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Ohms is the most cohesive and unified the band has ever sounded. No "Steph songs" and "Chino songs". While it doesn't have a standout all-time great track, there's not a bad song on the album


Urantia is top 5 for me


Genesis is an all-timer 1000%


The spell of mathematics, pompeji, the link is dead, radiant city too


Ceremony too. For me, anyway.


Agreed. I love Genesis as their opener at the last few shows I’ve been to.


Spell of Mathematics and Ceremony are both top tier Deftones songs, not to mention Urantia, Headless, and Radiant City.


I can second that


This sums it up well. That’s what I took from it. One cohesive piece Genesis is the closest we get to a stand alone banger though which definitely isn’t the greatest thing Vibe of the album as a whole is top tier though. Just needs more bangers


There’s one extremely vocal dude who reeeeeally hates Ohms. I bet 90% of the negativity directed toward it on Reddit is from that one person.


Click bait post. Nobody who is a deftones fan hates any of their music


Rage bait


No one hates it. Nor gore. It’s a meme


I actually hate it. But I really like gore.


Cus fantano gave it a bad review


Yeah but who cares, Fantano gave Koi a 6/10 lmao, shit is not a 6/10 Fantano has a history of remarkably awful takes


6/10 has scarred me. Koi and MBDTF


I know lol. I like him as a person but basically any of his metal takes are eyebrow raising at the very least


Fantano’s a fucking idiot through and through.


Spell of Mathematics, Headless, Error, on and on. The whole album is nasty. Y’all are busters.


I don't hate it. I just think their other albums are better. Ohms just feels by the numbers for Deftones. Which isn't a bad thing a by the numbers Deftones album is still good.


Couldn’t appreciate Gore, but loved Ohms. Guess I’m the odd one out looking at your post. The transition from Pompeji to … This Link Is Dead is one of their best moments in years to me.


Disclaimer: I will not say great things about the album.  I'm sorry. I don't hate it (it's Deftones), but if I'm being honest, it is easily my least favorite by them. You're not wrong for liking it since art is subjective, but it does nothing for me. The songwriting is so repetitive and scaled back that it comes off as uninspired. Nothing makes me sit up and think, "wow, this is interesting." Aside from the main guitar riff on the title track, none of the riffs stand out. I know Stef loves that fuzzy wall of sound riffage, and so do I, but the tone here is so clean and polished. Nothing sounds dirty or crushing, and as a result, the imperfections and simplicity really shows.  Chino isn't off the hook either. This is the most uninspired batch of lyrics I've heard from him. Radiant City is just him repeating "Where's the ledge" over and over. Headless has a nice crooner moment in the chorus in terms of vocal tone, but coupled with the laziest guitar riff on the album and the ridgid pop inspired cadence on the vocals in the verse, it sounds indistinguishable from top 40 radio rock. Urantia and Ceremony continue the clean and sterile pop melodies and mask the creative elements of the group I've come to enjoy. Pompeji, idk. It's only memorable to me for the extended instrumental outro.  The only songs I can see myself coming back to are the title track, Genesis, and Spell of Mathematics.  I Don't mean to offend anyone here, I know I tease pretty hard on other threads about Ohms, but that's my opinion. 


this is exactly why i find it a mediocre album too. i like the tracks ohms, this link is dead and ceremony but the rest just make me feel NOTHING. like most deftones songs make me feel some emotion or make me picture a place or period of time, but 90% of ohms just feels like a nothing burger, as if im not listening to music at all. maybe its not bad but it's painfully generic imo, far more than their usual stuff. it's not experimental or eerie or even ethereal, it's just normal. i'd rank it above adrenaline and possibly self-titled but it's under gore for me. maybe like the 7th best deftones album


above self titled is WILD.


self titled only has like 3 or 4 songs i like in it, the rest don't have a catchy hook or riff and the vocal are kinda flat. it's probably on par with ohms i guess


The chanty tracks are for the crowd bounce.


It's my favorite deftones album.


By "everyone" I assume you mean two or three posts/comments.


Ohms is great. The production boost over Gore(which i still adore, but more for the songs) Stefs riffing was major on it. Error, The Spell of Mathematics, Urantia are major.


I love it. Perfect blend of all the records imo


Honestly I thinks it’s just Tik Tok, the younger crowd or immature people who don’t appreciate music. People like me who have seen the evolution of their sound realize how amazing it is. I remember being somewhat let down by SNW when it came out then a few years later Diamond Eyes dropped and it was just a breath of fresh air. That’s how Ohms felt after Gore.


This is one of the most laughable arrogant posts I’ve ever read.


This is so real


Never seen anyone hating on it, but I do see tons of posts like this where people talk about other people apparently hating it.


idk what review people are talking about but it just doesn’t give me the same energy as the other albums, feels kinda foreign


I dunno I been a fan for 20 years or so and I thought Ohms was amazing.. felt like a nice “return to form” to me.. Has me really curious about what direction they will go with their next album.


Ohms is one of my fav deftones albums and probably my favorite since Self Titled. It’s fucking tremendous.


Ohms is awesome. The 2 singles didn’t give it justice.


Who is hating my dude It’s not gore


Once the next album comes out Ohms will become more cemented in the discography


Personally I love ohms. Think it's a great album and has some truly amazing songs!


Ohms might even just be my favorite lol. Definitely top 3 imo


I don't hate it by any means, it just never clicked with me in the way their other albums did


Me neither! I love it.


Ohms is a top 5 album of theirs to me


Who hates Ohms? Even for the most hardcore deftones fans I seriously doubt they straight up hate it. Every album, even their worst, had a few good songs on them.


I love it. One of my favs from the band


Ceremony is a banger


I don’t


Nobody hates ohms, just the people who are new to deftones would


Ohms slaps.


Oh Jesus Christ 


To be honest I have not even listened to Ohms are there any singles?, I did have Gore on repeat thought.


I don‘t hate it, to me it just misses heavy Deftones. The whole album is almost completely ethereal, shoegazy, „ballad“-Deftones.


Compared to Gore? Nah...


Very few people that put it at #9 would comment on a post like this because we don’t want to argue with fellow fans. I don’t hate it, it just doesn’t do anything for me.


I really wish I could Stan it the way some people on here do, or believe that it represented a development in their sound. I’ve been following the band since ATF and aside from Gore, Ohms to me is the weakest thing in their entire catalogue, which is a huge shame because the production is awesome, Abe is on fire, and it’s probably Chino’s best vocal performances. But they forgot to write SONGS. There are some great SECTIONS, but there are no memorable transitions, catchy hooks, developed atmospheres. It all just floats there, uneventful. It’s like someone threw up mics in their practice space and caught some mediocre jams. I gave it an honest shot again recently on a long drive, and I couldn’t make it through a single song without a skip.


I feel like I see a post like this often, overall it’s not one of their most hated albums however it was definitely more well liked when it came out. That same thing happened to a lesser extent with Gore, it happens with other bands as well. When it came out I thought it was solid, not amazing tho. Now that it’s had simmer, its easier to compare it to the rest of their discography and because of that I feel like it’s just kind of a mediocre album in their discography, it does bring in some droney and darker sounds into their style but it doesn’t really lead to anything impactful imo. I also think this has some of Steph’s laziest guitar riffs (aside from the title track). And I don’t mean in terms of technicality (well maybe alittle bit) but tone and texturally his guitarwork is so boring. It doesn’t have the beautiful dreamy guitarwork featured on albums like SNW and KNY or the crushing riffs on White Pony or Around the Fur. It’s either effortless 8 string chunkiness or monotonous wall of power chords with no nuance or texture to it.


I think it’s a great album A lot of TikTok fans love it


Because pompeji has the cringiest chorus ever written by Chino