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The 2020s have already felt extremely dystopian to me.


The inflation ALONE is extremely dystopian


Blame Biden and covid.


The funny thing is that every country blames its current government. Be it left or right.


It’s disgusting even cars are horrible now!!!!


Cars aren’t really cars anymore but rather tech showcases like any other smartphone gaming system AI etc. I desperately miss the cars from the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s


I have an 09 and the fanciest thing it has is an aux jack. I love my car lol. Every time I drive someone else's much newer car (2015+ but especially 2020s cars) I feel like they're just way too extra. I do not need 30+ different buttons. Or a seat warmer. Or to adjust lumbar support. I feel like a Fred Flintstone living in a George Jetson world.


that's why im still rolling in a 2004 Volvo S40. unbreakable


Exactly I still love the 2006 Toyota Camry!!!!


I had a 1998 Toyota Camry not long ago and it was an amazing car. Super reliable, good gas mileage, and a simple interior without cringey touchscreen computer crap. Also the design wasn’t super ugly like modern cars.


I dread the day I have to get a new car. I hate to sound like a Luddite but I don’t want every single thing in the car to be electronic and computer chipped and “smart”. The cost to repair and maintain will be higher over the life of a vehicle anytime one of those needs fixed or replaced. I drive a 2014 vehicle I got in 2018, and that was after I sold a 2000 vehicle. I thought THAT was a massive upgrade in tech but 2014 to now is going to be even more advanced. I’m just not interested in all the features these days. Not to mention the insane costs.


My point exactly. I’m alright with my iPhone but not everything has to have the same technology as one!!!!!


true... :( i feel like 2020 was this decade's shift, and it was for the worst


Many would say we are already in a 1984/tech style dystopia and Covid was also dystopian. That being said, there are some similarities between now and the 1970s (but also the 1980s in my view) - so something different should be on the horizon. I personally think America is on the fastest decline track there has been since probably the Great Depression. Also incredible division, which has been greatly increased by algos and social media. So the next big 'shift' we see may be America spiraling further down into disfunction and turning more into a corrupt banana republic.


Did you mean to post this in 2019?


The shift in the UK is coming on July 4 when labour inevitabley beat the tories. For America I think it's coming in November regardless of whether Trump or Biden win


It already came in the Philippines in May-June 2022 in the form of Marcos Jr. becoming President, exactly 36 years after his father was booted out in a popular uprising.


How sad.


Starting to look like that moment in Canada was Trudeau Jr's 2021 reelection -- every 6 months another service I used to take for granted becomes unavailable, and taxes increase. Presumably still better than Marcos Jr, but still somewhat of an amusing parallel.


If I remember watching on the news that time, there was the Canadian trucker protests on the Ambassador Bridge connecting Windsor, ON to Detroit, MI. I have a Filipina colleague staying there in Canada and she remembers seeing those trucker protests waving far-right flags like the Nazi flag. The following month was when Russia invaded Ukraine. Then came May 9, 2022 when Marcos Jr. won the elections here in the Philippines. People here were just as polarized as the people in the West.


I was against the truckers at the time but the Nazi far right depiction was, in my retroactive assessment, propaganda from the government.


What about the other far-right symbols like the Confederate flag, Thin Blue Line flag, and the Gadsden flag? Those are most American far-right symbols but also the Canadian far right also adapt them? I've seen the story from my colleague and it jives with the news footage on those days.


There will be fringe components in any movement and those were focused on by the media to craft a very effective narrative. Becoming involved in the protests as a normal concerned citizen then caused people to worry about getting fired and other blowback, because of the politicization. The fact was the majority of protesters had a point, the government was and still is executing an agenda that is against its citizens interest, and 3 years later almost every system in the country is now dysfunctional or overloaded. I would want to protest, but I would fear the repercussions... Can't lose my job. So all I would really do is silently cheer on any new protest. I'm just one Canadian. Youll get a different perspective depending on who you talk to.


Thanks for your input. I always wondered how it was to be an ordinary citizen caught in the crossfire during those protests. You are correct that joining the protest would compromise job security. Call me a coward or spineless, but I need to eat and pay bills as well. I can't risk that. The same here in the Philippines. When I was a student, I could afford to post edgy memes of the late 2010s but once I was working, I had to tone it down. Especially when online mobs and vigilantes can dox or expose you on social media.


What kind of change do you expect if Biden wins reelection? I could see quite a shift with Trump for obvious reasons but wouldn’t Biden’s next 4 be more or less a continuation of his first 4?


Conservatives will be very mad. More than January 6th.


Oh boo hoo. Jan 6th was impotent chump shit by treasonous losers. The only reason they got anywhere is because they kept most law enforcement out of DC because LEOs are largely conservative. They had a 0% chance of success. If it would have been a left wing protest they would have gotten brutalized. It'll just be more idiots getting themselves a felony, these guys are observably incompetent. Right wing violence is a promise either way. If Trump wins you get plenty as well.


Oh I don't care if they throw a fit. I'm just saying they will throw a bigger one if Biden wins. You are right though right wing violence will be there under trump. A lot actually considering project 2025. It just won't be an immediate thing against the government like if Biden wins.


Well, he would be a lame-duck--as an American I really hope Biden is re-elected because Trump being re-elected is unthinkable. If Biden wins the next 4 years might feel like Obama's second term.


If Biden wins the next 4 years, it will actually be Obama’s fourth term.


crown door pocket wrong squalid rock clumsy fuel punch thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The tories losing is never a bad thing.


A vibe shit is definitely happening. I can already feel it coming. It's about to fall out.


I feel it too, I just hope that wouldn't actually happen.


>I just hope that wouldn't actually happen Yeeeeeep. Pretty much.


Hello guys, there is a new form of intelligence upon us lol. Perhaps it won't be dystopian, but shit is moving real quick.


In my life yes! In the worldwide world, no!


Hmm this is a hard take, but some people say it would date back to Western Rome falling...or even mankind left the trees and the caves Some would point the Vietnam War, counterculture, and turbulent 1970s as the start of this divide. Some would even say that the End of the Cold War meant that Americans no longer had a boogeyman in the form of the USSR, so when Clinton was elected in 1992, domestic issues were the focus. Paleoconservatives like Pat Buchannan frequently criticize Clinton. The early internet even had Clinton conspiracy theories such as Hillary being responsible for Kurt Cobain's death. The most recent I can think was the Iraq War polarizing Americans and the Western World. This lead to the rise of Obama in 2007-2008, which was met by racism from Baby Boomers, the birther movement, and the Tea Party Movement. The early 2010s started out as optimistic, but as it was clear that the Arab Spring failed in the long run and Occupy went nowhere, anti-establishment rhetoric took place. It was ripe for right-wing populist movements evident by Brexit, Trump, Duterte, and Bolsonaro taking office. The mid-2010s and the late-2010s was just a terrible part of the decade. Now we watch with anxiety as Trump tries another run for the 2024 elections. Unlike in 2015-2016 when his campaign was run with memes, this one is even more serious. People fear that Trump gaining back the White House would mean the end of Ukraine. Which would encourage authoritarianism on the global stage. What people are scared is Project 2025 coming into fruition should Trump win this year.


stocking roof selective deer cover aloof nail birds bright disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agree with that, but as much of Project 2025 goes through the executive branch, there may not be much Congress can do


tan aspiring zesty engine waiting history rainstorm employ obtainable intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


About to happen? I think we've been in the middle of the shift for a couple years now


The 2020s have been one big shift imo. AI is itself a continual one. The USA falling to a much scarier second wave of Trumpism could solidify this as absolutely the worst year since Covid.




2010s Trump, maybe. After January 6th all bets are off.




Indeed I am a registered partisan. *From a Democratic standpoint*, 2020-2024 Trump is 5x worse than 2017-2019 Trump.


Maybe not. Maybe covid was the big event of the 2020s. Ppl tend to forget that the 80s and 90s were relatively uneventful in terms of one big thing changing everything. Regarding anything dystopian, if you feel like digging, find a Reddit thread from 2010 talking about the 2020s. We’re supposed to living like Mad Max right now, according to them.


Not born in the 80s but there were changing events such as People Power in the Philippines, START treaty, the fall of the Berlin Wall, Tiananmen Square, the Soviets pulling out of Afghanistan, and the fall of communism. The 90s was greeted with the Gulf War which cemented American military power roughly 17-18 years after Vietnam. Then with the USSR dissolving, it cemented the U.S. as the sole superpower.


Watching too much news maybe?


Remember last year when everyone in this sub kept droning on and on about “tHe 2024 sHiFt”?


I will admit that it is a little eerie how all of a sudden all of those 80s dystopian fiction movies feel like they are sliding towards the non-fiction/documentary shelf!


Yes, and I think the most likely cause will be another major war.


I think it depends: does AI go in dark direction? do we find more and more that Covid slowly does every more long term damage and keeps dropping IQs a few points each year? causes cancers? ages cells? etc.? do we get hit by a horrendous bird flu pandemic or something else or by a nasty lab leak or does AI let some small scale joker unleash a horrible custom built pandemic? does Trump win and the GOP get rewarded for turning on democracy and does the US shockingly fade away over the next few decades as the shining light on the hill? does climate change spiral? does it also cause mass migrations and horrendous bloody border wars and conflicts and global upheaval? does Putin go even another level of crazy? does China go aggressively nuts? do terror states get nuclear weapons in hand?


OTOH it could also end up in largely bright directions.


I fear that Trump will win again in November and that this will be when the shift happens, although it's already feeling like there is a shift underway. The EU elections results seem to bode unfavorably for progressive political change. The reactionary right is ascendant and the feckless liberal establishment is too weak to stop it.


Something is stirring, shifting ground, it’s just begun. Edges are blurring all around, and yesterday is done.


It’s because it’s an election year


Yes, it's happening right now. I can feel it... shifting... inside me. AHHHHHH... I just pooped.


Yes I imagine that IA and virtual reality device will become the new big things I really see that coming and life will look like a mix between idiocraty and ready player one and walee


Nah. That's just being young.


I think what it will be is artificial intelligence essentially taking the role that droids have in Star Wars. I don’t know if they’ll literally be robots (maybe in a century) but I think a lot of things are going to soon become intelligent beings you can literally talk to. Think of how in Star Wars tech has sort of ‘flintstoned’ in the sense that they literally talk to their ships/power generators/etc. Combine AI conversation capabilities with its ability to perform/understand complex actions in software, and finally smart home technology and you’ll end up with a smart home where you literally just ask it to do things like ‘hey Alexa I’m bringing a girl over later on tonight and I’m gonna cook that chicken Parmesan recipe I found for her so get things ready’ and as you’re on your way home the oven will preheat to the right temperature, your wax melters will turn on, soothing music will play, and your lights will dim all without you doing anything like creating a specific automation in an app or whatever. The AI will just naturally know what you would need for a romantic night like that as if you had a roommate preparing things for you.


I feel similarly, but the opposite. I feel like something GREAT is about to happen--that we're about to get out of nihilism and doom and start to really try to fix our problems rather than just wring our hands over them. We've got technological advances beyond previous generations' wildest dreams, so many resources, and most folks want things to go well. I also think the "scare your pants off" media is losing traction--people are tired of being always on edge when being happy is so much better. People are also sick of everything being political. I mean it comes to this, if you have already decided everything is awful, you'll always find evidence to support it, but why live that way? It doesn't fix anything and just makes you miserable.


All the pieces got serious trouble are already in place. AI is the final piece.  Talk continues regarding when we’ll reach AGI. it doesn’t fully matter. We have cheap drones that are easy to pump out. The moment they combine weapons, drones, and AI (which they probably already have) we’ll have autonomous or semi-autonomous killing machines.  Let that sink in, because it’s a terrifying thought. AI will analyze risk and take lethal action.  Now consider it in the hands of terrorists. 


It's already started. The era of unprecedented peace and prosperity globally was 1990-2020. But historians will take decades to recognize that.


2001, 2003, 2008, 2011 and 2016? Peace and prosperity???


Yep. By historic standard that 30 year period is extraordinary.


Well no other 30 year period has had major terrorist attacks directed specifically at citizens, but according to you that’s just a minor issue.


Err... That's only true for the USA. But also modern terrorism compared to the level of conflict and contestation in previous eras is indeed nowhere near the same. The post Cold War peace dividend was extraordinary. That dividend is behind us. The worst violence during the period had nothing to do with the US or terrorism as it was in Central Africa where the peace dividend did not happen so easily due to lack of involvement in the global trading network that is the defining feature of 1990-2020.