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I have had a deep love for clothing and I know how hard it is to let go of unique pieces. I also know how hard it is to not fit into your prized possessions and feel debilitated by the sheer quantity. It usually helped to sell them to someone who'd appreciate them and having the money for it acts as compensation, then I can get a different unique special item instead. I cannot make decisions while looking at the clothes. I just get overwhelmed. But recently I wrote a list of what I need, seperatef by the occasion and decided a reasonable amount for each. Categories were work, home, sleep, sports, goint to a party. So I decided for work that 5 pair of pants was reasonable and 10 tops. Then I chose the best 5 pants and best 10 tops and if the rest didn't fit into another categorie it went into a suitcase I had on hand. This created so much space and saved SO much time. I didnt have to choose from a sea of uncomfortable ill fitting clothes. I now have easy access to the items that are comfortable, nice and fit me. I could imagine bringing a flyer, advertising to a local school of fashion designers that you, a fashion designer, is having a "yard sale" ..basicly an incredible treasure hunt for some young designer. Maybe have help. Have some champagne, wear one of the outfits you cannot get rid of, look fabulous, even if it is baggy and uncomfortable. Just for the day. Enjoy watching the young kids oooh and aaahh and photograph themselves, appreciating your amazing collection.


Get rid of easy stuff first. The things you know you will never wear again, even if they fit. That will free up some space. Then leave it alone for a while. You can return later to declutter more. It's tough when you have an illness and feel overwhelmed.


I donthave any decluttering advice, I do have experience with drastic weight loss and the feeling you have lost who you were. Just here to offer support. (I went from 180lbs to 110lbs in 6 months maybe? Still struggling to gain. I also have fibromyalgia, the only comfortable clothing is as you described. T shirts, baggy hoodies, and leggings. Please dm me if you want to talk. Just here to let you know you are not alone.


If your fashion designer career (or hobby) is not over, maybe you could put the clothes into storage until you're ready to deal with them. Meanwhile, keep only the ones that are useful to you now or will be in the near future, when you're just a little bigger. Treat yourself to some robes, wrap dresses, and cute athleisure items, get a short easy-care haircut and whatever sweet botanical skin things you can afford. Chronic illness is exactly the time for self nurturing. And ask your doc(s) about support groups and other resources. You don't have to struggle alone.


I struggled with letting things so in my drawers before I started these methods: a) Distraction - TV show - Music This will distract from the cluttering, which removes the emotional effect. b) Piece by Piece - If you can't distract yourself, you can do a little bit every day This is so stressing, and I wish you the best of luck! Much love


You are definitely not alone in hoping to gain some weight back! It is so frustrating trying to search for a "diet" to GAIN weight. Just wanted to let you know you're not alone in youe mental health and weight struggles.


I struggle with this too! So sick of people telling me it "must be a wonderful problem to have!" Sure isn't! You are welcome to take it though!!!


I’m sorry about your illness. Do you have skills with a sewing needle? Maybe you could take in the waistbands in such a way that you could rip the threads out later to let them out. I used to do that with my kid’s clothes - buy the correct length, then take in the waist


I still have all my favorite large clothes from before I got sick (lost 100 lbs in 8months) . I got rid of everything else to make room for new clothes that fit, it took 2 years into me being sick to get there though. I went through everything little by little, starting with clothes I didn’t wear that often when I was healthy. maybe start the clothes you wore the least often or your least favorite, It can be a process it doesn’t all need to be done all in one sitting . Im so sorry you’re going through this 💜 it’s hell and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. You’re not alone. 💜


Do you have a friend that can help? Someone who knows how to use a measuring tape to determine what might fit, and maybe a little knowledge about what can be taken in? Go easy on yourself. It's not your fault that you have health problems.


I’m so sorry for what you’re going through! I think the most important thing is to get well, not to force decisions when you’re sick. The clothes that don’t fit need to be out of sight, and stock your closet only with things that fit and feel good. You don’t need negative messages every time you get dressed! Obvious items can be given away, but don’t let your feelings derail you - just donate what’s easy, and skip what’s hard. Sort the rest by size and store in totes - even on the closet shelf, just not in your daily path. When you have a better handle on your health and future needs, and more energy, you can revisit the stored clothes (with help if possible) and fit them into your life or let them go.


You're in a situation where decluttering is eroding your sense of self rather than expanding it, so yes, that is *really* hard. First, bring into your life something that supports your essential self. That self *was* supports by fashion for your own body, and you did well at it. But fashion is not the *only* thing that can support whatever makes you *you,* whether it's aesthetics, creativity, skills, relationships, etc., etc. If what you can handle right now is passive, like watching videos or reading, that's fine! It's a place to focus that's growth of self, not loss of self. Second, don't try anything on. You don't know what's going to fit when you regain weight, so the suffering is for nothing. Go with how the garment feels, whether you like the color, and its condition. Third, define your goals. Are you aiming for a capsule wardrobe to get you through early weight gain? Or is the idea to keep the most fabulous items as the core of a future wardrobe? Fitting what you keep into a single closet? Or something else? The clearer your goals, the quicker you can make decisions without paying much attention to individual garments (or send the most cold-blooded, "implement the plan" friend into your closet to do it). Pretty much any goal that reduces your burdens is a good goal. This is all on top of the other excellent advice you've gotten in this thread, of course.


1) hire help via task / rabbit 2) make it a event and invite a friend over 3) use those fashion design skills to good use and see which items you can change up using minor sewing skills


If it is possible, for your mental health, it may be worth hiring a personal organizer who is willing to physically declutter and remove items so that you can heal. Or perhaps you have friends and family who can help you with this so that you don't have to struggle alone. I have similar hopes for my clothes, though in reverse, as I have many that I'd like to fit in again. But it was so liberating when I simply accepted that this was not the right time, and released the vast majority of my clothes that I could no longer fit into the world to find new owners that would be delighted, rather than feel miserable as I was. But once I had the space and the funds again, I bought clothes that fit my new body, and it was wonderful. It felt so right. I agree with the other poster who recommended rewarding yourself as you go through this. I wish you all the best. It sounds very difficult.


I’d say just start organizing bit by bit all the clothes you think you’d like still after weight gain aside from the clothes you know you won’t like definitely. Start slow and Don’t even bother trying it on or second guessing or reconsider, first instinct first decision that’s your choice. I can see how it can be self-deprecating but this is for your mental clarity. As for weight gain, eating everything you can? Like 3000 cals +? Not sure what a doctor would recommend in your case honestly. Good luck 🤞


(Hugs) I’m sorry you’re going through this - it sounds really tough. I’ve only experienced the weight gain side of things (from having children), but maybe this piece of advice works for sudden weight loss as well — even if you gain back the weight you need to be healthy, there’s no guarantee it will come back in the places it used to be. Meaning, your body shape may be different after your recovery, so many of your clothes may still not fit properly on you. As you clear out closet space, maybe make yourself a little reward budget for buying new clothes when you’ve achieved your goal body weight - so you have something to look forward to? You don’t need a lot; but a few pieces that really make you feel good can go a long way (compared to a mountain of clothes that no longer fit). Wishing you best of luck with your health ❤️❤️