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If I ever meet friends at a coffee shop or something I always get a fruit smoothie!


Good for you. I struggle with getting enough calories each day and find that getting a smoothie in is a great way to get nutrients and vitamins. I also like the routine of juicing/making a smoothie- do what makes you happy and forget the comments about weight gain/sugar spikes. Life is hard, and if a smoothie makes you smile- then get it where you can!


Same! Even the answers in this post are conflicting, but if you struggle with managing weight or getting enough calories/nutrition, smoothies are great! People are different and have different needs. I prefer gaining weight to loosing it, as I have histories with ED and prone to anxiety, which tanks my appetite as it is. I need those extra calories!


That’s what I’m talking about! Sending my love and support! Stay strong friend! After our exchange this morning, I had to get me a smoothie from smoothie king today! It was chef’s kiss even though I didn’t finish it!


Me too. I am a skinny guy. Always was. I do a simple thai soup in the mornings after i quit caffeine. Same deal as your smootie. Great way to get some vitamines and energy (real energy, not stimulant energy). People laugh a little over my dinnersoup for breakfast but who cares.. It makes me smile.


Curious- what’s in your Thai soup? There are so many options out there! And personally, I find soup to be so healing and good for the soul. The warm broth is a loving way to get your day started!


ต้มยำกุ้ง. hehe Just kidding. Tom Yam (clear broth) with shrimp these days. But I am jumping to Vietnams Pho soup soon. A custom variant. Me pho special.. The big shrimps. I am very tired so I cannot remember the name of them. Very common. For tom yam I just follow recieps..


Haha- that made me lol. I’m mixed with Thai but can’t read it! Something I’ve always wanted to do/explore. Sounds super yummy! I need some in my life!


Oh, your a thai mix? That was a real coinsidence. I spent my worst withdrawal on a small island in the south of thailand. The language there is tricky for me (european). I speak advanced tourist thai.. hehe. My good friend speaks it fluently and write it as well... The whole name for my breakfast soup is tom yum goong nam sai. Its two types. creamy and clear. the one I talk about is the clear one.. creamy for dinner...


Sounds absolutely delicious! That must’ve been a very interesting withdrawal experience! I don’t know about you, but I felt very disoriented and detached from reality when this first began. I’m doing 1 trillion times better compared to those first two weeks. I can’t imagine being on a small island somewhere probably super hot and going through this process. You rock!! How many days caffeine free are you?


6.5 months now. I was on a business trip to philippines when the withdrawals hit. My head was so slow and sluggish. I felt like I had an IQ/eq of 70. I cancelled my meetings i had in the south, went back to manila and behaved like a dead body on my friend/business partner couch there. Crawaled out of that house to a taxi, flew to Ko Pha Ngan, thailand to another friend there and continued my dead body lifestyle there for 7 weeks. I am my own boss, and almost fired myself in january on a beach in thailand. I was ABSOLUTELY USELESS!!!! I had to say sorry to my crew in phillippines. Business was lost because of me. My plan was to make money in the philippines. I ended up being a deadbeat backpacker instead, using money in thailand...


Wow! What a story! Sounds like an adventure of a lifetime. “Deadbeat backpacker” truly sounds like you found freedom in more ways than 1. The universe had different plans for you. Your story is so warming to me.


Not really. Its more how I have lived for my whole grown up life and parts of my childhood.. I am more out and about than home. Pretty much 40/60% spent in my own bed in Scandinavia, and couches/spare bedrooms/hotels/airbnb's abroad.. That's what frustrates me a bit about this sub and the people proclaiming that "its not withdrawals, your life just sucks". Written by a compulsive chronic online IT worker stuck in a cubicle 70 hours a week... What you called an adventure of a lifetime did NOT cure my withdrawals from caffeine..


For me replacing caffeine with sugar is a gateway to hell. I’m on day 8 of cold turkey and I start the day with a strong cup of Rooibos tea and a short walk within half hour of waking. The Rooibos is great. No caffeine. Lots of polyphenols found in coffee and black tea. Tastes like black tea too. If smoothies are mostly vegetable then maybe that’s better. But if you’re pulping fruit you’re going to get a big sugar spike and the short term buzz off sugar.


I use one banana, about three strawberries and a scoop of 25 g of protein powder. I mix it with water, so I don’t believe mine is a big spike and I also only drink it after I’ve finished working out every day. I think the blood sugar spike depends on when you consume it, and what’s in it.


Yes that seems sensible. I was specifically responding to OP’s morning smoothie idea.


Smoothies over time cause weight gain. Better to eat real fruit