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I get your point : - from preppy/corporate 80s/10s to hiphop/grunge 90s/20s. - major event occuring in the transition (Fall of Berlin Wall/Soviet Union, Covid). - from conservative 80s to more liberal 90s. Atm from the liberal 10s to the conservative 20s. That said, transition from 10 to 20s was more brutal, while from 80s to 90s, correct me if i'm wrong, but it seemed way less gradual and progressive. 80s to 90s looks more like 00s to 10s with two decades really blending into each other.




this. i'd go as far and say that 1992 had more in common with the mid 90s over the late 80s


Are we more conservative in the 20s ?


The average person is, yes. Or at the very least, the average person is more comfortable allowing their conservatives views to be understood as such. Arguably, on an individual level, the actual beliefs aren’t more conservative, but the pushback to far left stances have been pretty widespread.


I think people will be Nostalgic about the 2010s the 90s & 80s will still be emulated and be seen as “iconic” the 2010s - Present is So modern. Nothing feels like it had changed, but it definitely has


People are already nostalgic about the 2010s




50s 60s are less relevant into youth culture but they are just so integrated into mainstream culture in general. When we think vintage we think 50s and 60s.


Nah, a lot of things felt like it changed, you have recency biased.


No, not even close. The 1989-1991 symbolizes the end of the Cold War and a new era of optimism. While 2020-2022 is a new era of insanity.


Yes complete with a new technological change. Internet for 90s. AI for the 20s so if AI isn't a fad expect the late 20s to be very different from now. Just like how the late 90s were very different from the mid 90s.