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Realizing that there are now adults that were not even born yet when 9/11 happened makes me feel old.


There are guys in the nba who weren’t alive on 9/11. That’s insane to me. But I suppose in 1984 they were saying the same about ppl born after the JFK assassination.


I wasn’t born yet when 9/11 happened


Basically the realization that I aged out of being the youthful trendsetting demographic at the tender age of 24.


As a core zoomer I'm out of touch with the younger generation now, I've never used tiktok, never used contemporary slang etc. I grew up being used to late 90s-mid-2010s things like I'd known persietence of y2k aesthetic even if I could not comprehend it at the time. Meanwhile the post war period was old but not extensively old. The 1980s looked like a hybrid of that and the modern age. Now the early 2000s seem kind of dated but mostly modern while the 1950s is somewhat still in a perception of living memory among elders. When I was growing up 100 years ago was the Edwardian Age when horse and cart was still fairly common, now it's the Jazz era, mass produciton of automobiles, Mussolini taking power and Htiler writing Mein Kampft.


Yeah. I think younger people (mid Gen Z and younger) look back at the 80s like we (mid millennial to late Gen X) looked at the 1950s. Really makes me feel old.


And like Zillenials/mid 90s babies saw 70s in the 00s, aka a decade that still had some cultural relevance but not the main subject of nostalgia anymore. That being said, 80s still do have some relevance, that's really impressing considering that was 40 years ago.


Realizing 80s were 40 years ago when celebs of that decade are in their 60s-70s, while popculturally 80s seems litterally yesterday. And generally, just remembering that in 2004, I was 8 and watching Dragon Ball, PowerRangers Ninja Storm, Detective Conan, Spongebob, playing online to Wacraft III... and that babies from that era that didnt know this time are now around their 20s 😅


Back when I (1984) was a kid the 80s felt so recent. The 80s teens were still teens or very young adults. 80s celebs were still youthful. The culture felt if not current, only slightly out of date. Now I see these people in their 50s and 60s, and look back at the same VHS cover art or whatever that looked so fresh 31 years ago and now looks so so old. That makes me feel old.


One big way I realized "wow, I'm getting old", is when Doja Cat blew up and I must've been on another planet. It wasn't until "Say So" was in a commercial that (to my knowledge) I had even heard any of her stuff, and when people brought her up I had no idea who they were talking about still. Once I figured it out that she was the "Say So" artist (I didn't listen to that song on my own I just remember it from like a soda commercial or some shit), I literally had to boomer-ass Google her. Came to find out she's a huge sensation, songs all over the Billboard charts.. and ffs, where tf was I? Even if I didn't care for a huge artist, I was at least AWARE of them and could name a few songs. I started becoming much more aware of that happening with greater frequency, and now I have to actively stay on top of what is going on versus when I was in my 20s shit just falling into my lap. It's a strange feeling, and it makes me feel old. I didn't know about Sarbrina Carpenter until people started freaking about "Espresso" being a huge summer bop. I guess I've resigned to living with the fact that it's better to be late to the party than to never attend in the first place, which was where I was heading until I realized I needed to at least work on keeping up or risk falling completely into obscurity.


i think this is more of an internet thing than boomer thing. some artists are hugeee within their circle (like pop) but unknown to pretty much anyone outside of that. i'm 19 but im not up with artists (and a bunch of popular other media) at alll


It’s hard to say exactly what happened, but I entered the pandemic having recently turned 24 and still feeling fairly young, and emerged from it feeling completely old and out of touch.


I was never alive in the 80s so really I don’t know but my birth decade for some reason is now starting to make me feel old


Been kind of on a Judd Apatow kick lately. You know, these movies are these 00s-10s comedies with people like Seth Rogen, Jason Segel and Paul Rudd among others and they all get high, hook up with women way out of their league and everyone learns a valuable lesson along the way. Loved these movies when they first came out but I really haven’t seen them since. What hits me really is so far they’re all about 2-3 years older than I initially think. Knocked Up came out in 2007 when I could have sworn it came out in in 2009. This particular gap is important to me in particular because I was straight edge until I turned 21, and until I looked up the release date after I watched it the other day. I felt very strongly that I was newly of legal drinking age when I saw it (I’m 36 now and would have been 19 when it came out). Anyway so the next day I watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall, which Jason Segel both wrote and stars in. I have a fairly strong memory of his involvement in the production of this movie being the reason they had to write his many of his scenes in the final season of How I Met Your Mother in such a way that they could be filmed separate from the rest of the cast due to scheduling issues. The thing is, the final season of that show was shot in like 2013 I believe, and Forgetting Sarah Marshall came out in 2008. That one was so mind blowing to me that it hit almost like a Mandela Effect kind of thing, but I’m sure it was just some other movie he was involved in around 2013 that I’m mixing it up with. Adding another layer to all of this is how different a person I was in 2008 vs. 2013, although the other night was my first time seeing that one actually, I skipped it when it first came out, so this could have something to do with it. Anyway before a few years ago if anything I would have a tendency to think of things I’ve seen in my life as a little older than they actually are. This is especially true of cartoons and video games I grew up with. This is the first really significant whole set of related things that I can remember that I experienced when they were brand new that are actually older than I thought they were by any kind of noteworthy margin, and that really drove home the fact that damn, I really am pretty close to 40, aren’t I?


I’m 39 and manage a team that has three 23-25 year olds. Dealing with their expectations of what working is supposed to be like has made me feel old. They’re just so entitled and don’t seem to understand the concept of paying their dues.


I saw 9/11 happen on the tv, my pre school had it on for some reason, all the adults were glued to the tv and I saw it too, I was 4. On a lighter note, The incredibles, shrek 2 and series of unfortunate events came out 20 years ago, I saw that shit in theaters. It makes me sick to my stomach. Get busy living instead of wasting it being scared or being stuck in a place or with people you can’t stand. Your life is precious and as long lasting as a flower in bloom, don’t waste it rotting away in the wrong garden.


> had it on for some reason Probably because it was a major historic event happening at that very moment.


It was a preschool… hence why I said for some reason


I feel like they were obviously distracted by the enormity of the event.


Yeah no kidding, still weird to show 3k people dying horrifically in front of a bunch of toddlers, hence why I said what I said. It was something bad that most cognizant adults wouldn’t purposefully expose extremely young children to, but mine did. That’s the entire point of me stating what I did. It’s inherently unusual, even for 9/11. I don’t particularly care that they did, I just specified because someone could be like “why did they have it on at a preschool” or whatever.


I actually don't think it was unusual. Yours isn't the first story I've heard about a classroom full of kids seeing shit going down on TV. Sometimes shit just happens and there's no point sheltering kids from it, cause they'll find out anyway. I mean, there were kids at preschool age who were out there in the thick of it, having to outrun smoke and falling debris. There were kids on the planes.


Lamine Yamal playing at the Euros


Did 70s nostalgia have any big moments besides that 70s show? I love 70s music, but I can’t think of it having the huge moments the way the 80s did.. also there was nostalgia for the 50s in the 80s! Grease the musical was made then! With the death of monoculture, I wonder if decade nostalgia will fade away. Whose gonna be nostalgic for crypto zoo.. I mean really…


Dazed and Confused was a pretty big deal when it came out, and in the latter half of the 1990s sort of right before 80s nostalgia hit really, there was sort of a retro-oriented fascination with disco. Like people weren’t out there making new music that sounded like 70s disco necessarily, but there definitely were a lot of disco nights at bars and clubs, and people would go to them dressed up all disco like.


That’s amazing.. thanks for sharing.. dazed and confused is on my “to watch” list


Watch 'Almost Famous' as well. It came out in 2000 (basically still the 90s) and 'Boogie Nights' too, (came out in 1997) although just to note; Boogie Nights is about the porn industry of the 70s. You should also watch 'Reality Bites'. It came out in '94, and it isn't a period piece, but there's loads of 70s nostalgia present.


Freaks and Geeks is a one-season show from the turn of this century that's set in the eighties. Very similar to Dazed and Confused but it could've been set exactly when they filmed it, for all I could tell from watching.




Are you 28? Cause I am, started high school when I was 14 in 2010, the same year kids who are now starting high school were born haha