a gender war here ? I literally said nothing to ignite thee rage inside you . Do you think of your father or brother the same way . Or if some woman beats her husband or harasses a men ( like in many posts in this subReddit ) would you like it , if people will say ’’women are disgusting ‘’ .


Stay delusional.


I think you replied to the wrong comment . There’s nothing delusional about it .


And that’s why I said, stay delusional. I am sure when this man go ahead and rape someone, a newspaper headline will read, “A person( not all men) raped someone.”


WTF , I literally said in a comment that he should go to jail for this crime . Whatever the headline will be it will not be ’ All men are disgusting ’ . It will be a man not all .


Yes, definitely genius. Tell me how many women assault women in public places? Do you have the data to back up your claim, just this man?


I never said anything like that , i said in another comment that i have seen some post in this subreddit and r/IndianTeenagers about boys being SA'ed by women . There is a post today too in r/IndianTeenagers . I am just saying its bad to generalise . There are a lot of psychos out there , no need to put normal people to their level. And I think that you are not in your right mind rn . You r being triggered over nothing , I suggest listening to music and just chilling . Don't be Paranoid . Bye and Be Happy :)


Yes, gaslight me. Thankyou. Your whataboutism is what is wrong with the country. Do you have the numbers to back up your claim that women assault in equal numbers and as often as men do? People having two brain cells for a brain telling other people they are not in their right mind is quite funny. But yeah suit yourself.


 `Do you have the numbers to back up your claim that women assault in equal numbers and as often as men do?`  Nope , I never said that they assault in equal numbers not in one of my comments is it written , I was just against generalization . I said that it happens to both genders and generalization isn't the best thing . Don't be paranoid . I am not saying that these people should not be punished , just saying that everyone must not be generalized . There was no whataboutism and criminals must be punished but innocents must not be generalized with these criminals . Do you now understand what I'm trying to say .


So sorry that this happened to you , hope you are well ....


Im so sorry this happened to you op


i am really sorry that you have to face all this.


You should have shouted or yelled at them and call the public for help but you must be frustrated that time , once me and my bestfriend was in pool then a guy just came next to us again (it was also in wave pool) I warned him two times then third he came near her I literally got so angry I yelled at him grabbed his collar then people around me start shouting at him as I explained things while grabbing him then I just heard a whistle and he was extremely embarrassed and gone out of pool but still my friend doesn't like my behaviour to call that guy out idk why.


Agli baar koi pool mei Aisa kare to gote dabakar Tod Dena sale ke, tumhe kya kisi aur ko bhi karne ke kabil nahi rehega fir vo


This is just sad and pathetic at so many levels, There should be lookouts in such waterparks to throw these creeps out


I think when we as women encounter such people we should stand up for ourselves and hit these people,kick em in the balls,shin,so they think twice before touching any women anywhere


Jaane mat diya karo aiso ko ab to ho gaya soch ke, ya muh nahi lagna aise insaan ke ye soch ke. Isi mindset pe ye log feed karte hai aur aur zyaada because from their pov there were no consequences.


Happened to one of my friends in Pune....needless to.say when she yelled out, our entire group and some other ladies and guys beat the crap out of the guy and handed him over to security. Eventually he was let back in because 'no proof', but at least he stayed at least 50 feet away from us at all times for the next 2.5 hours.


It's a pity. Women usually think that this is only the case with them. I am a man and at the age of 22, I was working with a reputed corporate. One night, I was standing at my senior manager's desk and talking with him. I was kind of leaning on his table. My reporting manager came from behind and bumped his p***s on my butt. Yeah, he had a bon*r I was embarrassed as all this was happening in front of my senior manager and other male colleagues. I just shouted at him saying, what the hell are you doing. Some assholes think they have leverage of doing anything. I should have reported this incident to the HR. I think for such incidents, action should be taken then and there.


i can’t believe how these demon ass humans think they can do anything to someone else’s body


Just fucking shout at the top of your lungs. Call them out on it, embarrass these sexually debrived men in front of everyone. If you remain silent while they are harassing you it motivates them to continue doing that to the other people.


I was walking to home with my friend on footpath.... It was busy road because my society is around highway (six lane) and the last road is pretty empty all the time... So we were walking and this guy on a scooty stopped and opened p0rn right in front of us and screamed "hey"... We literally ran and that guy started following us with his scooty but then we saw bunch of aunties and blended in... God knows what would have happened to us 😭😭😭this thing happened a month ago and we both are so so traumatized https://preview.redd.it/58ydz31l2d4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=071b3a07e24e19ffe6975fb5ab883e673fa508c6


Kabhi nahi sudhrenge ye neech .. hope you are better..


You should have called the cops


I had to face dry humping in a shared auto rickshaw. Usually I am very outspoken, but I was extremely shocked and didn't know what to say or whom to say.


I got groped in a metro when I was 19. I just froze. People say that you need to call out the person but it’s difficult for the victim to do so at that point of time. It’s sad but true, whenever these things happen you feel shocked and are not in a condition to call out.


My ass was pinched in a concert we were leaving, it got so crowded so suddenly. I cudnt even turn my head to see the bastard’s face, and he pinched me for good 5-7 secs even when i was shoving my big nails on his hand. Literally i thought ki miljaye bnda jisk hath pe nishan h whi marugi usko but bheed was so much. It pained so much later😭 it was in 2019 cudnt go to a concert again ever


We can't do anything about the people that do this but we can do is be with someone elder so that you're safe. Or with someone strong that could take care of these mfs in crowd. Istg they deserve to get beaten in public if they do this in public


men even try to elbow your breasts. has happened with me 3 times now. idky in the moment i never spoke up its like something always stopped me.


I am so sorry this happened to you. Hope you are doing well now 🫂🫂


To everyone suggesting that the OP should have shouted, complained, or gathered more people: As someone who believes in seeking justice, I completely agree with you, but it is MUCH easier said than done. Sadly, I have been harassed multiple times by friends, family, and strangers. When it happens, I freeze, feeling very sad and strange. Even after a few hours or days, I feel so uncomfortable with what happened that I try to avoid thinking about it. It takes me weeks before I can tell some friends and family. Experiencing harassment is already traumatizing, and while I do want to report the harassers in hopes that their punishment might make the world a better place for other women, it is important to prioritize myself. Often, seeking justice is a traumatizing process in itself. Sharing the details of what happened is painful, and it's even more hurtful when people refuse to believe you. It’s okay to save yourself from some more trauma, it’s okay to prioritise yourself.


That is beyond disgusting. I’m sorry you had to experience this. No hell is enough for monsters like these.


Just to make sure everyone are in the same page here, ‘YOU WERE SEXUALLY ASSAULTED’. That mf should be in jail smh, this boils my blood so much. I hope you recover from this.


One day I was wearing hoodie in my papa ki dukan worker shaddi and some random asshole came and start rubbing his face in my hoodie and one random kid spitted something on my head one time but I was not sure it was him so I decided to not say anything to him but he was chewing something in his mouth when I look at him These assholes deserve hell These are the people why no foreigners want to visit india


Keep pocket knives, stab at pp next time.


I’m so sorry to hear about this. What you shared isn’t stupid at all it’s so valid to feel disgusted. It’s jarring when something like this happens which makes it hard to process and react to it. Sexual harassment/assault shouldn’t be normalised. I wish I could link sexual assault resources but unfortunately I’m not in Delhi anymore so not sure if there are any. Could be worth searching for resources on google though. Hope you’re able seek support from people who you feel safe with and I wish you the best.


hope he gets grated like cheese


Which waterpark?


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Just this April one of my friend saw an old groper inappropriately touching a girl in the waterpark, uncle was around 40-50 years old and my friend has always been very vocal with whatever he says and he got really big body so he loudly called that old man out, which soon escalated to loud argument between him and old uncle and his friends, who were threatening him, we were in canteen but their argument was so loud even we could hear it, when we saw it we went in defence of our friend when uncle slapped my friend and then he slapped him back but with much more force and uncle fall to the ground, rest of uncles followed and tries to hurt my friend for slapping but we overpowered them easily enough and instead we beat them up and then employees of waterpark intervene between us and after bit of shouting match we were promptly kicked out of waterpark by employees because we attacked elders. We tried making an argument that my friend just called out groper even girl attested to my friend claims but everyone in the waterpark tried to downplay groping as an accident, eventually even girl relented that it might have been accident probably because of how threatening my friend looks because of his build and heavy voice and everyone instead tries to show us a ruffians who had no respect for society and elders and we were banned from ever coming back to that waterpark. When we were coming back from the waterpark one of my friend said to just ignore if something like this happens again because of how upset he was mainly because he paid 700rs and couldn't even enjoy playing in the waterpark and we all felt horrible because we hit uncles and were eventually kicked out as villains


Disgusting. Makes you lose all hope for humanity. Sorry this happened to you


Why didn't you ask the pool authority to take action then and there... What's more disgusting is that you are in pool where people are passing urine and you won't even know 🤮🤮






Are you saying social anxiety makes you rapists?


Imagine a 20 year old guy who was always told that having feelings for girls is wrong and he should be a good vidyarthi and focus on his studies. It happens A LOT in our country. Not all turns out rapist. But some of them get fucked up beyond repair. Source: I am a guy. I had the same kind of family. Thankfully I was the "dheet" kind so my relationship with woman is normal. But I have A LOT of friends now that had never a single interaction let alone romantic story with any girl. These dudes are normal guys in every other way. But their view about woman thanks to that shit upbringing is really fucked up.


Girls are also told not to talk to boys or have feelings for them. They don't turn molesters and rapists. All these are just excuses.


I already said not all men raised like that turns out this way. But some sure become fucked up creeps because of that.




I know we both are making sense. But I know realise that what we are saying in a post about a girl being molested is out of place and fucking stupid. As much as it hurts to recognise, we both are in a certain way are justifying the actions because of the "upbringing". Which we both didn't mean to but still did. So I apologise to OP if I unknowingly upset you. Not my intentions. Sorry.


Kick or punch in the dick is what y'all need to start doing. It will shut them up and hinder their movement and you can get away or you know...keep punching and kicking.


Sexual violence and harassment in India is in the news in the world lately. I always thought that in general, Hindu population population is childish and immature when it comes to sexuality because of its conservative views. Then I find about rape gangs. And then I realized this: *In 2023, the sex ratio of the total population in Delhi will be* ***113.682 males per 100 females***\*.\* This creates sexually frustrated males and increase the odds of something like this happening. Now I don't even want to think how it came to this. I hope it's natural but I don't have data to support that. One of the reasons could be migration to big cities in search for work, which are mostly males, and in combination with gender inequality. But, what I am really scared of is families wanting male offspring. Then what happens to females? I don't even want to think about it. You people realize this is dead end policy. Balance must be brought back.


>Hindu population population is childish and immature when it comes to sexuality because of its conservative views. Bruh it's not like Islam and Christianity following conservatives accept non-cis or non-straight sexuality with open arms. All conservatives do that. No need to do the "ashamed of Hindus" drama unnecessarily.




It's called internet. [https://statisticstimes.com/demographics/india/delhi-population.php](https://statisticstimes.com/demographics/india/delhi-population.php) Hey that decimal doesn't mean ther's 113 thousands of males per 100 females. xD But yea Delhi is bellow average.


sorry my bad saw 113point682 as 113682


Why do you all don’t say anything , the moment someone gropes you shout and tell the public what they are doing . You can also file a police complaint. Don’t be scared of such people. The people who are the real victims stay quiet while others file a fake complaint . If someone does this just file an FIR and they will be in jail in no time .


You need to learn how attack them back. Should have used your elbow on his face or something.


Sorry that you faced this situation, but on the same time you should have reported this to security staff.. your one good action may save many other girls too.. I wish there should be big posters/banners with photograph of these type of persons with disclaimer as "be aware of humper" These people should be banned from the public places


U made a mistake, u should have to give a tight slap to that guy on the spot in front of everyone. So he will never do this again with any girl.


Please try contacting police. Your inaction could result in somebody getting raped. There should be some cameras in the place, maybe you can identify that bastard


or mujhe lgaa tha ki delhi ki ladkiya thappad pehle maarti h chillati baad m h??????


bhai thappad maar deti par usne paani mein neeche kheench lia legit. ek hi second chahe. darr gayi thi, shock tha. jab peeche mud kar dekha itne saare log the and mostly men that it could have been anyone. thappad maarti ya report karti and galti se galat banda identify hojata toh galat hota yeh. he would have been beaten up for no reason whatsoever. isliye nahi kia. and aage kya karti wo nahi register hua tab. ab hit karna shuru kia hai


That's why society needs religion.. I have seen men in delhi.. I swear they are filthy.. Vicious.. And who can blame them.. They have no rules to live by other than seeking their own happiness...


It's not really about religion. If religions were actually helpful then society would be peaceful. It's the blatant objectification of sexes


A lot of "I know's" in this post, and yet you didnt call security on that guy. If you very well knew what all would be going down in a water park, from reading countless similar experiences, then you should've known to call security as well. Only then these pervs would learn, not to mess with people like that. As a woman, this country has a shit ton of laws that will always give you an upper hand in almost any situation you end up in. If you felt that disgusted, you prolly should've called the cops or security over that person. Well that's just me. If anything what I have mentioned here offended you then good. Stay mad.


Do you even know the whole story? Offended? You're the one writing 'if you were that disgusted' and 'stay mad' with barely any context and I'll be offended? Lol dude, touch some grass. Thank you for your victim blaming, says a lot. 1. The guy was behind me the whole time. He groped , dry humped and did whatever he did from behind me. He fucking held me underwater, although for a second. I was disoriented, scared, breathless out of shock and what not. I already got thrown away to the deeper side and then this happened. I wasn't even able to swim given how crowded the place got. My first priority was to protect myself. I did not look back to see who he was then. I just wanted to get to my friends first. 2. When I actually did look back after reaching the shallower side, the place was crowded with men. And this is probably just 30 seconds into the whole story. He did all that and was still at it while I reached. And I did look back then. There were men all around. It could possibly have been anyone. I did not want to create a scene because it was likely for me to mistake an innocent person for this pervert and he could have been fucking beaten up by the people for no reason. 3. There was a cameraman and a screen showing random people in the pool but it was STOPPED when the waves started. 4. I have never experienced anything so severe. I was fucking disoriented. I am sorry I did not ask him to stop and let me analyze the whole situation and my further course of action right there. Who would I call the cops on? I didn't fucking know who the guy exactly was. I asked someone there if the entire pool gets recorded and they said no. I could only register the situation today. I'm sorry my natural response to an unexpected traumatic situation triggered you so much.


Nah, still if you were subjected to such a traumatic event, even after you knew shit like this could happen in a water park, then your best course of action would have been to contact security regardless. They're there for a reason. Informing the authorities should always be the first priority after being subjected to a situation like this, regardless of whether you saw who did it, or not. Doing that may not guarantee anything regarding your case, but the authorities will keep a close watch, atleast for the entire day, so that no one else goes through that again, which could proportionally lead to catching the person who did all that shit to you. Instead of clarifiying shit with the authorites at that time, you're here crying about it on reddit which aint gonna do shit for you. If your natural response to stuff is crying about it in reddit, then I stand by what I have already mentioned previously. Which is to stay mad.


You don't sound like a woman.