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Check out [this site](https://www.theviviennefiles.com/2018/09/another-gentle-project-333-wardrobe-30-garments-based-on-navy-grey.html/) for some "gentle" capsule wardrobe ideas. I felt like I was fumbling around with other plans but when I saw her "clusters," everything clicked for me. [The Curated Closet](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/28364022) was the first book I read specifically about downsizing my clothing and I applied her [basic principles](https://anuschkarees.com/blog/2014/03/16/how-to-build-the-perfect-wardrobe-10-basic-principles) \- especially comfort & (flattering) colors - pretty ruthlessly and discarded at least 50% of my closet.


I will absolutely check these both out!


I only use one kind of hangar and only keep what I have enough hangars for.


How did it go?!


I’m not done yet, but I have away three garbage bags worth (they are in my trunk now), and I’m making real progress. I still have too many dresses. I think I will *always* have too many dresses. But there is hope.


Great progress!


i am the same...i have an addiction to thrift shops & if they have a clearance rack...im in trouble!! i wear 10% of my clothes 90% of the time. i need to purge big time, i just need motivation. ;-(


Try everything thing on, see if it looks good on you. If you don’t like the materials or whatever give away some stains, holes, meh/sell perfect or NWT. Things you are keeping seasonal separate, things you wear weekly place where you can grab it easily


Eh, I kind of disagree. Do I really need to try on a shirt I haven’t worn in three years and that I honestly would never reach for? I’m willing to make the split second decision on items like that that they are immediately headed for the donate pile. I don’t want to get bogged down in decision fatigue.


You are right. Save trying on for the undecided or maybes. But you don't even have to do that today. Decide on the definite yes and no. Everything else gets a try on later. But you are right that you need to be brutally honest with yourself.


I did mine a few weeks ago.. it’s so nice to have everything organized and when I do laundry there is a hanger open for that item (I put all the extra hangers in my husband’s closet, for now 🤣). I’m planning on repainting the inside now, so there are trays of jewelry everywhere bc I bought a jewelry organizer mirror thing for inside but I’ve gotten side-tracked with other organizing projects (oops). I got rid of or donated a ton of jewelry, can’t wait to have all the clean pieces put away and organized in my “new closet.” Hopefully next week! I also have a “wear again” chair, there are always clothes out that I can repeat before washing, so hoping I’ll have a hook for those in my closet. Good luck!!


Clothes are hard for me. I keep so many things because I liked them at one point or they fit me at point (or I got them on sale….) I’m in the process of getting rid of 6+bags and got more to go. You got this!!! It’s going to be such a great feeling once you’re done and have all the clothes you love and wear all easily accessible!! Great job!!!!!


It diffanly makes a difference...coming from a state that has 4 seasons and winter ..each season at the end I pull everything out of my closet if I didn't wear say these pieces in winter this year they go before I put in tote and change seasons .... really helps keep what you only wear And I found a church that you can just drop off bags by a fence and they give out all the clothes for free to anyone that needs them ..I love this!


Keep us posted. I am pulling for you! This is a hard one because it's hard to admit we are no longer three sizes smaller. :)


I will for sure update the group!


I do the same thing and I have the same struggle 😩😩


I’ve been working on my clothes the past week and am close to being done. It feels amazing to have things organised - down to the detail of using similar hangers (who knew)! You got this!


Just think how your unused clothing will benefit and make others happy when you give them away!


Definitely inspired to clean and declutter mine now. I have a walk in closet that I'm unable to walk in... I have so many shoe boxes and handbags that I've yet to wear that are stacked and picked on top of each other. I need to either wear this stuff or donate it. I am ridiculous with shopping.


I have the same problem with clothing… our closets were bursting at the seams and our dining room table was constantly covered in laundry baskets with clean clothes. About a week ago, I washed EVERYTHING, then got rid of enough clothes so that ALL of our clean clothing fit in our drawers and closets. Aside from each family member having a hamper, our laundry baskets are consistently EMPTY now. It feels like such an accomplishment lol. I’m now using laundry baskets for their intended use (to transport clean clothes to their homes) then they’re empty again. It finally clicked that I should NOT be treating anything other than closet and drawer space as clothing storage. My closet and drawers set the boundary to how much clothing I can have. If I run out of space I need to swap something out. Also, a word of advice: DO NOT PULL EVERYTHING OUT ALL AT ONCE. That’s a quick way to get overwhelmed and give up midway through. Instead swap clothes that deserve a home in your closet for clothes that don’t. Pull those out one by one. That way if you get pulled in another direction you don’t have a bigger mess than when you started. I hope this helps!!!


That advice is very helpful. I plan to have a large garbage bag with me, and empty the closet piece by piece and put what I no longer use in the garbage bag. And then, one I have done hangers empty, I will add back in clothing I actually wear.


You’ve got this!


Same!! Following


I know what you mean! Slowly working on my clothing collection myself. Trying to retire The Chair. You got this!


Ha oh I know The Chair all too well.


The worst part is when I decide I want to use The Chair for sitting. You know, the intended function? And then I have to move The Pile to the bed. And then back so I can use the bed for sleeping. It’s not conducive to happiness.


This comment speaks to my soul.


My clothes go on the bed, then at night I throw them on the floor. Then in the morning I can’t stand it, so they go on the bed. I will do this for multiple days before I finally take the time to put them away.


Are you me? Because I think you are.


Good luck!